Patsy Ramsey April 1996

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I hadn't read this before. This was the article in the Boulder Women's magazine in April 1996---doesn't sound like someone that could kill her daughter and cover it up. She was looking forward to living and taking care of her children. Interesting she was chairperson of a science fair at the school--similar to Mel Gibson's wife in "Ransom."

Woman’s Magazine - April 1996

PROFILE: Patsy Ramsey

by Deborah Rosenberger

The importance of home and family has never been more talked about than it has in the nineties as men and women struggle to meet the demands of busy, complicated lives. In the midst of so many options and as a result of a life- threatening illness three years ago, Patsy Ramsey has chosen her lifestyle and has dedicated herself to the role of stay-at-home mother, a title that seems to be a bit of a misnomer, since Ramsey is rarely at home. She :fills her days with volunteer service to the community and in her children's schools. In addition, she regularly travels with her husband John, CEO and president of Access Graphics, an international distributor of computer products that is headquartered in Boulder . "I've intentionally chosen not to participate in anything that requires evening meetings," says Ramsey. "That's the time when my family really comes :first. Whether we're dining in or out, dinner time is set aside to review everyone's daily activities and talk things over. "

As a woman formerly involved in a successful career in advertising as well as other ventures, choosing to abandon the career for what some would consider an unexciting lifestyle was an easy decision. "Being a mother and mentor to my children is the most important role I will play in my life," she says. "It is certainly the most difficult job I'll ever have!"

For Ramsey, her husband John, and their own children, Burke, 9, JonBenet 5, and her step-children Melinda and John Andrew, the decision has been an ideal one and has led to the family's overall well-being. "It's a big job to be a full-time wife and mother," says Ramsey. "The logistics of it all in the 90'S can be overwhelming. It's an even more difficult challenge for women with careers, as they still :find themselves intuitively doing the 'mom's jobs' as well."

"Realistically, " Ramsey goes on, "women still have 2-3 jobs. Many have full time jobs as well as shouldering the majority of the responsibility for their children. We really can't give 100% in so many different areas, and often, something suffers. Many times, it's the woman's health. We're so busy taking care of others -children, husbands, parents -that we don't take enough time to care for ourselves. "

Ramsey herself was raised with two sisters in a typically traditional household in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Her formative years were greatly influenced by her upbringing. The household was full of closeness and love, and the girls' father worked outside the home, while their mother did not. Extended family activities were spent with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins on weekends.

(photo -Patsy Ramsey -inserted here)

Ramsey moved to Atlanta (GA) soon after her graduation from West Virginia University. With her bachelor's degree in advertising and marketing, Ramsey began her career with McCann- Ericson Advertising Agency , where she focused on doing promotional marketing for Coca-Cola USA. Later she joined Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc., as Director of Marketing Services, and worked there for five years developing user-friendly product instruction manuals. One of the software manuals Ramsey was responsible for won first place in an international technical writing competition. Her job with Hayes also put her in charge of special events, trade shows, and in-house advertising.

Since relocating to Boulder from Atlanta in 1990, Ramsey's family has continued to be very important to her. In 1993 she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, an illness she has since learned runs in her family. It has been Ramsey's personal strength, powerful love of family, and deep sense of faith in a Divine healing that enabled her to stay the course through nine months of chemotherapy treatments at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda (MD).

During Ramsey's battle with cancer, her mother came to live with the family in Boulder for a year. "Coincidentally," Ramsey recalls, "my mother had just retired two days before my diagnosis from a full time job that she had enjoyed for several years after her children were grown -just in time to be a full time mom again! She not only took care of me, but she helped John take care of our children as well. We couldn't have gotten along without her." Because Ramsey's father works with John at Access Graphics in Boulder, he was also close during that time, and the family had many friends who offered their support as well. "Even though we had only lived in Boulder a short time, our friends and neighbors came to our rescue with prepared meals, and they drove the kids to school and piano lessons -they gave us an overwhelming amount of moral support. We were surely blessed. "

Even as everyone around her was so wonderful to her children, says Ramsey, "1 knew that ultimately, they were my real reason to fight the cancer and live! N o one can take care of my kids and do the things I want to do with them the way I can. And I plan to be around for a long time to see them through. "

