Padilla NOT revoking Casey's bond - Increasing Security

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Don't know if this has been said or not but maybe Padilla saying he was revoking bail gave him the trump card so to speak. Thus his meeting with JB this morning. I hope Caylee is recovered soon and gets the proper burial she deserves.

I feel so sorry for the Anthony family. My mind cannot even go to where they have been forced to go by their daughter. This whole thing has been so sad to me. I honestly cannot see how Casey could put, much less continue to put her family through.

At first, I thought maybe it was an accident and Casey panicked. After seeing the pics of her at Fusion a few days after Caylee went missing and the longer Casey stays quiet makes me fear what she did to that precious child.

God Speed, Caylee.
Bottom line-this has NEVER had anything to do with finding Caylee. It has been ALL about publicity for the Padilla's. LP lies just as much if not more as Casey Anthony.
Karma. That is all I can say.

The lyrics to a Dave Matthews song just came to mind while thinking of LP/TP...

I live with my justice
I live with my greedy need
I live with no mercy
I live with my frenzied feeding
I live with my hatred
I live with my jealousy
I live with the notion
That I don't need anyone but me
Don't drink the water
Don't drink the water
There's blood in the water
Don't drink the water
I don't think Casey is talking in front of LP. If she does, even with her attorney present, it is NOT privileged information. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I think your right...She isn't allowed to speak to anyone, well except JBaez...:)
Unbelievable. She just keeps on getting away with stuff. She should be back in jail IMO. And ps why is she spending 7 hours or more a day at the lawyers if everyones saying she's not speaking? What are they doing? Playing tiddley winks? Lawyers charge hundreds an hour. Doesn't he have other clients? I don't get it! More d-r-a-m-a
Just to clarify based on late night discussions with TP.

The bond can be revoked by the Padilla group for any reason at all.
LP wanted to revoke the bond and still wants to
TP did not want to revoke the bond and still doesn't.

The decision to revoke is a joint decision between LP and TP only.

They have decided to go with leaving the bond in place, so apparently TP convinced LP that it was the right thing to do. I agree with that decision.
Bail is not based on guilt or innocence and they should leave it in place.

But LP is not flip flopping. He just doesn't have all the power.
Just to clarify based on late night discussions with TP.

The bond can be revoked by the Padilla group for any reason at all.
LP wanted to revoke the bond and still wants to
TP did not want to revoke the bond and still doesn't.

The decision to revoke is a joint decision between LP and TP only.

They have decided to go with leaving the bond in place, so apparently TP convinced LP that it was the right thing to do. I agree with that decision.
Bail is not based on guilt or innocence and they should leave it in place.

But LP is not flip flopping. He just doesn't have all the power.

Well then he shouldn't go around acting like he has the power. Why would he say the bond is being revoked when he doesn't have the authorization to do so?????:behindbar
Well then he shouldn't go around acting like he has the power. Why would he say the bond is being revoked when he doesn't have the authorization to do so?????:behindbar
He said he wanted to revoke her bond and was trying to do so.He said he was starting the process to revoke. He just was not successful.
Cindy told us is wasn't going to be revoked so we should have believed her.
Isn't having to face her family and seeing how well she is liked by the public putting more pressure on her?

don't think so....she says
I guess I'm a celebrity

edit to add a *snip*
He noted that she had seen the media throngs around her house and remarked, "I guess I'm a celebrity."

this link no longer has the article..did anyone save?

The ORIGINAL article is saved in Google Cache:

Padilla believes jail would be a better place for Anthony, given the fact that threats against her and her family have tripled over the past week. The process of getting bond revoked could be completed by Friday.

Padilla thinks remarks made by Casey Anthony haven't helped her case, either. He noted that she had seen the media throngs around her house and remarked, "I guess I'm a celebrity."
Just reported on Headline News, "The threat of safety has been resolved." He will now not be revoking her bond.:furious:

ETA: Sorry. Just got home from work and heard this. Did not see a thread already.
He said he wanted to revoke her bond and was trying to do so.He said he was starting the process to revoke. He just was not successful.
Cindy told us is wasn't going to be revoked so we should have believed her.

