Penn State Sandusky-Report of the Special Investigative Counsel

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I've always wondered the same thing. Makes me think that there are a lot of people in state college who are into little kids.

Sadly, I think there are a lot of people everywhere who are into little kids.

It's mind-boggling.
I usually don't watch Dr. Drew, but he is covering the Penn State issue on HLN now.
I am sitting here watching/listening to Vinnie's show earlier today. Love his outrage and disgust. This is how I have felt typing on this forum all year.

I am slowly reading the report. CANNOT believe JS wanted to be the volunteer coordinator for middle school boys and suggests this in his retirement package? And JP goes along with it????? Un-*&^-believable.
freeh nailed was ALL about protecting the program and their 1998 and 2001 when this all came down, penn state was going thru a really down period of wins vs losses....if this had come out, it would have killed recruiting, and it would have cost paterno his jobs, and probably these guys their jobs too. they werent protecting sandusky...they were protecting their jobs and the football program.

Actually, 1997 (the last season before the 1998 incident), they were 9 and 3, a very good year. 2000 was a losing season, but only 5 to 7, and it was their first losing season in 12 years.

I'm also not seeing how a former assistant coach being a child molester would hurt recruiting. This whole scandal hasn't been that damaging.
I keep thinking that the only reason for covering up and perpetuating child rape is if you are into that too. I realize there has been no evidence of this brought forward. But. I. can't. get. that. thought. outta. my. head. It's like there is this big ole jagged puzzle piece that's not fitting.

Does anyone else wonder why Sandusky held so much power over men that were more powerful than he was?

Yes! And it wouldn't have necessarily had to have been one of the Gang of Four, either--if it was a big name alumni or donor to the school who was somehow tied to Sandusky that might have been enough to trigger a cover-up. I hope LE is looking closely at donors to the school or 2nd Mile, especially those who might have been involved with Jerry's 'charity work' with boys. :maddening:
yep and what about the creep that took his grand daughter into the men's shower. He testified FOR Sandusky.......hope someone looks into his past also!

Passion I have thought about that creep many times since I heard that. I hope and pray someone is protecting his granddaughter and keeping him away. Makes me sick.
Joe Paterno's family is suffering from the same disorder as Paterno himself. They are in OZ and still believe in the wizard.

In their effort to protect Paterno's legacy they are continuing to deny the egregious behavior of Paterno, Spanier, Schultz and Curley and it becomes apparent they believe they can control Paterno's legacy - just like Paterno believed he could hide Sandusky in plain sight and allow him to continue his criminal abuse of young boys.

Their willingness to continue the verbal discourse ie 'sharing' the responsibility is vile and disgusting....apparently they, Paterno's family, still believe they have power.

To this end Jay Paterno will react after the 3 30PM Penn State News Conference.

The Paterno family needs to sit down and shut up, especially now that this report is so fresh.
Great post Tipstaff.
Actually, 1997 (the last season before the 1998 incident), they were 9 and 3, a very good year. 2000 was a losing season, but only 5 to 7, and it was their first losing season in 12 years.

I'm also not seeing how a former assistant coach being a child molester would hurt recruiting. This whole scandal hasn't been that damaging.

A former assistant coach being a child molester wouldn't have hurt recruiting, and probably would have helped it, had he been exposed for what he was by those in power who preached success with honor the minute they heard about it.

Hasn't been that damaging? No offense meant, but did you leave out a word again? Who would possibly want to attend Pedo U?

I mean just imagine, for one thing, the snarky signs fans of the opposing teams are going to be holding up for years to come. At the very least.

I just can't imagine anyone wanting to link his name to a program that is now so tarnished.
Actually, 1997 (the last season before the 1998 incident), they were 9 and 3, a very good year. 2000 was a losing season, but only 5 to 7, and it was their first losing season in 12 years.

I'm also not seeing how a former assistant coach being a child molester would hurt recruiting. This whole scandal hasn't been that damaging.

J.J., you make a good point. Didn't Penn State set an internal record for fundraising this year?