Ramsey is comfortably seated in her sun room in an oversized chair, a small arrangement of daffodils and tulips reposes next to her. "1 consciously decided to take the time to enjoy the small things like fresh cut flowers, " she says. "They bring great joy to my life." Ramsey's smile broadens as she describes her early morning hours. "Every morning I look out my bedroom window at daybreak, " she says, "and I thank God for another day to be living here and taking care of my children. "

"We all get so busy, so caught-up in life, and we come to believe that we are in control, " Ramsey reflects. "We live by our Day timers and go from one appointment to another until something like cancer presents another agenda and we realize that life is fleeting." Even Ramsey's great love for life was seriously challenged when, in the face of her life-threatening illness, she looked at her two young children and her husband. mtimately, Ramsey found the strength to do a lot more than fight the cancer; at the top of her list was working to improve relations with family and friends. "Nothing becomes more important, " she recalls, "than simply living to see another day, receiving a phone call or card or a much needed visit from caring friends and neighbors. "

Ramsey never forgets how fortunate she is -not only to have fought the illness but also to have the opportunity to live the life she has chosen. Many of us today do not have the option to choose between a career and a family. For Ramsey, the privilege of such a choice is clearly one she revels in. "1 get up early every morning to get my children ready for school, " she says. "1 pack their lunches and set them off -then I have from 9:00 to 3:00 to participate in my own interests."

Ramsey has always been involved in her community and believes that volunteer work is an important contribution. Ramsey's skills and professional acumen serve her well as she writes business plans for fund raising projects and job descriptions for committee workers and meets with area professionals and corporate executives to solicit sponsorships to benefit local causes. From her efforts with the Eggleston Children's Hospital that raises over $1,000,000 annually to her work Iocally on such illustrious projects as the "Toast to the Artists" opening night event for the Colorado Dance Festival that will honor Mikhail Baryshnikov, Ramsey has impressed all around her .

Though she takes much-deserved pride in these labors, most of her volunteer work is centered around her children. This spring, for example, she was chairperson of the science fair at High Peaks, a Core Knowledge School. Ramsey found the entire experience to be very rewarding, and she enjoyed encouraging the young people's talent. Ramsey has also co-chaired a successful fund-raising effort through the school known as the "Good Fairy Project," which she helped create from its inception four years ago.

As a former Miss West Virginia and Miss America talent winner, Ramsey continues to serve as a judge and patron for the Miss America Scholarship Program. "Miss America awards millions of dollars in scholarships for women annually, " she says. "It continues to be an organization that encourages higher education for women. " Ramsey also promotes women's scholarships through the University Women's Club at CU-Boulder. She serves on the benefit Style Show & Luncheon committee, and she will chair the entire event in the spring of 1997.

Although Ramsey puts a great deal of energy into her local community , she is hardly confined to activities around Boulder. Being the wife of a busy corporate CEO requires Ramsey to accompany John to many functions around the world. Most recently, the couple attended a formal affair in Washington, D.C., honoring the retiring CEO of Lockheed- Martin.

But Ramsey hasn't always been just the graceful hostess on the arm of the CEO. "When the company was in its early years, I was always involved in designing brochures and catalogs for them," she says. "For years I designed the company catalog on a laser printer at midnight with very limited outside support. Today, the same catalog is a four-color, multi-lingual product developed by an entire department, " she recalls with a laugh.

In light of all of Ramsey's family obligations, chosen responsibilities and devoted energy on her volunteer work, she admits that there are other interests that she hasn't found time to pursue. "I'd love to find the time to paint," she says. "Somehow I always think I'll get to it during the summer when we're in our cottage in Michigan. But it hasn't happened -yet!"

The Ramsey family summer house may not yet be home to Ramsey artistry, but it is home to countless other activities for the Ramseys and their children. It's the most wonderful spot on earth, " says Ramsey. Obviously, other people in the small town of Charlevoix (MI) agree; this July, the house will be part of the local tour of homes, a benefit fund raiser for the local area hospital.

Ramsey is no stranger to home tours. Her Boulder home was part of the Historic Boulder Holiday Home Tour in December, 1994. "That was the first Christmas after my chemotherapy treatments, " recalls Ramsey. "I was still wearing my wig when the guests arrived. It was really good therapy to be decorating and getting ready for the tour, to get back into fun things again. You'd never know that 2000 people came through the house in two days! I began to give something back to the community after being given a second chance at life. "

With this second chance, Patsy Ramsey plans to enjoy each day and live for the moment. She is doing more than sustaining herself and her family. She has a favorite quotation by Edwin Markham that she truly lives by;

"It is destiny which makes us brothers~ None goes by his wayalone.

