PA - infant Leon Katz murdered, twin injured, allegedly by babysitter, Pittsburgh- June 24, 2024

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Hope this is an allowable source. Here's another article I think contains valuable info about sometimes the child abuse diagnosis is wrong. I especially learned some new stuff towards the bottom where it talks about the expert child abuse doctors' contracts, grants, & income motivators that may be at play at times in over diagnosis of abuse.

Can't believe The Atlantic would ever be considered non- allowable . Especially for length and depth!!! I actually get it hardcopy..and KEEP them. Ok enuf of my feelings about A.
But, it's such a good read. I think it is good that we are all trying to consider the breadth and extremes in this situation.
I just wish we would here any ANYthing from her.
And as I keep harping, where is ANY support system.
The point I was trying to make was that she wasn't even alone for any length of time, with the mother napping. If she was inflicting those injuries on AK in that short time with the mother in the house napping, I would think the screams from the baby would be piercingly loud & extremely alarming to even neighbors. Don't you think so?
I would think so, yes.
It sounds like AK's facial scratch supposedly happened in the afternoon when the group was on the outing.

The hallway between the bedrooms may have been out of EK's eyesight but wouldn't have been out of either parents' earshot. (The mother was napping in one of those bedrooms.) Apparently the mother didn't wake up. And I'd think EK would have mentioned it if the baby was screaming. Some babies do fuss with diaper changes but I'd think the sound would be different from the typical diaper change fussing if his genitals were being acutely injured enough at that time to cause residual redness, bleeding and bruising.

I don't know what the state means by its use of the word torture. It sounds like it refers to LK merely based on the order of the 4 factors used for the DP justification. But the document does have oddities IMO. And while torture is illegal in many PA statutes, it seems PA has been debating child torture bills for several years that haven't passed. (Critics say they are unnecessary as the actions described are already illegal.) From the latest bill to be introduced "The bill provides a detailed definition of "torture" that includes various acts such as severing limbs, depriving the child of food or water, and subjecting the child to extreme temperatures or sexual abuse." PA - HB2181

Full text can be found here: Bill Information - House Bill 2181; Regular Session 2023-2024

I guess the term torture could apply to AK as well as LK. (But I'm still not convinced doctors initially thought AK was abused.) Also the way the above is written, it almost makes it sound like the criminal injury to either twin would warrant capital punishment and I don't think that's what is meant in the written document.

Appreciate you analysis here. Pennsylvania, itself, IS on trial / display here as well
And as I keep harping, where is ANY support system.
One article stated that her parents and family stand fully behind her and visit the jail often. That’s about all I saw in the way of support. Likley academic friends/ mentors don’t want to commit to statements because they just don’t fully understand what occurred or why .
A few snippets from the PCA seen on Law&Crime video linked. Names changed to initials by me, also underlining by me.

timestamp 3.25:

"baby bouncer/seat, padding under the baby bouncer/seat, and a baby monitor system. Detectives obtained measurements of the baby bouncer/seat, which measured eighteen inches from the tallest point of the seat to the floor."

timestamp 4.24:

"As for injuries sustained by John Doe, NV stated that she observed the injury to Doe's penis first and alerted his parents. She also photographed the injury and sent it to EK. She also stated that Doe sustained a scratch to his face while she was placing him in the car seat and he flailed his arms."

timestamp 4.37 to 4.48:

"It should also be noted that on 06/16/2024, your affiant spoke with SR and EK via telephone. Both parents denied causing any injuries to John Doe. EK stated that he was made aware of John Doe's injuries from NV. NV was changing the baby in the hallway between the two bedrooms, which was out of EK's eyesight. SR..."

