Patrick McKenna (Famous PI) On Defense Team

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I would like to know why all of these bigwigs want to see someone get away with the murder of a little child. They have to know that she is as guilty as sin if they know anything about this case. I just can't understand why anyone would want a baby killer to get away with it.

I would also like to know where the money is coming from to pay all of these bigwigs. They can't all be doing it for free. These so called experts get big money for taking the witness stand. Why would they do it for free for someone like Casey Anthony? They have to be getting paid...but by who?

Of course they know she's guilty. IF they are an expert as claimed. Same as GA knowing deep down that Casey's guilty. All these "experts" are concerned with is their own fame and fortune. Look at the OJ Simpson trial. You know those experts (Baden, Henry Lee, etc.) KNEW good and well he was guilty as sin. And Barry Scheck .... geez. They became famous by helping a guilty client walk. Not to mention what it does for their ego. I had alot of respect for Dr. Baden at one time. Not anymore. He proved to me that everyone has their price. They twisted and distorted the facts to suit whatever they were paid to say. In my opinion, once Baden saw the enormous amount of Simpson's DNA all over the crime scene, he knew.
I wish there was a very good investigative reporter that would take the time and interest to delve into who is paying for KC's defense and what she might have been into during the day and what she was doing with poor little Caylee while she was fooling around all day for 2 years.

There probably is ppl digging & hopefully they will have this info by trial.

Another thing that really bothers me is there's no way the A's don't KNOW who's paying for their daughter's defense/dream team..IOW!..They're in on this BIG secret & have done a good job of not talking about it with all the talking they've done!
I believe it will soon be coming to light who is paying for Casey's defense with everything concerning the PR Firm and Gil Cabot scenario. When they get to the bottom of that...they will find the end of the big money trail responsible for her dream team.

Stay tuned...
Yes we will be spared the Dancing Ito's!!! TG!

Wonder if this guy won't work on the boyfriends, fusion, other seedy aspects.

Looks like this is going to be a very contested trial. I still don't understand why the Prosecution said "end of year, a year", etc.. Thought they were ready to go.

No, no, no-respectfully. This guy is going after Yuri, and every other LE officer who has touched this case for the SA, including the technicians in Dr. G's lab.

Again we come back to why Casey has garnered this kind of power-has the land of defense attorneys become so cluttered that they launch an over the top defense in order to free the client with "reasonable doubt?" I suspect like the rest of you that the theater behind this case is what is attracting the money.

If the AP or Orlando Sentinel or Fox has any reporters worth their salt, the time has come to spill the beans on the money trail. At this point, the press seems complicit to me in the cover up of who is funding this defense. Seriously. JMO.
No, no, no-respectfully. This guy is going after Yuri, and every other LE officer who has touched this case for the SA, including the technicians in Dr. G's lab.

Again we come back to why Casey has garnered this kind of power-has the land of defense attorneys become so cluttered that they launch an over the top defense in order to free the client with "reasonable doubt?" I suspect like the rest of you that the theater behind this case is what is attracting the money.

If the AP or Orlando Sentinel or Fox has any reporters worth their salt, the time has come to spill the beans on the money trail. At this point, the press seems complicit to me in the cover up of who is funding this defense. Seriously. JMO.

I know. I said other seedy aspects. :D

The affair with a pOliceman. The pOliceman that brushed Kronk off over raunchy pics. You can almost hear it - right? And you are right. moo
I believe it will soon be coming to light who is paying for Casey's defense with everything concerning the PR Firm and Gil Cabot scenario. When they get to the bottom of that...they will find the end of the big money trail responsible for her dream team.

Stay tuned...

If JB knows where this trail leads is he in BIG trouble for going along with the "CT family" story?
Yes. This guy will go after everyone and every detail of dirt to discredit them. The sooner the better for the money trail to be closed. Godspeed. More people do not need to be maligned by this horrific case and ugly hasn't even started yet!
If JB knows where this trail leads is he in BIG trouble for going along with the "CT family" story?
Just like there was no real T. Black...there probably is no family in Ct OR in Texas, imo~ The "family" sounds like it is a group of felons or likeminded people who decided to make money off not only their own crimes, but to show others how they can do it, too, imo. The nondisclosure agreement could be with just about anyone willing to play the role for a price so they would not have to be told who is paying them. (It doesn't mean they are not aware of this detail tho.)
The Pro's may need to quote JB back to him often

this has nothing to do with whether KC is innocent or guilty of murder
OMG! Before this case goes to trial, they'll have brought F.Lee Bailey back to this world to join the team! This is disgusting!
If this were me, I would already have had trial and be sitting on death row! Who is Casey Anthony, and why is a baby killer so special?
No wonder Casey and Jose are all smirks and smiles every time they go into a courtroom!:mad:

That was my first thought. I believe both JB & KC are very confident she will walk away from this a free woman. This is why they are all smirky and smiley faced in the court-room.

I really hate the thought of following this case for another yr.+ to watch the trial unfold like OJ's did.

No doubt about it. This dream time they have and continue putting together will have a big impact on the trial, IMO.:mad:
Just like there was no real T. Black...there probably is no family in Ct OR in Texas, imo~ The "family" sounds like it is a group of felons or likeminded people who decided to make money off not only their own crimes, but to show others how they can do it, too, imo. The nondisclosure agreement could be with just about anyone willing to play the role for a price so they would not have to be told who is paying them. (It doesn't mean they are not aware of this detail tho.)

