PA PA - District Attorney Ray Gricar Mysteriously Disappeared - Bellefonte 15 April 2005 #18

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He did not return her keys. He did not return the laptop. Both instances are theft if he destroyed them willingly without returning them to their rightful owners.

So he filed a tax return for year 2005? He worked 3.5 months of 2005 before disappearing. That would have needed filed in Feb - April of 2006. Willingly going into hiding without filing a tax return.

Maybe someone can answer this - if you just abandon your elected seat willingly what kind of charges could you face, if any?

If Ray walked away, then he broke the law multiple ways in the process.
Wouldn't statute of limitations apply to all? IMO this would be the least of his concerns.
Wouldn't statute of limitations apply to all? IMO this would be the least of his concerns.
The statute of limitations on the one potential crime, destruction of county property, expired in 2007.

Provided that his heirs were not involved, there is no fraud. I do not think he would have put them in that situation.
Over this weekend I have been thinking about the case, as we have passed the 18th anniversary of the Southfield sighting. I give that sighting a 50% chance of being RFG. It comes down to, if this is walk away, how did RFG get out of Lewisburg? The likely answer is, by car? There are two possible answers, RFG bought a car or a friend of RFG, the Helper, bought or rented one for him. In either case, there will be a record that should still exist. First, there is an important detail about car registrations.

In early 2005, there was a fire at PennDot in Harrisburg. It delayed title transfers. Normally, you would get it within 60 day, but it was taking longer than 90 days, even at a dealership. A transfer would have not got into an LE database for 4-6 months. How do I know this? I bought a car in the first week of April 2005, the week before RFG disappeared.

1. RFG bought the car in Lewisburg sometime really close to 4/15/05, possibly that day. You could get a fairly nice used car for less than $6000 and RFG, did slowly withdraw about twice than amount from his account over the prior 18 months. Problem with this scenario is that, there was a huge amount of press on the Lewisburg area, and it likely the seller would have reported it to LE (especially with the reward).

2. The Helper purchased or leased a car in his or her own name (perhaps with money RFG the Helper). The Helper them gives the car to RFG to use. When the remainder of the travel arrangements are made. At that point, come of two things can happen.

A. RFG contacts the Helper and returns the car. The Helper can keep the car, dispose of it (or return it if it is a rental).

B. RFG rolls it into the bottom of a lake (if a purchase). Problem with that scenario is that it could be discovered and everyone would be asking the Helper what the car is doing there.

2A would be the most likely possibility, if this is walkaway. Southfield could be RFG meeting the Helper to return the car. She (and he was seen with a woman) meets him, sells the car (or returns the rental) in Southfield and returns home.
So the next steps are:

1. Take a look at car purchases in the Lewisburg area around 4/15/05.

2. Take a look at car purchases/rentals around that time for people that could be the Helper. Forcus on females on the list first.
I think about Ray almost every day. This might sound stupid, but even more than his disappearance, what bothers me the most are negative or dismissive inferences without evidence. I firmly believe that a serving Prosecutor going missing without trace should be regarded as urgent and alarming, until the answer is known, even 18 years later.
I hope his daughter has whatever amount of personal peace possible in this situation.

When i study the case it doesnt feel like the authorities in the early years wanted to pursue this as a murder case...they should have moved heaven and earth to bring in 100 investigators if necessary including the FBI to solve the case...instead they had one guy lol..this was a District Attorney of a county who likely had met with foul play, and they did not bring to bear the massive urgent resources necessary...if a DEA or FBI or even a Police Chief went missing, all heck would break loose, investigators would swarm like locusts on the case....instead, Center County had<modsnip>
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If you asked me "is it possible that Ray Gricar is in Slovenia?" ....yes it is possible...<modsnip> but i leave open the 2% chance he is alive and well in Slovenia....its not likely, but we have to keep an open mind...<modsnip: posting inside information without properly being verified>
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Watching Court TV, The FBI Files, and Ray Gricar was interviewed regarding an unidentified female victim. Case from 1993, Eerie to see him.
<modsnip: quoted post was removed> There's a web site mentioned a few pages back that WS has approved. It’s run by a woman journalist, Rebecca Knight, who has done a lot of research on Ray's case. She has copies of the police report describing this.

It's called Final Argument - The Disappearance of Ray Gricar

She has a series of podcasts that are very good.

Re wiping down the interior of Ray's car, JMO there would have been no reason for Ray to wipe down the interior of his own car. It's assumed that someone else did so to erase evidence that they were in Ray's car.
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There's a web site mentioned a few pages back that WS has approved. Its run by a woman journalist, Rebecca Knight, who has done a lot of research on Ray's case. She has copies of the police report describing this.

It's called Final Argument - The Disappearance of Ray Gricar

She has a series of podcasts that are very good.

Re wiping down the interior of Ray's car, JMO there would have been no reason for Ray to wipe down the interior of his own car. It's assumed that someone else did so to erase evidence that they were in Ray's car.
Thanks for the heads up @Betty P. Had these already downloaded and never listened to them but will now.
I have never felt suicide in this case. I think walk away and also, he is/was getting a stipend periodically to “disappear”.

He would have gone thru many steps to unalive himself. The lady he was possibly with has struck me as odd also. (If they were actually together, at the shops). I also wonder about the law clerks possible siting in a different car either the day he disappeared or the day prior.
In my opinion, Ray Gricar was murdered, and the powers that be in PA were in no hurry to bring the necessary resources to bear, to solve it...if a DA disappears u wud think the governor would be having bi weekly press conferences and bringing state local and federal resources raining down on center county to solve it...but according to the Final Argument podcast, in episode 6, the podcaster said she was told by an insider on deep background, not for attribution, that authorities in Center County were told to "keep it in Center County"...
My hunch? Ray Gricar knew something that put him in grave danger, maybe it related to the drug business, public corruption, or...maybe both...this was a professional hit, and they were not going to leave a body given his stature as a DA...this was a "white shotgun" hit as the sicilians call it...leave no trace of a body...
In my opinion, Ray Gricar was murdered, and the powers that be in PA were in no hurry to bring the necessary resources to bear, to solve it...if a DA disappears u wud think the governor would be having bi weekly press conferences and bringing state local and federal resources raining down on center county to solve it...but according to the Final Argument podcast, in episode 6, the podcaster said she was told by an insider on deep background, not for attribution, that authorities in Center County were told to "keep it in Center County"...

I had the same impression from the Final Argument podcasts, not based on the journalists opinion, but on the evidence she brought forward. Most troubling were the concerns of some of Ray's friends, who were also district attorneys from the same region of PA. IIRC, some of them even secured funding that would pay for them to assist in Center County's investigation. Center County or the state AG said "no".

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