GUILTY PA - Christina Regusters for kidnap, rape of 5yo girl, Philadelphia, 14 Jan 2013 - #1

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Imagined blame?? Have you seen all the statements made by the school system acknowledging their blame?

I just don't get this.

And as far as what you posted about you don't think the mom used the victim's advocacy services. I don't get that either. This case is being handled by the Special Victims Unit, the police have made clear their intense concern about this fragile and traumatized little girl. The victim's advocates would have been there on day one. How could anyone think this little girl's mom wouldn't be working with them. That would mean the mom didn't give a darn about her traumatized and victimized little girl. I certainly haven't seen any indication of that.

I just don't understand where this kind of thinking comes from.

This child is a victim. Her mother is a victim. They need and deserve support.

I need to shut up before I say something that gets me in trouble.

I agree Cheese. I don't blame the mother one bit for hiring an attorney. This school failed this child and put her safety in grave jeopardy. Why should the school not be held responsible for this?
But then what about transparency? If I am required by law to turn my child over to the education system, that education system better be prepared to have me pop in or sit in on a class session, etc. How would these new proposed security measures affect that?

A school I and other parents, grandparents, etc can't go past the front doors of is not a school I want my child attending either. It creates an atmosphere of mistrust for me if I am not welcomed at and in my childrens' schools.


I don't have the answers, just concerns.

You have brought up some very interesting questions regarding the process of implementing the "best" and tightest security measures in a school setting...

It is a double-edged sword....

Do we eventually create a security atmosphere similar to a prison... With walls, fortresses, and armed guards at watch towers (extreme, I know....but an example of one end of the continuum)....

How do we allow for the warm, caring, and child-friendly learning environment where parents feel welcome, too?

Such a conundrum!

Since you asked...

I really think that more facts about this event should be presented before a decision to sue a school/district should be taken...

The abductors are the true perps here.... They are the ones who are responsible for kidnapping/ harming the child...

According to reports... The front office personnel were trying to follow protocol by requesting the garbed lady to wait in the office...

his brazen perp avoided this protocol.... Went straight to the classroom.. And (again, if reports are true) she was confrontational with the substitute...

Please remember that the sub is equally responsible for ALL of his charges... And while the perp was confronting him ... While Class Was In Session...This would be taking his attention from the other 20 or so children in the class...

I am even wondering if this perp didn't have plan B in place should there have been more of a block to her "mission"... Maybe she WAS pregnant.... But we do not really know what was under her robes... Could she have had weapons/guns of some sort?

Yes... There may need to be more security measures placed in schools for the protection of children... But at what expense to the freedom/learning experiences of the children?

would it be best to keep them on lockdown in an underground bunker where no one can enter or exit except for beginning and ending of classes?

remember, too, that the perp could have taken a child on the playground where there is even more room for abduction...

do we take away recess and play time for children too?

The school even had video of the perp... I don't know if all schools have that...I don't recall any of the schools I have worked for as a teacher's aide, teacher in my close to 30 years in education...

We have to remember... The school is not the aggressor here... At all... There was no intent on the part of this school to harm this child, at all....And measures were taken to prevent such events from occurring...

For full security from aberrations of society, such as this abduction we are discussing... Do we take away freedoms and quality of life in education... Making students virtual prisoners in their own schools?

Just some thoughts...


I respect your opinion but I heartily disagree. Even if the woman Ignored instructions to late at the office the fact is she went to the classroom without permission and then the teacher gave the little girl for her even though the woman didn't have permission and refused to wait for him to verify. This is a huge red flag. Even if the sub could not stop the woman from walking out with the child he should have raised the alarm immediately.

The person at the front desk didn't do anything about it after the woman ignored instructions. The teacher didn't do anything about it after the woman ignored procedure. No one even knew that this child was missing until the end of the day when the day care bus came to pick her up. There is no excuse for that.

As I said before I myself and a substitute teacher. I know how things are supposed to work. Even if no one at the school could physically stop the woman from meeting with the child there is no excuse for failing to report it.

This woman was on foot she could have easily been pursued or if they called the police she could've easily been found before she got to the house. Failure to pursue the woman or call for help shows gross negligence the part of the person in the office and the substitute teacher. It was their responsibility to protect the children. They totally ignored every red flag and allowed this child to be kidnapped right under their noses.

