PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #2

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Good afternoon everyone!

Random thoughts by me:

It's been 3 weeks - where is Kortne?
Why is everything so HUSH HUSH?
Can we get a press conference or something?!?
What motive would her "friend" have in harming her or playing a part of her disappearance?
Why are all associates of Kortne's quiet? (friends, co-workers, neighbors, boyfriend)

I think we can all agree that she didn't leave on her own but how/why/when did this go down.

It's really frustrating!

I don't really know how much we can sleuth as to not violate TOS but it's hard to adhere since we have 2 possible suspects - which is more than we usually have.

LE is waiting for lab results methinks.
Hi Carolyn! I just want to add that we only know that it sounded like stomping or pounding, it doesn't mean that there actually was any stomping. Sounds of someone struggling or thrashing around could mimic stomping or pounding IMO, and there would be little or no evidence if someone were *god forbid* strangled or smothered in some manner, or perhaps if that person had a seizure, among other reasons. Just throwing that out there.

Hi, Traceyrita. I agree. From the sequence of events, I think that it is more likely that the stomping or foot pounding was Kortne's intentional or unintentional response to the complaints of the downstairs neighbor and the visit from the police. (In the spirit of self-disclosure, I should admit that my view is somewhat shaped by my rowdy niece's very similar behavior after the police were called to quiet her late night party. She was later evicted for these and similar infractions.)
Good afternoon everyone!

Random thoughts by me:

It's been 3 weeks - where is Kortne?
Why is everything so HUSH HUSH?
Can we get a press conference or something?!?
What motive would her "friend" have in harming her or playing a part of her disappearance?
Why are all associates of Kortne's quiet? (friends, co-workers, neighbors, boyfriend)

I think we can all agree that she didn't leave on her own but how/why/when did this go down.

It's really frustrating!

I don't really know how much we can sleuth as to not violate TOS but it's hard to adhere since we have 2 possible suspects - which is more than we usually have.

Hi, LivingJuicy. From the lack of press conferences and announcements and things mentioned here and elsewhere, that law enforcement is pursuing leads already in hand.

I'm still a minimalist: I think that it's possible that she did leave on her own.
Hi, LivingJuicy. From the lack of press conferences and announcements and things mentioned here and elsewhere, that law enforcement is pursuing leads already in hand.

I'm still a minimalist: I think that it's possible that she did leave on her own.

I too think that they have some type of lead. Either waiting on lab results, possibly have someone/someones under surveillance, etc.

What reasons do you think she would have left for? And assuming she did leave was she in the right frame of mind?

I'm open to all ideas!
I'm with Unscripted...we've all pretty much have posts deleted, perhaps been put on a time-out once or twice for either knowingly or unknowingly overstepping TOS. Don't take it personally. It happens. And you can still contribute quite a bit by being a local even if some specific subjects are off limits. It's always good to get a "vibe" of a club or an area or whatever...

Hope you return.

I've had posts pulled. It means the mods are paying attention, which is good.

Just as an example - We use the initials BF for boyfriend, even if we are aware of his name. If it hasn't been published, we can't use it.

It's been reported everywhere that there is a Sleepover Guy. He's given interviews that confirm it. So that's what I try to call him when posting, whether or not I personally know his identity. It's not been published. Some here have labeled him "Guest", which is fine and a lot simpler than Sleepover Guy.

What has been published is Kortne's name, address, her parents names, what club she went to, what kind of car she drives...and not much more.

We cannot speak in these forums about any specific person who has not been identified as a POI or otherwise identified in the press. Comment sections are not the same as a legitimate publication. Neither are tabloids or their online equivalents.

Even when a person's been identified - say a roommate or school chum - if they are not a POI, we can't sleuth them or speak of sleuthing them. Mostly because it's really not fair. If my former next door neighbor who moved away in 1997 became the victim of a crime, I wouldn't want 1000 people digging through my life.

It's not so bad. When you say SheWhoCannotBeNamed or YouTubeGuy or GasPumpRunningMan people will usually know what you mean.

And you can speak of them in context - "I wonder why GasPumpRunningMan is running" is OK. "GasPumpRunningMan is Joe Dirt who I saw with my own eyes steal a pie from my mother's windowsill, here's his address and call his dad at this number" is not OK.

In the MS threads, I referred to the known, charged attacker as EFB, because I refuse to grant him his name. The first initial is for Evil, btw.

