Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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Watching this video really woke me in the morning. His tough questions astonished me in a positive manner, and I love his disbelieving look after she said she'd told the truth.

Me too!
THAT is a journalist.
The others that stammer all over themselves when JA implies she is pizzed at their question or implication make me sick.
If they are going to say "I'm just doing my job" when others are outraged about the interviews, then DO YOUR D*&$ JOB and quit pampering, sucking up to and softball questioning of the murderer!
Jodi's whole moronic presentation of her prison business proposals was silly beyond anything I expected. I'm so surprised the jury didn't burst into laughter, especially after the t-shirt plug. Oh my god...what a slap to true survivors. What survivor of DV would wear a friggin t-shirt proudly displaying that to the world?? Like it's a souvenir or something. Jodi is absolutely insane. Let jodi wear her stupid survivor shirt when she's getting the needle is all I can say. Pathetic!!!!!!
omg the arrogoance I REFUSE tor read one more interview!!

She said if the attack never occurred and she never crossed paths with the victim, she would likely now be a happily married 32-year-old with children, good finances and a successful wedding photography business.

WTF She is BLAMING TRAVIS for her current life conditions!!!!!
Arias Haiku

My death row metal bed
sure hurts my butt something fierce
Where are my fans now?

and another:

Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 2m
"We love those who know the worst of us and don't turn their faces away." - Walker Percy

She better hope that ol Charlie Manson is lookin for a new friend, cuz she can quote as many books as she wants, but I'm not sure that anyone has truly seen the worst of Jodi yet... She murdered the ONLY person who could testify to it. Oh, you mean your family? Those people that JW absolutely threw under the bus yesterday? Ok, gotcha. Eat chit you dumb freak. I HATE this goofy butt rash.
So Jodi promised to donate her hair for the rest of her life.
I say her organs could be put to much better use ... especially while they are still relatively young and healthy.

Why were there no photos of "Victor Arias" with her in Costa Rica? Nurmi & Willmott probably aren't any good with Photoshop.

It would have been nice if her "talented artist" mitigating factor was countered by showing the actual original artists' versions (along with their credit) in a split screen with her versions. It turns out that she is a pretty good forger.

But not her heart. They should burn and bury that
G'Morning Peeps and Mods!!

I worry, I worry.

IMO, if the jury doesn't announce a verdict within their 1st hour of deliberation today, I will assume that they are not near a verdict, and it will not be DP when they do agree.... I do think they are possessive enuff about this case to be unanimous no matter what (would you give up this case if you had come this far? He!! no!) their verdict, and we'll all go home -- except for JA -- she will sleep at her new extended-stay address tonight if we get a verdict today.

I worry about the 8 male jurors. How many of them have daughters? How many of those have daughters who made a couple of wrong decisions in their lives and it affected their futures in many ways? Um, we all know how most daddies feel about their daughters.... I worry.

I hope that they will announce shortly after they go into deliberation today, otherwise I think JA will get a large captive audience (her dream) to which to pontificate for the rest of her life.

I want her shut up in a cage for 23 hours/a day :jail:, and I want her to SHUT her pie hole for the rest of her life. Grrrrrr.

I have never felt quite this angry at a defendant before, but I don't think more explanation on this is necessary, as I am preaching to the choir!
Good Morning one and all this fine morning!!!

As we all gagged watching Arias' allocution statement yesterday, it was telling about her. I began to truly understand what Chris and Skye Hughes expressed how Arias acted. She talks in covert ways initially leaving a person puzzled before having time to think what she is really saying or going to do. No wondering Travis' friends took a while to figure out how creepy she acted. No wonder she was able to blind Travis with sex while covertly manipulate him until he finally busted her. Oh no no no you don't catch me Arias thinks. You pay for figuring me out!! God love him.

In her statement, it was very disjunctive like it has been severely edited. Oh I am not surprised at all!!!

In her statement, she appeared to talk out of both sides of mouth!!!

.... On the one side, she spent 18 days pounding how she was abused by her family; yet, on the other side of her mouth, look at the beautiful family photos of my loving family. Spare my life so I don't hurt them because they love me so much.

.... On the one side, she spent 18 days attempting to convince the jury and anyone who had working ears how Travis abused her; yet, on the other side of her mouth, she said "I love him so much and looked up to him." uuuuuuh Abused women don't look up to their abuser. They live in object fear if they are going to live through another day.

.... On the one side, she spent 18 days talking about her "jobs"; yet on the other side of her mouth, she now is going to follow (mirror) all of Travis interest of environmentalism, start reading club to help literacy, etc.

.... On the one side, she says in her statement she hopes the Alexander family wants them to find peace, etc; yet, on the other side of her mouth, she continues to throw covert daggers by bringing up the Survivor T-shirt of abuse.

.... On the one side, she says I made the worst mistake in my life and never thought I could such a thing (paraphrase); yet on the other side of her mouth, she ignores the mistake of her own doing going into victimization sharing how she will never have children, be with her niece, and take wedding photos at her sister's wedding.

I believe all this verbiage showed everyone the true Arias. The person that Travis had to contend with as well as his friends especially Chris/Skye Hughes. This will not bode well toward what she "thinks" will happen.

I am so glad this almost over for the sake of the Alexander Family. They deserve serenity now. :rose: May Angels surround them with protection and strength. :rose:
Can I offer something today? Do something to remember Travis.

