Oscar Pistorius - Sentencing - 7.6.2016

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I am deaf

Like Fluffykins.
No subtitles. Blimey that must have been tough following it on 6th. Is there any upload that has subtitles?

In case you meant that literally I have been looking for the best live feed we had on the 6th.

I thought I had bookmarked the one with the fullest typed-up statements , but I stupidly haven't .

I thought I could paste it together and stick it up here.

This isn't great

Looks like we'll have to wait for that darned transcript.

Anyway come the Appeal hearing ;), I'll make sure I type us as much as I can of the audio then as Fluffykins FM said it was helping .
Yea, I can only watch online too so there is no possibility of subtitles. Does YouTube offer a subtitling option? If not its a shame. But if so most, if not all, of this is available there.

It does but not always for live stuff.

This is how I came to use forums as there is a running commentary here which is super helpful. Where there is a will there is a way!!! Lol
Like Fluffykins.
No subtitles. Blimey that must have been tough following it on 6th. Is there any upload that has subtitles?

In case you meant that literally I have been looking for the best live feed we had on the 6th.

I thought I had bookmarked the one with the fullest typed-up statements , but I stupidly haven't .

I thought I could paste it together and stick it up here.

This isn't great

Looks like we'll have to wait for that darned transcript.

Anyway come the Appeal hearing ;), I'll make sure I type us as much as I can of the audio then as Fluffykins FM said it was helping .

Thank you

There have always been brilliant updates on here and other forums. I also like to read the opinions as it goes along so really it's not a huge problem.

I'm just so nosey that I like to read the reports in case I missed anything. Ha!
Thank you

There have always been brilliant updates on here and other forums. I also like to read the opinions as it goes along so really it's not a huge problem.

I'm just so nosey that I like to read the reports in case I missed anything. Ha

BIB You mean meticulous really. ;) Takes one to know one!
It does but not always for live stuff.

This is how I came to use forums as there is a running commentary here which is super helpful. Where there is a will there is a way!!! Lol

Made me smile! As I reach for my magnifying glass to read the instructions for, well, anything! And zoom in on the screen to read your post! LOL! :lol:
Whilst looking for the best transcript live blog I didn't have any luck, but I did find this
Last month before the sentencing proceedings began, a source close to the prosecution told The Telegraph they would appeal if the judge handed the athlete less than eight years in prison.

"If all goes according to what we would really like to happen, in the worst-case scenario it would be 10 years," the source said. "We think she might go down to eight. You would expect the system to work and we will do the best we can. We can only hope for the best but she has disappointed us before.

"If we get a pittance of a sentence, make no mistake we will appeal. We can apply for leave to appeal and it will go to the full bench of high court. If it’s going to be less than eight years, there is no way we are not going to appeal. It sets such a bad precedent if a murderer doesn’t get life. This was a brutal murder. "

I am assuming this is the link that has been discussed before on here. Sorry to repeat stuff, but I personally had never read this.
Pity the source is unnamed again.

Made me smile! As I reach for my magnifying glass to read the instructions for, well, anything! And zoom in on the screen to read your post! LOL! :lol:

Lol. We always manage somehow, someway.

There is always someone worse off than ourselves!
OK, wow, so that wasn't a rumor after all. SMH, so now what? James Grant is on full silence...

I have tried to do a date range search for all of June from Daily Telegraph but can't find the ruddy original for it - ie. when DT say they they first reported this "source".
I think it's Aislinn Laing ( sp?) who normally does their OP reports. I think she is SA based.

If that's all correct, good, she's earning her money and sticking her nose in for sources.

Yes James Grant - full silence and even rebutting Pisto' tweeters who are trying to claim he has passed an opinion. Sounds promising.

Edit _Yes , it's Laing and she does have a twiitter account, just double checked the reference. Not allowed to post it - she is the official correspon for DT, but I might be breaking some kind of TOS sub clause so I'll leave it with you.
Whilst looking for the best transcript live blog I didn't have any luck, but I did find this

I am assuming this is the link that has been discussed before on here. Sorry to repeat stuff, but I personally had never read this.
Pity the source is unnamed again.

Haha. From the link:

Masipa said: “Courts deal with facts, not assumptions or perceptions,” she said.

I assume she said that with a straight face.
From ^ A snippet of Masipa's divine wisdom and compassion during her sentencing:

Judge Masipa: "By its nature punishment is unpleasant, it is inconvenient, it is painful, it is certainly not what you would chose to do."

say Awww
Did the neighbours identify Reeva as the source of the screams?

Is this a serious question?

How on earth could four people who'd never met Reeva identify her as being the source of the screams? Is that what it would take for you to accept that Reeva was the person doing the screaming - positive identifications from people who didn't even know she existed until she was dead?

How realiy, really bizarre.

Incidentally (using your logic) did any of those witnesses identify the screamer as Pistorius? Nope. And that is considerably more relevant and telling.

One person making a mistake in what they've heard is par for the course (like Van der Merwe) - but FOUR people making the identical set of mistakes at the SAME time? Highly improbable.

