Recovered/Located PA - A.Y., 16, Allentown, 5 March 2018 *Arrest*

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I don't know how this would work internationally, but a reward might be a good incentive for people to be more observant.
I hope they left info on their computers of their travel plans.

Anyone know, if they did searches of destinations on the browsers on their phones, can LE get that info?

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Seems that both FB accounts have old postings now, may have been washed down. I wonder if A. had shared any plans with friends on planning to run away and where. In the Cummins/MCET case she had discussed the plans in advance with some friends, even those plans changed. Their lawyer was frustrated that the friends were not cooperating with LE. In the end it was publicity/social media/media that led to their being located.
So they landed in Cancun, Mexico and near central/south America. Where is the destination?
Cancun a nice vacation stop?
Or better where does the United States not have an extradition treaty.
I think Venezuela comes to mind, not sure. Maybe others.
And Venezuela has a oil industry and this guy maybe a day laborer would pay the bills and no one be the wiser.
So they landed in Cancun, Mexico and near central/south America. Where is the destination?
Cancun a nice vacation stop?
Or better where does the United States not have an extradition treaty.
I think Venezuela comes to mind, not sure. Maybe others.
And Venezuela has a oil industry and this guy maybe a day laborer would pay the bills and no one be the wiser.

Honestly think he hasn't really thought it through. They were both "swept away" thinking of some dumb romantic life but reality will hit soon. That's what worries me. When AY starts complaining and being whiny about missing her mom and brother, the comforts of home, her favorite pizza shop, etc. and KE can't keep appeasing her, he will get annoyed and that image of her in his mind will begin to change... they need to be found to save this girl. Don't give a crap what happens to him.

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His willingness to walk away and abandon his own children speaks volumes of his character. This "man" is only concerned with his own feelings.

Honestly think he hasn't really thought it through. They were both "swept away" thinking of some dumb romantic life but reality will hit soon. That's what worries me. When AY starts complaining and being whiny about missing her mom and brother, the comforts of home, her favorite pizza shop, etc. and KE can't keep appeasing her, he will get annoyed and that image of her in his mind will begin to change... they need to be found to save this girl. Don't give a crap what happens to him.

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She's been groomed since she was seven, my worry is that the brainwashing and abuse has set in so deep that she can't even comprehend a life without Esterley. I think it's Stockholm syndrome or something??
She's been groomed since she was seven, my worry is that the brainwashing and abuse has set in so deep that she can't even comprehend a life without Esterley. I think it's Stockholm syndrome or something??

It's so sick isn't it? All this pics of AY on his FB page. Under the guise of him being her "father" - ugh just gross. Feel so bad for his real daughters and wife.

I agree she can't comprehend a life without him, but when she starts acting as all children do - it will come to annoy him - like why do I have to keep explaining why we can't go back home? And the romantic notion of it for him will begin to wear off, and then who knows what he will do.

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It's so sick isn't it? All this pics of AY on his FB page. Under the guise of him being her "father" - ugh just gross. Feel so bad for his real daughters and wife.

I agree she can't comprehend a life without him, but when she starts acting as all children do - it will come to annoy him - like why do I have to keep explaining why we can't go back home? And the romantic notion of it for him will begin to wear off, and then who knows what he will do.

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IDK man, I live next door to a couple like that. Huge age gap. Once I heard the lady scream "STOP BEATING ME SOMEONE CALL THE COPS" and I was like oh no so I called the cops and when the cops got here she tried to act like nothing was wrong and no one was home but the cops didn't believe her and went in anyways. So they found him and the lady had the audacity to scream don't take him away.
Cops talked to me to get a statement and everything. Turns out there's a court order for them to stay the **** away from each other.
A bit of justice though, the guy turned out to be the biggest pussy on Earth. I usually leave my door open when I go dump garbage since the chute is literally less than 10 meters away. I throw away the trash and see the guy with half his head in my doorway so I walk towards him, ready to start swinging if necessary and said "what the **** are you doing". He FLOORED it stumbling away from my door putting his arms up with the please don't hit me face and said something like "just checking to see if you wanted it closed".
For reference, I'm 95lbs. People don't just run like that from a little girl. :shame:
Honestly think he hasn't really thought it through. They were both "swept away" thinking of some dumb romantic life but reality will hit soon. That's what worries me. When AY starts complaining and being whiny about missing her mom and brother, the comforts of home, her favorite pizza shop, etc. and KE can't keep appeasing her, he will get annoyed and that image of her in his mind will begin to change... they need to be found to save this girl. Don't give a crap what happens to him.

