PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #11

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Ahhh yes but these links are much more recent. The posters "murder scenario" KA describes is from 2006 making it this posters original. The interest lies in how it lines up to the current HA story informants accounts.


Strange how she posted that one enormous body of work, full of hypotheticals as is pointed out, then has not said or posted anything else since. I've always wondered why she never continued her quest for a special investigator, etc., and have asked the question here many months ago.
Mr. Steve S. was interviewed for 20/20. THEY considered what he had to say to be important and newsworthy.

I think it is wrong to attach a " label" to a private citizen. He was a good friend of Mr. Gricar's for many years, period. Everyone makes mistakes and they pay through the courts, not in the court of WS opinion. JMO about tolerance.

I didn't give him the label. The courts did. He is a convicted felon.

On July 18, Sloane, 54, pleaded guilty to five felony counts including three counts of possession with intent to deliver, one count of conspiracy and one count of criminal use of a communication facility.
I didn't give him the label. The courts did. He is a convicted felon.

On July 18, Sloane, 54, pleaded guilty to five felony counts including three counts of possession with intent to deliver, one count of conspiracy and one count of criminal use of a communication facility.

Could you provide the link, also, please.

Strange how she posted that one enormous body of work, full of hypotheticals as is pointed out, then has not said or posted anything else since. I've always wondered why she never continued her quest for a special prosecutor, etc., and have asked the question here many months ago.

Can you please give further explanation. I don't recall this and I'm not sure what a special prosecutor does and how it relates to Mr. Gricar.

Your help understanding this would be greatly appreciated.
Can you please give further explanation. I don't recall this and I'm not sure what a special prosecutor does and how it relates to Mr. Gricar.

Your help understanding this would be greatly appreciated.

She was one of the many people who had worked with Mr. Gricar and called for a different type of investigation into his disappearance. Special investigators.
She was one of the many people who had worked with Mr. Gricar and called for a different type of investigation into his disappearance. Special investigators.

Are Special Prosecutors & Special Investigators one in the same?
Strange how she posted that one enormous body of work, full of hypotheticals as is pointed out, then has not said or posted anything else since. I've always wondered why she never continued her quest for a special investigator, etc., and have asked the question here many months ago.

SeekingJana, would you mind providing a link that indicates this is something KA sought after. Until now I have never heard that. I would be most interested in reading it.

Thank you in advance.
SeekingJana, would you mind providing a link that indicates this is something KA sought after. Until now I have never heard that. I would be most interested in reading it.

Thank you in advance.

Do you remember posting Karen Arnold's presentment and arguments pages? Have you read what she wrote? The key phrase here is " resistance to outside help". She is stating her dissatisfaction with BPD's investigation.

Last page:

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Regarding Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networking or blog websites: Links may be used to direct posters to view something on a social networking page. But postings on social networking sites are not considered fact; they are rumor. Copying and pasting, or taking screen caps, directly from these pages is not allowed. Paraphrasing is okay. (Exception: If the Twitter or Facebook post belongs to a verified news station, it may be copied. But a link should still be provided.)

Also, social networking pages may only be linked if they are directly related to a case, i.e. the victim or suspect. We don't want to post to someone's mother, brother, employer, milkman, or postal carrier just because they know the main player. We also NEVER link to minor's pages (unless they are the victim). And be sure that the page actually belongs to the person being discussed. Do not link to someone if you are not 100% sure it is the correct person. And if a social networking is set to private and you get in the back way, you may not post what you find. Private means private!

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Mr. Steve S. was interviewed for 20/20. THEY considered what he had to say to be important and newsworthy.

I think it is wrong to attach a " label" to a private citizen. He was a good friend of Mr. Gricar's for many years, period. Everyone makes mistakes and they pay through the courts, not in the court of WS opinion. JMO about tolerance.

It was Disappeared, not 20/20. :)

The point is valid, however. SPS was well known as a close, if not the closest, friend and was interviewed by numerous media outlets.

-By all accounts Mr. Gricar was a true professional. His career as a prosecutor was important to him as he took it very seriously. I do not believe he would have left his post.

-Mr. Gricar had only 8.5 months until his retirement. I do not believe he would not finish out his time. His public duty was important to him.

-I do not believe Mr. Gricar would leave his pension, something he had worked towards for almost 20 years.

-I do not believe Mr. Gricar would leave his daughter for whom he cared for very much. Not seeing her graduate, get married, and perhaps become a grandfather doesn't seem to me that he would want to miss.

-I do not believe Mr. Gricar would leave Patty for whom he cared for very much. By all accounts they had a great relationship and were counting down the day until his retirement. They took trips and were going to take many more after his retirement.