So sleuth on!
And assuming she did leave was she in the right frame of mind?

Hmmm, that's really the $1MM question, now isn't it? Would a smart, beautiful young woman in "her right mind" surround herself with career criminals and lowlifes? Would she date one, even live with one?

"Right mind"?
Hi, LivingJuicy. From the lack of press conferences and announcements and things mentioned here and elsewhere, that law enforcement is pursuing leads already in hand.

I'm still a minimalist: I think that it's possible that she did leave on her own.

Why would she leave her stuff, though? Stuff that a 21 year old can't do with out. Specifically her phone, but also her wallet. If I could get past that, it'd be easier to see.
Good afternoon everyone!

Random thoughts by me:

It's been 3 weeks - where is Kortne?
Why is everything so HUSH HUSH?
Can we get a press conference or something?!?
What motive would her "friend" have in harming her or playing a part of her disappearance?
Why are all associates of Kortne's quiet? (friends, co-workers, neighbors, boyfriend)

I think we can all agree that she didn't leave on her own but how/why/when did this go down.

It's really frustrating!

I don't really know how much we can sleuth as to not violate TOS but it's hard to adhere since we have 2 possible suspects - which is more than we usually have.

Well, now..have we eliminated RandomBadGuy?

I don't like that Kortne's associates are so tight lipped. Not sure if it's because they don't know anything or they don't care.
Hmmm, that's really the $1MM question, now isn't it? Would a smart, beautiful young woman in "her right mind" surround herself with career criminals and lowlifes? Would she date one, even live with one?

"Right mind"?

I'd like to know how she became friends with any of these people. It seems like they came out of nowhere within the past couple of years.
I gotta stop posting. I'm sick of my own avatar. =\

No! You're brainstorming is great. :woohoo:

I just had a thought about the who drove what car question. Let's assume Guest and Kortne met up at the bar - Guest was designated driver so he drove them back to Kortne's in Kortne's car. If he left in the morning without seeing or speaking to her, how was he planning on getting back home. From what I understand, where he lives is not a walkable distance from her place. Which leads to another question, if he didn't have a car, how exactly did he get home that morning??
Plus, if one were to have, say, a pending court date for an accident with criminal charges including driving with a suspended license, would that person currently have their license?
Plus, if one were to have, say, a pending court date for an accident with criminal charges including driving with a suspended license, would that person currently have their license?

Ding ding ding!

Not exactly model designated driver material, eh?
Plus, if one were to have, say, a pending court date for an accident with criminal charges including driving with a suspended license, would that person currently have their license?

Innocent until proven guilty? Or driven by hubris...
My guess is that she knows these people from high school. Just a guess, no fact. I also know that she is friendly with he sleepover guy's friends - meaning she has met them before and share social media connections. Interestingly enough her sleepover friend is beig supported as innocent on social media by these same people.
Personally, I believe most young women her age are too involved in their lives to just wander off and not come back. Especially without their possessions.
Why would she leave her stuff, though? Stuff that a 21 year old can't do with out. Specifically her phone, but also her wallet. If I could get past that, it'd be easier to see.

Hi, JurysOut; you might be right. As I said, I'm a minimalist. As of now, we haven't heard of any visible evidence of violent acts in the apartment. And, as you say, Kortne is a 21-year-old. At that hour, she is also apparently supercharged, having been drinking for hours and having had multiple confrontations. I'm not certain that someone in that emotional state would think that she needed her phone or her wallet if she was leaving the apartment to let off steam. (And at that hour, would she really be planning to use them?)

(As you can deduce, I doubt that she intended to be gone for long.)

But as my girlfriend sometimes tactfully reminds me, I am sometimes wrong.
Hi, JurysOut; you might be right. As I said, I'm a minimalist. As of now, we haven't heard of any visible evidence of violent acts in the apartment. And, as you say, Kortne is a 21-year-old. At that hour, she is also apparently supercharged, having been drinking for hours and having had multiple confrontations. I'm not certain that someone in that emotional state would think that she needed her phone or her wallet if she was leaving the apartment to let off steam. (At that hour, would she be planning to use them?)

But as my girlfriend sometimes tactfully reminds me, I am sometimes wrong.

Even if she did do that, I can't imagine she is staying away this long on purpose. But in any event, I think her disappearing is too coincidental with all that happened that night, to not be at the hands of one of the people with whom she had issues, or accompanied her home.
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