Oviedo House again..pic of Casey and Caylee THERE

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Ok...just checked again. That photo is from "BBQ at Lauren's" (Lauren C.) in Ricardo M.'s facebook album. It was uploaded to facebook on Ricardo's album on January 13, 2008.

DO we know what Lauren's last name is? I beleive I asked this once before about Lauren possibly having a grown brother as I still maintain that Caylee looks a WHOLE lot like Lauren. Someone on here told me they beleived J.P Chatt was Lauren;s brother. Can anyone prove or disprove this? That would make sense if JP is INDEED Caylee's daddy, why she looks so much like Lauren (IMHO)and why Lauren would be the one to babysit Caylee for the first year or so of her life. Just thinking outloud

You are hung up on them being able to afford this house, etc. etc.

This was Casey saying all of this. I am certain she said she had no problem affording it, etc. etc. Remember the source and let's take it for what it's worth-- a lie.
Ok has anyone else noticed the numerous similarities between Caylee and LA in this particular photo? And I am not suggesting anything, I just found it amazing. Such as: the line across the bridge of the noses at eye level, the tiny vertical lines at the start of the eyebrows, the area underneath the eyes, the crease of the cheek lines, the shape of the nose itself, the little lines at the outer edges of the lips, and under the bottom lip, and the slight cleft in the chins, the way both of their right brows arch upwards more than the left. Of course they share family DNA so I am not suggesting anything other than that but I just found it striking. JMO

because they have a quarter of their DNA in common.

In fact, both the Grandparents and Lee share 25% of his/her genes with Caylee.... and of course, 50% of Casey's

OT, but if you subscribe to the selfish gene theory then an Uncle has as much at stake as a Grandparent, in terms of safe-guarding the survival of your genes.
This photo haunts me....

I BET Caylee was reaching for CINDY. NOT Casey. Lee could have been aggravating her. Goodness knows I had uncles growing up who loved to aggravate me as a small child. Nothing sinister about it.
Yes! just listened to the interview tapes again this morning. It's the interview where the detective by himself is questioning Casey. He asks who the babysitter was before Zanny, and when she babysat.

Casey give Lauren's last name as well as first (I can't remember last name), and a timeframe.

Also, Cindy said one of the ways she knows Zanny is 'real' is because Caylee would talk about her puppy a lot.

Lauren has a puppy (or small dog) on a leash in several of these pics.

Great sleuthing, everyone!

Question: How hard or easy is it to open one of those tanks, and could a body Caylee's size be put in it?

I could be wrong, as pics are a few pages back, but I beleive that is AMY with a dog. Lauren has the beer in her hand. Amy has on the jacket and holding the dog leash.
Don't you hate when someone reads a whole thread, then dumps a bunch of questions? Well, here I go:
1) I remember Amy talking about Oviedo, but don't remember a specific address being mentioned.
2) As far as the green wagon goes, I remember something about that, too, but wouldn't it be pretty easy for LE to ask someone in the A's house to produce it?
3) Does anyone else remember hearing at one time about GA going to Oviedo to talk to someone? I do, but if my life depended on it, I couldn't link to it.
4) I must be stupid, 'cause I still don't get the chloroform thing, either :)
5) The people who presently own 895 have owned it since 2003. http://www.scpafl.org/web/re_web.se...parcel=092131300002A0000&cmap=Y&cdor=&crank=1 (Boy, that's a long link.) I don't recognize the last name from any mentioned so far. Guess I'd better go to the player's link.
6) I apologize if any of this has been already addressed. I, too, just found this link and didn't see the first one.
from my research I have discovered a few things. This add was sent to LE at begin of Aug so I know LE has it. Some poster on here named something like ucfmommy, last week posted that the house is no longer empty on L Jessup. The pic of casey and caylee are from a bbq in June 07 at Lauren and Amy's house, same place/time ricardo met casey. Annie D's album is where the pic is from and was posted before 08. Unless Lauren moved from there, troy b is supposedly living with her now. Possibly on a river chase rd in orl fl.
Quoting myself to make a SERIOUS correction! I found a facebook post about a bbq at Laurens and it was Jan 08 when it was posted on kc's facebook!

Ricardo M wrote
at 3:03pm on January 9th, 2008
don't worry. you didn't miss much. i was innocently de-linting and then these girls started gawking. I felt like a piece of meat. you going to the barbecue at Lauren's house in the middle of nowhere?

DO we know what Lauren's last name is? I beleive I asked this once before about Lauren possibly having a grown brother as I still maintain that Caylee looks a WHOLE lot like Lauren. Someone on here told me they beleived J.P Chatt was Lauren;s brother. Can anyone prove or disprove this? That would make sense if JP is INDEED Caylee's daddy, why she looks so much like Lauren (IMHO)and why Lauren would be the one to babysit Caylee for the first year or so of her life. Just thinking outloud

There are several Laurens in this drama, but this one is not JP's sister--at least, not by last name.
I could be wrong, as pics are a few pages back, but I beleive that is AMY with a dog. Lauren has the beer in her hand. Amy has on the jacket and holding the dog leash.