-Some evidence points to Mr. Gricar returning. He took no clothing, no large amount of money (that has been proven thus far), and went as far as to call Patty late morning to have her let the dog out as we wasn't going to make it back in time.

-PennLive has file photos of Mark Smith sitting at Mr. Gricar's desk. If you blow up these photos for study it shows the desktop calendar and it's on May 2005. It is full of appointments and notes giving way to the notion that Mr. Gricar planned to return.

-Tom Corbett eluded to the fact that because Mr. Gricar's keys were gone that it showed intent to return.

-Mr. Gricar was a County DA prosecutor for almost 20yrs. They make enemies, a lot of enemies. DA's are also privy to confidential information. It's is a high profile and dangerous job.

-No hint of suicidal plans or walk away plans. If Mr. Gricar was smart enough to befuddle BPD, PSP, & FBI I do not believe he would then be stupid enough to leave directions to Lewisburg and computer searches regarding destroying a hard drive. If he planned a walk away no "plans" have been found. If he was suicidal no notes, doctors diagnosis, or body have been found.

-Walking away to me doesn't make sense. What would have been the point when he could have left in 8 months with reputation in tact, money in pocket, all his belongings, his girlfriend, and the ability to visit his daughter whenever he'd like.

-Suicide doesn't make sense because there were no indicators other than being tired. I don't think he'd submit Patty and his other family (again) to a suicide. Plus there has been no remains found.

-Why would Mr. Gricar go to work the evening before his disappearance if he was suicidal or going to walk away the next day. He didn't appear to be carrying anything to or from his car either. This to me indicates busy as usual.

-Mr. Gricar was distraught about something in the time leading up to his disappearance. If he was suicidal or planning to walk away I do not think he would've let it show. Something big was found out or going on. For me to say what that possibly was would be pure speculation.

I probably have more reasons why I believe foul play but this is at least a good list to start.

Things to do in Cases When There's No News:

- Go back through threads and collect what you think are the top ten most important links in the case, make a list of them, and post them. These lists would be great for both those familiar with the case, as well as people new to the case.

- If there's no timeline for the case, create one and post it, or begin one that others could add to. Find the most recent timeline, update it, and post it. If an existing timeline doesn't need updating, check to see if it's been posted within the last three pages of the most recent thread, and if not, go ahead and post it again for people new to the case to read.

- Write up your own recap of the story of the case and post it. Great for people who are new to the case, plus you get to give a voice to the victim.

- Go back and collect the known facts of the case, along with their source links, and post them. If you don't have time to collect all of them, just do whatever you have time for, and ask for others to add to it.

- Write up your own theory of what happened in the case and post it. Great to get others thinking about and posting on the case, and bring attention to it.

- Find a picture of the victim that hasn't been posted for a while, and post it so there's always a face to put with the victim's name, reminding people that the victim is a real person.

- Research to see if there's an updated missing poster and post it or link to it so it can be printed and distributed.

- Find the most recent map(s) of significant locations, update them if necessary, or just post the list of links if it hasn't been posted in the last few pages. If there's already a map created with one tool, create one with another tool that might give a different perspective. Maps can be created with Google Maps (, Bing (, and other online tools.

- Check Google News or Interceder ( for the most recent news story, and post it with a note that it's the most recent story on the case.

- See if there's a candle lighting site for the victim. If so, light a candle and post the link. If not, create a site, light a candle, and post the link so others can light candles.

- Humanize the victim - see if you can find some of the victim's favorite things, make a list, and post them. Did you find the victim's favorite song? See if you can find the lyrics, and post a link to them. Did you find the victim's favorite place to go? See if you can find a website for it, or a link to it on Google Maps or, and link to them.

- Write up a recap of the victim's story, or a particular aspect of the case that interests or puzzles you, in your very own unique way, and post it.

- Write up a Myth Buster! Do you know of a rumor or misinformation that's made the rounds in the case and has always bugged you? Look up the source links for the real facts, and bust the myth!

- Find all the Nancy Grace transcripts for all the shows about the case, make a list of the links, and post them.

- Start a list of direct quotes from LE, along with the date stated, and link to source. Post it and ask others to contribute to it.

- Is there a certain news video or press conference that you and others are constantly listening to to determine what was said? Transcribe it and post it for reference.

- Make a Who's Who list of the people in the case, with their full name so they can be searched for easily, and what their role or relationship is to the case. Use initials only though, when appropriate per TOS.

- Make a list of the news websites that have been covering the case regularly, collect their URLs, and post it.

- For cases where there are general discussion threads instead of a forum, check to see if important information and links have been brought forward from previous threads, such as timeline, case recap, list of news websites, photo archives, candle lighting site for the victim, etc. Post the ones that haven't been brought forward yet.
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