Identified! PA - White Haven, 'Beth Doe' & Unborn Baby 169UFPA, 16-22, Dec'76 - #1 - Evelyn Colon

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Does anyone think that the side by sides I have done of another girl match the UID ?


The second pic from the left definitely looks like her, the other two not so much. However, I believe her nose was cut off and that would make a BIG difference. Her looks would be totally changed, perhaps more like the other 2 pics, by a different nose.

I also compared her, side by side, with Amy Billig. I couldn't rule that one out either, but I believe (could be wrong) that match has been checked out. Again, I am NOT SURE. She does look somewhat like Amy.
The second pic from the left definitely looks like her, the other two not so much. However, I believe her nose was cut off and that would make a BIG difference. Her looks would be totally changed, perhaps more like the other 2 pics, by a different nose.

I also compared her, side by side, with Amy Billig. I couldn't rule that one out either, but I believe (could be wrong) that match has been checked out. Again, I am NOT SURE. She does look somewhat like Amy.

Hi actually the UID is number Two and Number four
Number one and three are the possible - but yes I agree I am not so sure
Amy Billig's DNA is available in CODIS and so is Beth Doe's. When Beth Doe's DNA was run through CODIS, there were no hits, so she's not Amy, though personally I think dentals would've ruled her out. Beth Doe's teeth were in terrible condition, especially for such a young girl.

Debra Wilhite (the 2nd set of photos) was sent in to PA LE by Indiana LE shortly after Beth Doe was found. One observation..Ms Wilhite's eyes were green, Beth Doe's were brown.
I am fascinated and horrified with Beth Doe.

I have searched EVERY available database, missing person site, and tons of newspapers for information on a missing female around 1976 and have found nothing conclusive. Why were both her nose and ears removed? Why was she dismembered? Why was she put in suitcases? Was her murder related to her pregnancy? Why are there no photographs of the writing on her hand?

Was this related to mass murderer Fred Banks in Wilkes Barre? I cannot find a list (pictures) of the women involved in his life at that time. Was this related to the Tinnicum Marsh murders associated with motorcycle gangs in Chester County, PA at the time? I am having trouble researching those murders.

Was her murder an "honor killing" like something related to an Islamic sect? Why has no one apparently reported her missing?

I am running into brick walls when I attempt to access law enforcement sites.

I have contacted the PA State Police about this case. Although they are friendly, they are not offering me any info.

Beth Doe has captured my heart. I graduated high school the year she was found murdered. She is my age. She looks like we could be related.

Am I missing something?
Amy Billig's DNA is available in CODIS and so is Beth Doe's. When Beth Doe's DNA was run through CODIS, there were no hits, so she's not Amy, though personally I think dentals would've ruled her out. Beth Doe's teeth were in terrible condition, especially for such a young girl.

Debra Wilhite (the 2nd set of photos) was sent in to PA LE by Indiana LE shortly after Beth Doe was found. One observation..Ms Wilhite's eyes were green, Beth Doe's were brown.

And I take it that she was ruled out ?
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Cuccia had been ruled out in the past? You would have to account for where she was for all that time in between May 1974 and December, 1976 as Beth Doe was found within 24 hours of being killed.
How was Betty Redmond ruled out if they have no DNA?
Wasn't it a miracle that her husband found the car at the Airport?
It was reported that Betty Redmond was required to take medication for a nervous condition. She had 2 small children at home when she dissapeared.
I keep thinking about medication and 2 small babies. I wonder if she was nodding off and the husband got sick of it . I also wonder if she was pregnant at the time. I know a few people that could conceal a pregnancy until 7 months. It's done all the time. Girls having babies and dumping them. Now they have the Safe Haven Law for this very reason. So it is a real possibility.
I have looked all over the internet for information on her and the only thing i found was a woman looking for her in a Geneology forum for the Redmond family. Nobody responded. It did mention that she had 2 children only 1 year apart.
Look at her picture , her eye lids are heavy. Medication?
It has been proven time and time again that women that are pregnant are at a higher risk for being murdered by a husband or lover .
I read the dental data bank had a few cliques and I don't always beleive they are 100% accurate. IMHO.
Her composite the newspaper date , the car, the gun, the medication , the 2 infants. The Stress.

And again , who keeps a gun in a house with a wife with a "Nervous Condition"?
Something or someone was causing her "Condition".

Before I read further through this thread today and saw that BR had been considered, I picked her out too and was going to post! She fits quite well with the circumstances. What if....she'd concealed her pregnancy from her husband and others, but knew she was at a point that she HAD to say something, or it would be noticed soon. If she told her husband she was pregnant, with two small children less than a year apart, maybe he went off the deep end and killed her because he didn't want any more kids at the time? Just speculation. I agree DNA should be done in this comparison.
I've been reading this thread today, having read about the case recently at the PA missing persons site. What a heartbreaking tale & a horrendous crime against this poor woman & her baby.

