Pedophile Ring Investigation by FBI and US Postal Service

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I hope Spanier wasn't flying a PSU plane in which Sandusky and the rich donor had their alleged tryst with a boy (or was it boys?).

Well, with his belief that deviancy is subject to opinion, makes you wonder what he would do or allow:

“We [Spanier and Cole] choose to view deviant behavior simply as behavior that some value and others consider wrong. An individual’s behavior becomes deviant only when others define it as deviant. Much of an individual’s behavior can be viewed as a response to this “labeling.” Mate swapping, then, can be viewed as either deviant or normal behavior, depending on who is viewing it and from what perspective it is being viewed.”
Sara Ganim doesn't believe Bucceroni either:
"The story keeps evolving and changing," said Sara Ganim, the Pulitzer
Prize-winning Patriot-News reporter who broke the Sandusky story.
Ganim said Bucceroni contacted her over the summer with new
allegations, but couldn't provide details. Bucceroni has since been
harassing her by email and with vulgar tweets, Ganim said.

"I asked him for the names of other guys in the pedophile ring, and he
said he could only remember first names," Ganim said. "Now he can
remember all these famous pedophiles?"

And here is his earlier version, after the Sandusky scandal broke - look whose name is conspicuously absent:

According to Bucceroni, he was also a mob hitman in his teenage years, who was supposed to kill Mumia Abu-Jamal before Mumia killed Philadelphia officer Daniel Faulkner, but he passed up the opportunity.

I believe that Bucceroni may very well have been victimized as a young boy, but I fear there is a lot of embellishment in his claims. Whether he believes his stories or not is still up for debate.
Well, in my case, as a 7th grader, that senior would be an authority figure, perhaps as much as Sandusky. Sandusky was not their teacher and coach and tried to be regarded as a friend. They were not calling him "Mr. Sandusky," but "Jerry."

Well, we might have a different definition of "in the shower together." I would interpret it as being in the same shower room, under separate shower heads. I think that is what these people all meant. They would see Sandusky with a child under the next shower head; he's under the east head and the child is under the west head.

I would not call it a "free-for-all." I know that, at 11, to be in a public shower and have a 55 year old come in next too me, under a different shower head, and shower. Likewise, at 49, if I walked into a public shower and saw an 11 year old boy showering, I wouldn't (at least until this) give it a second thought. Frankly, I might not even notice him.

I've never been in this thread before and I am just appalled that this is going on anywhere.

You SHOULD give it a second thought if you walk in and there is an 11-year-old boy showering-if you were the subject of a sexual abuse complaint how would you defend yourself?

There should be no school, no gym, no facility PERIOD having men and boys showering together, even under separate shower heads.
Dr. Phil is interviewing a man who alleges he was part of a child sex prostitution ring - raped, abused and prostituted by Jerry Sandusky and friends. He alleges the older men would take pictures of the children and then trade the "nude" photos like baseball cards with each other. Greg further alleges Jerry told him it was C.O.D. and then had to explain cash on delivery - as he was only 11 at the time. Jerry had to take a "raincheck" with this young man as the other person they were with had to return to Penn State right away.

Further clarification on this meeting and subsequent meeting. . . They met on a later date and Jerry and other adult friend were exchanging pictures of nude boys -some of them included him. Jerry and Ed Savage - a combo between Napoleon and Gilbert Godfrey . . . . who was very adamant time schedules . . . Ed felt Sandusky had spent too much time with Greg and became upset. Ed Savage had the pictures and started showing them around to other men (at the 2nd Mile building) -it was prearranged which child was to be with which adult. Approx. 4 Pediphile men were there exchanging pics . . . Joe Paterno came to the building and Savage (who has since died of AIDS) and Sandusky became very nervous. They straightened up, took their hands off the children, and their voices became lower in tone. Greg alleges once they were one on one (Sandusky) very touchy touchy, seductive with him, much different demeanor than while coaching football. Didn' want Paterno to know about the sexual contact. Greg felt like he was the main attraction at a bachelor party, he felt like a hamburger in a room full of hungry men.
Greg alleges when he was 11 he was involved in tri-State prostitution ring with Sandusky, Savage, and elected officials . . . Savage would give him money ($40 for a bike) for oral sex, gave the boys gifts, money, drugs, alcohol for sex. He felt dehumanized. Between 13-16 years old he slept with 50-100 guys. initially it started with Savage offering him gifts for pictures of his penis.

Greg was a troubled kid running the streets . . . joined South Philly Boys Club. . . Savage was introduced as a Philanthropist . . .(he didn't know what that was at the time). He was raped at age 14 - they would give them prescription drugs to ease the pain . . . blacked out . . . doesn't remember anything until waking up, he had been bathed and his clothes were folded neatly.