And if JB has known all along there's no real T. Black? That's deceiving the public..It was also in his sworn depo to the Bar which according to wesh (?) may now lead to re-opening the investigation.
LOL How could JB not know?! It isn't illegal for a defense attorney to deceive the public. It is basically their job. ;)

Honestly?..I think a public defender could've & would've got OJ off due to his overwhelming popularity, celebrity status, & makeup of the jury..KC doesn't have 2 of OJ's 3 going for her, just the opposite, & I don't believe the jury in this trial will fall for any shenanigans by the defense team..If they know anything about the OJ trial they should be wise to the likes of Dr. Lee & their deceptive ploys..If they don't I'm still confident they will be on the ball enough to get it..One thing's for sure & that's the judge (whoever that may be) gets it & that's good news for the state & anyone looking for Justice For Caylee! .

I respectfully disagree with you here. OJ got off based on the racist ignorance of the LAPD that had been going on for years. The white LAPD were usually against the blacks, etc. The ripple effect was felt all over our country. I knew as soon as it was introduced, he was walking. I respect J. Cochran and his legacy...he was one talented man. While I might not have agreed with him on all accounts, he was extremely knowledgable. African American's were so suppressed in so many different areas of our country that it fast became a need to win for their race - heck, I could even sympathize even though I'm a white Italian Indian. I remember being at work when his verdict was announced. Everyone that wasn't white stood up & clapped & cried & hugged each other. I couldn't even feel mad b/c I was actually proud that they won one. We're all brothers & sisters, in my eyes. Everybody should be treated equal. I struggled for years wondering why our forefathers did the despicable things to fellow human beings, let alone treating animals inhumanely. Now we're in a time, and it's been progressively getting worse with abortion rights vs right to lifers fighting back & forth, that dysfunction is off the hook. People having money problems being passed from generation to generation, which by the way I blame a portion on credit being handed out too generously, and not knowing how to handle their bills appropriately. Child abuse laws are wonderful, but they weren't in place when I was a kid - thats for sure! If people of my age weren't protected under child abuse laws, chances are KC's parents weren't either. I'd bet everything that their childhoods were not the most stable. Everything they do in public shows that. Pair that with KC's reaction to everything, you could very well have your answer. People are very sympathetic to people that suffered abuse. Remember, abuse comes in many forms, and imo - mental abuse can be the worst of all. Our country is at an all time high for divorce, crime, heck most people don't even go to church anymore so how do children learn remorse? If OJ's blood was found at the crime scene and Nicole's blood was mixed with his on his steering wheel, and he was found innocent...then KC's case could show reasonable doubt based on the fact that it might not have been murder but manslaughter instead. I know it's sad that if KC lived in a trailer, was missing a few teeth, maybe still had a few teeth but they were blackened from cavities or iron deficiency, was overweight, and didn't have good skin - chances are she wouldn't have the best defense team right now. I know it's not supposed to be about looks, but I could see a jury sympathizing with her over the prior description given, especially when added to the explanation explained. We live in sad trying times right now. I just hope that she really is the guilty one and that she goes to jail for a very long time. Otherwise, we're all gonna be some miserable s.o.b.'s.:)

William Kennedy Smith..Just like OJ many refused to believe he could be GUILTY of a violent crime..A succesful defense was almost guaranteed even before dirt was dug up (most likely by McKenna) on the victim.

Many don't want to believe a mother could KILL her own child but with so many proven cases in the past 10 years or so it's now easier to convince even the most stubborn. TG!

& just a side note - she was definitely raped. I know this personally! You can thank good old Dr. Lee & PI McKenna for that one!
LOL How could JB not know?! It isn't illegal for a defense attorney to deceive the public. It is basically their job. ;)

Well true, lol, but this doesn't have anything to do directly with his client's guilt or innocence & everything to do with being deceitful to the public & the court & the Bar re: ppl he's hired to help fight this case..I don't think it's illegal but it reeks to high heaven & shows us the basic character of JB.
Is there a transcript of this radio show? I can't get to it. I use the link, but only get music, no interview.:confused::confused:

Hi Bern:) You have to wait for the radio music to come on, then you press the play arrow on the radio:) Think you'll get a giggle out of that one - kind of easy:)
Me too! I'v tried and tried. Is there a trick to making it work? :)

Hi Karen, you have to press the play button on the radio once the music loads:) When you realize how easy it is, you're gonna laugh:)
& just a side note - she was definitely raped. I know this personally! You can thank good old Dr. Lee & PI McKenna for that one!

I think many (not on the jury) believed that to be TRUE!
Yes a jury maybe swayed by all these things, right up until they see the picture of Caylee's little skull wrapped up in duct tape and then the state will show the glue in the shape of a heart right over her little mouth and the heart sticker found at the scene.

I don't think it will even matter if the tape is found to be applied post mortem, the graphic picture it paints is just too overwhelming.

Not to mention the photo's of KC pole dancing later in the week or the photo's of KC renting movies at Block Buster thought to be later the same day as Caylee died.

But that's the thing. Nowhere was it released that duct tape was wrapped around Caylee's head. maybe it was applied post mortem and only placed over her mouth. Maybe it was placed over her mouth b/c KC saw that maggots were forming. Maybe she panicked right away, which would be the reason she acted the way she did. Do I think this? No. One thing I do think though is that it very well could be possible. Makes me sick to think about it, but it's still possible. Going after her for premeditated murder as opposed to manslaughter when they have her on fraud also really bothers me. Why not just go for the sure fire win with manslaughter & fraud, stealing, etc. instead of adding murder to the mix? Murder is harder to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. If she get's off on murder, she'll still go to jail for the other charges. Say she gets the maximum around 50 years - she'll get out early on good behavior and still be able to have a life to enjoy. Caylee doesn't have that opportunity, so why take chances? I really hope she's guilty as charged and does indeed go to jail.
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