I do think that back in '98 or '01 their fears of what would happen if they popped the pimple may have been inflated by protectionism and fear of "what might be."
I keep thinking that the only reason for covering up and perpetuating child rape is if you are into that too. I realize there has been no evidence of this brought forward. But. I. can't. get. that. thought. outta. my. head. It's like there is this big ole jagged puzzle piece that's not fitting.

Does anyone else wonder why Sandusky held so much power over men that were more powerful than he was?

This is the winning question SuziQ and thanks for posing it.
It makes me think of this question: Just what did Jerry have on these men that made him able to ignore them and keep on his merry way abusing young boys?

Mod note: please keep the conversation here confined to the Freeh Report and its ramifications. Suggestions that other case players are pedophiles or have pedophile tendencies are unsubstantiated, and as such are subject to removal & restrictions for those who post such rumors.

This post falls at random.

Actually, 1997 (the last season before the 1998 incident), they were 9 and 3, a very good year. 2000 was a losing season, but only 5 to 7, and it was their first losing season in 12 years.

I'm also not seeing how a former assistant coach being a child molester would hurt recruiting. This whole scandal hasn't been that damaging.

For me this is similar to the Catholic Church scandal..they may not lose alot of their members ..but how many still trust the leaders.

Doing the right thing would have been so good for Penn St.

I agree that this would not have hurt recruiting. Actually it would have been good for recruiting..parents would trust their kids would be safer had they done the right thing.

Best I can figure is they thought this would just go away. I dont think they wanted to deal with it..that didnt work out for them.
From one of the articles wfgodot linked above in the Chicago Sun-Times:

Two years without football will allow a university to ponder how a program could become so big that it needed to be protected at all costs – even if it meant children’s lives would continue to be shattered.

In the silence on Saturdays you might hear the faint screams of boys who had been looking for an adult to rescue them. And found none.

Wow. My thoughts exactly.
I keep thinking that the only reason for covering up and perpetuating child rape is if you are into that too. I realize there has been no evidence of this brought forward. But. I. can't. get. that. thought. outta. my. head. It's like there is this big ole jagged puzzle piece that's not fitting.

Does anyone else wonder why Sandusky held so much power over men that were more powerful than he was?

A while back Quiche posted the information about the buildings these guys were all invested in to be built near the football stadium - maybe they all planned to cash in financially and it benefited each to keep things hush up - but the condo's never took off - but IIRC it was 2004 or 2005.

Anyone else remember details of this?
Sports by Brooks is saying that there was security posted around Paterno's statue today.
I've been thinking the same thing. And, it could extend to influence over the DA's Office. The decision not to prosecute in 1998.

It is almost like Sandusky was protected by someone.

You're over-thinking it. It was about avoiding bad publicity.

Freeh report: Top officials at Penn State hid key facts in Sandusky investigation to avoid bad press

It was all about bad publicity.

According to the Freeh report, the top officials at Penn State — former President Graham Spanier, former Senior Vice President‐Finance and Business Gary Schultz, Athletic Director Timothy M. Curley and head football coach Joe Paterno — repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Jerry Sandusky ’s child abuse from the authorities, the University’s board of trustees, the Penn State community, and the public at large, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity.

I grew up a college football fan. Sadly, I'm not surprised by the revelations today. And I'm also not surprised RFG didn't prosecute because he feared the wrath of the "crazy football fans." You do not want to be seen as the person bringing bad publicity to the football program. Players and coaches aren't responsible, of course. It's the fault of LE and the media in the minds of the school's football fans.

To the non-football-fanatics, the thought is there must be more to it. That can't be it.

I think it is.

PLEASE hold off on speculating about JS and the victims/survivors and any wider accusations of anyone, until further notice.

The Freeh Report focused on Penn State and the topic of this thread is discussion of that report.

No one, especially no one at WS, is insensitive to the potential ramifications and repercussions of this report.

But until we have more-solid information, I must repeat, speculations about the sexual proclivities and procurement practices of PS or TSM leaders or anyone else are off-limits at this time.

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