Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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All of this would have been the route that Casey Anthony would have taken. I wonder if JA's DT consulted with Cheney Mason and Jose Baez? Someone has duped JA into believing that she has a chance of leaving prison at some point in her lifetime.

Jodi, it is a huge Punk. Dont say I didnt warn have no chance of ever being free again.

I recall reading here that Jose Baez mentioned that he had spoken with JA's attorneys when he was on one of the evening talk shows. Someone who saw the program probably knows for sure what JB said on which show.
Just a few thoughts. My apologies if I'm repeating other posts I haven't yet read:

1. Except for her hair-cutting, Jodi did almost nothing for public good during her four years of incarceration. She used the excuse of preparing her defense, but that surely didn't occupy all her time. She did find time to compete in a singing contest, establish friendships, and sell her artwork.

2. Her assertion that she would start a recycling program at the state prison seems naive. After all, she will not be running the prison. And Arizona (including obviously prisons) already has state recycling laws, to which one imagines the prison adheres.

3. Her interview statement that without Travis, she might have been married, with children, and a successful photography business seems like a weird reiteration of her plans for her and Travis--plans that ultimately cost him her life.

4. Her presentation reminded me of a PowerPoint demonstration one of my nieces rehearsed with me. My niece was good, but Jodi was better. Whether you like her, dislike her, or hate her, you have to admit that Jodi is focused on self-presentation.
BBM - She also never engaged in any those types of activities before she was incarcerated. Travis on the other hand was very community minded and it wasn't because he was on trial for murder and about to be sent to death row. :twocents:
Something she said yesterday sticks at me..

" I will never have children because of my terrible choices.."

If it was an instant attack and self defense.. Where would be the choice???

If someone is trying to kill you you are not making a choice. You are fighting to stay alive. Self defense would have been a bullet to the head and running away... Not the slaughter of Travis. I really feel like this was a choice for her to kill someone and see what it felt like to stab someone, shoot someone and then slit someone's throat.. WHO DOES THAT?

Even the move vicious killers, not many slit throats.. That to me is the biggest insight into who she is. Really is. I can work my brain through the possibilities with the shooting, Maybe if the stabbing was all in the front, I could have too... But who stabs someone in the back and claims they are still trying to get away..

She knows exactly what happened that day. WE all know it. So does that jury. I think they come back with Death, But I also think they may decide today, sleep on it and then vote one more time tomorrow.

Exactly. Well said.

She blew her chance. What she should have done is come clean in her allocution. This is the way it should have gone down yesterday:

Start with her Travis, his family, her family, the few friends she has, her defense team, the prosecution, judge and state of AZ.

Take the jury on a journey back to Yreka and explain how she crafted the plot and carried it out. Admit how she was caught in lies, explain other situations that Juan may have been guessing at, and detail every event of June 4, 2008. Tell them how she disposed of the weapons and tried to cover it all up.

Drop to her knees, cry as much as she possibility can, and beg for her life. Blame it on mental illness (i.e., she has no idea why she thinks the way she does) and ask for help.

Short of doing that...she is going to get a death verdict.
*Lightning strike moment*

I am about a thousand posts behind, so again, if it's already been said here, sorry!

I am watching the Troy interview, and she is again blaming Nurmi for not putting Mom on the stand.

<snipped for space>

Does she really think anyone believes her when, asked about an aspect of the trial, she replies "I don't know"?? Of course she knows why her mother did not testify. JA knows the reasoning for every single decision made during this trial. She left nothing to the discretion of her attorneys. She ran the show. Are you kidding me?

She's repulsive. I can't look at her anymore, even if she is a fascinating freak of nature to study behaviorally.
Just one of those JA isms that make your jaw drop.
"I don't believe in the death penalty".
Really? REALLY??
Said the executioner?
When the reporter asked Jodi why she didn't say she was sorry, I fully expected her to say, "why would I say I'm sorry if I were defending myself"
Oh yeah. Serious jonesin' over here. Methadone wasn't cuttin' it. I think it went down before 8:30 PST; didn't come back up until 2:00ish, can't remember exactly. Man, those were some looooong hours. Luckily, I needed to write a lecture and actually do smarty-pants work. That did not stop me from checking to see it if was back up every ten minutes or so. I don't have a problem, though. I can quit anytime I want. I just don't want to. I enjoy WS! Especially with coffee or when having a drink. Or after... well, a lot!

The thing that got me was not being able to read here. When a lot is happening in court and the posts are flying fast and furious, I don't generally post, I just read. It wasn't so bad when Jodi was making her "statement", but when closing arguments started I really, really, really wanted to see what all my friends were saying. I was refreshing the page about every 10 minutes.
Let's not kid ourselves. Somewhere in her little rat's nest, Ms. Arias has a ream of paper with "Mrs. Troy Hayden" written about a gazillion times. That guy had better hope that she stays in prison.
I remember a psychologist from years ago in the OJ trial long the victim is still taking the offender's (victim-Travis / offender-Jodi) calls or responding to their offender's demands, the offender still thinks they are in control. If the victim does something, like stops taking their calls or moves on to another person (Nicole did something about taxes with OJ?), makes the offender lose control because the victim is taking control of their life back....from a sociopath. Travis was taking his life back from Jodi and she was not giving up that control and power over him, imho.

Same terror some experience when they serve divorce papers, but most rational people calm down, very dangerous time.
After Murder 1 conviction...My mother said it was the first time she had ever heard my father cry... could have been TEARS OF JOY???

She called the reporter a hater. She's a murderer, that make her a lover
I'm normally against the dp but I'm praying for it this time. She shows no remorse. She will try to be some superstar behind bars. It's just not right.

OT: I know this is selfish but... I think I'm slipping back into my severe depression. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. :eek:

We :heartbeat: you, Hopeful One! You are such a beloved, valued 'sleuther. We need you!! Tell that nasty ol' depression to kiss your :butthead:!

Jodi Arias Diary &#8207;@JodiAriasDiary 16m
#JodiArias Dear diary: I want to start a recycling problem because waste bothers me. Murder? Not as much.
I thought the judge said back a 930 today (Arizona time)??
At the allocution, the Moon representing Arias & ruling the Rising Sign, Cancer, was on a degree of crisis. Fraught emotions & the whole criminal process coming to a life or death head. I thought some Sleuths might want to know that there is a Fixed Star on that degree, as well. Robson collected all the lore amassed over many centuries on such stars and here is what he wrote about Algorab, the third magnitude double star which also identifies Arias. "Of the nature of Mars & Saturn. It gives destructiveness, malevolence, fiendishness, repulsiveness and lying, and is connected with scavenging." Also corresponding is the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the Arias natal chart and that same Mars-Saturn conjunction representing the suspect in her first interrogation on July 15, 2008. No sane person would ever want to be symbolized by Algorab and by a conjunction of Mars and Saturn. (Do I remember her scavenging through the trash in that interrogation room? Do you?)

Tuba, I always look forward to your posts. They are so insightful.

Thank you for taking the time to post this!
I was just watching JM's closing argument from yesterday.
I really think Willmott has morphed Jodi's evil eyes into her own soul.
The way Willmott dagger starred Judge Sherry when her objections were over ruled is truely scarry.
Very much like the body snatchers......


There was was point during Juan's closing where Willmott looked at CMJA (who was trying to get her to read something) and smiled then immediately changed her facial expression back to being a serious scowl.

One had to be totally fake.
:seeya: Is she as "bizarre" as JA ? I don't know if anyone could be as "bizarre" as her ...

But then again ...


Trust me. She is definitely as bizarre.......and maybe MORE. You don't want to miss this trial.
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