Patsy Ramsey

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Jameson/Susan Bennett had back in those early years of the case. She posted some information that was accurate but it was lopsided. She wanted her forum interpreted as supportive of the Ramseys. Everything posted on her forum had to be beneficial to the Ramsey's and point toward their innocence. She controlled FWs depo like that on her forum. She exchanged emails with Steve Thomas and others. Jameson had a lot of connections or at least one great one.

As I recall, she once took out the Ramsey's trash!!


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Right! It has always been my impression that the friends and such were called over to be buffers, to contaminate and to be witnesses to the family's "grief." The R's had to know people would be asked and this way their friends could say something to the effect of "they would never do that. I was there when she was found. They were devasted." Another thing that has always bothered me is the fact that they seemed to make a conscious effort not to touch the RN(no fingerprints) yet they call all of these people over possibley destroying evidence? Wtf? How would they have known what rooms the nonexistent intruder was in and what the nonexistent intruder may have touched? I would not be willing to take that chance. That's gambling with your daughter's life. Who does that? Sorry guys, wasn't trying to derail.I'm new here :seeya:and I had to get that out lol

And let's not forget that the RN specifically warned them about contacting anyone. Did they tell the police that? Nope. Then they themselves proceeded to invite half of Boulder to "come on over".

I could certainly get calling LE, although I would have mentioned the threat.
There is no way on earth I would risk contacing friends.

But then, if you know the RN and all the threats in it are fake.......
And let's not forget that the RN specifically warned them about contacting anyone. Did they tell the police that? Nope. Then they themselves proceeded to invite half of Boulder to "come on over".

There are protocols for police officers and FBI to deal with hostage situations or situations where there the victim may under threat by the perp.
They could very easily have sent an unmarked car or sent two tactical officers to scope the place to see if there was anybody watching.

I also wonder why the Ramseys wouldn't mention this since one of the kidnappers could be watching from a car or a house. That would be a good opportunity for the police to catch whoever was watching and retrieve JonBenet. Hell JonBenet could be in the seat of the car, the guy was watching them from.
Yet another example of the Ramsey's seeming lack of interest in catching this intruder.
As I recall, she once took out the Ramsey's trash!!


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I’ve always thought of “Hir” (the nick name given to Jameson by some posters at FFJ) akin to the title character in Beetlejuice. (Don’t anyone say her name 3 times in a post. It conjures her up. :)) [modsnip]. As far as this situation goes she had to actually be legally stopped from posting the illicitly-received depo. (A cease and desist order from Carnes.)

Fortunately, FW’s testimony at the GJ is still unavailable, so noone can "cherry pick" it. And speaking of the GJ a glimpse back, just for fun:

On Friday, October 8 towards the end of the GJ meetings, Craig Silverman, a former Denver prosecutor who had been following the case commented "I think something happened today that Alex Hunter did not expect. I think it could be the grand jury is finally asserting its own power. It would appear that Alex Hunter's timetable was thrown for a loop by a decision of the grand jury to keep meeting."

The GJ finally finished their work Wednesday, October 13, 1999. Could it be that it wasn’t the timetable AH was worried about, but fear that the GJ might return a True Bill? If I’m reading that correctly going through AH’s head about a possible True Bill is, “Oh, dear, what to do, what to do? I can't let that come to light." moo
And let's not forget that the RN specifically warned them about contacting anyone. Did they tell the police that? Nope. Then they themselves proceeded to invite half of Boulder to "come on over".

I could certainly get calling LE, although I would have mentioned the threat.
There is no way on earth I would risk contacing friends.

But then, if you know the RN and all the threats in it are fake.......

Let’s not forget that the threats were on the second page of the ransom note and reportedly Mrs Ramsey did not read the note in its entirety before dialing 911.

There are protocols for police officers and FBI to deal with hostage situations or situations where there the victim may under threat by the perp.
They could very easily have sent an unmarked car or sent two tactical officers to scope the place to see if there was anybody watching.

I also wonder why the Ramseys wouldn't mention this since one of the kidnappers could be watching from a car or a house. That would be a good opportunity for the police to catch whoever was watching and retrieve JonBenet. Hell JonBenet could be in the seat of the car, the guy was watching them from.
Yet another example of the Ramsey's seeming lack of interest in catching this intruder.
I suspect that the Ramseys expected and assumed that the police would respond appropriately.

Let’s not forget that the threats were on the second page of the ransom note and reportedly Mrs Ramsey did not read the note in its entirety before dialing 911.



But instead of reading the rest of the note in its entirety, from the kidnappers who took her child.....Patsy whips out her Rolodex and phones friends...

Yeah ok.

She desired an audience for her performance.


