DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thanks for the video
Also in his 911 call, he describes her as "that girl " who hung herself
And as you suggested, why would he assume she hung herself?
It's really weird. The way he jumps into the "suicide ship" so early on says a lot, in my opinion. Why not just say how she found her? He made sure he said that she hung herself.
Long time reader here, who feels compelled to speak up. These are my thoughts after watching the OWN special.

The most plausible explanation for RZ’s nakedness, which the evidence backs up, is that she was attacked/killed after she got out of the shower wrapped in a towel. The perpetrator then decided to stage her death to make it look like either a kinky sex crime or a suicide. I believe re-clothing her would’ve been too risky, as it would be difficult to dress a dead body without transferring DNA.

In my opinion, this is also why the noose was found over RH hair, rather than under it. It was simply more convenient to stage the rope that way, and required less contact with the body.

There are two interesting acts though that in my opinion, bear the particular signature of the perpetrator. First off, the note.

Angry, black, dark and cryptic, it bears the “voice” of the killer—a macabre ironic riddle directly referring to the recent fate of MS. Implicit in the message I believe, is a comparison of the two acts—“she saved him (after he pitched over the 2nd floor railing to his death) can you save her? (now that she’s also been tossed over the 2nd floor railing), the irony being that although MS survived his fall, Rebecca did not die from a fall.

In my opinion, RZ was hung over the balcony as a copycat expression or display of rage— a humiliating “how do you like it now that it’s happened to you?” I feel this aspect of the case—9 foot drops in each instance, has significance and bears further analysis.

Whoever did this, imo, consciously copied MS’s manner of death into RZ. They had intimate knowledge of what had occurred at the mansion several days prior, knew where to find the staging materials, even that RZ’s background and upbringing could convince some that suicide may be a plausible act.

Just my thoughts...
Oh I LOVE this post. Perfectly sums up door message in my opinion. I think there was definitely revenge regarding MS and they way he died on HER WATCH. I remember early on, a female visitor was seen at the door of the house. A relative of little MS wanting answers to questions about his accident. I know AS has been found liable in civil court, and I do agree as well but due to the punishment part of Rebecca’s murder leaves me unsettled.
Personally, I lean toward thinking this was a sexual proposition & rejection that ended in RZ being bound & strangled. Mainly because my experience is more that when a tragedy happens like MS's fall, the first reaction would be denial - not believing he wouldn't recover, not accepting doctors couldn't help him. I think families hold onto hope for every second they can, and any blame or revenge wouldn't come until that heart had literally stopped beating. To first go to murderous revenge, when MS was still hanging on (despite even the worst prognosis that may - or may not - have been given to JS), doesn't fit for me.

My theory is that AS returned to the house (with or without RZ's permission or knowledge) and used the guestroom computer. It doesn't seem to me that AS had MS first & foremost on his mind, so it's not hard to imagine him accessing those websites, realizing he's alone in the house with a beautiful woman who's showering, and becoming sexually aggressive.

I'm sure this has come up before, but I think it's telling that in the 911 call, AS says it's the same house where they "came and got the kid" (really?! Your nephew, clinging to life, is "the kid"?) "yesterday". IMO, this isn't someone so distraught over MS that he couldn't keep his days straight. More likely, he'd simply been up all night.
Today’s episode revealed that Adam failed in a spectacular fashion on some key questions during his polygraph examination.
It’s obvious that the SDSO should have scheduled a second examination or, at the very least, taken note of the questions that he failed.
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Yes, very obvious. Also did you notice during the part where he said he thought that he and Rebecca were going to go into the house and discuss the situation, but that she didn't show interest and because it would be just the 2 of them and that she was of a different sex....can't remember exactly where and when he was recorded saying that.
So far they have mentioned a lot of things from that room, but they still haven't mentioned about the 2 red cups there...thought maybe that would be brought up when they were talking about both Dina and Nina could have been in the room with Adam and Rebecca...maybe...
I’m positive of one thing, Rebecca didn’t write that note. The person who did used the paintbrush like a writing implement, as if it were a stick dipped in ink. Which is exactly what someone who isn’t familiar with the media would do. The process of drawing or painting becomes muscle memory for artists, just like with athletes. You can’t undo that. Artists don’t use brushes like pens. Novices do exactly that.
I’m positive of one thing, Rebecca didn’t write that note. The person who did used the paintbrush like a writing implement, as if it were a stick dipped in ink. Which is exactly what someone who isn’t familiar with the media would do. The process of drawing or painting becomes muscle memory for artists, just like with athletes. You can’t undo that. Artists don’t use brushes like pens. Novices do exactly that.

Glad you mentioned this - I've thought that many times! The first letter barely has any paint, and the rest is uneven and blotched; the writer didn't know how to use a brush.