Well, what he did say was very misleading!
Well then he shouldn't go around acting like he has the power. Why would he say the bond is being revoked when he doesn't have the authorization to do so?????:behindbar

Exactly. TP was sitting right there hearing him say he was revoking the bond. Why would he let his own uncle hang himself like that if he had no intention of doing it? Nice family LP has if he knew all along that it wasn't going to happen. Perhaps the rest of his family have the same morals as TP and perhaps that is why he hasn't spoken to them in what, 10 years (iirc)?
Just to clarify based on late night discussions with TP.

The bond can be revoked by the Padilla group for any reason at all.
LP wanted to revoke the bond and still wants to
TP did not want to revoke the bond and still doesn't.

The decision to revoke is a joint decision between LP and TP only.

They have decided to go with leaving the bond in place, so apparently TP convinced LP that it was the right thing to do. I agree with that decision.
Bail is not based on guilt or innocence and they should leave it in place.

But LP is not flip flopping. He just doesn't have all the power.

I share your opinion, JBean.
Exactly. TP was sitting right there hearing him say he was revoking the bond. Why would he let his own uncle hang himself like that if he had no intention of doing it? Nice family LP has if he knew all along that it wasn't going to happen. Perhaps the rest of his family have the same morals as TP and perhaps that is why he hasn't spoken to them in what, 10 years (iirc)?
Maybe TP did some soul searching and decided to do the right thing by his client and convinced his uncle. I think this was a joint decision and they discussed the options.
They certainly have the right to change their minds.They already have at least once.
Well then he shouldn't go around acting like he has the power. Why would he say the bond is being revoked when he doesn't have the authorization to do so?????:behindbar

Awwww..... maybe Casey was upset about going back to jail & promised she's really, really thinking very hard about telling the truth soon.... so why not keep the bond & hope she meant it?

And..... it's a holiday weekend & it wouldn't be nice to break up the family if there's a chance Casey MIGHT get tired of lying. :behindbar
Well then he shouldn't go around acting like he has the power. Why would he say the bond is being revoked when he doesn't have the authorization to do so?????:behindbar
And why did his nephew, the bondsman, sit right there with him on national television agreeing that the bond would be revoked and Casey was going back to jail on Saturday?

I think the defense attorneys' admonishments got to Tony and Leonard. Which confirms what I thought when they first came on the scene, i.e., they don't think things through before making decisions (and they really should).
Wow. This is just a mess. Again, it's just still being made about Casey....
JBean is right 100%.

First, Leonard is NOT the bail bondsman. He really can't decide to revoke or not because that is ultimately up to his nephew, Tony, who IS a bail bondsman.

Second, Tony has explained many times what bail is and is not. The U.S. Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to be free from excessive bail. Law enforcement can't play games with the bonding process - i.e. set bond so high that the defendant can't possibly pay it, just to keep the defendant in jail while they look for evidence, ect. That's not how our system works. If law enforcement only has evidence to charge the defendant with child neglect and lying - the bail should reflect the Court's worry about those crimes - not the worry about murder, because she hasn't been charged with murder...yet.

She will have additional bond set if/when she is charged with additional crimes.

I think Tony Padilla is a man of integrity and has posted bond because EVEN Casey Anthony is entitled to it by law. Even if she appears to be guilty of a more serious crime, he has committed to the bail for the lesser crimes and he is going to stand by his original commitment until something changes.

He is guaranteeing that she will appear at her court dates - that's all. Since the community appears to be gathering a lynch mob, he feels that he must keep her safe and that is what his goal is. It's not about whether he thinks she innocent or guilty so get off his back about him being a bad or stupid guy. He's neither. He's defending our Constitution and for that, I consider him a hero.


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