PA - Assassination attempt, shooting injures former POTUS Donald Trump, leaves 1 spectator deceased two in critical condition, 13 July 2024 #4

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It is sad to me how real the distress is to my fellow Americans when they do their own research and learn from very unreliable sources that the government they voted for and should be able to trust tried to kill a candidate they love. The belief that the deep state attempted a hit or slow walked security is without merit, but the pain people feel in believing this is very, very real.

The conspiracy theory that the "deep state" is composed of child-trafficking cannibals is untrue but I partially get the appeal. A happy ending where a hero is the star of a storm and the bad guys are jailed and we live happily ever after. It's a story as old as the New Testament; it gave enslaved Romans hope, and it gives modern day Americans hope. The problem with it is it is not true, and is dangerous when it creates lone operators willing to shoot us a pizza shop, or mobs willing to kill law enforcement to enter the capitol for, among other things, the imaginary child victims.

I get hope by looking for verifiable heroes. For example, Trump has clearly stated that the inner ring of secret service agents 100% were on task and committed to their sworn duty to literally take a bullet. The female agent in particular was singled out as a brave hero.


Edited to add related link: Check out this balanced piece on conspiracy theories springing from left and right regarding the assasination attempt.

Sheila Jackson Lee? Geez Really? What will they think of next?

I was surprised to find out she was still in Congress. Roll call shows her last vote was May 1st. I knew she had pancreatic cancer. She announced it on June 2nd and was in treatment in Houston when she died. Her last public photograph was in Houston on May 27th for Memorial Day event. She called in to CNN on June 19th with no face time.
I think she left for Houston in early May and never returned to DC.

Moo... Rowe continuously defended the SS agents from the Pittsburgh office involved.
He frequently talked about the morale in the Pittsburgh office, how emotional they were, how it is affecting the staff, being accused in the media. He has full confidence in his staff in the Pittsburgh office.

Many reminded him this incident, lack of transparency, lack of accountability, has ruined the reputation of the SS in many Americans eyes.

No one has been reprimanded or removed from service. He's going to wait for the process and procedures to play out.

Keep in mind, the Pittsburgh office is going to be responsible for the next Butler rally. I'm very concerned, agents are depressed sad, sounded like a real pity party.

From today's hearing
Were offered drones by Pennsylvania State Police.
They refused
SS drones would not work due to Wi-Fi, however, the shooter's drone work just fine. Rowe couldn't explain why.

Why was the SS site supervisor not patrolling the venue and looking for potential threats?
Rowe couldn't explain why.

Why the rangefinder did not elevate the threat?
Rowe... It's not on the list of items that would elevate the threat.

Would an attendee be allowed into a venue with a rangefinder?
Rowe ... It depends it's not on the list.

At what point would the suspect be determined a threat.
Rowe... When he showed a weapon.

Senator Lee, ask repeatedly, demanding an answer.
Would President Biden be allowed on stage knowing a person had a rangefinder
Rowe...refused to answer repeatedly.

Moo ... Rowe continued to not provide answers, even after he was reminded it was a congressional hearing.

All from my understanding of today's hearing Moo
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The FBI revealed Tuesday that Donald Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks may have owned a social media account whose posts were antisemitic, anti-immigrant, and ultimately “extreme in nature.”
“Some of these comments, if ultimately attributable to the shooter, appear to reflect antisemitic and anti-immigration themes to espouse political violence and are described as extreme in nature.”
FBI: Thomas Matthew Crooks May Have Hid Antisemitic, Anti-Immigrant Social Page

Video of Paul Abbate director of the FBI testifying about this possible account belonging Crooks is at the next link:

“While the investigative team is still working to verify this account to determine if it did in fact belong to the shooter, we believe it important to share and note it today, particularly given the general absence of other information to date from social media and other sources of information that reflect on the shooter’s potential motive and mindset,” he acknowledged.
Trump shooter may have made ‘antisemitic and anti-immigrant’ social media posts that embraced ‘political violence,’ FBI says
Moo... Rowe continuously defended the SS agents from the Pittsburgh office involved.
He frequently talked about the morale in the Pittsburgh office, how emotional they were, how it is affecting the staff, being accused in the media. He has full confidence in his staff in the Pittsburgh office.

Many reminded him this incident, lack of transparency, lack of accountability, has ruined the reputation of the SS in many Americans eyes.

No one has been reprimanded or removed from service. He's going to wait for the process and procedures to play out.

Keep in mind, the Pittsburgh office is going to be responsible for the next Butler rally. I'm very concerned, agents are depressed sad, sounded like a real pity party.

From today's hearing
I have to wonder if Rowe has seen the video
The Judicial and Homeland Security Congressional hearing is WELL worth the time. Every senator on either side of the aisle had good, indepth questions and were consistent and demanding answers and follow-ups. Every senator stressed the importance of releasing information to Congress and the American people, to prevent additional rumors, and threats.

The committees asked for SS policies, site plans, emails video recordings, radio traffic communication
(SS failed to record communication that day). The chairman demands the SS allow the 17 agents to be interviewed within days. Rowe refused to answer who was denying the request.

Moo .. from congressional hearing

Moo ... I see subpoenas on the horizon. I think they're done with invites.
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Acting Secret Service Director ROWE said he went to Butler, PA and got on the rooftop where Crooks took his shots at the former President:

"What I saw made me ashamed...I cannot defend why that roof was not secured."

Acting Secret Service Director ROWE says he wants to address a conspiracy he's seen:

The countersniper who neutralized the shooter did so "within seconds" – Rowe says sniper did NOT need to seek authorization to fire.