One time at a party of about 30 boys, fight broke out - cops came - Savage alleged Greg tried to rob him, cops came and in 1980 Greg told the detectives Savage had been raping him. Cops called Greg "white trash", lying, said no one would believe him over Savage Greg thought the money was pretty cool - he made about $30K - $40K per year at age 14. He was a prostitute - he was used and he used them.
Travis Weaver met Jerry @ summer camp . . .age 10 when Jerry first started molested him . . met him @ 2nd mile . . . idolized Jerry . . . first sexual encounter in Coaches locker room . . . wrestled with Travis, bear hug, after shower went to couch, Jerry rubbed him,blowing his stomach - then oral sex. He would stay @ Jerry's and stayed downstairs . . . Travis cried to self @ night . . .alleges Jerry robbed him of his childhood . . . Dr. Phil praises him for coming forward and saving other boys going thru this . . . always thought it was just him that was being molested until he heard all the other stories. Travis was in 2nd mile summer camp @ swim pool - Jerry threw him around - horseplay. .. . within couple of months after meeting Jerry started molesting Travis. He got to go to Penn State locker rooms and weight rooms with Jerry. Theywere taking shower - Jerrywanted to wrestle around, bear hug, Jerry dried him off, pulled him to couch in coaches locker room, blew on stomach, then oral sex. Travis didn't know what it was . . . Jerry had no fear . . . often late @ night - or early morning when they were there. . . Jerry would act like nothing happened each time episode was over. Dotty stood behind her hubby - Travis will tell us where Dotty was during molestations at the home.
When Travis was being abused @ Jerry's house - his wife was in their bedroom . . says how could she not know when your spouse gets up out of bed all hours of the night, disappeared for an hour and then returned . . . often Travis was being molested right across the hall from where Dotty was.

When Travis was 14 - went out of town w/Jerry - Jerry pinned him on the bed attempting to molest him . . told Jerry no - Jerry threatened Travis that he would have Travis' father fired from Penn State (his Dad's employer at the time). Jerry laughed @ Travis and told him no one would believe him. couple weeks later Travis called his mom - out of state and moved in with his Mom.

Dr. Phil reiterates a person who was victimized in childhood do not grow up to be abusers - only 1% of the time that happens. Travis' Father considers allowing Jerry to adopt Travis. Travis thought Jerry had stopped this behavior but was shocked when he heard of the charges against Jerry - decided to come forward.
Travis said Jerry kept saying I love you . . . Jerry approached Travis' dad and asked if Jerry could adopt Travis . . . Travis had been getting in a little trouble @ school - Travis' Dad thought it might be a good thing for Travis to have a good life.

Molestation going on for years . . . Greg reported it in 1980 . . . Sandusky has adopted son, Matt, Travis and Matt and Jerry went to the gym together. Matt didn't want Jerry, or Travis near him - he stayed in corner.

Atty saying Penn State must have known Sandusky was molested children . . . in Travis case 1992-1996. Atty says Penn State knew and allowed it to continue.

Greg wants to raise awareness . . . crack down on cops, everyone knew and because Savage was part of while millionaire club and the kids were considered "white trash" - and not believed.

Phil tells parents do not tell your kids to do everything they are told by pastors, teachers, coaches, etc . . . teach kids to trust instincts - ok if you say no - you will not get in trouble - I have your back even if it turns out you were wrong to say no. We will talk about it.
I've never been in this thread before and I am just appalled that this is going on anywhere.

You SHOULD give it a second thought if you walk in and there is an 11-year-old boy showering-if you were the subject of a sexual abuse complaint how would you defend yourself?

There should be no school, no gym, no facility PERIOD having men and boys showering together, even under separate shower heads.

When my son was 4 years old I signed him up and paid for swimming at the YMCA because they had swim teams and believed it would be a fun activity to do in the winter. I was SHOCKED when the instructor, a young man, informed me that the boys needed to shower before and after entering & exiting the pool and I could not be present during classes. I took my son and left. I made numerous phone calls complaining about the "policy" that never accomplished anything. To this day I am still sicken at how easily ALL the other parents, of the kids there, handed their children over to a complete stranger that was way too eager IMO to be alone with little boys.
JMO, but I do not believe Dottie is innocent at all.
She knew, heard and did nothing..............IMO, she is as bad as her husband!
When my son was 4 years old I signed him up and paid for swimming at the YMCA because they had swim teams and believed it would be a fun activity to do in the winter. I was SHOCKED when the instructor, a young man, informed me that the boys needed to shower before and after entering & exiting the pool and I could not be present during classes. I took my son and left. I made numerous phone calls complaining about the "policy" that never accomplished anything. To this day I am still sicken at how easily ALL the other parents, of the kids there, handed their children over to a complete stranger that was way too eager IMO to be alone with little boys.

