PA - J. Gerardot ambushes Meredith Chapman in her home, Radnor, 23 April 2018

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PS - From everything that I've read - and I live here - Mark Gerardot is not the one who called 911 - ever. A neighbor saw Meredith come home from work and go into her house and five minutes later heard two gunshots. Police went to the house where they found Mark Gerardot outside - and Mark Gerardot said, "I think my wife is in their".

Why he did not call 911 immediately after receiving the texts from his wife detailing how she was going to murder the part that doesn't compute. So rather than calling 911 immediately, he instead drove from the restaurant where they were supposed to meet up to Meredith's house because he became concerned after receiving texts from his wife AND Meredith not showing up.

There are WAY too many unanswered questions and although the police say MG is fully cooperating I am sceptical. I cannot believe that he didn't have a hand in this. JG had disguises with her and a full tank of gas. My gut tells me she had no intention of killing herself. MG coincidentally gets to the house right after shots were fired? He called 911 to say there were two DOA - how did he know this? Just too many questions.

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PS - From everything that I've read - and I live here - Mark Gerardot is not the one who called 911 - ever. A neighbor saw Meredith come home from work and go into her house and five minutes later heard two gunshots. Police went to the house where they found Mark Gerardot outside - and Mark Gerardot said, "I think my wife is in their".

Why he did not call 911 immediately after receiving the texts from his wife detailing how she was going to murder the part that doesn't compute. So rather than calling 911 immediately, he instead drove from the restaurant where they were supposed to meet up to Meredith's house because he became concerned after receiving texts from his wife AND Meredith not showing up.

I’ve read multiple times that Jennair sent an abundance of texts/emails to Mark detailing her plans to kill Meredith.

I can’t understand why Mark, upon receipt of said messages, wouldn’t immediately act?!
Calling 911
Reaching out to Jennair in an attempt to prevent her from moving forward with her plan.
Calling Meredith to warn that her life had just been threatened!!
I don’t understand this part?!?

The ONLY reason I can think of, that he wouldn’t immediately act/react upon receiving these messages, is that maybe this wasn’t the first time Jennair threatened to act in this manner.
Is it because JG sent similar messages in the past?! If so, it’s possible that because she hadn’t followed through on anything before, he felt he had no reason to believe she would act on it this time.
....until of course MC failed to show up to their date.

I’m curious to see if the texts/emails Jennair sent to Mark will be released once the investigation is complete?!


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Where is this information about her texting her husband she was planning murder coming from?
It's in every newstory consistently. Read links provided in thread.
Where is this information about her texting her husband she was planning murder coming from?

Here you go:
[h=3]Meredith Chapman's lover's wife lay in wait to kill ex-UD official: police[/h]

Apr 24, 2018 - Jennair Gerardot sent a series of texts to her husband, Mark, on Monday in which she laid out how she planned to kill the woman with whom he was having an affair. Sometime before 7 p.m. Monday, Radnor Township, Pennsylvania, police said, Jennair Gerardot of Wilmington broke into the home of a ...

Where is this information about her texting her husband she was planning murder coming from?

This is just one place of many...

His wife Jennair somehow found about her husband’s infidelity and set into motion a deadly plan of revenge targeting her younger romantic rival – a plan that she detailed in a series of text messages and emails.


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To be honest, he was unhappy and done with his wife. I'm definitely not saying he is happy to see her dead, but I am saying he was clearly not happy with her - unhappy enough to seek an outside relationship. Also, I'm sure he is devastated by the death of his wife and his mistress but I absolutely think he'll recover. He's now really single and out of his marriage. IMO, it's a matter of time, he'll find another, this time it will be easier because he won't be married.

Jmo, Moo, Jmho, Imo, Etc

It's the order of events with which we may disagree. I believe there isn't any evidence that we know of thus far to show MG was unhappy with JG, that he was doubting his 25-year marriage, or even considering separation/divorce before he met MC. I think this is a simple case of the grass appearing to be greener on the other side. There was obviously a mutual attraction between MG and MC and that type of attention from a younger woman is hard to resist.

I truly believe if MC hadn't caught his attention or engaged him romantically, he would still be online telling the world what a happily married man he is.

