PA PA - Betsy Aardsma, 22, murdered in Pattee Library, Penn State, 29 Nov 1969

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is this from another article or just a whacko??? or maybe the killer.....(just kidding...) that would be something if the killer would contact you through one of the message boards!!!

A comment to your story posted in the CDT.
The night was moist in the Penn State library......deep in the stacks....

Posted by:

8/2/2008 1:20 PM
5136.4 Report as Violation

That is downright creepy.
It kind of gives insight into the type of seriously bent mindset that can be responsible for this type of crime.
Lots of them out there sadly.
It kind of gives insight into the type of seriously bent mindset that can be responsible for this type of crime.
Lots of them out there sadly.

That is pretty creepy...However...I've found that there are a lot of creeps who post on the internet (present company excepted!)

Regardless of how they want to p*ss and moan, we're getting tips from the story already, so it has been a success. Sorry to the anonymous posters over there who feel it isn't newsworthy...:)
Derek, that is just wonderful that the story in the Inquirer is being picked up by other papers. You've done great work on this. I really honestly believe some answers are going to come from all this new exposure! :clap:
That is pretty creepy...However...I've found that there are a lot of creeps who post on the internet (present company excepted!)

Regardless of how they want to p*ss and moan, we're getting tips from the story already, so it has been a success. Sorry to the anonymous posters over there who feel it isn't newsworthy...:)
Yeah,usually people who feel anything that didnt happen in the last 15 minutes isnt newsworthy are the same ones who breathlesly comb the Net looking for the latest Lindsey Lohan updates so consider the source:)
Derek keep up the good work...I emailed you friday about some ideas as to how to contact PSU alumni...

This case has fascinated and horrified me for years...may be with your hard work and a little luck we can get justice for Betsy.
Derek keep up the good work...I emailed you friday about some ideas as to how to contact PSU alumni...

This case has fascinated and horrified me for years...may be with your hard work and a little luck we can get justice for Betsy.

Thanks for the email. I don't recall seeing it yet but I have had some modem issues -- lightning storm fried it. If you don't mind, can you resend?
Yeah,usually people who feel anything that didnt happen in the last 15 minutes isnt newsworthy are the same ones who breathlesly comb the Net looking for the latest Lindsey Lohan updates so consider the source:)

This is true. I noticed the thread turned into a whizzing match at the Inquirer between PSU grads and PSU haters. Oh well.
Derek, that is just wonderful that the story in the Inquirer is being picked up by other papers. You've done great work on this. I really honestly believe some answers are going to come from all this new exposure! :clap:

Pandora and Marybeth,

The story has really blown up once it hit the AP Newswire. Only thing I wish is that they hadn't excerpted mention of the website -- it's requiring people to search for it, which makes it harder on them. I have had a couple of people who read the article in other states, found the site, and gave me some information that they thought might be helpful. If there's any more chance yet to solve this, it's now.

Fingers crossed!
Littlehorn Great work. I'm so glad you are getting tips. And that other papers are picking it up. The more exposure the better. I sure hope that Betsy's case is resolved. I think you are right - if there is a chance -seems now could be the time.
Littlehorn Great work. I'm so glad you are getting tips. And that other papers are picking it up. The more exposure the better. I sure hope that Betsy's case is resolved. I think you are right - if there is a chance -seems now could be the time.

The Inquirer article was better than I imagined -- and the best part was that it went syndicated, so now it's literally everywhere.
I'm wondering if anyone out there would be willing to take over duties of running if I were to step down...

It's taking a lot of my time and money as well as a lot of my will to do other things, and I'm just thinking maybe it's time I back away.

I contacted the hosting company a few weeks ago to see what kind of refund I'd get if I stopped it now...Not much, but it's something.

Ugh. Just seems like it's so unlikely to be solved...And the long distance phone bill is never less than $200 since I started working on this thing.

I emailed you via this site and also sent a pm...hopefully you'll be able to get one of

take heart and know you're doing the right thing

I was finally able to resolve my non-post ability situation. Whew! It took me awhile to read all the posts. In fact, I now have a pretty good-sized headache.

As I mentioned in my e-mail to you earlier, while I think it is good to have a sounding board, I think people tend to get off track and away from the few facts known in this case. Then, it becomes merely fantasy and speculation rather than analysis of factual details. IMO, it is more of a distraction really.