They all said they heard the unmistakable sound of a woman screaming. But that's not the most damning thing.....they also all unanimously reported hearing two voices at the same time - a male and a female.

And they didn't wait until after they'd read the newspapers the next morning to claim this....they were telling people that before they even knew Pistorius was involved.

Factor in too the role that hearing a male AND a female played in getting the two couples to come forward at all. Dr Stipp...based on hearing a male and a female.....was specifically concerned that there had been a family murder and he was worried there were children involved. That's why he went to the house in the first place.

Burger/Johnson, who never met or spoke to the Stipps, also only came forward based on hearing a male AND a female. They weren't going to bother but once they heard Pistorius' version they knew it couldn't be true.

So....really, how credible is it to have two couples, some distance apart, making two identical (and fairly massive) mistakes in what they were hearing at exactly the same time?

Then let's look at the evidence for Pistorius screaming like a woman. Well, there is none. But there is some that supports the notion that he doesn't.
The Stipps and the VDMs both heard voice tests coming from Pistorius' house some time later. They both said it sounded like a man trying to scream at different pitches.

That must have been Pistorius screaming and he clearly couldn't manage it. He also testified to making a recording of himself screaming which, despite promises, never made it into evidence. If there were tapes of Pistorius screaming like a woman, Roux would have played them to all the ear witnesses. The closest he got was getting a woman to try and sound like a man screaming like a woman.

Oh, "And I've never screamed like that before, Milady" was outstandingly - almost comically - lame. Either Pistorius has unusual enough vocal cords that he can produce (whatever the situation) noises that are high enough to sound exactly like a woman, or he does not.

Obviously, he does not.

I simply do not know how it is even possible for anyone to look sensibly and objectively at the above facts and conclude that the most probable explanation for what everyone heard that night is that a scared, barely mobile man was stumbling down a pitch black corridor, off to confront an intruder and screaming like a woman while also shouting like a man - all in the few moments before a woman (who would have screamed like a woman had she known she was being approached by a man with a gun) was shot dead.

C'mon....let's get real for once.
Haha. From the link:

Masipa said: “Courts deal with facts, not assumptions or perceptions,” she said.

I assume she said that with a straight face.

Hmmm- if it weren't so true, it would be droll wouldn't it .

I'll have to raid the emojis box again, we're going heading back into CrazyTown with Queen Solomon Masipa:winkkiss:
Haha. From the link:

Masipa said: “Courts deal with facts, not assumptions or perceptions,” she said.

I assume she said that with a straight face.

IIRC Masipa threw the facts (scientific evidence and witness evidence) away. Am I right?

Freakin' Gerrie Nel is a monster! I hope to never be a defendant under his cross examination!
Here's another quote from her sentence from that same correspondent

"The accused is a good candidate for rehabilitation and the other purposes of punishment need not play a dominant role..." !!

I take it she means retribution and restoration ?


Judge Masipa points out this evidence of deep contrition & attempts to save life was offered by a state witness,no evidence to the contrary
Nel said he was not going to focus on events after the murder.
I for one have nearly accepted this "short" sentence because it appears that SA has become so liberal in its approach to jailing criminals that it really does believe much more strongly in rehabilitation than retribution. The fact that parole is available after serving only 50% of a sentence is proof, It is just the way they see it.

Six years for Murder does seem laughable, but google Jub Jub and then compare. He ran over school children while racing, drunk. Four children dead and others maimed for life; his 25 year sentence was downgraded by the SCA to 10 years. Not an identical case but Murder just the same, four counts, and the SCA saw ten years as justice.

If Masipa had give OP eight years, in reality an extra 12 months to serve, would it have really changed anything? And looking at Jub Jub it appears that Masipa is really not that far off from the minds of the SCA justices. Sorry...

1) Jub Jub was found guilty of culpable homicide 2) He's a rich celebrity, money and fame is the determining factor of a sentence, it appears 3) As awful as Jub Jub and his companion's reckless and negligent actions are, they did not aim to kill and injure innocent people. But they certainly deserved a harsher sentence, imo.

OP, otoh, aimed his gun and shot 4 lethal shots into a tiny cubicle, he KNEW his actions would kill whoever was inside that closet. There is a huge difference, imo.
IIRC Masipa threw the facts (scientific evidence and witness evidence) away. Am I right?

Freakin' Gerrie Nel is a monster! I hope to never be a defendant under his cross examination!
She chucked out just about any facts that pointed to the murderer's guilt. Impartial and just. I don't think so.

Reeva's parents should have asked her how she slept at night.
Since Oscar already did 1 year. Then he will be paroled in 2 years. Which totals the 3 years needed for parole.

Now Masipa said there was no witnesses of violence before hand.

But what happened to the guy that was staying there or whatever. Is she not surprised that the in house person didn't testify and can't be found.

Or am I mistaken about the supposed house guest/worker?
From ^ A snippet of Masipa's divine wisdom and compassion during her sentencing:

Judge Masipa: "By its nature punishment is unpleasant, it is inconvenient, it is painful, it is certainly not what you would chose to do."

say Awww
One would ask why she WANTED to be a judge!!!!
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