PA - Assassination attempt, shooting injures former POTUS Donald Trump, leaves 1 spectator deceased two in critical condition, 13 July 2024 #2

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Which to me, says there's something missing. Either something LE haven't uncovered yet, or something they have and are keeping from the public while the investigation continues.

You would think that at least his Google search history could be interesting. Did he know how to evade being traced or did he use a different computer and account?
Wow, this makes the security breakdown all the more shocking:

US authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump, a development that led to the Secret Service increasing security around the former president in recent weeks, multiple people briefed on the matter told CNN.

There’s no indication that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the would-be assassin who attempted to kill the former president on Saturday, was connected to the plot, the sources said.

The existence of the intelligence threat from a hostile foreign intelligence agency — and the enhanced security for Trump — raises new questions about the security lapses at the Saturday rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and how a 20-year-old man managed to access a nearby rooftop to fire shots that injured the former president.

It’s not clear whether the specifics of the Iran threat were shared with the Trump campaign, which said in a statement: “We do not comment on President Trump’s security detail. All questions should be directed to The United States Secret Service.”

The Secret Service recently “added protective resources and capabilities to the former President’s security detail,” agency spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi said in a statement on Sunday.

Secret Service officials have warned the Trump campaign repeatedly against holding outdoor rallies, which pose greater risks than events to which the agency can better control access, people briefed on the matter said. The warnings have been more general in nature, the sources said.

At one point during this election cycle, the campaign stopped holding spontaneous off-the-record events where guests weren’t swept by Secret Service beforehand due to security concerns, a source familiar with the matter told CNN.

The FBI, which is conducting the investigation into Saturday’s shooting, declined to comment.

Makes you wonder how much security would have been there without the Iranian plot to assassinate the former President. SMH

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This should be considered a snafu on the same level as that of the agencies getting blamed. But a snafu by the organizers of the political event.
I dont think it is the fault of the organizers at all.

The event site was easily to secure, Trump was fully "going with the program" and had not pulled any impromptu stunts security wise, the Secret Service has the resources and the experience- well, in the over all sense to secure that type of site.

As a result, the responsibility for lapses for seems to be totally with the Secret Service.

Now, if the fact pattern had been....

- Trump told us one week in advance that he was organizing an outdoor mega maga rally in..... Times Square- impossible to secure. We told Trump that the rally in Times Square was a bad idea to start with, but he insisted (as usual). Then, Trump stops the limousine and starts mixing with crowd two full blocks short of our somewhat secure site. Sure enough, something bad almost happened....

I would agree that it would be the fault of the organizers.
Devils advocate here ...
The secret service has a job, to protect DT life. The secret service did that job. His protection is their goal, everything outside of the bubble landed on the other Law Enforcement who may or may not have been prepared for an event of this type. I am not going to toss LE under the bus. There is no telling what they managed to prevent from happening.
I view it like a solar system DT was the center, SS was protecting that center each outer ring was back up teams. The life that mattered the most in that moment was DT (from a protection standpoint) and he left alive.

Just my opinion.
He didn't leave alive because of the SS though. THAT is the problem. It wasn't prevented at all and people were shot including Trump. That isn't a win in my book. The only reason Trump is alive is because the shooter missed (quite possibly because Trump turned his head to look a different way) not because the SS prevented anything. The SS got lucky.

Edited to add: I don't think it was intentional and I fully respect the job the SS do. I think once he was shot at they bravely jumped on him and kept him safe from that point on absolutely. I do not think it was deliberate and I don't think any of them wanted Trump to get shot..ect.
Did I hear correctly that there were 50,000 people at the rally? While it is certainly hard to keep an eye on that many people in an open air space, all of the surrounding buildings should have been secured. That's a nobrainer. I wonder who was assigned to be on that roof?
I think someone might've added a 0 to that number. There are some wider crowd/venue shots available on YT. There was 1 big riser, 2 smaller ones (maybe 1000 attendees total on those), and then people on the grass with chairs and surely some others milling around standing (call that 2000 more). Throw in various LE, event staff, and whatever else and you might get a number you could "round up" to 5K.
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He registered to vote, 2022, in a political party before their 2024 candidate was chosen.
Two years later he tried to kill the candidate his party had chosen.
He wasn't old enough to have developed some radical ideology or had wanted to settle years of festering victimhood.

Some part of the verbalized plans of the candidate were going to hurt Crooks or someone Crooks cared for.

This is laughable because how exactly is a building secured from within? Clearly it isn't and can't be because someone climbed it and was able to shoot people.

The fact it was a sloped roof is exactly what made it ideal for a shooter to hide!! The SS are highly trained individuals that are fully capable of standing or sitting on a slightly sloped roof. Good grief.
So monitor the roof without actually standing on it.

So if he voted in the mid term elections in 2022, that is intresting. I wonder if he was intrested in local politics. I'll look and see what elections were going on in 2022 in Pa. Maybe he registered Republican because he supported some local candidates that are Republicans.. did he have a parting of ideas with anyone local.. has anyone locally (meaning state level) endorsed Trump publicly in recent months?
The US Secret Service increased security around former President Donald Trumpafter obtaining intelligence in recent weeks of an Iranian plot to assassinate him, according to people familiar with the situation.