To your point of him recovering, yes, I suspect so. However, 25 years in a reportedly monogamous marriage without any allegations of infidelity makes me think he will be more cautious and do things differently next time he starts a relationship. I do not get the same impression of him as a generic male, as you do. I do think he will have a hard time being alone because for nearly all of his adult-life, he was with his wife and jumped onto a mistress before even concluding his marriage.

No, I don't see anything to suggest he was looking for a way out of his marriage. His affair, regardless of whether he or MC instigated it, seems to be the catalyst which suddenly altered his perception of his marriage.
Not necessarily. He could just be a typical man who liked his ego being stroked by a younger hot woman and didn't have strong enough commitment to his vows. Let's face it.....after a while, in marriage, you're not receiving the fawning-over that you received in the beginning of a relationship. There's a chemical reaction that goes on with that inside your body and it feels good. In some cases it becomes like a drug.

I don't think cheating always means a person fell out of love with their spouse, but it does always mean they fell out of commitment.

Such a great response and theory!
Meredith was an absolute superstar at UD and very much well-know and loved in the community of Newark,DE where she ran for senate 2 years ago.

Here's the one quote that gives me pause: Paraphrasing but link attached "From our investigation, it is apparent Jennair Gerardot took steps to make sure Meredith Chapman had no happiness in her life." This makes me think Jennair Gerardot sabotaged MC's reputation/career at UD and perhaps was a catalyst for Meredith's sudden separation because she most likely shared details with Meredith's husband about the affair.

In October 2017, Meredith posted on social media - "Happy Anniversary, I love you" with a smiling picture of them together - then Mark Gerardot starts working for her at UD in November -- and by April they both leave the University.

Jennair was obviously obsessed with the relationship - she had not found a job for herself since moving 'with her husband to DE for his new job in November' so you imagine - she had no friends, community, and not much to focus on/

[Snipped for brevity and relevance to my response.]

Excuse me, I understand you knew MC to some degree and are bolstering her public image, but apparently she kept this affair private as it wasn't something about which to brag while still legally married to LC and certainly wouldn't have helped her reputation. MC made this personal choice which didn't coincide with wholesome family values. That much has been outlined by the affair, itself.

If it's true JG took significant steps to sabotage MC before murdering her, then what preceded the murder sounds like a proportionate response to JG's perception that MC made sure JG..."had no happiness in her life." Having an affair with another woman's husband is intentional sabotage, presuming MC being as bright and experienced as she was, was aware MG was married. And, if your line of thinking is correct that JG actively interfered in MC's career, MC would have likely known the culprit responsible was the wife of her lover, yet there isn't any information to suggest MG's marriage had dissuaded her from continuing the affair. That would be a clear indication of a selfish outlook and lack of values in her personal life.

The timeline of events is important as it highlights everything which transpired relative to separations and divorces on both sides seems to have sprung from the affair.

"Jennair was obviously obsessed with the relationship -" Wouldn't any wife of 25 years be, especially since the proposal of separation and divorce was not gradual? She initially was in shock and had a normal response of wanting to save the marriage. It could easily be argued MC was obsessed with the affair (same with MG), since neither her marriage nor that of her lover was a factor in her decision to pursue it despite the risks associated with her reputation.
Where is this information about her texting her husband she was planning murder coming from?

Although it's been reported JG sent texts/emails to MG divulging her plan to kill MC, it hasn't been confirmed exactly when MG received those texts. It's possible he noticed incoming messages and chose to ignore them, never observing their content, while he was waiting for MC to arrive for their rendezvous, and only reviewed them at some point later when MC didn't show.
Although it's been reported JG sent texts/emails to MG divulging her plan to kill MC, it hasn't been confirmed exactly when MG received those texts. It's possible he noticed incoming messages and chose to ignore them, never observing their content, while he was waiting for MC to arrive for their rendezvous, and only reviewed them at some point later when MC didn't show.

This is a very good point!! I do this frequently. I may see 3 text/email notifications at once. If I’m expecting a message from someone in particular, I’ll view this message only, especially if I’m in a hurry or if my next course of action depends on said message—a location or time for example. It’s not until I get settled that I’ll go back & open/read the other messages received. I can certainly see this being a possibility in this situation where he’s expecting to meet with MC for dinner.