Please excuse all of the typos in my above post. I am using Siri. Things don't always come out exactly the way I say them!
I'm not a parent (and older), so my views and knowledge aren't as broad as many, but when I was in school the parents never came in to monitor the class. I just remember in kindergarten, when it was your birthday, the parent was allowed to come in and bring cupcakes or goodies for the whole class and a little celebration was held....and of course the yearly "open house" where the teachers would present what the kids had done or were studying, etc. I can't remember what that's called..... but it was in the evenings. Then the regular PTA meetings.

IMO, it would be a distraction for the children if parents were allowed to come in anytime and sit in on their schooling, That's one job of the principle, the superintendent and the school board to oversee. A parent should be able to get an idea of how things are going by just communicating with their child about their day..and other parents. That's the transparency that needs to take place. Kids also need to have some kind of trusting relationship built with the teacher while there. I know in today's society it's scary, but it still needs to be there. For the most part, it's a structured and controlled environment. I'd be more concerned about the other student's behaviors reaching my child before a teacher's. Well, at least during regular school hours. Extra curricular activities or school trips would be another matter where my focus would shift to the teacher/coach or whoever was in charge. JMO

I can only speak for my own school distinct but parental involvement is a rare thing now. There is very little involvement, I am not even sure such an animal as the PTA exists anymore, at least at the schools I deal with. The schools I deal with are BEGGING for parental involvement, volunteers, parents to sit in and help out in class, etc.

Nowadays too many parents simply are not concerned enough to give a rat's patoot about what happened in their kids day at school and schools are trying to get parents to be partners in educating their children instead of simply expecting the school to handle it. MOO IMO etc.
Woman who beat Crossing Guard will most likely only get probation.

Linking to just give a feel of what can go on when kids are coming and going to school everyday. This lady fears for her life, and was only doing her job. I am wondering how many people "witnessed" this?

Another example of "collateral" damage....

It is hard to keep caring people as employees when such dangers exist..

And the perp who assaulted her was released from jail... Getting only probation as a consequence... :no:
No one is required by law to turn their child over to the educational system. If people don't like the public school they can choose to home school or privately educate their children.

I would love to home school my children. truly I would. but I do not have the financial means to be at home educating my children, nor do many citizens, nor can I afford to privately educate them. The law requires my children be educated. As private education and home schooling are not options to me and many others, we are forced to send our children to public schools. It is the only option for many many families.

But this is going off topic so I will end this debate now by saying I respect that your opinion appears to differ from mine and leave it at that.
For me, it is the speed with which a lawyer was brought on the scene, not the fact of hiring or engaging one at all. It just kind of makes my head spin, that a lawyer is involved within days.
Yes. I absolutely can. I know there's other WS from Philadelphia, and they may have different opinions, but yes.

Unrelated to "N's" case, but if you talk you can get this.

Broad daylight. This woman witnessed a murder. She was supposedly protected. Some say police picked her up to bring her in for interviews. People do not trust the cops. So whoever knows who took "N" if there is anyone there has to be a bigger reward.

I lived in the burbs of Chester County and only went into the city or the mainline on week-ends....and the areas of Wynnwood/Narbeth when dating a man from there. It's a shame things have gotten so bad there anymore..and the mistrust of much of the powers that be. I love Philly.
I now live in a SW city and it's much the same with retaliation for reporting anything... if found out....and I don't believe there is such a thing as anonymous when calling in a tip. Nope. I made a call on a DV incident in my neighborhood and told LE I didn't want the perp to know it was what happen?.... they came to my house to ask questions in full view of him!!!! I was freaking livid and had a flat tire a few days later. It could have been worse! If someone witnessed the abduction and had to be present for the trial, then I certainly understand. Unless I wanted to move along with the reward being huge, I'd second think it.
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Can someone help me out? I'm trying to edit my posts to remove names and there is no longer an edit option listed on my posts. Any ideas?

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Was just thinking about this. Our school displays the class lists on the front window/door of the building before the start of the school year. It lists students first and last name, room #, teacher, and if the child walks, takes bus, is driven, or uses before/after school childcare. This gives a perp all the info they need! I'm going to address this as well as many other things with our school.

I also noticed on Bryant school website they do list the teachers, grade, and room #.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2
Was just thinking about this. Our school displays the class lists on the front window/door of the building before the start of the school year. It lists students first and last name, room #, teacher, and if the child walks, takes bus, is driven, or uses before/after school childcare. This gives a perp all the info they need! I'm going to address this as well as many other things with our school.

