When I worked as a Park Ranger I always hated it when I closed up at night and there would be one car left over at some remote lot in the middle of nowhere. I would first make announcements over my cruiser's PA, then if no answer, put on my Take-Down Lights and make an announcement, then hit the siren and make an announcement. I had 1/2 hour to accomplish this. Then, if I still couldn't find the vehicle's occupants, I had to contact my supervisor. I then turned on all my search lights (aircraft landing lights), and would grab my headlight, crack a couple of lightsticks - for the front of my coat and another one on my back (so other Rangers could see me in the woods), and my 3,000,000CP flashlight and start walking the trails. I had an hour to locate the MP's, all the while having to provide updates to my supervisor. If I still couldn't find the MP's, then supervisors and other LE personnel would come out - we'd set up Pelican Lights (very, very high-power), break out the night-vision equipment, get the camera drone in the air, and start walking a grid pattern search and rescue. We had a LOT of people commit suicide there, and many others that would simply have a heart attack, or a stroke, and would die.