“Secret Service learned of the increased threat from this threat stream,” the official told CNN. “NSC directly contacted USSS at a senior level to be absolutely sure they continued to track the latest reporting. USSS shared this information with the detail lead, and the Trump campaign was made aware of an evolving threat. In response to the increased threat, Secret Service surged resources and assets for the protection of former President Trump. All of this was in advance of Saturday.”
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>
any number of things he could've done. you can Google or better use your favorite GenAI. maybe that was all part of his plan to have more fame... leave no explanation/details and have people coming up with theories and conspiracies for decades.

I get the impression that part of what makes an attempt like this harder to defend is it doesn't seem like there was much planning, at all. he knew where Trump was. he got a gun. he got a ladder. he just went and did it. whatever he was doing with his car didn't come into play. "luck" certainly played into him not being stopped before he could shoot - but the lack of threats/manifestos/helpers/elaborate schemes would seem to make someone like him harder to detect.
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The US Secret Service increased security around former President Donald Trumpafter obtaining intelligence in recent weeks of an Iranian plot to assassinate him, according to people familiar with the situation.

“Secret Service learned of the increased threat from this threat stream,” the official told CNN. “NSC directly contacted USSS at a senior level to be absolutely sure they continued to track the latest reporting. USSS shared this information with the detail lead, and the Trump campaign was made aware of an evolving threat. In response to the increased threat, Secret Service surged resources and assets for the protection of former President Trump. All of this was in advance of Saturday.”

Mercy !
If THAT is what 'Increased Security' looks like....we are in trouble.... Just sayin'
What happened in Feb/March?

I think that is a very good question.

Maybe the death of a cherished relative or a perceived "last chance" relationship break up? He then opts for what he thinks will be a fast and efficient "Suicide by Secret Service".

His suicide still occurs- but no where near as efficient as it needed to be for security reasons. Perhaps he is surprised that he can even approach the area with a rifle?

What ever the life changing event might have occurred (if there was one), he seems to have kept it quiet in regards to social media.
any number of things he could've done. you can Google or better use your favorite GenAI. maybe that was all part of his plan to have more fame... leave no explanation/details and have people coming up with theories and conspiracies for decades.

I get the impression that part of what makes an attempt like this harder to defend is it doesn't seem like there was much planning, at all. he knew where Trump was. he got a gun. he got a ladder. he just went and did it. whatever he was doing with his car didn't come into play. "luck" certainly played into him not being stopped before he could shoot - but the lack of threats/manifestos/helpers/elaborate schemes would seem to make someone like him harder to detect.
Sounds like just a minute or so after he threatened the county police guy as he was hoisted up to the edge of the roof.
The local guy drops to the ground, and just after, Crooks fires insanely accurately nearly a football field plus 40 yards away, very nearly achieving head shot of trump. Crooks had nerves of steel. He was dedicated beyond belief, and I say this as a former hunter. Like running an obstacle course then immediately shooting someone so far away.

Biggest mystery to me so far, if 3 county guys kind of subcontracted to usss (iirc), were in the bldg, photographed Crooks, saw him return with a duffle bag, saw his range finding directly towards trump....why didn't they, er, go out and apprehend him? The part about relaying the photo to a command center sounds lame.

So there were at least 2 local cops "hoisting" one of them up to the roof, 3 county guys inside the building manning some superfax each time they saw the SAME guy in the most suspicious of circumstances, yet they waited for someone to tell them what to do?
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I think someone might've added a 0 to that number. There are some wider crowd/venue shots available on YT. There was 1 big riser, 2 smaller ones (maybe 1000 attendees total on those), and then people on the grass with chairs and surely some others milling around standing (call that 2000 more). Throw in various LE, event staff, and whatever else and you might get a number you could "round up" to 5K.
Yes, 5,000 makes more sense... if that. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard 50,000!
It was never going to make complete sense, but it now appears this is on a track where we’ll have much fewer answers than we usually do.

Usually there’s something discovered right away, and there’s just nothing here.

No note. No online profile. Nothing found in his phone. It’s frustrating.

Loneliness to start with. Then, Covid that arrested his social development as his age group was not attending school for two years…then they get out, and soon, with the job market being where it is, there is hopelessness. Consider that the whole group is immature…what people could do before, like coding school or such, doesn’t work anymore. There are well-paying jobs, but they do require education better than community colleges. I guess it is all of this taken together. I don’t even think it was political. If anything, his political steps show general confusion. I’d look at his favorite computer games, if anything. JMO.
So if he voted in the mid term elections in 2022, that is intresting. I wonder if he was intrested in local politics. I'll look and see what elections were going on in 2022 in Pa. Maybe he registered Republican because he supported some local candidates that are Republicans.. did he have a parting of ideas with anyone local.. has anyone locally (meaning state level) endorsed Trump publicly in recent months?
It looks like TMC 'registered' to vote in 2022. That would be the year he turned 18yo. In Pennsylvania, you get a Junior Driver's License at 16. At 18 you need to go back to the DMV to register for a Senior License.

May states also use their DMV's to register voters.

September 2023 PA enacted a new DMV procedure. I don't know what the routine DMV/Voter procedures were before 9/2023.

'Pennsylvania’s new system is most akin to the front-end system: The registration is automatic and takes the onus off of the voter, but is not instantaneous like in some states.'

I'm not sure I'd make much of his Republican affiliation. He doesn't seem to be obviously in politics. However Republican's are stereotyped as typically avid NRA supporters.

I starting to lean more towards the Bully angle.

Just thinking out Loud.


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