Outburst during JS hearing!

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How did this woman happen to wander into the courtroom? Aren't there bailiffs posted outside who would ask for ID before admitting someone into the courtroom of a very high-profile case? Yes, I know and understand that the public is welcome, but I can't imagine that this means that anyone can wander in and out as they please.

Anyone can walk in, yes you show your ID, but IDs don't have anything showing a history on it.

God Bless the Sunshine laws
She is given 2 days in Jail for contempt...
Okay I see the point...Outbursts will not be tolerated...we shall see when trial starts if that will be the case in regards to CA or GA

The Pot. Juror who willfully defied JBP's orders and went to seek out the media so he could get out of jury duty, never apologized to the Court only got a FINE and then he boasted about it...HE should have gotten 1-2 days in jail...IMO
Wow, now that was some example of out of control personality disorder that is not narcissistic or psychopath. I'm sure glad she got some jail time, and can imagine what the woman's child is going through and being taught with those emotions. However, it was a big suprise for me to see Casey's reaction. She completely lost that glazed hateful cold look that she constantly has, and even seemed to have in all her photos that we've seen. Casey's eyes looked soft and so did her face. She was sympathetic and felt sorry for that woman. If she could maintain that look all during the trial it would help her. I don't think she was all that afraid of her safety or outraged at the incident. She truly seemed to have sympathy, and I don't know what to make of it.
Good Lawd I just woke up, got the teenager started getting ready for school...(It's 6 am ish here)

Signed on and Wham we got somebody hollaring in the courtroom. LOL sorry but that cracked me up!
When the potential jurror came back into the courtroom, JP asked her a question or two about the incident, then just dismissed her without any explanation. I actually felt sort of bad for the PT, with the abrupt dismissal, I wonder if she thinks she did something wrong, herself?
You probably already know this, but each persons mental illness is their own and there is no one way a sufferer behaves or acts. Because your friend could control themselves does not mean we can expect everyone to.

Severity of the illness and success of medications are different for everyone.

If she even is bi-polar. We have only her word for it.
She is given 2 days in Jail for contempt...
Okay I see the point...Outbursts will not be tolerated...we shall see when trial starts if that will be the case in regards to CA or GA

The Pot. Juror who willfully defied JBP's orders and went to seek out the media so he could get out of jury duty, never apologized to the Court only got a FINE and then he boosted about it...HE should have gotten 1-2 days in jail...IMO

I agree. I believe E. Rogers happened to get caught on the tail end of a judge who is beyond frustrated that they are still trying to pick a jury. While I sincerely appreciate his leniency with her I have to agree that the juror who willfully sought out media to get out of jury duty knew better! He's the one who should have gotten time.

I'm not excusing what she did by any means. I know I couldn't sit in that room and not feel the overwhelming need to shout out. I do believe making an example out of this particular incident with jail time was a bit off base.
Me either ... BUT there are different levels of mental illness and meds don't work for all.
My Godson has aspergers and ADHD - great kid, extemely intelligent but at this stage he will never be alone - that may change in the future, but at this stage it isn't possible.

She had a truckload of issues, not to forget an obvious previous heroin problem - lifestyle plays a huge part in how we cope.

Mental illness is too huge a blanket at the moment, we shouldn't be putting everyone with a condition into the same basket.

Normally I'd agree with the above. The minute I saw the woman, I recognized her - now I have to figure out from where. My guess is she was one of the loud protesters in front of the A's house. She may have even had her small child with her. It may have been the night the young boy got his arm slammed in the car door. All these 'well meaning' peeps who are willing to expose their own children to this ugliness and put them in harms way. She MAY be one of those (I say 'may' because I have to find the proof.) If I'm right, there is no doubt in my mind that she entered the courtroom with an agenda.
I would not trust one word she said. IMO.

Such as is your right to your opinion. :D I would have liked for HHJP to have asked her for her Dr's number or show him bottles of her medications so this wouldn't be an issue. Because of that, we will continue to have two sides.

I'd like to think I have a pretty decent bs meter. I didn't catch a moment of untruth regarding her illnesses coming from E. Rogers. I saw an immature, emotionally stunted woman who didn't have a clue what she had gotten herself into until it was too late. This is one of the unfortunate side effects of mental illness.
Normally I'd agree with the above. The minute I saw the woman, I recognized her - now I have to figure out from where. My guess is she was one of the loud protestors in front of the A's house. She may have even had her small child with her. It may have been the night the young boy got his arm slammed in the car door. All these 'well meaning' peeps who are willing to expose their own children to this ugliness and put them in harms way. She MAY be one of those (I say 'may' because I have to find the proof.) If I'm right, there is no doubt in my mind that she entered the courtroom with an agenda.

I had exactly the same reaction.
They better tighten up security or someone is gonna pull a Jack Ruby sooner or later.
This unfortunate woman demonstrated what *authentic* lack of impulse control looks like. Ann Finnell, take note. JMO

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