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His affair, regardless of whether he or MC instigated it, seems to be the catalyst which suddenly altered his perception of his marriage.

As is usually the case. Affair fog.
I’ve read multiple times that Jennair sent an abundance of texts/emails to Mark detailing her plans to kill Meredith.

I can’t understand why Mark, upon receipt of said messages, wouldn’t immediately act?!
Calling 911
Reaching out to Jennair in an attempt to prevent her from moving forward with her plan.
Calling Meredith to warn that her life had just been threatened!!
I don’t understand this part?!?

The ONLY reason I can think of, that he wouldn’t immediately act/react upon receiving these messages, is that maybe this wasn’t the first time Jennair threatened to act in this manner.
Is it because JG sent similar messages in the past?! If so, it’s possible that because she hadn’t followed through on anything before, he felt he had no reason to believe she would act on it this time.
....until of course MC failed to show up to their date.

I’m curious to see if the texts/emails Jennair sent to Mark will be released once the investigation is complete?!


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I wonder if he did warn MC that his wife was dangerous or at least making threats... maybe that was why JG took the extra steps to conceal her identity with the disguises, because she may have thought he had told his gf. Or maybe he did not take the threats seriously and thought his wife was just speaking out of anger, and that's why he didnt call 911.

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im always surprised which threads take off and which don't. the Limon case captivated me but was not that active.

I'm surprised this thread isn't very active. So few details have emerged since the story broke. I wish we knew...

...if JG contacted her family to say goodbye, how she found out about MC, when she began sending texts/emails to MG (before/after breaking in), when MG received/ignored her texts/emails, what time MG and MC were supposed to meet, if MG was waiting for MC at rendez-vous location, if and how MG entered premises of MC before calling 911 call, what he said in 911 call, what he told police he told MC about his marital status, if JG and MC ever had contact prior, if MG has contact with any of JG's family, and what insurance benefits MG stands to gain.

Unfortunately, it seems most details surrounding this case isn't being publicly shared. It just bothers me that it doesn't seem as black and white as has been reported.
you know, you never know how you will feel unless it happens to you.

Yes, I'm sure she was really angry and jealous .... she had to be, imo, to do what she did. I didn't say it was about blame. I just said I'll never understand why the wife who was cheated on by her husband - wants to go after the mistress and in this case murder her. For me I'd hold my husband responsible for the cheating and going outside of the marriage - not the mistress. I certainly wouldn't be killing anyone. Yes, clearly I know other women such as this one, do not do that - they decide it is a better idea to take someone's life. Judging by what she did that day - yeah I agree she was full of rage.

IMO, she didn't punish him at all. He was a married man (unhappily married man but still married) who found a beautiful, younger side chick. IMO, most married men who have a side chick are not planning a happily ever after with their side chick. I hope she didn't think he wouldn't easily find another(s) in due time. IMO, I'm sure he will.

^^^^ Everything above is Moo, Jmo, Mho, Imo, Etc.
i find it very strange that she publicly sought recs for a divorce attorney and therapy..... her name and face are connected. I think she was having some "issues".

I’ve read multiple times that Jennair sent an abundance of texts/emails to Mark detailing her plans to kill Meredith.

I can’t understand why Mark, upon receipt of said messages, wouldn’t immediately act?!
Calling 911
Reaching out to Jennair in an attempt to prevent her from moving forward with her plan.
Calling Meredith to warn that her life had just been threatened!!
I don’t understand this part?!?

The ONLY reason I can think of, that he wouldn’t immediately act/react upon receiving these messages, is that maybe this wasn’t the first time Jennair threatened to act in this manner.
Is it because JG sent similar messages in the past?! If so, it’s possible that because she hadn’t followed through on anything before, he felt he had no reason to believe she would act on it this time.
....until of course MC failed to show up to their date.

I’m curious to see if the texts/emails Jennair sent to Mark will be released once the investigation is complete?!


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i find it very strange that she publicly sought recs for a divorce attorney and therapy..... her name and face are connected. I think she was having some "issues".
Maybe she realized that other people had seen him out with MC, and wanted them to know (or believe) they were trying to move past that as a couple... it is very strange to air out your personal problems like that on social media especially, but it does seem common nowadays (I find that when people post certain thinga it's because they want everyone to think things are better than they actually are.)

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