NEW from FBI deputy dir ABBATE: agency has found a social media account they BELIEVE associated with shooter Crooks.Account posted around 700 comments from 2019-2020. Some posts are antisemitic and anti-immigrant and extreme in their nature

“Can not be defended”

As it should be. It’s so refreshing to see the accountability that was missing from Cheatle. This is what restores confidence.

Have any other photos aside from News Nation been released? They will be covering the story throughout the week-9pm CS. I’m not sure if last nights guest Joe Cardinale will return but he was insightful.
Senator Ted Cruz focused on SS agents accountability for the failures.

Rowe repeatly said ...
I will not put my thumb on the scale and rush to judgment. I will not rush to judgment. He's concerned about the staff in the Pittsburgh office, morale is so low, they are so upset.

He stated they only hired the best, out of 700 applications they hire less than 15. They only hired the best of the best.
(Moo Rowe is delaying investigation due to personal feelings of SS employees. If the Pittsburgh agents are the best of the best... why are they so emotional and whining. They shouldn't need comfort and reassurance. The best stand up and tell the truth and take responsibility. Isn't that the problem we have with the former director)

Cruz rebuttal... A former president was shot, a person died, several severely injured and you're telling me these agents are still on duty. That no one has been reprimanded, fired, placed on leave. Are you telling me that you haven't reviewed who broke protocol? And that that person is not being punished. It's 17 days later.

Rowe continues to defend his staff and repeatedly states local LE was responsible for the AGR building.

Cruz again, why wasn't a site supervisor SS agents roaming the venue and especially overhead, since the SS drone system didn't work.
Rowe ... We should have excepted the PSP offer of drones.

When questioned how many agents he had there that day.
Rowe responded 70 "including those pre and post event". We still don't know exactly how many were on site the actual day during the event. (Moo, he's playing games, delaying facts)

Cruz, .... it was reported that agents were pulled from the Trump rally to cover Jill Bidens event.
After much yelling back and forth...
Rowe admitted agents were pulled to go to the airport for Jill Biden.

Cruz ask how many agents or the ratio performer president Trump events and Biden events.

Rowe refused to answer, said it's not the same, Biden has nuclear capabilities. (This was Jill's event). He refused repeatedly to give the ratio.

Cruz formally request the information, committee approved.

My opinion only of today's Congressional hearing
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As it should be. It’s so refreshing to see the accountability that was missing from Cheatle. This is what restores confidence.

Respectfully, there was no accountability. These agents are working everyday. They will be working on the next Butler rally.

SS has refused all interviews with the 17 agents involved. Rowe refusing to say who is denying the request.

He's a nice guy, he presents well, and he's really good at avoiding answers. He did answer some questions but nothing we didn't already know.

MOO.... They need total New blood at the top. Bringing somebody that does not work for the Secret Service.
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Did I hear that right? Some 20 minutes after the word "gun" first went out Trump took the stage? :oops:
No... there were 20 seconds approximately from the time the officers notified Central Command the suspect had a gun.
No mention of a gun till the officers climb to the edge of the roof and fell to the ground.

He immediately radioed the local LE office located in the command center. The Secret Service Command center did not record any communication. He noted this was a failure of procedure.

Local law enforcement States they immediately told the command center agent, SS has refused to state, action of command center.

Rowe stated until the suspect presented a gun he was not a threat. Local law enforcement has been tracking the sky for over 90 minutes and in constant communication with the command center LE lead, who communicated everything to the SS lead. They were both sitting in the same room.

Local law enforcement on the ground had no way of communicating with the Secret Service agents or the command center directly.
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The FBI revealed Tuesday that Donald Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks may have owned a social media account whose posts were antisemitic, anti-immigrant, and ultimately “extreme in nature.”
“Some of these comments, if ultimately attributable to the shooter, appear to reflect antisemitic and anti-immigration themes to espouse political violence and are described as extreme in nature.”
FBI: Thomas Matthew Crooks May Have Hid Antisemitic, Anti-Immigrant Social Page

Video of Paul Abbate director of the FBI testifying about this possible account belonging Crooks is at the next link:

“While the investigative team is still working to verify this account to determine if it did in fact belong to the shooter, we believe it important to share and note it today, particularly given the general absence of other information to date from social media and other sources of information that reflect on the shooter’s potential motive and mindset,” he acknowledged.
Trump shooter may have made ‘antisemitic and anti-immigrant’ social media posts that embraced ‘political violence,’ FBI says
He would have been only 15 and 16 during that time! Yikes if true.
They still need verify.
He would have been 15 and 16 during that time! Yikes if true.
They still need verify.
yes, until they verify it's his account there is no point in speculating further MOO But sheesh, young indeed if his views were that extreme already.
Sorry couldn't link your post

No. The 20 seconds is the time lapse from local LE notification to the Local LE lead in the Command center.

The lead immediately informed his counterpart at the Secret Service. They were all located in the same room. The Secret Service failed to record their communication that day. I violation of procedure.

No one knows why the detail was not notified.
Rowe did state the former President's SS detail was on it own separate radio system.
Rowe couldn't answer how the SS command center was to communicate directly with the Secret Service detail.
(I'm blown away, 17 days and he still doesn't know how they world to contact the Secret Service detail.)
Moo from the Congressional hearing today
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20 seconds to what?
The shooting started? Or Trump first took the stage?
Till the first shot was fired.

Local law enforcement repeatedly notified the local law enforcement lead person in the command center, I leaned Secret Service Agent was in the command center.

Rowe was unable to answer how the Secret Service Command center would communicate to the Secret Service detail. He repeatedly stated... They have their own radio system. There was no one from the Secret Service detail in the command center.
So I assume that they had no way of contacting the detail over a radio they would have had to have physically send a person to the stage. Rowe was very reluctant to give any details about this.

Moo based on the Congressional hearing today

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