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The GJ finally finished their work Wednesday, October 13, 1999. Could it be that it wasn’t the timetable AH was worried about, but fear that the GJ might return a True Bill? If I’m reading that correctly going through AH’s head about a possible True Bill is, “Oh, dear, what to do, what to do? I can't let that come to light." moo

I bet you're reading his thoughts perfectly, qft, and I love how you translated the actual English for this :curses: into High Boulderian!
Did the Ramseys even say whether they had a discussion about whether they should call the police or not? I imagine this would be a pretty heavy discussion since their daughter's life hinged on the wrong move? Did they have the discussion and were they completely unified in their action?
As I remember it Patsy asked John while he was reading the note what they should do should they call 911 and John said call.
But instead of reading the rest of the note in its entirety, from the kidnappers who took her child.....Patsy whips out her Rolodex and phones friends...

Yeah ok.

She desired an audience for her performance.


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Exactly. Can I buy calling 911 before reading every line of the RN? Yes. But calling your friends takes priority over reading every line of the RN?

Only in Ramseyworld.
Did the Ramseys even say whether they had a discussion about whether they should call the police or not? I imagine this would be a pretty heavy discussion since their daughter's life hinged on the wrong move? Did they have the discussion and were they completely unified in their action?

Not only that, but per the RN the kidnapper was supposed to make contact with them. I believe the time given was 10:00 A.M. So, did they anxiously wait by the phone at that time like any parent I have ever known would do?

I bet you know the answer already.:angel:
I think the R's were really worried about what the neighbors would say/think and wanted everyone there to see that it was a kidnapping. It's possible they assumed the police would read the letter and ask the friends to leave.
But instead of reading the rest of the note in its entirety, from the kidnappers who took her child.....Patsy whips out her Rolodex and phones friends...

Yeah ok.

She desired an audience for her performance.


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Exactly. We are supposed to believe they either didn't read the whole note and called 911 or didn't read the whole note and called friends or did read the whole note and called friends anyway. Either way, none of it makes a lick of sense.
Exactly. We are supposed to believe they either didn't read the whole note and called 911 or didn't read the whole note and called friends or did read the whole note and called friends anyway. Either way, none of it makes a lick of sense.

You know if I received that ransom note, I would have thought it was some type of sick prank by a neighborhood kid. Or maybe some prank that JonBenet is in on. and.............Look in every room in the house to see if she was hiding somewhere. Or even wake up Burke to see if this was a joke played by JAR.

Their 100% acceptance of it as the real thing is puzzling.
You know if I received that ransom note, I would have thought it was some type of sick prank by a neighborhood kid. Or maybe some prank that JonBenet is in on. and.............Look in every room in the house to see if she was hiding somewhere. Or even wake up Burke to see if this was a joke played by JAR.

Their 100% acceptance of it as the real thing is puzzling.

they didn't accept it as real b/c they knew it was a fake b/c one or both of them wrote it!

what they did is not "puzzling"... it was ACTING!!!

ran·som [ran-suhm] Show IPA
the redemption of a prisoner, slave, or kidnapped person, of captured goods, etc., for a price.
the sum or price paid or demanded.
a means of deliverance or rescue from punishment for sin, especially the payment of a redemptive fine.
verb (used with object)
to redeem from captivity, bondage, detention, etc., by paying a demanded price.
to release or restore on receipt of a ransom.

to deliver or redeem from punishment for sin

Ok, so this is the definition of ransom. This is what I know ransom to be.

A ransom note would follow, IMO, that someone has been kidnapped (JonBenet) and a price is being requested for her safe return, along with instructions. Instructions for ransom would be very significant, to me. Not to mention the fact these are the people that have my beloved baby. Following their instructions- at least understanding these instructions would be of paramount importance to me, there would actually be nothing MORE IMPORTANT in that moment- these people/person HAVE MY CHILD!

If I am the receiver of a ransom note I am going to be given directions (wether in the note or by further instruction) how much money (ransom) is demanded and the directions I need to follow to get the kidnapped person/child (in this case JonBenet) back.

The people that wrote this note... these instructions- have my precious child but I.Do.Not.Bother.To.Read.Every.Word.Of.What.They.Have.To.Say!

No way.

The people here that say otherwise are grasping at straws- ridiculous, tenuous straws.

I would GIVE ANYTHING to have information from anyone alive who ever received a ransom note- for kidnap- that would buy the story of the Ramsey's.

The fact that this WAS a three page letter, IMO, would mean there would be A LOT of instructions to follow in it.

And- there was.

I have no problem with the Ramsey's calling the police- it is the alleged non reading past the first page and calling friends, doctors and clergy.

Give me a break.

How convenient this "excuse" was for the Ramsey's.

Ludicrous. Ridiculous. Honestly.
I'm not sure why you've quoted this portion of PR's interview b/c it doesn't support your original argument, that Patsy denied buying the pineapple, AND it doesn't support your modified argument that she didn't remember buying the pineapple. [modsnip]

There is no modified argument. I think I was clear that didn't buy and didn't recall buying are the same thing. But if it's not clear....It's the same thing.

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