Patricia Garrido

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thanks Jelly...

That's what I assumed... I wasn't really sure what question to ask either and didn't complete my thoughts. With everyone in custody, what would be going on with the house?

I realizing being condemned doesn't change ownership, but I wondered if the county would slap more liens on the house for cleanup or costs. It appears that being condemned show up on the title of the house and ...

Just wondering what happens from here. Will the house be torn down? Can/will they just maintain it as is as a crime scene until trial?


A written report signed by building inspector Dan Wilson and dated Sept. 10 identifies the property owner as Patricia Franzen, who is Phillip Garrido's elderly mother. Among the violations listed on the report are "hazardous wiring used for occupancy, piles of garbage, refuse, discarded furniture, discarded appliances, yard cuttings, cardboard boxes and barrels, discarded personal and household items, improperly stored non operational vehicles, vehicle parts, tarps, plastic and metal buckets, open septic hole and outside toilet that is not connected to a sewer or septic system."


The house has been declared a public nuisance and the registered owner, Phillip Garrido's mother Patricia Franzen, has been given notice to clean up the home, or the county will clean it up at her expense. Franzen no longer lives in the home and was last known to be at a convalescent home in Antioch.


Although, Contra Costa County has the power to take the home by means of eminent domain and give the sales proceeds to the Jaycee Dugard Trust, this is just an invitation for disaster. The type of investor that would pay anything above fair market value is the type of person that Antioch is trying to keep out of the area. The house will likely end up being de-constructed for evidence with the land being sold off for redevelopment.

Maybe CCC is trying to make up for their huge mistakes by making sure any proceeds from the house/property go to JC and girls? There are so many violations and so much in cleanup costs that I just don't see how PF is going to be able to pay for it all.
Ugh. Who would ever want to live there even if it's a new development. Bad vibes for sure. Maybe they should just clear it and make a memorial to abducted children . I know it wouldn't get Jaycee any money , but she'll be making plenty if she writes a book.
i do think that she was acting as there older sister, but was playing as much of the mother role as she could. after all all 3 of them were out in the tents.

:heart: If i may expand on this, and answer BillyLee.
I think JC was very clever, and not the least bit brainwashed. Of course
JC knew she was the real mother, and communicated it by body-language,
telling "AEsop's Fables", hearing out any possible complaints coming from
her daughters about PG in bed with them, thus dodging the household
charades dubbing her big sister.
:blowkiss: I also believe that Grandma had every incentive to act as an ally
to JC as she wanted her granddaughters. PG and NG were both on drugs,
hence easily duped. Grandma was perfectly sane though, and charmed ----
she could seduce her son into treating the children nicely (at least to the
extent he was capable, which is a good question). When JC was young,
getting pregnant and childbirth, someone in the house was tempering her
experience to be less traumatic, and ultimately happy to have become a
mother. :cat:
:heart: If i may expand on this, and answer BillyLee.
I think JC was very clever, and not the least bit brainwashed. Of course
JC knew she was the real mother, and communicated it by body-language,
telling "AEsop's Fables", hearing out any possible complaints coming from
her daughters about PG in bed with them, thus dodging the household
charades dubbing her big sister.
:blowkiss: I also believe that Grandma had every incentive to act as an ally
to JC as she wanted her granddaughters. PG and NG were both on drugs,
hence easily duped. Grandma was perfectly sane though, and charmed ----
she could seduce her son into treating the children nicely (at least to the
extent he was capable, which is a good question). When JC was young,
getting pregnant and childbirth, someone in the house was tempering her
experience to be less traumatic, and ultimately happy to have become a
mother. :cat:

Well, that's a very interesting take on the situation. I don't believe, however, that Patricia acted as an ally to Jaycee, even though she may well have had plenty of incentive to do so. If she was an ally to Jaycee, she would have rescued her from that whole disgusting situation.

