Patrick McKenna (Famous PI) On Defense Team

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Is there a transcript of this radio show? I can't get to it. I use the link, but only get music, no interview.:confused::confused:

Me too! I'v tried and tried.
Is there a transcript of this radio show? I can't get to it. I use the link, but only get music, no interview.:confused::confused:

Me too! I'v tried and tried. Is there a trick to making it work? :)
Plus something else...this country LOVES an underdog. KC comes from a dysfunctional family. What about if her baby died on accident? She was charged with murder. If she's being tried on murder, they can't reduce it to manslaughter. It's alot easier for the prosecution to prove manslaughter, especially when the mother comes from a dysfunctional family and is pretty. It's harder for a jury to come to a conclusion in regards to murder, b/c with murder there's no room for reasonable doubt. If one ounce of evidence can be proven to show reasonable doubt, then all or most evidence could be deemed doubtful. Criminal defense experts can stand to make alot of money. They wouldn't need this money up front b/c they'd make millions after the trial. Heck, it doesn't even matter if she's found guilty, they'll still make tons of money just by showing how thorough they could be, plus all of the interviews, books, movie deals, etc. It's truly sickening. It's very common knowledge that if you want to be a lawyer, and you want to be a wealthy one at that, then go into criminal defense - that's where the money's at. I can see the defense painting a "woe is me" picture of KC's family life, completely filled with dysfunction, then showing that she didn't mean to "kill" her baby...maybe they'll even suggest she gave her a tablespoon of Benadryl instead of a teaspoon, Caylee could have gone into a sleep induced coma (especially if she really was already sick), and then died. Then maybe b/c of KC's upbringing she panicked and hid her body for fear that her mom would paint a bigger picture. This is only speculation, I know that, just giving a different way of looking at it. I can see a jury being sympathetic, especially when you have a panel of experts on the being married to M. Baden, Dr. Lee being another world reknowned forensic scientist (respected or not is opinion only), and a world class private intestigator in PM. P McKenna is one of the best in his field...he's not some dumb idiot that doesn't know how to work the system --- and if you take into consideration that the OCSO has been filled with multiple indiscretions, drugs, raqueteering, etc over the years (and they can prove that just by using Google), then yes I can see the jury being sympathetic. Just like OJ got off when they showed racism could be involved at a time when racism in L.A. was absolutely disgustingly happening, they could also show how the OCSO really is. I have no beef with the popo, and I do respect them and their jobs, however this might be a case where one bad apple spoils a whole bunch! JMO.:blowkiss:

Yes a jury maybe swayed by all these things, right up until they see the picture of Caylee's little skull wrapped up in duct tape and then the state will show the glue in the shape of a heart right over her little mouth and the heart sticker found at the scene.

I don't think it will even matter if the tape is found to be applied post mortem, the graphic picture it paints is just too overwhelming.

Not to mention the photo's of KC pole dancing later in the week or the photo's of KC renting movies at Block Buster thought to be later the same day as Caylee died.
Isn't he the Psychic Detective?

in case I need to say it, I am just kidding

I wonder if this is the guy from Canada? I know that they did hire someone from Canada who is supposed to be well known there. Maybe it is him. Don't know what his label is though.
Yeah, I hope you're right. But, just so you know, I know several people that think a dead body smells like a very sweet rotten bacon. Decomp smell strengths vary depending on the age of the decomp. My experience has shown me that a dead body & it's decompositional components smell like nothing I can compare with anything else. Heck, I survived on peanuts for 2 months after the first time I smelled it! But, if the prosecution's forensic team tries to say decomp doesn't smell like rotten ham, all JB would have to do is print out some pages from medical websites stating exactly how many people could disagree with that. Everyone has a different story about the smell of decomp. I could say it smells like candy (of course it doesn't) but it's beside the point. The defense is obviously distorting the facts and it makes me sick!

What exactly has the defense distorted that is making you so sick? The trial hasn't even begun yet.
Me too! I'v tried and tried. Is there a trick to making it work? :)

I think so! If I click forward a bit past that horrid MUSIC I begin to hear them talking..You may then need to rewind some to catch what you may have missed.
I want to know what mysterious entity is behind the defense getting all of these high-profile names involved on this case, and what their agenda was/is. This is one of the most bizarre cases of defense power build-up I have ever seen... (in regards of not involving someone famous or high-profile)

I would like to know why all of these bigwigs want to see someone get away with the murder of a little child. They have to know that she is as guilty as sin if they know anything about this case. I just can't understand why anyone would want a baby killer to get away with it.

I would also like to know where the money is coming from to pay all of these bigwigs. They can't all be doing it for free. These so called experts get big money for taking the witness stand. Why would they do it for free for someone like Casey Anthony? They have to be getting paid...but by who?
Well, good ole Wendy Murphy was on a radio program recently and her theory of what happened to Caylee is shocking and very very painful. Nothing new I guess to sleuthers, but if anything even close were to be ahead for this case.... it isn't going to be pretty.

