Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #2

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Some folks might want to reserve the DP for serial killers, terrorists and the like. However, according to the LAW, the death penalty can be given to people who commit first-degree murder (regardless of criminal background, age etc.) if the murder was especially cruel. This very jury agreed that it was. Travis' family wants her to be sentenced to death. Please, jury, do the right thing!
Can the alternate's be brought in and replace the hold outs??? I remember in the scott peterson case a few (?) couldn't decide and the alnternate's were brought in. Maybe I am wrong, that was a long time ago and my memory is not really clear on that now. Anybody else remember ?
It's too bad the jury didn't get to see the murderess moments before they entered the courtroom - animated, laughing with her DT, flirting with the bailiff, and totally relaxed. The minute the jury entered, she became a DV victim again. What is this jury hung up on? She has zero remorse and she is still happy Travis is dead! She threw everyone under the bus, including her parents. She is now waging a campaign against DV and making $$$ off of it to boot! She is bloviating about women like herself who weren't smart enough to 'document' their physical injuries! She is an insult to all women who actually do suffer with DV. She deserves death for posing as a survivor and trashing the man (victim) she murdered in cold blood because he tried to get away from her. Fortunately, she inadvertently 'documented' Travis's murder - and for this she deserves to die!

What is the hang-up???
Just listened again, Judge said " I just received a note saying you are UNABLE to come to a unanimous decision"....
But, the court tweets they want to know what happens IF they can't come to a unanimous decision...
So is this why she answered with an Alan charge? Is there a law preventing her from answering "what if" questions?
I am concerned with the hold outs for LWOP. It is like moving a mountain to get a LWOP to come over to Death.

The part that frustrates me is they signed on saying they can sentence someone to Death if it warranted it.

If this does not warrant it, what does?

Chopping, stabbing, shot in the head, slit throat all the way through, bruised back legs wither HER footprints embedded on him? Standing on him.

She is a monster I do not want her hosting a Book Club weekly for Inmates, I don't want her Recycling AND god help the inmate that has to look at Jodi's long fingers being taught Sign Language! Crap I'll fly to AZ and teach them all sign language myself! (ok I have to learn how to speak sign language first, but still.. I'll do it)
:seeya: I was just thinking about the Pinellas 12 !

The Pinellas 12 will be relinquishing their "crown" IF this jury does NOT come back with the Death Penalty !

We will then have the "Maricopa 12" ... ugh !

Sorry, but I could never lump this jury in with the Pinellas 12. They've gotten it right so far. They asked good, tough questions and brought back the right verdicts in the firs 2 phases.

I'm keeping the faith~
I have always thought that the First Degree conviction was the VICTORY here. That was Justice for Travis.
I feel like the DP is such a personal decision.
I truthfully, laid awake at night, begging and hoping that the Alexanders would see it that way. They don't and that's understandable. My heart breaks for them. I wish I could hug them.
If this jury hangs, I'm going to be revert to anti-DP with a virulent twist.

What stronger case for the DP could they have been presented? A world-class prosecutor, a revolting defendant, and an incredibly sympathetic victim's family sitting there every last day of trial. Why have the DP?

Instead there really should be 2 forms of LWOP. Regular, and one for the likes of this sicko-- DP conditions for the rest of life, no reprieve. Can't imagine any jury having a problem giving her that kind of LWOP.
Question is

What would the family what

Life & the judge sentences her to LWOP
Hung & a new jury & possible DP verdict
Maybe the jury has taken a page from JA's Big Book of Manipulation and are letting her hope she has a chance at a life sentence to make her squirm.

OHHHH that's so debasing. I like that! (please, please, please)
Just heard the replay of JSS saying "it is my understanding that you are unable to come to a unanimous descision". darn (HLN)

But that is not the question. The question could suggest a number of scenarios.
I just don't see this jury allowing themselves to be a hung jury. They have been through so much.
I cannot fathom the idea that those holding out are ok with jodi admitting she will be spending the rest
Of her life bashing the victim that she brutally slaughtered three times over by selling false accusation SURVIVOR shirts!!!!


Isn't this the same jury that didn't believe her BS and found her guilty of extremely cruel M1 ?!?!

The really troubling part is that these Jurors, especially whoever the hold-out is, once this is over and the Jurors get to find out the Truth, Facts that were withheld from them, the things they don't know, for one example like Chris & Sky Hughes' real knowledge, view and thoughts, not the twisted BS they were fed, and so, so much more, are going to regret not giving her the DP.
This is "IF" they don't get it right Now and give her what she deserves, the DP. I'm still hoping they can do the right thing Today
Guys, let's think about this. Based on what the jury instructions in this phase said (from what I remember), there are really no mitigating factors, although even with the instructions it seemed very subjective obviously. So there HAVE to be more for the death verdict than against. So I have faith that this majority will not all cave in suddenly.

If anything, it will be hung or death verdict, IMO.

HLN, GET ASHLEY BANFIELD OFF...sick of hearing her...
Just rewatched it on DVR

JSS: Ladies and Gentleman I have received your note indicating that you are unable to come to a unanimous decision.

Thanks, that's what I thought I heard.
Is anyone ok with LWOP?

i am. i'm fine with either one. the conviction was what i was worried about. once we got that, i relaxed about it.

the reality is she won't be executed for YEARS. not in my lifetime, most likely. she may even manage to get a new trial! the quality of her representation will be FAR superior if she gets the DP, and that scares me. so i'm cool with LWOP.
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