Still seems odd to me to take a photo, had a trophy vibe. It was an apartment, why not bring the baby to him and his brother? MOOO.
Still seems odd to me to take a photo, had a trophy vibe. It was an apartment, why not bring the baby to him and his brother? MOOO.
I guess the only defense of that is that she wanted him to see exactly what she was observing, and make a record of it? It’s so difficult to ascertain her motives: If she’s guilty of causing intentional harm, then I view it one way. If not, then I see it another way….. really oscillate back and forth on my opinion at this juncture…
I wondered if it was a distraction technique with a photo of a very specific small area so that he wouldn't come to attend to his possible crying or screaming, and see further injuries, before she got him fully re-dressed.
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If they all went somewhere earlier in the day on 6/15, how were the babies carried? Stroller, baby Bjorn type thing, sling? Is it possible whatever carrier AK was in compressed his genitals and caused swelling/redness, and the scratches came from him flailing around earlier in the day/previous day? Were they fresh scratches or scabbed over? Can investigators tell what may have caused them? How could an adult scratch a newborn's penis - weird question but honestly, I see the scratches as being self inflicted.

IMHO whatever happened to him must have happened before the diaper change.

In the case of LK, the bouncer could have been on a table or counter. I didn't see anything in the PCA about where the bouncer was, just that the seat measured 18 inches from the floor. If the bouncer was on the floor, then yeah, a skull fracture is not consistent with that. But if it were placed on a table or counter, that's different.

I feel like the choices here are that both incidents were accidents, or NV is a sociopath/has severe mental health issues.

We'll see what the evidence shows.
I guess the only defense of that is that she wanted him to see exactly what she was observing, and make a record of it? It’s so difficult to ascertain her motives: If she’s guilty of causing intentional harm, then I view it one way. If not, then I see it another way….. really oscillate back and forth on my opinion at this juncture…
Taking the photo and texting it to EK was the most expedient way to handle it IMHO. She could have called for him, but risked waking the mother. She could have texted "please come to the baby changing station" or whatever and then shown him. But taking the photo and sending it guarantees he's going to show up very soon and know why she wanted him to.
If they all went somewhere earlier in the day on 6/15, how were the babies carried? Stroller, baby Bjorn type thing, sling? Is it possible whatever carrier AK was in compressed his genitals and caused swelling/redness, and the scratches came from him flailing around earlier in the day/previous day? Were they fresh scratches or scabbed over? Can investigators tell what may have caused them? How could an adult scratch a newborn's penis - weird question but honestly, I see the scratches as being self inflicted.

IMHO whatever happened to him must have happened before the diaper change.

In the case of LK, the bouncer could have been on a table or counter. I didn't see anything in the PCA about where the bouncer was, just that the seat measured 18 inches from the floor. If the bouncer was on the floor, then yeah, a skull fracture is not consistent with that. But if it were placed on a table or counter, that's different.

I feel like the choices here are that both incidents were accidents, or NV is a sociopath/has severe mental health issues.

We'll see what the evidence shows.
I definitely agree that it is one of the other of your two choices.
Is this correct?

From July 24th:
California woman accused of killing friend's newborn in Pittsburgh makes court appearance

"My client is absolutely emotionally devastated for the family. Those were her close friends, and she's in a great deal of pain," Shrager said.

He said Virzi waived her hearing because she and the child's parents were friends.

"They're her friends. When we analyzed the totality of the situation, she did not want to put them through that and have to hear everything and that was the decision she made and we respect that," Shrager said.

Leon's parents had no comment as they left the courtroom. Virzi's formal arraignment is scheduled for Aug. 23. Shrager said they plan to enter a guilty plea.
Is this correct?

From July 24th:
California woman accused of killing friend's newborn in Pittsburgh makes court appearance

"My client is absolutely emotionally devastated for the family. Those were her close friends, and she's in a great deal of pain," Shrager said.

He said Virzi waived her hearing because she and the child's parents were friends.

"They're her friends. When we analyzed the totality of the situation, she did not want to put them through that and have to hear everything and that was the decision she made and we respect that," Shrager said.

Leon's parents had no comment as they left the courtroom. Virzi's formal arraignment is scheduled for Aug. 23. Shrager said they plan to enter a guilty plea.
That error about the guilty plea should not be left standing. Her attorney made it clear that she denies any wrongdoing, and will plead NOT GUILTY.
@AnyNameIWish see ETA below:


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