I'm with the group that thinks the killer must be amazed that anyone believed this was suicide.
I do think these 2 people are asking all the right questions, and hope they will at least end it with asking gore when he is going to reopen the investigation......

I agree. I feel like the Breaking Homicide episode gave LE more cover to hide behind, but maybe the Oxygen series will undo some of that, and put some pressure on.
Do you notice how AS speaks? for example, when he was asked where his brother was he said"at the friggin hospital". He uses "friggin" a lot" He has a very hostile way of responding to questions. I can see why the jurors at the civil trial found in favor of the Zahau family and against AS--- He comes across very cold as well. When he made that 911 call i think his words were " i got a girl who hung herself" or something to that effect: very peculiar description- This is so clearly a murder----there are so many factors leading to that conclusion, you just have to wonder how the police concluded so quickly it was a suicide. Last night on the Oxygen program they did discuss the pressure that JS put on the police to "wrap it up" as he was losing money in his business the longer the
investigation dragged on- you do have to wonder behind the scenes how much impact JS had on the police investigation to find this was suicide and end the investigation as
quickly as possible.
This docuseries/reinvestigation has really been great in breaking down some of the complexities and psychologies of all the players in the mix. There are multiple motives at play here. All three Shacknais have misdirected in this case, most likely for differing reasons. If Rebecca had committed suicide, why would they need too?
Two things about that, one is him saying she hung herself. Is that a logical conclusion, seeing her hands tied behind her and her ankles tied up? Second, he did not refer to her by her name. He was distancing himself from any association.
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Today’s episode revealed that Adam failed in a spectacular fashion on some key questions during his polygraph examination.
It’s obvious that the SDSO should have scheduled a second examination or, at the very least, taken note of the questions that he failed.
Or, how about just saying that he failed, because he failed.
I agree. I feel like the Breaking Homicide episode gave LE more cover to hide behind, but maybe the Oxygen series will undo some of that, and put some pressure on.
Yes, just finished watching it a while ago. I like this ending better than any other I've seen.
On the other hand, money speaks louder than words *frown*

Just remembered, they still didn't mention about the 2 red cups.
I didn't know they found a glove in the basement, first I heard that.
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Almost in passing last night, Paul Holes mentioned RZ had to have been lowered down over the balcony by the killer to make sure she didn't reach the ground. I wish they'd talked about this more since it's such an obvious question: how could RZ have known how much rope, exactly, was needed to hang herself, taking into account how tight the rope would pull, how far the bed might move, distance to the ground, etc.

Overall, I thought the series was well done & informative, and I hope the added attention puts some pressure on SDSO, and/or somehow brings a bit of peace or hope to Rebecca's family.
Very interesting that Jonah was on tape applying pressure to SDSO to wrap up the investigation, as we suspected. Really interesting that he was throwing Dina under the bus with such a strong sales pitch. Wow! I wonder if she knew that at the time?

The second voice on Adam's 911 call was very interesting, especially the part where Adam is quoted saying "help me hold her still" or something to that effect. Who was there? My guess is Paul Pfingst or some other friend of Jonah's. Interesting also that Jonah socialized and went to the same Republican big-wig events also attended by Gore. I'm willing to bet Pfingst was part of that crowd as well.
Almost in passing last night, Paul Holes mentioned RZ had to have been lowered down over the balcony by the killer to make sure she didn't reach the ground. I wish they'd talked about this more since it's such an obvious question: how could RZ have known how much rope, exactly, was needed to hang herself, taking into account how tight the rope would pull, how far the bed might move, distance to the ground, etc.

Overall, I thought the series was well done & informative, and I hope the added attention puts some pressure on SDSO, and/or somehow brings a bit of peace or hope to Rebecca's family.
It’s a clue that solves the case. If RZ was hell bent on committing suicide, she would have just hung herself inside the home. Even if she chose to do it on the balcony, she would have just hung herself directly from the balcony! Now, think of the reasons why it had to be that she was hung from the bedpost inside the home. It means another person did it, and needed the cover and concealment of being indoors and out of site to tie knots, complete staging, etc...
It’s a clue that solves the case. If RZ was hell bent on committing suicide, she would have just hung herself inside the home. Even if she chose to do it on the balcony, she would have just hung herself directly from the balcony! Now, think of the reasons why it had to be that she was hung from the bedpost inside the home. It means another person did it, and needed the cover and concealment of being indoors and out of site to tie knots, complete staging, etc...

Of course-who would go through all of those absurd actions -- she would have just hung herself in a simple manner--- this case bothers me because at this point it appears as though this case will not be reopened and reinvestigated-- this woman deserves justice. I have no doubt she was murdered and most likely by the man who was in the home that night----

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