Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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Yep that's it!!
...even better after wine...:floorlaugh:

I'd have rotten eggs thrown at me if I danced the way Elaine does! :laugh:

With all my verdict-waiting practice I've gotten pretty good with my dance moves. Color me smug...:innocent: :giggle:
I believe the death penalty should be reserved for the worst of the worst. And I believe Jodi fits the bill. There are crazy people who are truly out to lunch-truly not responsible because they are profoundly sick. Jodi is not out to lunch. Her moves are contrived, calculated and yes, I would agree she is mentally ill, but not so profoundly sick that she had no grasp at the evil she did and how wrong it was. She knew yet still carried out her plan and then covered it up/lied for years until she finally came up with the self defense story.

If Travis were your brother, son, friend would you still feel the same way? knowing that the murderer had travelled 1000 miles and had plenty of time to change her mind. She didn't. She killed him horrendously and to this day shows no real remorse. If she gets life she will continue to haunt the family doing press and peddling her DV story to whoever will listen. She will re-victimize the Alexander's over and over. She wants the Alexander's to have "peace" yet she continues to drag Travis through the mud. Killing Jodi would not only be justice,it would stop her from continuing to hurt the victims. Unless she gets the DP where she will be locked up 23 hrs a day and the cameras go away for good, she will continue her attack on the victims as long as she lives. They will never hear the end of her. She will do interviews all the livelong day. And life in prison just isnt punishment for what she has done.

If she gets just life in prison she will have freedoms afforded to her. The ability to socialize, to take classes, to do so many things that Travis will never be able to do. No, giving her the DP is the only way she will be prevented from tormenting her victims. The only way she will be truly punished. Jodi thrives on the attention from the media and drama. If she's given DP, all that goes away. If its life then she gets to continue being the star in her sick show. She loves it and why should she be given opportunities for a life and freedom. Travis sure was denied life and freedom. No, Jodi will only be truly punished with a death sentence. It's not about killing her - we all know it will be YEARS before she's executed - it's about shutting her down so she cannot hurt the family and drag her victims name through the mud anymore. It's about giving her a punishment that fits her horrible, premeditated crime. Jmo..

bbm, This is so right on. She needs to be silenced now, never to be heard from again.
PS- I did not watch any of the interviews, and from what I've read hear today am doubly glad I didn't. Sounds like the various networks are rolling out bits and pieces of the interviews?

I WILL watch the network that uses a split screen to show her being carted off to death row on one screen while the other screen shows her smug and babbling, while the interviewer remarks on how thoroughly and totally the jury rejected her every accusation.

I'm one of those who just cannot look away, even though I never want to hear her creepy voice or see her big face again.

But, it's all just the same ole, same ole (or as my 91-yo grandma says, same o, same o). Not worth your time.
Hers. I have a total mental picture of a red-faced Nurmi stomping his feet behind closed doors because JA is her own worst enemy. I am sure they were LIVID - here they are trying to save her life and she wants to show these stupid Survivor t-shirts to the very jury that doesn't believe she was a victim of DV.

I'm thinking tainting jury pool. Current one and if needed second one. Appeal issues
I'm normally against the dp but I'm praying for it this time. She shows no remorse. She will try to be some superstar behind bars. It's just not right.

OT: I know this is selfish but... I think I'm slipping back into my severe depression. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. :eek:

Hang in there with us, HO (still remember how you got me with those initials when you said "HO is in the house". I thought you were talking about JA ;)). It's all going to work out for Travis and his family!! Prayers for you!!!

For Christmas one year, I got a braided horse tail from my husband's uncle. :waitasec:

Every December, Carolyn Hax, an advice columnist for the Washington Post, has what's called the Holiday Hootenany of Horrors, for just this kind of story. I think you'd be a shoe in.
I don't even understand that either. Why would she feel like they betrayed her when they were doing their job. Its the same abuse story from mom betraying her, dad betraying her, multiple boyfriends etc etc ending with TA, JM, JW, KN and the jury.

Its almost like she just doesn't understand normal society and boundaries at all. Period.

