PA - LaToyia Figueroa, 24, pregnant, Philadelphia, 18 July 2005

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LaToyia Figueroa, 24, is five months pregnant and has a 7-year-old daughter, and friends and relatives said she would never abandon the girl voluntarily.

She was last seen walking from a friend's house in Philadelphia on July 18 after going to a doctor's appointment. Police said she remained missing Thursday and have declined to speculate about what happened to her.

Her cell phone has gone quiet since that day and her bank has not recorded any transactions, officials said.

Christine Lewes, a childhood friend and high school classmate, said Figueroa was very responsible and had never missed shifts at her restaurant job until her disappearance.

"It's unusual for her to do something like this. She's not the type of person to just disappear," Joseph Taylor, an uncle, said. "So far, there's nothing that gives me hope, from what I'm hearing."

Police said the father of the unborn child has been cooperating with investigators. Police said they do not have suspects or a motive.

Thank God she is now getting National coverage
Prayers for her family
This does not sound good. I hope they have investigated the BF's other girlfriend. There seems to be a motive there.

Prayers for Latoyia and her family! May God bring her home safe.
Meech said:
Police said the father of the unborn child has been cooperating with investigators. Police said they do not have suspects or a motive.

Thank God she is now getting National coverage
Prayers for her family

FWIW, I believe it was the aunt,(who doesn't trust this boyfriend,) who said this BF has told 'different' stories to LE as to the last moments he was with LaToyia.

This is too sad even if the ex GF was involved she didn't do it be herself. My prayers are with her daughter.
Per Greta interview with Philadelphia news-reporter.

LaToyia and father of baby are not BF and GF, he's just the father of her baby. They've been dating on and off again for two years but he's been dating other women too. He just had a baby with another woman two weeks ago.

LaToyia's father said he has met the NOT BF.

The father of the baby told LaToyia that if she took the day off to spend with him, he'd pay her salary. So they go to the doctor and she couldn't be seen because neither one had the $35.00 co-pay.

Ok, every time anyone talks to this guy he changes his story.

This is starting to look grim, IMO :( :(

LE better get that guy in headquarters and grill him. He knows what happened to her, IMO. Get his other GF in there too.

Just my opinion,
Just because LE is not naming the BF, does not mean that they do not suspect him. It is due to legal reasons that they cannot name him, and will even deny that he is a suspect. It is also an investigative strategy not to name him, to allow him to believe that he might get away with it.
Stephanie Stephenson, LaToyia's cousin, who raised her after LaToyia's mother was murdered, told FOX News she knew the couple was having problems. As far as Stephenson knew, there was no violence involved.

"She did make me aware of the situation [with her boyfriend], it is a possibility," Stephenson said. "I am not ruling out a lot of things. I have concerns and anything is possible."

Stephenson added that she did not trust the boyfriend because "there's just something about him."

When asked about reports that her boyfriend was the last person to have seen her, her father said, "Yes, the young man says he dropped her off at 52nd street. Then he came back and said something else. I don't know — he's got so many different stories."

Friends and relatives say LaToyia would never abandon her daughter voluntarily.

"If it was a case like that, she'd call me, or my wife, or another family member or one of her friends to take care of her daughter," Figueroa said.,2933,163913,00.html
luthersmama said:
You probably won't catch this one on CNN or Fox. LaToyia is not a white suburban housewife or teenager, so her disppearance is barely making the local news, much less the national cable outlets.

You were This gal has been on every news channel that I watch...Fox..CNN, etc, etc.

Her dad said tonight that he didn't care for the father of the baby. He had LaToyia bring him to dinner once and the guy acted like he didn't want to be there so the dad told his daughter that the guy could leave if that is the way he felt...the guy left.

It was also said that the guy was also seeing someone else and that female just delivered his baby recently. The guy does get around. It was said that the guy wasn't really a boyfriend. They had seen each other for a short period of time but he had always seen other gals.

He went with LaToyia to see the Dr. that day. She went to his house afterwards. The guy says that he dropped her off on some street and she hasn't been seen since. Supposedly seen in a park by his home so that is where the search is taking place now.

My bet is on this guy...the baby's father. She may have wanted more from him then he wanted to give. Did he really want to go to the doc with her that day??? Doesn't seem like he would have been to excited as he just became a new father recently. He was disrespectful to her father...any decent guy knows to kiss up to a father!!!! A real jerk would show disrespect to a girl's parents.

Nancy Grace called her a American Beauty tonight :D
What a sad story :(

One question though...the incident where she was kicked in the stomach...was that reported to police? Or did this story come strictly from the boyfriend?
Kimberly - I think the story of being kicked in the stomach came from her father, not her boyfriend. And the latest version I read, she was assaulted and kicked in the stomach by "a young lady" and then immediately thereafter started getting harrassed by an ex-girlfriend of her boyfriend. It's not even 100% clear that the ex-girlfriend was behind kicking her in the stomach - I don't think she physically did it, but could have gotten someone to do it. It seems pretty likely they're related.