All that we send into the lives of others, Comes back into our own. "

There's no doubt that Ramsey works to spread the good fortune and love she has experienced in her own life. Today, she lives cancer-free, and she shares her joy and enthusiasm for life with everyone around her. As she says, "Being alive makes me happy. "
I hadn't read this before. This was the article in the Boulder Women's magazine in April 1996---doesn't sound like someone that could kill her daughter and cover it up. She was looking forward to living and taking care of her children. Interesting she was chairperson of a science fair at the school--similar to Mel Gibson's wife in "Ransom."


The death of JonBenet was in all likelihood an accident. So I doubt anyone was thinking about killing her. And I doubt anyone would mention that in a magazine if they felt that way.

I bolded a part of what you said. How does a potential killer sound anyway? I think the interviews/transcripts etc that exist from Patsy after Jonbenet's death are a lot more telling imo.

Patsy was giving an interview to a magazine for her own vanity/self-promotion so wouldn't exactly mention any latent murderress/psycho qualities she may or may not have. :floorlaugh:
Lots of people seem like completely benign individuals. Ted Bundy seemed like a really nice man. I'm on the fence with the whole case, but just because someone comes across well in a local puff piece doesn't actually mean they're a nice person.
what stood out to me, was that Patsy, alone, had once been the company's catalog designer. She didn't say that she had been replaced and pushed aside, but she didn't say that she hadn't been either.
what stood out to me, was that Patsy, alone, had once been the company's catalog designer. She didn't say that she had been replaced and pushed aside, but she didn't say that she hadn't been either.

Patsy was no airhead, even if she did promote JonBenet as some kind of barbie doll, she knew what to add and subtract from her profiles.

I remember in one of her interviews, she turned on her interviewer and told him, Dont go their Pal!

She was a tough cookie.

Even a nice person can do a bad thing. A split- second reaction, and it's irreversible. Patsy loved her kids. She may not seem like a normal mom to many people, but she was not unlike some other moms from her socioeconomic background. She also was very likely on strong meds, and Klonopin (an anti-depressant) was found in the medicine cabinet. Some of these meds have SERIOUS side effects on some people, and I don't mean physical effect. I mean mental effects.
We may question her parenting (re her obsession with JB's pageant career) but she did not PLAN to kill her daughter. I am RDI, but I cannot put the blame on any one person. It may not have been Patsy at all- though I believe she wrote the note, and both parents are involved in the coverup.
Even a nice person can do a bad thing. A split- second reaction, and it's irreversible. Patsy loved her kids. She may not seem like a normal mom to many people, but she was not unlike some other moms from her socioeconomic background. She also was very likely on strong meds, and Klonopin (an anti-depressant) was found in the medicine cabinet. Some of these meds have SERIOUS side effects on some people, and I don't mean physical effect. I mean mental effects.
We may question her parenting (re her obsession with JB's pageant career) but she did not PLAN to kill her daughter. I am RDI, but I cannot put the blame on any one person. It may not have been Patsy at all- though I believe she wrote the note, and both parents are involved in the coverup.

I agree.

I strongly believe Patsy wrote the ransom note thus was involved in this crime at the very least with regards to staging.

Nothing has been presented which leads me to think this crime was pre-meditated and an act of deliberate murder.

I think JonBenet was loved and was given a great 'materialistic' life. But even within loving families certain boundaries get crossed and clearly the molestation of JonBenet was such an example (assuming it was a family member(s) doing it).

