Owen Wilson hospitalized

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lostgrl I know what you mean about Robert Downey jr. I have the soft spot for him also. I think it could be his sad look or his puppy dog eyes but for some reason I always feel like 'awww' when I see him. I know he struggles and it's not fake or for attention. My heart breaks for Owen also he is another one that just seems like a good all around guy and I wouldnt wish him any bad in his life. (not that I would wish anyone bad)

Downey Jr. is a train wreck and he knows it. He wants so badly to stop the cycle but he isn't strong enough, doesn't find himself worthy enough for saving. He doesn't love himself and for some reason feels he deserves to be miserable. I think he has been screwed up for so long that being "normal" is scarier for him.. he doesn't know how to BE- it's easier for him to screw up, it's what everyone expects from him anyway.

He is doing good now though, it appears he is still drug free, is working and is married to a seemingly supportive woman.

OK enough about him- prayers for Owen!!!
I read the People Mag. article last night, and it seemed to indicate that he "acted fine with" breaking up with Kate (some even said he initiated the break), but who knows; but his strange behavior (disappearing for days at a time) became noticeable to friends and others after the break-up.
Suicidal people are NOT cured by fame, money or success. They aren't cured by love, children, love of family or "having it all". Their pain is INSIDE - in their mind - and it goes on despite "perfection" in their life. In fact - the more the INNER world is in opposition to EXTERNAL reality, the greater the pressure to end/escape the pain and confusion and helplessness by ending it all grows. THEY KNOW they have no reason to feel the way they do, but they do - and finding no answer in alcohol or drugs they sometimes decide that they are worthless and flawed - it HURTS daily to be them and no-one understands how THEY could be in pain when they have it all.

My Opinion
:clap: :clap: :clap: So well said, FlowerChild!

It's got to be so hard to live in the Hollywood limelight. It's one thing to break down and only your friends and family notice but totally different when the whole world is watching you. I hope that Owen can recover. I really enjoy him as an actor.
I agree and also hope that he recovers. Prayers for Owen.

I heard the 911 call that river phoenix's brother made the night he died of a drug over dose. It was gut wrenching.

I am so glad the cops are not going to release this tape. It serves the public no use other than to "Gawk" by the way of hearing, another family's tragedy.
I'm glad they're not releasing the tape, either!
Obviously my heart aches for anyone who wants to end their life- Owen is a handsome man and a great actor and I hope things turn around for him, I hope he learns to want to live, I hope he learns to look forward to a new day!

My "more so than others" is Robert Downey Jr.- I have this soft spot for him that I can't even explain in words..

I agree, OLG... I understand those soft spots. Owen has my soft spot and I truly wish him the best and I still pray for him..
People who suffer from depression hide it well. I know - I would bet that for the most part, when I'm going through a really bad time, no one knows about it. Now I may be in a bad mood or frustrated with life and that DOES show, but when I feel worthless/horrible/cannot go on like this, NO ONE has a clue.
I read on Perez today that Wilson has been released home where he is under 24-hour care with family/friends.

I understand the pain of wanting to end your own life- but I also know that with hard work and enough people who care, that pain can go away and life can begin to seem worthwhile. I'm praying for him!!!
Glad that he is home. Hopefully he will receive the care he needs.
Wow, that was pretty fast. I assume he will do some sort of outpatient program if he has an addiction problem. It is great that is family and friends are so supportive.
:blowkiss: More hugs and prayers for Owen.
People who suffer from depression hide it well. I know - I would bet that for the most part, when I'm going through a really bad time, no one knows about it. Now I may be in a bad mood or frustrated with life and that DOES show, but when I feel worthless/horrible/cannot go on like this, NO ONE has a clue.

I totally agree with this.
People who suffer from depression hide it well. I know - I would bet that for the most part, when I'm going through a really bad time, no one knows about it. Now I may be in a bad mood or frustrated with life and that DOES show, but when I feel worthless/horrible/cannot go on like this, NO ONE has a clue.

I totally agree with this.

Me too.
He does look pretty bad. The accompanying article does say that he was devastated to break up with Kate Hudson and then see her kissing her new beau.

He may be a really sensitive person. Some guys are, but they like to pretend they're not. Relationships and "break-ups" are tough on the guys too.
Aww they're back together? I didn't know that! I love them two together..I think she is just the cutest & they make such a awesome couple! ( I hope she don't break his heart again though)
I think she's insane. the man tried to kill himself after she broke up with him having only had a short relationship.

and now she's going to marry him? :eek:

call me heartless, but he is unstable and she has a child to think of who doesn't need such a stepfather.

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