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Thanks but that was said the same thing as MCET. (and Frisina). They don't know how to get out of it or don't want to because they are running away from something that is worse. And they have been convinced to running to something that is only better for their captor, not them
One of the frustrating things for me in these cases is how so bad was their existence have been that their pain was so bad that this was the only solution and way out?
IDK man, I live next door to a couple like that. Huge age gap. Once I heard the lady scream "STOP BEATING ME SOMEONE CALL THE COPS" and I was like oh no so I called the cops and when the cops got here she tried to act like nothing was wrong and no one was home but the cops didn't believe her and went in anyways. So they found him and the lady had the audacity to scream don't take him away.
Cops talked to me to get a statement and everything. Turns out there's a court order for them to stay the **** away from each other.
A bit of justice though, the guy turned out to be the biggest pussy on Earth. I usually leave my door open when I go dump garbage since the chute is literally less than 10 meters away. I throw away the trash and see the guy with half his head in my doorway so I walk towards him, ready to start swinging if necessary and said "what the **** are you doing". He FLOORED it stumbling away from my door putting his arms up with the please don't hit me face and said something like "just checking to see if you wanted it closed".
For reference, I'm 95lbs. People don't just run like that from a little girl. :shame:

Thanks but I hated hitting the thanks button. These are just terrible examples that we want to save them from yet the victims I guess don;t listen to, their devotion so built up. Almost like cult, not to the self, total capitulation.
It's so sick isn't it? All this pics of AY on his FB page. Under the guise of him being her "father" - ugh just gross. Feel so bad for his real daughters and wife.

I agree she can't comprehend a life without him, but when she starts acting as all children do - it will come to annoy him - like why do I have to keep explaining why we can't go back home? And the romantic notion of it for him will begin to wear off, and then who knows what he will do.

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The only protector IMO in her mind is this "father figure". Feel so bad for the real bio family and wife.
He abandoned them.
Thanks but that was said the same thing as MCET. (and Frisina). They don't know how to get out of it or don't want to because they are running away from something that is worse. And they have been convinced to running to something that is only better for their captor, not them
One of the frustrating things for me in these cases is how so bad was their existence have been that their pain was so bad that this was the only solution and way out?

I think kids like A. are just at a vulnerable age. A.probably more so because her Dad was gone and her mom didn't speak real good English, she felt different, and for kids that age, all they want is to be like everyone else. He took advantage of that. If she had gotten another 6-12 months down the road she would have had a real boyfriend and he would have thought her mom was great and she would have forgot all about this creep and everything would have been fine. This jerk just struck at precisely her most vulnerable moment.
The only protector IMO in her mind is this "father figure". Feel so bad for the real bio family and wife.
He abandoned them.

I agree. I can't even imagine what that wife is going through. The kids probably largely don't even quite understand. They probably think Dad will be home eventually and everything will be fine. But if/when Dad comes home, he is going to prison for a long time. I don't think people understand what having a parent in prison does to a child. Its heart-breaking. To see a guy throw away a loving family, put them through this, for....what? A teen-fling that he knows wont last? Its just hard to accept.
I'm guessing no one called the cops about the inappropriate messages on their phones?
Been a problem for MONTHS and on one reported it?
Just told them to stay away from each other?
Well. That didn't work very well.
This situation is going to really mess up his own kids.
I mean lots of kids think the parents divorce is their fault... this is a whole new level.
At least with simple divorce Dad is still around generally and didn't vanish.

Having a Dad in prison isn't the part that will mess up his kids.
The part that will mess them up is that he chose A. over them.
That they weren't good enough for him, he didn't love them enough to stay around.
Or they failed, or A. was better, or if they had just spent more time with him.... etc.
It's going to take a lot of time and therapy for them to sort this crap out. So unfair.
I'm surprised that A. didn't think this is abuse. She's 16. Kids are learning adult things way earlier in life thanks to the internet and she never stumbled upon an article talking about grooming of minors? Or sexual abuse? Her school never talked about it? Or was she dumb enough to superglue the rose tinted glasses to her face?
Also from that Stacy Esterley article and how A. reacted... I'm willing to bet that the touchy feely began waaay before she was 15/16. Heck, it probably started when she hit puberty at 10/11.
Short rant... I'm disgusted by the Pennsylvania age of consent being 16. The supreme court abolished capital punishment for juveniles under 18 in 2005 and in 2012 banned mandatory LWOP for juveniles under 18 without taking into consideration the unique circumstances of each case. Currently in PA there have been about 116 old cases where juveniles were resentenced and about 58 juveniles have been released.

Yet, PA seems to think it's okay for a 16-year old to have sex with an adult. Esterly could have and should have been thrown in jail from the get go. The law needs to protect minors, not just from spending years in jail but also from predators like Esterly.

Rant over.
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