This interview shows how Patsy viewed her circumstances regarding her cancer and is interesting with regards to that. But I don't think it diminishes or refutes in any way, shape or form, how she would react should exceptional events force her to act in an exceptional way e.g. like staging a crime scene to hide a death. The correlation of her words in this interview to her likely behaviours simply can't be made imo.
Even a nice person can do a bad thing. A split- second reaction, and it's irreversible. Patsy loved her kids. She may not seem like a normal mom to many people, but she was not unlike some other moms from her socioeconomic background. She also was very likely on strong meds, and Klonopin (an anti-depressant) was found in the medicine cabinet. Some of these meds have SERIOUS side effects on some people, and I don't mean physical effect. I mean mental effects.
We may question her parenting (re her obsession with JB's pageant career) but she did not PLAN to kill her daughter. I am RDI, but I cannot put the blame on any one person. It may not have been Patsy at all- though I believe she wrote the note, and both parents are involved in the coverup.
back in the 90's, my dr put me on an anti depressant, and begged me to give it time to adjust to my body. Well, I tried for 3 looong days, but got to the point where I thought I was losing my mind. The last night, I was laying in bed, WIDE awake, while my husband slept peacefully, and I was filled with such a rage. How dare he be able to sleep, while it took every bit of my self control just to keep my nerves from literally popping out of my skin. I was so enraged at the unfairness, that I could visualize getting out of bed, getting a butcher knife, and having at it. Well, the next day I explained to my dr why I wasn't going to take the medicine anymore, and the look on his face was pure fear. He agreed of course, and then put me on xanax. He told me it was a miracle drug, non addictive, and I could pop them like candy. I wasn't stupid, so I was very careful with those things. Even though they didn't make me homicidal, they didn't help much either. I just accepted that medicine doesn't help me, and I have to deal with problems, the natural way. The 90's were a crazy time for prescriptions.
back in the 90's, my dr put me on an anti depressant, and begged me to give it time to adjust to my body. Well, I tried for 3 looong days, but got to the point where I thought I was losing my mind. The last night, I was laying in bed, WIDE awake, while my husband slept peacefully, and I was filled with such a rage. How dare he be able to sleep, while it took every bit of my self control just to keep my nerves from literally popping out of my skin. I was so enraged at the unfairness, that I could visualize getting out of bed, getting a butcher knife, and having at it. Well, the next day I explained to my dr why I wasn't going to take the medicine anymore, and the look on his face was pure fear. He agreed of course, and then put me on xanax. He told me it was a miracle drug, non addictive, and I could pop them like candy. I wasn't stupid, so I was very careful with those things. Even though they didn't make me homicidal, they didn't help much either. I just accepted that medicine doesn't help me, and I have to deal with problems, the natural way. The 90's were a crazy time for prescriptions.

Very interesting post Dodie. Thanks.

If we speculate that Patsy was the perp, we'd need to envision what circumstances existed on the night on the 25th and early hours of the 26th which could make Patsy flip into such a rage. Did some incident take place which just coincided with Patsy, her mood, time of year and mental state etc and caused an extreme reaction?

I have no experience with drugs (prescription or any kind) so my understanding comes from what doctors, scientists and everyday people say.
The death of JonBenet was in all likelihood an accident. So I doubt anyone was thinking about killing her. And I doubt anyone would mention that in a magazine if they felt that way.

I bolded a part of what you said. How does a potential killer sound anyway? I think the interviews/transcripts etc that exist from Patsy after Jonbenet's death are a lot more telling imo.

Patsy was giving an interview to a magazine for her own vanity/self-promotion so wouldn't exactly mention any latent murderress/psycho qualities she may or may not have. :floorlaugh:

Not ulike the "entrepreneurship" article written about John Ramsey prior to the murder, both articles show normal people with unremarkable pasts when it comes to dysfunction or mental illness in their past and people who were successful in their lives. Patsy and Pam were both Miss West Virginias......Patsy went on to college and then moved to Atlanta to start a career. When she met John Ramsey they worked side by side to build the business. John Ramsey talks more about the rigorous cancer treatment Patsy endured with Stage 4 cancer when she had everything to live for...and was cancer free on l2/26/96. No way there would be an "accident" and dramatic coverup. No one changes that quickly, or could murder a child in the method that was used. That was the work of a monster.
Lots of people seem like completely benign individuals. Ted Bundy seemed like a really nice man. I'm on the fence with the whole case, but just because someone comes across well in a local puff piece doesn't actually mean they're a nice person.

I recently had a date with someone that seemed too good to be true...and he was....did a criminal search, and he just got out of his latest prison stint 6 months ago. Ted Bundy came to my mind. Ted Bundy had a childhood history of dysfunction, but you're right--he managed to fool quite a few people.

The piece shows that Patsy had a normal upbringing and family--probably better than a lot because of the support she got to pursue pageants. It shows she became part of the Boulder community with all her volunteer work and she was a kind and loving person and mother. I believe past behavior predicts future behavior. If anything I think she was too trusting and open.
Patsy was no airhead, even if she did promote JonBenet as some kind of barbie doll, she knew what to add and subtract from her profiles.