Does anyone know if there was independent confirmation that someone else saw her get dropped off? I've heard both things, that she "left" his apartment, and that he "dropped her off" somewhere. Is there a reliable witness who saw him AFTER he saw her last?
Here's an article that's pretty clear, and also ID's the father as Steven Pouche. Apparently actually no one DID see her after he did, it sounds like there are no witnesses who saw her near the park.

The quote at the end of the article sounds incredibly uncaring and callous, but somehow there's a true ring to it that maybe he doesn't know what happened to her. Kind of a cold way to say it, and self-centered.
KatherineQ said:
Here's an article that's pretty clear, and also ID's the father as Steven Pouche. Apparently actually no one DID see her after he did, it sounds like there are no witnesses who saw her near the park.

The quote at the end of the article sounds incredibly uncaring and callous, but somehow there's a true ring to it that maybe he doesn't know what happened to her. Kind of a cold way to say it, and self-centered.
I hate that I feel this way but, I believe that Latoyia has been murdered. I also believe that the boyfriend is, at the very least, involved. The Mother of his unborn child is missing and he calls a radio station to say "I wish she would pop up so these people would leave me alone." There is a reason why he has shown no concern for her safety.............:furious:
I swear I heard last night that she might have suffered a miscarriage. Maybe Greta?
Any word today? I see on FOX, they just have a report from the aunt. This isn't looking too good, IMO.

I'm wondering now, after going back over the story by the NOT BF (father of her baby), if they ever did make it to the doctor's or out to lunch.

First we hear they went to a doctor's appointment and then lunch and she left his apartment.
Then we hear she in fact wasn't able to actually see the doctor because neither he nor she had enough for the $35 co-pay.
Then we hear that he told her that if she took the day off to be with him, that he would pay her what she would have earned in wages for the day. But,........wait, they didn't have the $35 for co-pay, so how could he pay her day's wages.
Another one of his GFs had a baby two weeks ago.
His story changes and he says when they were done he dropped her off at the 52nd street train station.
The person who attacked and kicked (in the stomach) LaToyia awhile back was the ex GF of the NOT BF.(Is this the same GF who just had a baby?)
LaToyia's dad said the NOT BF's story keeps changing everytime anyone talks to him.
Other family members of LaToyia don't trust this guy.

Where is LaToyia?

jannuncutt said:
I hate that I feel this way but, I believe that Latoyia has been murdered. I also believe that the boyfriend is, at the very least, involved. The Mother of his unborn child is missing and he calls a radio station to say "I wish she would pop up so these people would leave me alone." There is a reason why he has shown no concern for her safety.............:furious:

In reality, it seems like he's showing no concern for her . . . frankly . . . because he doesn't care about her at all. She's a woman he once had sex with, and doesn't really care about her anymore. How sad is that?

I hope the police are more clear on this than the media, and interesting that Greta says she may have had a miscarriage. Could she actually NOT be pregnant at all, ever, since they never did actually go to the doctor's office on some excuse of no co-pay - could it be she was making up the pregnancy?

This is none of my business for sure but it would really help the cops if they actually LOCATE an OBGYN she was supposed to have an appointment with and figure this out.

Prayers for her. He sounds like such a total jerk at this point.
KatherineQ said:
In reality, it seems like he's showing no concern for her . . . frankly . . . because he doesn't care about her at all. She's a woman he once had sex with, and doesn't really care about her anymore. How sad is that?

I hope the police are more clear on this than the media, and interesting that Greta says she may have had a miscarriage. Could she actually NOT be pregnant at all, ever, since they never did actually go to the doctor's office on some excuse of no co-pay - could it be she was making up the pregnancy?

This is none of my business for sure but it would really help the cops if they actually LOCATE an OBGYN she was supposed to have an appointment with and figure this out.

Prayers for her. He sounds like such a total jerk at this point.
Did you hear Greta say something about a miscarriage? I ask because, this is the only place that I have heard that. I just assumed that the police have already been in touch with the OBGYN. Don't you think that the story about leaving the doctor's office because they didn't have the $35.00 co-pay a bit off? He was going to pay her 1 days salary but he didn't have the $35.00?.........They stopped and had a nice lunch but, they didn't have $35.00?
No, it was Kato's post where she thought maybe Greta had mentioned it but wasn't sure.

I don't know if LE has the right to medical records - she's a missing adult, I don't know how much right they have to her records. So maybe they don't know.

There are parts of this story that seem . . . fishy, I agree.
It sounds like the BF (who isn't) is in knee deep to whatever happened to her.
What a azz......!!! Trying to save his own butt from the law & his other women.

Sounds like all LE has to do is give him a long enough rope & he'll hang himself.
Thank God this is getting national attention. Hopefully it will bring justice!

I pray they find her alive & well but each day that passes chances are slimmer.
I hope they have gone over his car. There are better places in West Philadelphia to dump a body than Cobbs Creek Park.
Not sure about Greta saying Latoyia possibly had a miscarriage,but it also has been being discussed about a woman who was pregnant being pushed off of a cliff and her husband of 2 weeks just had to go to court on that.It was then discussed that this woman had a miscarriage within the couple of weeks before she was pushed.Could that have been what anyone was hearing about a miscarriage?

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