I've been pondering the question of why no one has claimed her & the theories put forth in this thread, such as she could have been punished for adultery, say if she were from a Muslim family where Sharia law is upheld. That's certainly a possibility...these things do happen in the Western world, sadly...and of course, it wasn't discussed back then like it is now. There is a large Asian community in the UK & there have been many cases over the years of girls being killed by family for having relationships that the family disapprove of or the husband's family killing a wife because they suspect infidelity--things like that. And the forced marriage issue is a big problem, too. I know it happens in the US & Canada, as well.

A few other ideas crossed my mind today. I was thinking that she might have come from a Romani/Romany (i.e. 'Gypsy') community. I know those cultures can be very patriarchal. Some are Catholics, whilst others may follow Islam--just depends on where they originate. And it might account for nobody coming forward...not saying that all Romanis are violent--on the contrary--I disapprove of stereotypes. But I do know that some Romanis can be, having seen a friend attacked by a Romani man in Budapest when she thwarted his sexual advances. Plus, I think oftentimes, the communities are 'closed' & pretty much look after themselves. Of course, this is all speculation.

Also, in sort of the same vein, I thought of Travellers, just because they do just that--move from place to place, no real roots & they have their own culture, etc.

I also thought of the runaway scenario & thought also that she might have been forced into prostitution, either as a means to survive or otherwise.

I definitely agree that the killer knew her & was possibly a husband/partner/boyfriend or his family.

Anyway...just more stuff to ponder...really, really, REALLY would love to see this woman have a name & justice.
Her case report stated that the baby was healthy. Perhaps Beth had received prenatal care. I wonder if LE showed pictures of Beth to area OB/GYN's. Did LE check to see if anyone fitting her description had recently applied for government assistance in preparation for the baby's birth? What about stores that sold maternity clothes?
I thought about something else. What if it was a jealous wife of girlfriend that murdered Beth? Maybe she was cut into pieces to make it easier to dispose of her body. It seems that most killers who dismember their victims scatter the remains to make it more difficult to determine who the victim was. Beth's remains were dumped at one spot.
I thought about something else. What if it was a jealous wife of girlfriend that murdered Beth? Maybe she was cut into pieces to make it easier to dispose of her body. It seems that most killers who dismember their victims scatter the remains to make it more difficult to determine who the victim was. Beth's remains were dumped at one spot.

hi Spurser--yes, i think it was definitely somebody she knew, perhaps the father or other. all sorts of scenarios go around in my head, like her husband or b/f & maybe they found out it wasn't their baby after all & lost complete control. i agree that the dismemberment was to make transport easier. and it just doesn't seem methodical enough for, say, some types of serial killers. i mean, as mentioned before, it appears that the suitcases were hurled over the bridge, and they must have been in a hurry or felt rushed because they didn't make sure that the cases went into the water...they weren't really concealed, were they? it just doesn't seem like it was planned.

i've wondered too about doctors or other medical professionals who might have seen her through her pregnancy. it all just makes me sort of feel that she was 'sheltered' from the world at large, like living in a closed community of some sort, like travellers or romany or something or she might have been a runaway & had fallen into prostitution. i noticed a girl on doe network who was recently id'd--she had run away from home in the 80s & no one ever reported her missing. when i read that, i thought of beth doe...perhaps it's a similar situation. i am certain that someone out there knows this poor girl.
Could she have been a bride from an arrainged marriage and it went wrong? Arranged marriages still happen today. These usually involve peeps from the middle east, India, Pakistan, etc. I have a coworker from Pakistan who married his wife as a result of arrainged marraige in 2005.

How do you spell "arrainged"?
Could she have been a bride from an arrainged marriage and it went wrong? Arranged marriages still happen today. These usually involve peeps from the middle east, India, Pakistan, etc. I have a coworker from Pakistan who married his wife as a result of arrainged marraige in 2005.

How do you spell "arrainged"?

hi, Stacey--it's 'arranged'...just remove the 'i'.

yes, in many Asian cultures it is prevalent & it could very well have been a so-called 'honour killing'. I live in the UK and there is a large Asian population here & it happens here, as well as in Pakistan, India, etc. In fact, there is a trial going on right now:

they've not found the poor girl's body... :(
To me she is not an unnamed person.

She is Beth Doe to me. I feel a connection - she was found the year I graduated from high school and found near my family's vacation home in White Haven, PA. (Poconos, PA) This could have happened to me - we are the same age...we look alike.

I visit her grave. This potter's field is not in Harrity, PA - like in Find-a-Grave.

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