I remember in one of her interviews, she turned on her interviewer and told him, Dont go their Pal!

She was a tough cookie.


I believe that was the interview with the police when they brought up Burke and/or John as the perps. She should have hauled off and knocked him off the chair. Her comment under the circumstances was pretty mild. The police were purposely trying to provoke her so they could put more crap out in the media to use against her.
Not ulike the "entrepreneurship" article written about John Ramsey prior to the murder, both articles show normal people with unremarkable pasts when it comes to dysfunction or mental illness in their past and people who were successful in their lives. Patsy and Pam were both Miss West Virginias......Patsy went on to college and then moved to Atlanta to start a career. When she met John Ramsey they worked side by side to build the business. John Ramsey talks more about the rigorous cancer treatment Patsy endured with Stage 4 cancer when she had everything to live for...and was cancer free on l2/26/96. No way there would be an "accident" and dramatic coverup. No one changes that quickly, or could murder a child in the method that was used. That was the work of a monster.

John was a successful business man and Patsy a cancer survivor. But how does this correlate to 'child murder and cover-up?' and more importantly, preclude them from being responsible for the crime?

That's my point : the words from the articles before JonBenet are not related to the events of the 25th/26th December 1996. They testify to the particular interview, article at the time. I don't see anything in the article which relates to why and how JonBenet died or that anything exist which proves that the parent(s) couldn't do bad things.

I think it's wrong to say that a certain impression a person makes in an interview (where they are on their best behaviour) precludes them from doing anything bad.

If you interviewed Ted Bundy before it was revealed the extent of the evil he did, you'd find a polite, handsome intelligent man. You wouldn't think either he is a killer or that he couldn't kill.

I think certain and specific circumstances can make people do things that are hard to imagine.

On the one hand you are saying "no-one could do such and such" yet the facts tell us that someone was doing heinous acts to little JonBenet -- namely, she was being molested at the time of her death and before it. Her genital injuries prove this. So, I think the Ramsey household wasn't as 'perfect' as perhaps some would like to make out.
The other side of the coin - Patsy Ramsey's behavior -

Excerpt from Cherry, witness to Patsy behavior:

"My husband, I, and our sons sat directly behind the Ramsey's in NY at Annie Get Your Gun.

Patsy and her husband were there with their publicist. They would appear the next morning on Good Morning America to promote their book on their dead daughter.

Patsy's behavior was bizarre to say the least. The publicist sat between them. The husband and publicists acted as if Pasty wasn't really with them. They were overly friendly with each other, holding hands, laughing, whispering, very flirtatious. It was uncomfortable to watch. Pasty trailed behind them during the break, her head hung low, often talking to herself.

We all went to the lobby for refreshments. There Pasty was reenacting the show, singing and dancing, making quite a spectacle and calling attention to her self.

I had felt sorry for her in the theater, as several of the children where her daughters age and blonde. I thought it must be difficult to watch.

Patsy acted like a child, her husband and publicist treated her like one and behaved as if they were ashamed and annoyed with her. I was embarrassed for her and felt there was something very wrong, mentally with her.

I got up early to watch TV the next morning to see if her behavior had changed. It had. The Patsy Ramsey I saw in the theater that night was mentally disturbed. The woman on TV was not. Was she on medication?

What was the purpose of her public display at the theater? The woman I saw needed medical attention.

Why take a chance putting her on TV when she was obviously unstable? Did she see the world as her stage? Was the murder of her daughter her vehicle to stardom? What message were they sending hiring a publicist?

How could John Ramsey flirt so shamelessly with his wife right next to him? They were not acting like grieving parents.

It's left me with a lot of questions in the case. Questions also about how her behavior was brought out. I did read a few accounts of her bizarre behavior a few times but nothing I thought that realistically portrait her as I and my family had eyewitnesses....."

Linda Hoffman Pugh (housekeeper) account of Patsy's behavior - excerpts:

"...I also told the grand jury that while Patsy could be kind and even thoughtful, she was one of the strangest people I have ever met...."

"Patsy took me aside and explained that she had gone to her local church, had members of her congregation pray over her, and the next day found that doctors had declared her miraculously "cured" of stage-four ovarian cancer."

"Surprisingly - for someone who has a hundred dresses and prides herself with never wearing the same outfit twice - you were wearing that same costume when the police arrived the next day..."

"You took her into the bathroom. It was the same destination you always took JonBenet when it was time to punish her for bedwetting."

