Oscar Pistorius - Sentencing - 7.6.2016

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Did she say that?

What a remarkably stupid woman. A judge who doesn't know what the word "evidence" means!

I am not a tin foil hat wearer - but I am genuinely starting to wonder whether any money has changed hands somewhere along the line. I know others have made the same point ever since the initial verdict but I've resisted it because it seems unlikely. But something stinks to high heaven about all this.

"Not a shred of evidence....." WHAAAAAAT?

Barry Bateman ‏@barrybateman [video=twitter;750599039524151296]https://twitter.com/barrybateman/status/750599039524151296[/video] #OscarPistorius Masipa: there is not a shred of evidence before this court to support such a perception.

Masipa's motives will be debated for probably longer than OP ever has to spend behind bars and never really known. Unless the SC is petitioned and re-sentences him, OP will be out in less than 3 years and that's that.

Bottomline: she has a soft spot for OP for whatever reason and decided she wasn't going to sentence him more than a fraction of what the guidelines specify he should get. This wrong will either be righted by the SC ... or it won't.

Soft spot? Or maybe she sees the matter more holistically than most. OP has in fact lost everything that was important to him, just as she said, and has no chance of ever regaining his reputation or a livelihood based on what he once was.

The State overreached in accusing him of premeditated murder, and there was zero evidence of DV. OP shot recklessly at what he thought was an intruder. He deserves to be punished for that recklessness, and he has been, and will pay more in time behind bars.
Even though I watched it live six hours ago - and knew what was coming considering the Judge - I'm still fuming. Of course there'll be no appeal from his side.

So one year more than her original sentence, what a slap in the face for Reeva's family. This is one judge I've no hesitation in saying is flawed and should absolutely not have been sitting again. The woman's a mass of contradictions.

Being slapped down by the Supreme Court bruised her ego. She's hit right back with this sentence,and was always going to. To go on to claim mitigating outweigh aggravating factors (in this case), is outrageous. To tell a grieving family their perceptions are wrong is arrogant beyond belief. For her to state this convicted murderer's quick temper doesn't make him a violent person shows, at best without swearing, that she's rotten to the core.

I'm surprised she never blamed Reeva for putting him in this position. <--- sarcasm, kinda. :mad:
Soft spot? Or maybe she sees the matter more holistically than most. OP has in fact lost everything that was important to him, just as she said, and has no chance of ever regaining his reputation or a livelihood based on what he once was.

The State overreached in accusing him of premeditated murder, and there was zero evidence of DV. OP shot recklessly at what he thought was an intruder. He deserves to be punished for that recklessness, and he has been, and will pay more in time behind bars.

That's nice. And if he gets out in 2-3 years he will still have 50-60 years left to enjoy life, get a new perspective on "everything that was important to him" and he will likely inherit a sizable fortune when Uncle Arnie passes on. Babyshoes will no doubt be there waiting for him when he gets out.

He destroyed Reeva's life. Forever. There's nothing left of it. He also destroyed her parents' lives, probably forever as well.

Somehow I am having trouble feeling sorry for him or feeling justice has been served.
Does anyone else have the problem I'm having when copying and pasting tweets. They never used to look like they do in my post at the top of the page before. I can't delete the bold and the text appears twice.
Soft spot? Or maybe she sees the matter more holistically than most. OP has in fact lost everything that was important to him, just as she said, and has no chance of ever regaining his reputation or a livelihood based on what he once was.

This BIB is not worth 9years though is it, according to all the guidance on Substantial & Compelling.
Even in SA
That's nice. And if he gets out in 2-3 years he will still have 50-60 years left to enjoy life, get a new perspective on "everything that was important to him" and he will likely inherit a sizable fortune when Uncle Arnie passes on. Babyshoes will know doubt be there waiting for him when he gets out.

He destroyed Reeva's life. Forever. He also destroyed her parents' lives, probably forever as well.

Somehow I am having trouble feeling sorry for him or feeling justice has been served.

I don't feel any sympathy for him. I do think the sentence was just.

The most basic truth here is no different than in any other case in which an innocent is dead and a family grieves: there isn't any justice available that can fix or change what matters most.
Bravo, Judge Masipa, for integrity and a clear-eyed view, despite the enormous pressure to yield to the public's demand for blood.

She had an opportunity to put her previous wrongs right
she chose not to and ignored the Supreme Court's ruling
Very Appealable, here's hoping !
I don't feel any sympathy for him. I do think the sentence was just.