Yet, she herself has never betrayed or hurt another person and should be forgiven for everything. Its something I have never seen nor have I ever been privy to knowing in person. Its eye opening to see the display.



She doesn't understand normal society and she never will -- and unless we know a fair amount about BPD, we will never understand "them." That's why we see no affect, hollow eyes and the abnormal acts and feelings she does and has. Borderline PD is/can be a somewhat dangerous personality disorder. The BPD herself doesn't realize the difference in speech, actions, etc., are what is making her be disliked or shunned, but she does see people with traits she would like to have and tries to copy what those other, folks do. It's like it's a clash of culture. "Why do they (BPDs) do what they do? We don't act like that here." It's complex and something very difficult for the families of BPDs to deal with.

A close friend of mine was engaged to a BPD, but he did not know it at the time. He ended up going to a shrink for quite a while because he didn't know how to deal with her -- she got weirder & weirder the closer it got to their wedding date. My friend got to a point where he would document his visits to see her for his doctor. The doc mentioned BPD as a possible & then likely problem with his gf just because of the what my friend told him and his visit details. He broke their engagement, and was glad that she lived several hundreds of miles away. He got lots of weird letters & phone calls from her for quite a while, but he survived nicely. Lucky guy. The way he described her to me really frightened me for him. I never met her -- he always had to go to her place to visit -- she never once came to NC to see him.

For Christmas one year, I got a braided horse tail from my husband's uncle. :waitasec:

Ugh...what did you do with it? My son's ex father in law gave him a "turkey pelt". Something I had never heard or seen anyone do before.
Can I offer something today? Do something to remember Travis.

Today I decided to pick up his habit of writing his day on 3x5 cards.

I made my grocery list on one
On another my banking
On another calks I need to make
On another chores for the day.

Each on has a T in the corner. I am going to tber Travis today. Focus on his life. Learn something from him. Implement his practice so nothing gets forgotten today. Especially him.

Don't focus on her today. Remember Travis. The way he really was.

Thank you and what a beautiful thought. My much loved, departed husband use to leave me notes on those 3x5 cards and I have saved them all. Just simple things like "I love you" .. I will be doing the same for Travis. Hope justice is finally done for him today.
I'm one of those who just cannot look away, even thought I never want to hear her creepy voice or see her big face again.

But, it's all just the same ole, same ole (or as my 91-yo grandma says, same o, same o). Not worth your time.

:blushing: yes. Sadly my kindle is over her. It wont allow me to view videos. Ill have to use my desktop computer :blushing::seeya:
You trust him with your life? Please be careful never to piss him off. I hope you are not romantically involved with him. I'm serious.

Ditto on that. It's been my experience, it happens once, it will happen again at some point.
Life is = 20 years
Life without Parole is life right??:jail::fence:

as Juan said: the reason she only killed one person is cuz she was arrested who knows? She may have killed more had she not been in jail all this time..
Hang in there with us, HO (still remember how you got me with those initials when you said "HO is in the house". I thought you were talking about JA ;)). It's all going to work out for Travis and his family!! Prayers for you!!!

Thank you!!!

Yeah and I got an accidental TO for that because one of the moderators thought the same thing! :floorlaugh:

For Christmas one year, I got a braided horse tail from my husband's uncle. :waitasec:

Could have been mine. I had mine surgically removed -- too hard to find pants that fit.

Jodi sure expects a lot from other people and not from her own self. Not to be on a religious kick or anything but didn't God himself turn his head from his son while he was on the cross because he could not stand the sins of the world? I mean it was temporary but is she asking others to be better than even God? Everyone except herself?
She is like NORMA DESMOND...always wanting a camera close up it is her way of exploiting her insanity and with all the media always saying what a bombshell looker she is, well stop[ it!


Carol Burnett as Nora Desmond: "Where's my makeup?"
Every December, Carolyn Hax, an advice columnist for the Washington Post, has what's called the Holiday Hootenany of Horrors, for just this kind of story. I think you'd be a shoe in.

I'm in Maryland too! I've seen it before lol.
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