Well, in all fairness, most parents would, that would choose to use the facility. As I've indicated, it is normal for 11-12 year-olds to be in a locker room naked with adults. I'm fairly sure that my phys ed teacher saw us naked in the locker room, and didn't think anything about it. I wouldn't be too surprised if one of them (who was old enough) actually saw the fathers' of some of my classmates naked when they were in school. I'm also sure he never had any impure thought in life about it.

Folks, it's common.
Well, in all fairness, most parents would, that would choose to use the facility. As I've indicated, it is normal for 11-12 year-olds to be in a locker room naked with adults. I'm fairly sure that my phys ed teacher saw us naked in the locker room, and didn't think anything about it. I wouldn't be too surprised if one of them (who was old enough) actually saw the fathers' of some of my classmates naked when they were in school. I'm also sure he never had any impure thought in life about it.

Folks, it's common.

Maybe it was common. In this day and age, it's just plain stupid and dangerous, and not just for the children. A false allegation could ruin someone's entire life. Any adult willing to put themselves in such a situation, I have serious concerns about. I believe they are either an idiot or a pedophile...either & mine are steering clear!

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Maybe it was common. In this day and age, it's just plain stupid and dangerous, and not just for the children. A false allegation could ruin someone's entire life. Any adult willing to put themselves in such a situation, I have serious concerns about. I believe they are either an idiot or a pedophile...either & mine are steering clear!

Well, so could running out of the shower naked when an 11 year old walks in.

Public showers are like public restrooms. Sure something could happen, but many times, I've been in a public rest room and small boy will be walking in.
How many of the other coaches at Penn State were showering with boys except for the ones Sandusky brought in? None? How many parents were dropping their children off at Penn State for activities which included showering before or after in that building? None?
People may not think it's wrong, but how many others were actually doing it? You guessed it..... NONE.
How many of the other coaches at Penn State were showering with boys except for the ones Sandusky brought in? None? How many parents were dropping their children off at Penn State for activities which included showering before or after in that building? None?
People may not think it's wrong, but how many others were actually doing it? You guessed it..... NONE.

From what I've heard, it was uncommon, but it did happen. Several of the witnesses testified that they had brought their children in the to shower with them. I've also seen media reports indicating that others did. One is on page 93 ff., here:, GERALD 061812 JT.pdf See also page 124, ff.

Now, none of the hugged a child in a shower, or had physical contact in a shower. And none of them brought an unrelated child in with him.

These types of showers are relatively public and an analogy is a public restroom. When I have to, I use a public restroom and, yes, young boys will come in and also use it while I'm using it. Am I supposed to stop if one does, and go running out of the room? Is he suppose to wait until he sees all the adults exit?

Just showering isn't too strange and would not have raised any red flags. It was a lot more, even with the victims that were not raped.

"McGettigan, on cross-examination of the coaches, also pointed out in his questioning that neither man invited any young boys to shower with them. Their experiences were in groups, not one on one."

"Booker T. Brooks, a former receivers and tight ends coach who left Penn State to coach at Oregon State, said he takes showers at the YMCA with his young granddaughter."

Group showers at the local "Y" is a lot different than one on one showering at Penn State.

"Richard “Dick” Anderson, a former Nittany Lions offensive line coach, said he would consider sharing a hotel room with a young boy if it was for the child’s emotional benefit."

Maybe Mr. Anderson has become a person of interest in the investigation.

"McGettigan, on cross-examination of the coaches, also pointed out in his questioning that neither man invited any young boys to shower with them. Their experiences were in groups, not one on one."

"Booker T. Brooks, a former receivers and tight ends coach who left Penn State to coach at Oregon State, said he takes showers at the YMCA with his young granddaughter."

Group showers at the local "Y" is a lot different than one on one showering at Penn State.

"Richard “Dick” Anderson, a former Nittany Lions offensive line coach, said he would consider sharing a hotel room with a young boy if it was for the child’s emotional benefit."

Maybe Mr. Anderson has become a person of interest in the investigation.

Even sharing a room may not be too unusual.

I think the idea of being in a public shower is not unusual, and may be common. It becomes less common when:

A. The adult suggests it.

B. There are no others around.

To me, it crosses the line when there is touching in the shower.

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