Amy is blonde. Lauren is brunette.
Yes! just listened to the interview tapes again this morning. It's the interview where the detective by himself is questioning Casey. He asks who the babysitter was before Zanny, and when she babysat.

Casey give Lauren's last name as well as first (I can't remember last name), and a timeframe.

Also, Cindy said one of the ways she knows Zanny is 'real' is because Caylee would talk about her puppy a lot.

Lauren has a puppy (or small dog) on a leash in several of these pics.

Great sleuthing, everyone!

Question: How hard or easy is it to open one of those tanks, and could a body Caylee's size be put in it?
the big white tank is an areator (sp?) that holds well water for the house an adult can easily fit in one made of fiberglass so it would literally bake inside with the FL heat (sorry, demcomp smell would no doubt be horrid) there are screen holes just below top some lids are just placed on top with a tight seal others may have a few screws very easy to take off tanks aren't cleaned out but a couple times of year if that
Ok has anyone else noticed the numerous similarities between Caylee and LA in this particular photo? And I am not suggesting anything, I just found it amazing. Such as: the line across the bridge of the noses at eye level, the tiny vertical lines at the start of the eyebrows, the area underneath the eyes, the crease of the cheek lines, the shape of the nose itself, the little lines at the outer edges of the lips, and under the bottom lip, and the slight cleft in the chins, the way both of their right brows arch upwards more than the left. Of course they share family DNA so I am not suggesting anything other than that but I just found it striking. JMO

Personlay i would not take her looking like her uncle to mean anything.,..

Take me for example. I wish I still had the pic..I have a Half Uncle, he is my father's half brother and he is even younger than me, but he and my father share a dad, anyway ,.. there is a picture of both of us crashed out at my grandparents house in just out underwear, sleeping on the floor. We we both sleeping on our sides facing the same direction, and from the picture you would SWEAR we were twins!! To this day we are identical. It's just a matter of whose genes are the most dominant. So there really is NO reason to get all excited cause she has some similarities in appearence to her uncle. They are from the same family they are going to look alike, it's called genetics.
I hear you UCF mom!

OT question for you...I've tried to get info on Full Sail's academic calendar and can't seem to find it. Just thought it was odd that the school is still in session in June in Fla. I do understand they have all types of programs, but just wanted to verify.

I recently investigated Full Sail as a possibility for my cousin's son. Here's how the school works: You take one class a month that is 4 hours a day plus a 4 hour lab. The classes run 24x7 all year round so you may start at 10am and have a class until 6 pm or you may have a class that starts at 9pm and runs until 5am and other classes start and run around the clock. Sometimes the labs are much longer and some students have reported being awake for 3 days while they were working on a class project. It's unusual, I know, but this makes sense when you realize this is a For Profit school.
Forgive my ignorance, but......

Who was Amy renting the Oviedo House with?
Did they moved or stay there?

(George said he was going to Sanford and Deltona to check on some people & they were being watched)
DO we know what Lauren's last name is? I beleive I asked this once before about Lauren possibly having a grown brother as I still maintain that Caylee looks a WHOLE lot like Lauren. Someone on here told me they beleived J.P Chatt was Lauren;s brother. Can anyone prove or disprove this? That would make sense if JP is INDEED Caylee's daddy, why she looks so much like Lauren (IMHO)and why Lauren would be the one to babysit Caylee for the first year or so of her life. Just thinking outloud


Page 6 Line 23 Question (paraphrased): Before ZG who watched over your Child
Line 24 Answer (paraphrased): Lauren Gibbs

Document named 17290847.pdf

Transcript of Taped Interview Casey Anthony
Conducted by Detective Melich
Case Number 08-069208

Conducted July 16 at 0411 hours at 4937 Hope Spring Dr
Why, cause Caylee doesn't want Lee holding her? Half of the pictures of my kids are like that, either because they do't want to be held right then or they are throwing a fit, wanting the camera for themselves.

More because she looks sad and begging for someone to help her which is probably how she was at one point. (Nothing to do with Lee - just that sad look.)
It was an alleged tip from a psychic.....not credible.

Not credible to you, maybe.

BTW, Wyatt - an independent search, is not a psychic nor does he claim to be a psychic - and he's the one that found the green wagon.
the big white tank is an areator (sp?) that holds well water for the house an adult can easily fit in one made of fiberglass so it would literally bake inside with the FL heat (sorry, demcomp smell would no doubt be horrid) there are screen holes just below top some lids are just placed on top with a tight seal others may have a few screws very easy to take off tanks aren't cleaned out but a couple times of year if that

Thank you for this info, Athinker.
More because she looks sad and begging for someone to help her which is probably how she was at one point. (Nothing to do with Lee - just that sad look.)

I have a pic of my son with me and he's crying and all mad, looks like he's trying to get away from me. Why? Because he was! I was trying to separate him from his superman costume. It doesn't mean I was abusing him.

I love getting pics of my son when he's madder than a hornet. It's blackmail material for later in life.

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