PA PA - Rosemarie Roginski, 21, Ambridge, January 1973

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I'm still learning the search ropes, but I could find nothing for records for this MP. She disappears from the newspapers after the report of her attack that was in the paper 03/08/1972. I found family engagement announcements, wedding announcements and obits that come after with no mention of her at all. Is everyone else finding the same thing? Or is it just my lack of sleuthing skills? LOL :shame:
And I'm sure spelling her name wrong doesn't help.
I'm still learning the search ropes, but I could find nothing for records for this MP. She disappears from the newspapers after the report of her attack that was in the paper 03/08/1972. I found family engagement announcements, wedding announcements and obits that come after with no mention of her at all. Is everyone else finding the same thing? Or is it just my lack of sleuthing skills? LOL :shame:

If your sleuthing skills stink then so do mine - 'cause that's all I've found, too!
I found the same things you have found. And not found the same things you have not found.

I wasn't able to find a connection between the New York Roginskis and the Pennsylvania ones, though the ages are right for them to be a branch of the New York family.

I found a lot of stuff about her father's political career, some of it moderately unsavory. A little bit about their involvement in that Slovenian society, where two of her sisters were Miss *advertiser censored* of the organization.

I found veteran's burial records for two or possibly three relatives who apparently died in the D-Day invasion of Normandy in WWII.

But about Rosemarie, only that notice for the class reunion and the brief mention in her mother's obituary.
And I'm sure spelling her name wrong doesn't help.

While spelling her last name is important (to discover her past), I actually think it wouldn't hurt to spell it incorrectly (to help in finding her future). What I mean is... she could have used variations in spelling her last name to change her identity. For instance, changing the spelling from Roginski to Roginsky could appear as just a typo (such as on marriage records). Also, she could have dropped the "Rose" or the "Marie" parts of her name along with a variation in spelling of her last name. I haven't done any research using these variations, for now it's just a thought :)
I've looked at a few Roginskys with a "y" and I've also looked at Rosemarys, and the other variations of her name, including Maria and just Mary. The last news article I can find of her is the one about the attack approx. one year before she left home. I don't think its related. Rosemarie grew up in the local paper-from her tonsillectomy at age 5 (HIPPA would have had a field day with that LOL), to her school band concerts, and then nothing after 1972. I did discover that she is second in birth order. I'm thinking she had a falling out with her parents, left home and was disowned. I can think of two reasons they may have happened in what appears to be a devout family-unplanned pregnancy or a lifestyle choice. At this point, it's all speculation. It's possible she is still alive, just living under the radar.
I looked up the magistrate she was working for in 1972 when she was attacked, Zenobia Jurkowski:,4283405&hl=en
She retired in 1975. We don't know if Rosemarie was still working with her at the time of her disappearance, but the picture in 75 is of her and a different secretary. It appears she was never married and still lived with her mother at the time.
Ok, my theory. Maybe the guy who attacked Rosemarie (he was around 20 yrs old) was a boyfriend. Maybe the "bad boy" type the so many girls are attracted to. Maybe she'd broken up with him, her family forbade her to see him, something along those lines. No follow up in the news that he'd been caught. Could be Rosemarie refused to press charges and kept seeing him on the sly. Parents find out, there's a blow up and in the end (Spring of the next year), she takes off with her bad boy and the parents wash their hands of her. No mention of her in her Dad's obit but when her Mom died - well, with time comes forgiveness. Maybe it was her father who was so against the romance. Mom may have felt that if they let the relationship play out, Rosemarie would tire of a volatile boyfriend and come to her senses.
I agree there may have been some sort of falling out, I can think of three major things back in the 70s that would have been taboo and might have caused a rift if the parents found out. I'm thinking that if she were going out with friends or to work or on vacation, or even if she had just found her own place, and didn't return or lost touch, I think she would have been reported missing ages ago. Family disagreement would fit this scenario, but that's just my opinion based on my own experience.
If I read Google maps correctly, there's a highway practically in her back yard. It would have been nothing for her to walk a few hundred feet and stick her thumb out. Of course, I don't know what the layout was back in 1973, someone else will have to weigh in on that.
There were certainly a lot of young people who left home in that era over those three things (and I'm guessing your list is probably the same as mine). I get the impression of a very traditional family, deeply religious and conscious of their social responsibility in the community--a loving family, but not the kind that would tolerate a lot of variation.
I'm sure (at least, I'm hoping) the first thing LE would do is check her social security number, credit report, and passport. I really hope she's alive and well and just lost touch.,2894780&hl=en
In this article, dated 03/08/1972, it states that Rosemarie is 21
I understand that her birthday could fall in that slim window between this date and the date she left in 1973, she could still be 21 at that time, but I'm thinking the date she left is incorrect, or someone isn't sure of her birthday?
I wonder if the year she left was 1972, which seems to be more accurate, and it could be tied to this incident.
I could find no follow up that the suspect was arrested. No, this isn't my own idea, just expanding on someone else's :happydance: Perhaps it was her SO and she just pretended she didn't know him to protect him.
I wonder if she left the day she turned 21.

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Maybe. Has anyone been able to confirm her DOB?
Maybe. Has anyone been able to confirm her DOB?

I haven't found anything. Another WS'er suggested that someone living in PA could possibly obtain the info via a library in the state. Since I don't know anyone in PA, maybe someone local will drop by this thread and have the time/desire to give it try?
A genealogist I am not. I think that is something the investigator on the case should do as part of the investigation, or so I would hope.
I'm not a genealogist either, but a friend who is suggested the LDS (Mormon) church genealogy database, which has gazillions of records and is apparently free.

As far as I can tell there's nothing sinister about her PA records not being available. Pennsylvania is a state that has privacy restrictions on things like births, deaths, marriages, etc. They don't even seem to have a subset that's considered public record. It's organized by county and sometimes city. And practically nothing is on line.

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