"...Patsy often would take JonBenet into the bathroom for punishment after a bedwetting incident..."

"But you forgot one thing. The handwriting and language of the note were all yours. I can hear your "voice" in the note. The word "hence," for example, was in your Christmas cards and letters and a word you liked to use in conversation. The phrase "use that good Southern common sense" is what you kidded John about, since he was anything but Southern, having been born and raised in Michigan; the phrase "fat cat" is what your mother, Nedra, used to call you after you and John became rich. The ransom demand asked that the money be put in an attaché, with a proper accent mark over the last e in attaché. I remember how careful you always were to put the proper accent mark over the e in the second syllable of JonBenet's name."

"...Mr. Ramsey "berated" Mrs. Ramsey for being "a lousy homemaker and cook" shortly before the murder and that the couple "never once demonstrated any affection for each other, physical or otherwise, in front of her."

-- Patsy Ramsey calls over dozens of friends immediately that morning; Throws those same friends under the bus in accusation of the murder.

-- Patsy Ramsey's friends worried about the 'mega-JonBenet' thing, planning an intervention to Patsy for this inappropriate behavior.

-- Patsy believes she was 100% cured of cancer by a divine intervention - miracle. When asked this question point-blank, she says 'yes, i do'.

-- Patsy's list of medications that cause serious side-effects: Prozac, Ativan, Klonopin

...An interview of a prominent successful woman in the community about her battles/struggles/achievements and what type of a great superwoman she is, is not going to highlight behaviors that lead to a murder.
John was a successful business man and Patsy a cancer survivor. But how does this correlate to 'child murder and cover-up?' and more importantly, preclude them from being responsible for the crime?

That's my point : the words from the articles before JonBenet are not related to the events of the 25th/26th December 1996. They testify to the particular interview, article at the time. I don't see anything in the article which relates to why and how JonBenet died or that anything exist which proves that the parent(s) couldn't do bad things.

I think it's wrong to say that a certain impression a person makes in an interview (where they are on their best behaviour) precludes them from doing anything bad.

If you interviewed Ted Bundy before it was revealed the extent of the evil he did, you'd find a polite, handsome intelligent man. You wouldn't think either he is a killer or that he couldn't kill.

I think certain and specific circumstances can make people do things that are hard to imagine.

On the one hand you are saying "no-one could do such and such" yet the facts tell us that someone was doing heinous acts to little JonBenet -- namely, she was being molested at the time of her death and before it. Her genital injuries prove this. So, I think the Ramsey household wasn't as 'perfect' as perhaps some would like to make out.

I don't believe she was molested prior to her death.....other experts refute this.
Bizarre---I never heard of this Cherry person before, and it sounds like she embellished the actions at the play. I don't recall any reports that Patsy was talking to herself, or John being openly flirtatious with another woman.

Linda Hoffman Pugh changed her story when she found out she could make $$$$. Her original comments were supportive of the Ramseys. Once the tabloids started waving money at her, and Darnay Hoffman came into the picture she said whatever they wanted her to say. She is not credible. Patsy was nothing but kind to her---even agreeing to lend her a couple thousand dollars RIGHT before the murder.
I don't believe she was molested prior to her death.....other experts refute this.

Some people do not believe in God, they deny that Jesus was reborn!

So how come the autopsy described JonBenet's internal injuries, itemizing a splinter of wood deposited internally?

Coroner Meyer opined that JonBenet had suffered sexual contact and digital penetration.

Is just that your beliefs differ from that of Coronor Meyer?

JR and Patsy were just as you described, BUT are you seriously suggesting that because parents are educated and successful that an accident CANNOT happen?
Or that molestation CANNOT take place? Because I can assure you it can and does, and in successful educated families.
dammit do we have to go through this again... I just need to link to my other post in which numerous high-society pillars of the community, wealthy people, doctors, etc. are guilty of egregious child abuse, and the community didn't want to believe it because of the 'type' of people they were.


why must we rehash the same fallacy arguments over and over?

Here's a perfect one -

Doctors abused adopted children - Middle-class doctors were left free to abuse adopted children in a "reign of terror" because social workers were intimidated by their professional status, a review has found:

"Some professionals in the case were swayed by ''perceptions and assumptions'' about the couple's social class, professional status and high academic qualifications, the review concluded."

...there's many more. this is a waste of time.

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