The most basic truth here is no different than in any other case in which an innocent is dead and a family grieves: there isn't any justice available that can fix or change what matters most.
Culpable Homicide - initial conviction was 5 years
Murder DE conviction 6 years

balanced it was not , she took 9 years off a possible minimum 15 years for his snivelling and apparent remorse,-- yet he never testified to plead Mercy and show the Court his remorse
Soft spot? Or maybe she sees the matter more holistically than most. OP has in fact lost everything that was important to him, just as she said, and has no chance of ever regaining his reputation or a livelihood based on what he once was.

The State overreached in accusing him of premeditated murder, and there was zero evidence of DV. OP shot recklessly at what he thought was an intruder. He deserves to be punished for that recklessness, and he has been, and will pay more in time behind bars.

Then he shouldn't have used black tallon bullets through locked toilets in the middle of the night when he's under no apparent threat murdering his girlfriends.
He has a history of misuse of guns, trigger happy, dangerous and i'm surprised noone has been seriously injured as a result of his arrogant misuse of firearms before ,now he's taken a life, and destroyed a family. I hope he disappears after his sentencing is complete and doesn't dare grace our screens again,i'm so glad he's broke and will forever be known as Blade Runnner who Murdered his girlfriend in cold blood.
Just like the first time she sentenced him, she too decided how much (or rather, little) jail time she was willing to give him and worked backwards from there to try and explain/justify it. It makes no sense of course because it's backwards and she is trying to wrangle a legal argument into a pre-determined sentence.

You'll never make sense of it, because the sentence is not really based on anything but Masipa's own agenda, whatever that is. She doesn't want OP to spend more than 2 years behind bars and her sentence is constructed so that he'll be able to be paroled in 2 years. That's her logic.
i'm reading he'll serve 3 years before he can apply for parole.
He won't necessarily be granted either.
He's in prison now, and that's where he belongs
I don't feel any sympathy for him. I do think the sentence was just.

The most basic truth here is no different than in any other case in which an innocent is dead and a family grieves: there isn't any justice available that can fix or change what matters most.

That's a very different attitude to the one displayed on the Jodi Arias thread in a case where it could be strongly argued that the victim's choices played a much larger role in his murder than going to the toilet in the middle of the night. I recall that some people there were incredibly distraught, to the point of weeping, when she didn't get the death penalty that they and the family wanted.
Does anyone else have the problem I'm having when copying and pasting tweets. They never used to look like they do in my post at the top of the page before. I can't delete the bold and the text appears twice.
no, all ok this end for me JJ !
The bottom line is a violent man murdered a woman in the domestic context.

His excuses should be of no interest.

There is never any mitigation for blowing your girlfriends head apart.

Especially for a killer who fails to give a credible explanation for why he pulled the trigger
This BIB is not worth 9years though is it, according to all the guidance on Substantial & Compelling.
Even in SA

I don't feel any sympathy for him. I do think the sentence was just.

The most basic truth here is no different than in any other case in which an innocent is dead and a family grieves: there isn't any justice available that can fix or change what matters most.

You're right. Retribution, however, is only one small component in sentencing. Justice needs to be served for many other reasons, as you undoubtedly know..
Soft spot? Or maybe she sees the matter more holistically than most. OP has in fact lost everything that was important to him, just as she said, and has no chance of ever regaining his reputation or a livelihood based on what he once was.

The State overreached in accusing him of premeditated murder, and there was zero evidence of DV. OP shot recklessly at what he thought was an intruder. He deserves to be punished for that recklessness, and he has been, and will pay more in time behind bars.
The SC decided what OP did was murder and convicted him of that. The sentence needs to follow the guidelines of that conviction. Masipa's sentence does not follow the minimums. OP 'losing everything important to him' is not the point. He hasn't lost his freedom for more than a couple years with this sentence, which is exactly the point. His feeling sorry also isn't the point. He committed a murder and nothing is going to change that. The sentence needs to reflect the gravity of the conviction, otherwise why bother convicting him at all? In essence what she's done is give him another lax culpable homicide sentence, in contradiction to the SC conviction.
The bottom line is a violent man murdered a woman in the domestic context.

His excuses should be of no interest.

There is never any mitigation for blowing your girlfriends head apart.

Especially for a killer who fails to give a credible explanation for why he pulled the trigger

BIB Two courts found there was no evidence of domestic abuse or an argument. What do you mean by "domestic context"?
I only ask- Can Reeva's parents appeal if they want? This judge and her sentence are a joke...
Thank you.
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