Patricia Garrido was quoted as saying she thought Jaycee was a child of one of Phillip's former relationships. If she was an ally, she would have used her math skills to realize that was impossible. (Her beloved son was in prison for rape during the years when Jaycee was born.) She also would certainly have wondered how Jaycee kept getting pregnant, and if it was by her adorable son Phillip, thereby providing her with granddaughters, wouldn't she think that was incest, if she truly thought Jaycee was Phillip's daugther. Allies like her we could all do without! JMO
Excellent post Billylee. Jaycee doesn't have to be brainwashed-just totally traumatized, living in hyper vigilance and not knowing what will be coming next. I'm sure she learned how to live, just like any abused wife does. Don't get the perv upset, but of course, you can never tell what will upset the perv.If you think of any traumatic situation that has happened to you, you will realize that causes anxiety in you. I saw a rat run once as a child and that totally freaked me out forever. I know, big deal. So think of real trauma. I would guess that what Patricia was happy about was that she had a slave in her darling Nancy who would cater to her every need and she had her darling son with her. Who cares what the circumstances as her (Patricia's) every need was met. I'm sure as she was the cash cow for them and that's why she was taken care of. Just because people live and survive doesn't mean that life was "normal" for them. People survive under the most incredibly awful circumstances. Jaycee, Elizabeth Smart, just to name a couple. The love and grounding their own families provided for them trumped their horrors. Anthropomorphic is a term that comes to mind-having non human objects talk, etc. Giving the Garrido's positive human family characteristics is in the same vein to me. That Jaycee survived and came out as great as she did is a testament to Jaycee and her family-NOTHING to do with the Garrido's in any shape, form, stretch of the imagination, wishful thinking-anything!
I don't think I have seen this article posted. I wasn't sure where to post it ut we were talking about the house and deeds here, I think so it seems the best choice.

If the Berkeley officer, Ally Jacobs, never exposed Phillip Garrido in the Jaycee Dugard case, he may have been apprehended by authorities anyhow. According to Contra Costa County records Garrido stopped paying property taxes in 2004. Technically the property, 1554 Walnut Avenue in Antioch, is still deeded to Phillip’s mother Patricia Franzen. Franzen has allegedly been heavily influenced by dementia. Since she was left in Garrido’s care it’s safe to assume that payment of the taxes would have been Phillip Garrido’s responsibility.

Currently, there is a secured tax lien on the property in excess of $7,000. With the current housing recession in mind, Garrido may or may not have been able to repay the tax lien. If the tax lien was never paid the County would have eventually taken and sold 1554 Walnut Avenue. Even if Garrido had over $7,000 to repay the full redemption amount, the pattern of non-payment for the past 5 years casts serious doubt on whether payment plans were in the property’s future. (more at link)

I wonder what he was thinking? Or maybe he had plans to move and just leave the tax bill?
more from the link

Since the deed is still recorded in Patricia’s name any legal civil lawsuit claims to the property by the Dugard family will be met with legal uncertainty. Did Franzen know that Jaycee was being held captive? Can Patricia’s claim of dementia be proven or disproven? These are the types of questions that must be answered in order for a Dugard civil lawsuit to successfully acquiescence the property.
I don't think he had any plans. I think he thought that he was above any laws. Certainly his experiences in life proved that he could get away murder. And that may mean actual murder, not just the saying, "getting away with murder".
There is a grant deed listed as recorded on this property involving Patricia Franzen and MW, recorded September 7, 1999. Anyone have any idea what it's about? I wonder if this was other property owned by Patricia and then sold in 1999. Is there a way to research property by the address to find out previous owners?

Contra Costa County Property Tax & Payment Information
Account Summary

Assessor's Parcel Number(APN): 073-112-013-5
Property Location(Situs): 1384 ELM ST , PITTSBURG

Current Tax Year Information


Bill Type
Installment Bill Number
Due Date Bill
Amount Bill
Balance Payment
SECURED 2009-068415 $1,364.38 $1,364.38 View Bill
1st Installment THRU 12/10/2009 $682.19 $682.19
2nd Installment THRU 04/12/2010 $682.19 $682.19

SUBTOTAL $1,364.38 $1,364.38

Come to think of it, lots of realtors own rental properties. Was this a rental property? Was Phillip ever in it?

Okay, now I'm answering my own questions. Here's the sale history of this home, and yes it was sold 9/7/99, so I assume Patricia owned it. Question is was it a rental before that? Got this from Trulia RE search.
Price History
Date Event Price Source
01/27/2005 Sold $321,000 Public record
12/10/2002 Sold $200,000 Public record
09/07/1999 Sold $79,500 Public record
I think I saw that before - I was wondering though if Trulia shows properties as sold when they were either refinanced or had a deed chang as I know of one property I looked at a couple of months ago where there were two people's names on a dead and one bought the other out. Even though the first person remained on the deed it show up on there as sold.
As far as being a "grandmother", no abused child owes any allegiance to an abuser. I heard from a therapist that the Bible is referenced by people who have been abused. "Honor they Mother and Father." But the translation is to honor people who have mothered or fathered (done a good job, appropriately) not any mother or father. I believe where I live they teach abused people that they do not need to continue to be engaged in destructive, ugly sick relationships with parents or other relatives. Perhaps someday they can learn to forgive these people, but to give them any honor by calling them mother, father, grandmother-NO WAY ( and I am shouting it out here)

