Paula Woodward’s new book.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The belated 'discovery' of the size 12s is another peculiarity. This seems like a JR move similar to his handing BPD the notepad. The staging also involves removal and obliteration. JR being redressed, and wiped, is part of this aspect of the staging.

The size 12s were a substitution for what JB was wearing initially. They were meant as disguise or camouflage; but, for what is unknown and perplexing. The subsequent return of the size 12s could be connected to whatever was covered up by their introduction to the CS? The Rs could have felt that this was a type of closure? If nothing else, they could show how very cooperative they were with LE. By that time, Team R would have a good idea of how LE was considering the evidence, which included several pairs of undies. John & Patsy may not have come clean with one another? If one parent were guilty, it does not mean that they'd spill their guts to the other. This might be the case depending on the motive for the murder. IMO Patsy seemed startled by some things during BPD interviews. She tripped up early.
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The reemergence of the size 12's is curious. I am thinking when the touch DNA came out, that they were turned over so perhaps there was the same DNA that might support IDI who opened the package and was found on JBR? Never underestimate the expert advice of experienced legal council.
The reemergence of the size 12's is curious. I am thinking when the touch DNA came out, that they were turned over so perhaps there was the same DNA that might support IDI who opened the package and was found on JBR? Never underestimate the expert advice of experienced legal council.

The reemergence of the size 12's is curious. I am thinking when the touch DNA came out, that they were turned over so perhaps there was the same DNA that might support IDI who opened the package and was found on JBR? Never underestimate the expert advice of experienced legal council.
Yes, but here is the more curious riposte, no matching dna samples have been published as originating from the remaining size-12's handed in belatedly by the Ramsey's.

Even more curious is that nothing has been published showing any dna from the remaining size-12's as being dissimilar.

Dissimilar dna would reinforce an IDI theory, suggesting the source was the killer rather than say a Mexican underwear packer?

From memory similar dna was found on Burke's long johns, suggesting this was the source for the underwear sample?

Without magicking up the remaining size-12's the investigators would be assuming the intruder redressed JonBenet in brand new size-12's, then left the house with the remaining size-12's as a trophy?

Seems the size-12's had to be found as BPD told Patsy there were none in JonBenet's underwear drawer or elsewhere in the house.

Why would any intruder go to the trouble of redressing JonBenet in a brand new pair of evidently oversized underwear. Hey, that means opening a package, when there are numerous normal sized pairs available in the drawer.

I have a used copy of this book. It has photocopies of police reports by French and Arndt that I've found useful.

Off hand, the one error that comes to mind is that the Hi-TEC bootprint is mirror-imaged.

There are many "sins of omission" and some malicious interpretations. It's not even-handed by any stretch of the imagination

Here's a malicious interpretation from her first book: Woodward ridicules Ofc. French for saying that the Ramseys were going on a short trip to Charlevoix because they would be in transit to Michigan for hours and then have to drive an hour to Charlevoix. Clearly that's a long trip, tuts Ms. Woodward. French is therefore an incompetent idiot and nothing he reports should be believed.

Of course the kind of short trip that was meant was that the Ramseys would be traveling most of the 26th, in Charlevoix MI for the 27th, back to Boulder on the 28th, then flying out of Denver so that Patsy could be on the Big Red Boat in Florida on the 29th. That kind of short trip, where you spend like a day in northern Michigan because you have to be in Florida on the 29th. (And of course, French may simply be putting Patsy's actual language into his report.)

From Ofc. French's 12-26-96 report: “Ms. Ramsey told me that she had gone into JonBenet’s room at about 0545 hours to wake her in preparation for a short trip the family was to take later that day. She found JonBenet’s room empty and then discovered the note as she walked down the stairs. She immediately called the police.”
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