For example . . . I think it is a waste of time to seriously consider the "shrine(s)", if you will, as anything that could help in resolving this matter since we really have no way of knowing much about them. If you assume the killer(s) left items there, you are making an enormous leap IMO. Unless the authorities or a reliable source steps forward, in all honesty they must be considered a prank or a sick joke. I know people will cry, "But who would have all those original clippings!?" Well, it wouldn't be the first time someone in our society went to elaborate lengths for a hoax or prank.

Of course, there are so few facts we are left to jump to some conclusions from time to time if we seriously wish to present a valid, semi-defensible theory on what occurred.
Tom Whalen, Wayne Baumgardner, none of those guys will talk to anyone about anything regarding this case.

One thing that has annoyed me more than the police not wishing to share information is the fact that the library staff and others remain fairly "mum" on the subject.

I can understand the police not wanting to talk, since they might have that one link that only the killer(s) know - that if revealed publicly - might seriously hurt the case. It happens all the time in cases, which is why authorities often times are able to verify taunting by killers since they provide details the general public does not know.

Another explanation is the fact that LE often close ranks to "protect" buddies from embarrassment or the ire of those who'd say "Why didn't you do X, Y, and Z if you had all this information?!?" LE are a close-knit group, and if anyone had promoted over the years, the current guy assigned may not have ties to his retired buddy but his supervisor might!

But why wouldn't the staff members or library workers agree to share information? It just doesn't make sense to me. I know PSU would prefer this to just go away, as would any university, but it seems odd to me that after all this time everyone at the library simply falls in line with the school's wishes on this one. I would think that someone, anyone, would have said something by now to you or others who are serious about the case.

It just doesn't make sense. And while this has little to do with coming up with a plausible theory, I just find it annoying, and difficult to reconcile in my mind -- that's all.
For example . . . I think it is a waste of time to seriously consider the "shrine(s)", if you will, as anything that could help in resolving this matter since we really have no way of knowing much about them. If you assume the killer(s) left items there, you are making an enormous leap IMO. Unless the authorities or a reliable source steps forward, in all honesty they must be considered a prank or a sick joke. I know people will cry, "But who would have all those original clippings!?" Well, it wouldn't be the first time someone in our society went to elaborate lengths for a hoax or prank.

One point in defense of your argument -- up until recently, the Aardsma file was available to anyone in the Penn State Room. It used to contain original clippings but many of them went missing.

Now you have to go through a lot of rigamarole including showing a driver's license to access the file, which has photocopies of everything that used to be in the file like microfilm articles, etc.

So you have a point...Setting up the shrine would not have been a big hardship for a prankster until the last 5 years or so.
One thing that has annoyed me more than the police not wishing to share information is the fact that the library staff and others remain fairly "mum" on the subject.

This has really bothered me as well. Why they would not be willing to talk about it is beyond me. Especially once they are retired and there is no more risk of losing their jobs, or censure of any kind, for doing so.

Dean Brungart, the assistant stacks supervisor who claimed to have seen two guys and Betsy, was almost fired for appearing in a photograph a few days after the murder in the CDT. He was shown in an aisle (not the aisle she was murdered in) pointing out the location.

Perhaps this has an effect on people and they just come to accept that Rule #1 is "do NOT talk about fight club," so to speak...But still...

Some of the library people are dead but Brungart and Baumgardner in particular have remained silent as the grave about the whole thing.
Let's look at what we do know, piece by piece, rather than willy-nilly. Once we all agree on a point, we can move forward to the next point.

I believe this was planned. Does anyone disagree? I'm not saying the killer(s) planned to murder Betsy, but the crime was planned in advance IMO. Here is why I believe this to be the case . . .

Precautions were taken.

1. The killer(s) performed the act in the most secluded area in the library.
2. The crime occurred on a holiday weekend (i.e., fewer students around).
3. The victim was wearing a reddish-colored dress (i.e., conceals visible blood).

If we can agree that the crime was planned out, to this degree at least, then I think we can logically conclude that the killer(s) did not stop to talk to someone by saying "somebody should help that girl".

Of course, I have my own theories on why the killer might have done so. But I'd like to hear some opinions of others on this fact and what I wrote above.

Planning also rules out the "random act" theory, at least to the point that someone wandered into the library that afternoon and killed someone just for kicks. She may have been selected randomly, but we can get to that point later.
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