:beagle: We ran a foster home for teenagers under the sponsorship of an
inner city Church --- 12 of them from 9 different broken homes. Most of
the broken homes included some parent-figure hostilities with whom were
beyond any reconciliation --- most often a step-father, step-mother, or
natural father. A natural mother was often of not much help. But there was
virtually always somebody around home that our foster youth could resort
to for moral support sometime from 6 months to several years later. They
somehow need the renewed connection, as an abrupt new world is too
much of a jolt. Also, where there is more than one sibling from the same
broken home: they might agree on who they don't like, but disagree on
to whom they remain attached --- a situation that would apply to Starlet
and Angel.
:boohoo: So i've been sorting out the Garrido household to get a better handle on who's separately been doing what. Of course, the Garrido's owe
the Probyn's a "bride price"; on the other hand somebody in the Garrido
household has ultimately come to look out for Alissa and her children ----
they could not have come out of an 18-year captivity in good health
if this had been a "gang rape".
I think I saw that before - I was wondering though if Trulia shows properties as sold when they were either refinanced or had a deed chang as I know of one property I looked at a couple of months ago where there were two people's names on a dead and one bought the other out. Even though the first person remained on the deed it show up on there as sold.

Refinancing wouldn't involve a grant deed. And yes, I suppose it could be that Patricia was the buyer of that property but that doesn't make sense becaue it's been sold twice since then and I see no other grant deed listed for Patricia Franzen related to that property in the records. I believe Trulia gets the sold information from real estate brokers, but I'm not sure. My suspicion is that it was a rental property (like I say, lots of realtors have rental properties, in fact come to think of it, ALL of the ones I know do.) and they Franzen/Garrido's sold it cuz the needed the money. There is a LH still listed with a local number there when I goggled it, but there were two sales after that so I'm guessin that person doesn't live there anymore. Timeline says she divorced Manuel Garrido in Jan 71 and Married Franzen in 1978. The Franzen's bought the Walnut st house in July of 1979. Where was Patricia Garrido living between 1971 and 1979? Elm St? And if it was a rental property, perhaps LE should be looking for bones over there?????
I can research that property for you, but please don;t post names of people that have nothing to do with this case.
are we sure this property was even owned by the same PG?
I can see the Grant Deed where herschel and Patricia bought the property in 1982.
Then they sell it to LH in 1999.

eta: then as posted it is sold a couple times after that.
I can see the Grant Deed where herschel and Patricia bought the property in 1982.
Then they sell it to LH in 1999.

eta: then as posted it is sold a couple times after that.

Thanks very much for checking that out. I only posted the name because it's from a public record, should I not do that?

Okay, so they bought the house in 1982 and Patricia didn't sell it til 1999, my guess is it was a rental.
Thanks very much for checking that out. I only posted the name because it's from a public record, should I not do that?

Okay, so they bought the house in 1982 and Patricia didn't sell it til 1999, my guess is it was a rental.
Yeah do not post names of people that don't have anything to do with the case.
People can search out public records on their own but we don't need to post the info here. thanks :)

yes purchased in 1982 sold in 1999.
Fromt he time line thread:

Garrido released to parole from the Nevada Department of Corrections on August 26, 1988. He was on federal parole supervision and Nevada parole supervision in the state of California. He was paroled to live in Antioch, California. (Source: Nevada Department of Corrections, Nevada Department of Public Safety) Note: this conflicts with the following information that he was paroled to a hallway house in Oakland, which came from various news sources:

Garrido paroled to an Oakland halfway house 8/26/1988.

Garrido left the Oakland halfway house and went to Lake Tahoe in November 1988; he went to the roulette table where his 1976 victim was working and greeted her by name.

Question: how long was Garrido living at halfway house in Oakland? Where did he go from there? What kind of transportation was he using? For example, how did he get to South Lake Tahoe in November 1988. When did he return to living in Antioch?

Was he maybe living in Mom's rental property on Elm Street?

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