Today I decided to pick up his habit of writing his day on 3x5 cards.

I made my grocery list on one
On another my banking
On another calks I need to make
On another chores for the day.

Each on has a T in the corner. I am going to tber Travis today. Focus on his life. Learn something from him. Implement his practice so nothing gets forgotten today. Especially him.

Don't focus on her today. Remember Travis. The way he really was.
And Jodi's tweeting:

Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 3m
"Never trust a reporter who has a nice smile." - William Rauch

Now she feels betrayed not only by the jury but also by the reporters. I guess it's good for all of us cuz she would not give any interview any time soon.
Here I sit on my little cot,
people hoping I will just rot
stopping the trauma I could have done
if I just hadn't gone there with my gun
But I am the great 'Arias', what can I say
You know things have to go my way
So like the black widow I will lay
and wait and wait for appeal day.
I don't know, but there were certainly a lot of in chambers comings and going before court yesterday. I bet JSS has personally queried JA all through the trial about whether she agrees with whatever her DT wants to do, bring in, keep out, etc. From AP this morning re JA's interview with their reporter:

"She was also asked about the conflicts she had had with her two court-appointed lawyers, Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott.
Arias said she wanted at least three people called as witnesses who could have testified to having seen bruises on her neck "when I was choked out" by Alexander but she said she was rebuffed by her lawyers"

I bet JSS has made sure that excuse won't fly with the Supremes.

Just because JA said she had 3 witnesses does not mean she did. If she told her DT about them, the DT most certainly talked with the 3 witnesses, and most likely the 3 people named knew nothing of what JA was claiming they did. Not everyone will risk perjury and jail time for a friend. On the other hand, if there really were 3 witnesses to any sort of bruising, JA may have told them that it was from sex play and that does not work well on the stand either. However, I am thinking the 3 people knew nothing of any bruising. It happens all the time, people in jail just assume that friend so and so owes them, but friend so and so is not a willing participant to perjury.
When the jury was sent to deliberate yesterday afternoon, I felt a sense of relief that CKJA can no longer hold the court, jury or family hostage in this case. It's now just a matter of waiting for the jury to decide.

I was upset that her allocution contained new falsehoods which were allowed to be made and not challenged, such as "100% of proceeds" meaning the full sales price of T's going to "charity". Most egregious was her saying it was never her intent to malign Travis; this is a blatant lie, as her plea memorandum clearly states that she will expose people, including Travis.

I have to hold faith in the jury that they will not be swayed by any emotional ploys. At this point in the proceedings, it almost seems as if the jury is at a disadvantage with the admonishment. If they had open access to information, I'm sure that it would clarify things for them. Given the importance of such a decision, why should they be limited in their information gathering.

So last night, I put the trial aside and enjoyed a nice dinner and a movie with my son. As I said, I felt relief.

Imagine my surprise when I went online this morning and found out that JSS had lifted the order banning media contact and JA had given interviews yesterday.

I look forward to the day where we will not hear from this woman any more, which hopefully will be today after the jury decides for the DP and she is whisked away to DR. Yes, she will be talked about, analyzed and dissected, but that will be by others, not her. Time for the stage lights to dim and then go completely dark.

I am really surprised she never tried to off her sister.

Yes, poor JA no longer was the center of attention, oh yeah and wilma the supposed 'abuse' started at 7 and Angela was not born until JA was 11, so do we no longer count those 4 years? Or was abuse enduring those awful trips to Hawaii and Sea World.
My take on the publicity tour is somewhat different from others I guess.

The press does have a right to interview her but they also have the RESPONSIBILITY to seek the TRUTH, true journalism is about unbiased, SKEPTICAL reporting.

If the interviewer is seeking a platform for their own AGENDA to spew their particular brand of RHETORIC, that person is not a journalist and that fact (opinion or commentary) should be made known in the form of a disclaimer before and during the interview IMO

I do believe that the spotlight should be on the victim not the perpetrator but sadly that is not how it works anymore in the media, and it is up to us to effect change in this arena.

Unfortunately, I believe that the reason so many of us are upset is because journalistic integrity has been all but tossed out of the window, and it's been missing for some time now. Therefore we fear, and rightfully so, that the imate will use the media to re-victimize every chance she gets. And she will unless journalists stop letting her do it. From what I have seen so far of the interview the guy from GMA did his job IMO.

The part about yesterday that I have a really, really hard time understanding is why her request for makeup was granted before her publicity tour yesterday---Sheriff Joe has an open door policy on the right to give interviews...Ok,fine. But hair and makeup for a convicted killer, that infuriates me.
omg the arrogoance I REFUSE tor read one more interview!!

She said if the attack never occurred and she never crossed paths with the victim, she would likely now be a happily married 32-year-old with children, good finances and a successful wedding photography business.

WTF She is BLAMING TRAVIS for her current life conditions!!!!!

I bet Ryan Burns is thanking his lucky starts it wasn't him. I didn't see this interview...but realllllly? I just can't get over how she thinks this 'little moment in her life just meant nothing in the grand scheme.' That because she lied it doesn't make her a liar...I don't even know how someone comes to that conclusion. I would love to know what a liar is in her version of the word. I guess it doesn't mean someone who lies?

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