Not so shocking to me. When I was a "newbie" to this case I posted that KC could have possibly fallen in with a bad group of people who could have harmed Caylee and forced KC to get rid of her body. WM does specify that KC could have used Caylee in child *advertiser censored* as an income. I hope that WS will upgrade with advanced features that allow us to view all of our posts, even from the beginning (those listed in general discussion threads). Next, I think that there are other people on here who advanced similar theories to those of WM, in the beginning.
I guess MR McKenna was too busy to visit OJ while jailed in Las Vegas or maybe the $100.00/hour fee is no longer in OJ's budget. But you'd think just for ol' time sake he would have made himself available while OJ went through his latest trial and tribulation.

But then again, maybe not...

"Mr. McKenna said that whenever he visits Mr. Simpson in jail he places the palms of his hands on the glass that separates them, flush with Mr. Simpson's hands on the other side. "I love you, man," he always tells him, "and I'm going to bring you home to your family."
What exactly has the defense distorted that is making you so sick? The trial hasn't even begun yet.

Just ONE example..Dr. Lee claimed on national tv there was rotting FOOD in the bag from the trunk..He made a big deal about HAM! but we know from the doc dump there was no FOOD at all..The purpose was to taint the potential jury pool long before the trial begins.
If that 'todd black' is telling the truth there seems to be someone in Connecticut funding this defense. They funded 'todd black'. I don't believe there is an uninterested party feeling sorry for KC paying for this stuff so who is paying and why? What was KC involved with? I tend to think that Wendy Murphy has something there that KC was involved with something very sinister and someone is covering for her. I also wonder about that weird guy that visited her in jail that claimed he had her back there on the outside. There is something mighty fishy about this case.

One comment here...

I think it was BS!! It started with Gil Garcetti not wanting riots in Los Angeles and happily moving the trial to downtown. It was pretty much downhill from that point on.

EDIT: Someone or a group of someone's is spending some serious money on this case. For a moment rule out the much talked about 'entertainment' deals and just wonder why.... it gets scary, as has been said - Anthony is not a famous person -- so why all this??
This only furthers my suspicians that theres "someone" funding these well known names. Casey has no money!! then again.......was it actually $ -or- BS that got OJ off ?

It was the fact that he had an all black jury who had their minds made up before the trial had hardly gotten started. It was also because the Pros in that trial were worthless. Anyone with half a brain knows that leather gloves won't slip on over vinyl gloves. I tried it at home and the leather gloves fit without the vinyl gloves but not with the vinyl gloves on first. Henry Lee didn't help by lying about the blood evidence on the OJ's vehicle and the sock in his bedroom.
The music wraps up and then there are the words...... lol

Yep. There is some "interesting" music, imo mama lion (but that's just me) preceding the interview. Just get through it. I know you have the patience everyone.:) Thanks radio! You Rock!
If that 'todd black' is telling the truth there seems to be someone in Connecticut funding this defense. They funded 'todd black'. I don't believe there is an uninterested party feeling sorry for KC paying for this stuff so who is paying and why? What was KC involved with? I tend to think that Wendy Murphy has something there that KC was involved with something very sinister and someone is covering for her. I also wonder about that weird guy that visited her in jail that claimed he had her back there on the outside. There is something mighty fishy about this case.

That was VERY fishy but I don't believe that weird guy (or his friend Mike) is involved with any major players in the *advertiser censored* industry or baby selling scams..It could be they know something about the crime/dumping or they're into some illegal activity but more like stolen goods on a low level scale..Nothing close to having the $$$ to pay for her defense..So who is & why?..It could be as simple as future books/movie rights..That makes the most sense to me.
I wish there was a very good investigative reporter that would take the time and interest to delve into who is paying for KC's defense and what she might have been into during the day and what she was doing with poor little Caylee while she was fooling around all day for 2 years.
It was the fact that he had an all black jury who had their minds made up before the trial had hardly gotten started. It was also because the Pros in that trial were worthless. Anyone with half a brain knows that leather gloves won't slip on over vinyl gloves. I tried it at home and the leather gloves fit without the vinyl gloves but not with the vinyl gloves on first. Henry Lee didn't help by lying about the blood evidence on the OJ's vehicle and the sock in his bedroom.

All that and the riots that followed the Rodney King beating were still fresh in the minds of all So Cal residents.
I'm not speaking from an authoritive point of view but with KC's widely known computer skills it isn't to far a stretch to figure out WM may be discussing kC trading or selling naughty pics of herself through an agency of possibly, "Dark Veiled Friends" This is the only way GA could come to grips with the changes that brought his daughter to possibly murder his grandaughter.
I wonder if this is the guy from Canada? I know that they did hire someone from Canada who is supposed to be well known there. Maybe it is him. Don't know what his label is though.

No, that would be Dr Kathy Reichs forensic anthropologist. From Montreal.
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