I also noticed on Bryant school website they do list the teachers, grade, and room #.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

good looking Jules, on the website information. My son's school does the posting class/teacher info on the door thing as well at the beginning of the school year. Both ideas are good ones about how perp could have known which class to go pull N from.

Also, in our elementary school, student classes are grouped by age/grade, so all the K classes are located in the same general area of building along same hall, same with all the other grades.
I know this is a little off topic.This is what happened by my house in Michigan the other day. Teachers and schools are responsible for so much.
Update: Student’s aunt assaults Hazel Park teacher
Police arrested a woman for slapping a teacher who questioned what she was she doing in a hallway of Webb Elementary School, 2100 Woodward Heights, which is part of the Hazel Park School District.
I would be bat***** crazy irate if something like this happened to my child. After finding my child, working with mental health professionals and LE, I would ABSOLUTELY hire a lawyer. I would want to sue the cr@p out of everyone who was negligent - in any way - in allowing my child to be kidnapped from her classroom. The point would not be monetary gain, but punishing negligent parties & instituting policy change.
I don't blame the mom at all for hiring a lawyer. I can't even imagine how LIVID I would be, in her shoes.
But is that where funds for education be ideally placed?.....

In holding tanks in expectation of lawsuits by individuals seeking to place blame... Real or imagined?


Of course that isn't where education funds should be "ideally placed" but a 5 yr old child was abducted from her classroom, stripped of her clothes and placed under a bed - how ideal do you imagine her & her family found that?
Of course that isn't where education funds should be "ideally placed" but a 5 yr old child was abducted from her classroom, stripped of her clothes and placed under a bed - how ideal do you imagine her & her family found that?

The perps did that... Not the school...

I think we as a society have to recognize that there is bad in this world... That the perps are the ones who are responsible... And suing institutions that, in this instance, did not wake up that horrible day with the intent on getting that child kidnapped.. Is not going to bring back those horrible days....

What is the outcome of suing? Money.... And dragging others' name through the mud...

does that help bring consequences to the real perp?

does that make the parents and child feel spiritually healed?

I don't think so...

The perps did that... Not the school...

I think we as a society have to recognize that there is bad in this world... That the perps are the ones who are responsible... And suing institutions that, in this instance, did not wake up that horrible day with the intent on getting that child kidnapped.. Is not going to bring back those horrible days....

What is the outcome of suing? Money.... And dragging others' name through the mud...

does that help bring consequences to the real perp?

does that make the parents and child feel spiritually healed?

I don't think so...


Nothing will ever change what happened to this child but everyone that had a part in allowing it to happen needs to answer for their role in it. That happens to include the school that failed to follow their own protocols for safeguarding the children they have been entrusted with.

This is no different than the passengers and families of the deceased that sued the cruise line last year after the captain wrecked the ship and fled (oops, fell overboard and happened to land on a lifeboat) or those that sue the airlines after plane crashes. In every instance you have a public entity that is responsible for hiring people to perform a job and when those people fail and private citizens suffer there must be recourse. In our society that usually means monetary payment. Sadly money really does talk and real change comes about most often when failure is met with a hit to the wallet.
The perps did that... Not the school...

I think we as a society have to recognize that there is bad in this world... That the perps are the ones who are responsible... And suing institutions that, in this instance, did not wake up that horrible day with the intent on getting that child kidnapped.. Is not going to bring back those horrible days....

What is the outcome of suing? Money.... And dragging others' name through the mud...

does that help bring consequences to the real perp?

does that make the parents and child feel spiritually healed?

I don't think so...


This all could have been prevented if the school's employees were doing their job. It was incompetency and neglect on their part. It was a very serious mistake..and could have been you mentioned. It needs a serious wake-up call to make a change....both for the school and the people paying taxes to support well as for the parents in their keeping an eye on what's going on in their children's environment. Maybe no one woke with the expectation of this happening, but remained in a daze to their jobs responsibilities within a situation. Bosses in organizations do a spot check on employee's competence to make sure they are doing their job...why not the schools, where vulnerable children's safety should be the #1 priority? Doesn't do much good for the taxpayers to be shoving out monies for what happened here. IMO
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