Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #5

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Could I ask favor? Please stop blowing the margins? It makes it hard to read here. I rarely post because you all say the things I want to say anyway, so if you could see it in your heart to stop this, I'd really appreciate it. TIA
Could I ask favor? Please stop blowing the margins? It makes it hard to read here. I rarely post because you all say the things I want to say anyway, so if you could see it in your heart to stop this, I'd really appreciate it. TIA

My margins are fine. Wish I knew how to help you. :waitasec:

But I am sure someone will be able to. :)
Sarge only made a statement to express her thanks to everyone and declare Jerry's innocence when SHE was implicated.
Mmmmhuh.....funny how that works isn't it?

(That photo of her is the only photo I can find on the internet. She lived in that city for decades and was the wife of the assistant football coach who was somewhat of a celebrity. There are lots of photos of him and none of her. Why are there no photos of her at Second Mile fundraisers, athletic banquets, Sue Paterno's fundraisers, local symphony orchestra/theatre/arts fundraisers, attending local events, and etc...? Weird. Maybe she never left her house?)
I've search high and low for pictures of her besides that seemingly lone one. Nothing. No doubt if there were others on the internet the media would have found them by now. I ran across several issues of the Second Mile's newsletter (or whatever it was) and, although there were many photos of Jerry (with lots of different people) in some of those issues.....I didn't see Dottie in any of them. Sorry I don't have a link to them but a quick search will bring them up. I think it was a bi-annual publication.
I've search high and low for pictures of her besides that seemingly lone one. Nothing. No doubt if there were others on the internet the media would have found them by now. I ran across several issues of the Second Mile's newsletter (or whatever it was) and, although there were many photos of Jerry (with lots of different people) in some of those issues.....I didn't see Dottie in any of them. Sorry I don't have a link to them but a quick search will bring them up. I think it was a bi-annual publication.

There are two photos of Dottie in Sandusky's book: one at the Sandusky's pre-wedding rehearsal dinner and another of the entire family, including their children's spouses and grandchildren. Not surprisingly, there are more pictures of Sandusky and boys than Sandusky and his wife.
"I have been shocked and dismayed by the allegations made against Jerry, particularly the most recent one ....."

Sarge only made a statement to express her thanks to everyone and declare Jerry's innocence when SHE was implicated.

(That photo of her is the only photo I can find on the internet. She lived in that city for decades and was the wife of the assistant football coach who was somewhat of a celebrity. There are lots of photos of him and none of her. Why are there no photos of her at Second Mile fundraisers, athletic banquets, Sue Paterno's fundraisers, local symphony orchestra/theatre/arts fundraisers, attending local events, and etc...? Weird. Maybe she never left her house?)

Considering the staggering volume of information and testimony that's been released regarding her husband, I wonder if she is capable of realizing that for him to be innocent, a conspiracy of EPIC proportions, spanning DECADES, would have to be at play?
"Bear" Bryant died 4 weeks and 1 day after he coached his last game at Alabama. He was only 69.

It's still hard to believe Penn State had an 84-year-old head coach. I doubt there is another major university with a head football coach over 70.

People need to check out what's been goin' on:

John Gagliardi, St. John's University, MN, was born in 1926.

409 Wins? The Coach Who Has Paterno Beat
Considering the staggering volume of information and testimony that's been released regarding her husband, I wonder if she is capable of realizing that for him to be innocent, a conspiracy of EPIC proportions, spanning DECADES, would have to be at play?

That's what I just cannot understand. I hate to say this but.....I've been TRYING to make excuses for her (in my own mind) and TRY to envision it from a different perspective other than my own. So far I just cannot grasp how she didn't have a 'clue'.....not even an 'inkling' of suspicion???

Was she not aware of the 'warnings' he got from Penn State staff, the mom that called the cops in 98.....that Second Mile had issues with him??? She wasn't aware of any of those incidents (and we can only wonder how many others) and they maybe started to send up a few 'red flags' at some point???

I know people do things differently but.....when I have guests in my home, I always go out of my way to make sure they're fed well, ask if they need extra pillows/blankets, etc. I check on them frequently. I go out of my way even more when one of my guests are children.

If my husband was bringing home lots & lots of boys to my house on a regular basis (and keeping them in the basement) I am CERTAIN I would start asking questions & checking on the kids (and hubby). I wouldn't be just saying "oh you boys have fun doing whatever it is you're doing down there in the basement". It wasn't like he was bringing home his co-workers and adult friends to shoot a few rounds of pool and drink a few beers. Grown men just don't generally like hanging out with other people's pre/early pubescent boys!!! Not even their own.
"The question begs to be asked, why would the attorney general's office decide not to tell me ... and why did they go to his house and take him out in handcuffs?" Amendola said. "I think the answer is self-explanatory."

You're correct, mr. lawyer. It is self explanatory.

I find it incredible that someone, whose client PINNED the little bodies of his victims against walls and floors to perform his disgusting acts, would even question the issue of CONTROL!

What should they have done, take him to a ball game first?
Nah uh! The school board president at Central Mountain High School feels that the school reacted appropriately to allegations by Victim #1. :furious:

Uh....this is the victim that cried in the school office about Sandusky molesting him and the principal refused to call CPS or notify the police. The principal told the boy and his mom to go home and think about what they were going to do to that nice man, Jerry Sandusky.
Considering the staggering volume of information and testimony that's been released regarding her husband, I wonder if she is capable of realizing that for him to be innocent, a conspiracy of EPIC proportions, spanning DECADES, would have to be at play?

Well, I don't think she even believes what she's saying...she knew just as the rest of the players at Penn. St. who were involved in the cover ups of
1998 and 2002 knew...she knew about those too IMO...

I think she got a visit or call from Mr. Amendola and he told her that since she was named in the charge on victim #9, it was time for her to find her voice and say something good about her husband if she didn't want to end up charged also and lose everything she has....

People need to check out what's been goin' on:

John Gagliardi, St. John's University, MN, was born in 1926.

409 Wins? The Coach Who Has Paterno Beat
Is that the same St. John's which has the pedophile monks, a missing student, and a possible connection to the perv music teacher that likely "disappeared" Jacob Wetterling? I can't read the link. It says I have to log in.

Yes, it is. I just googled his name and he is in Collegeville, MN. Interesting.
Nah uh! The school board president at Central Mountain High School feels that the school reacted appropriately to allegations by Victim #1. :furious:

Uh....this is the victim that cried in the school office about Sandusky molesting him and the principal refused to call CPS or notify the police. The principal told the boy and his mom to go home and think about what they were going to do to that nice man, Jerry Sandusky.
I wonder if they bothered polling the parents in the school district to determine if they're of the same opinion as the board is? Wonder also what direction that 'spin' would be goin in right now if the victim had been a board member's son, grandson, nephew??? Pfffft.
I wonder if they bothered polling the parents in the school district to determine if they're of the same opinion as the board is? Wonder also what direction that 'spin' would goin in right now if the victim had been a board member's son, grandson, nephew??? Pfffft.
I think there were some on this thread that emailed the school board about the fact that the principal was a mandatory reporter and she didn't report the boy's statements r/t his molestation. Some good that did, eh? :furious:
Is that the same St. John's which has the pedophile monks, a missing student, and a possible connection to the perv music teacher that likely "disappeared" Jacob Wetterling? I can't read the link. It says I have to log in.

Yes, it is. I just googled his name and he is in Collegeville, MN. Interesting.

Have no idea what to make of this.

It is sickening to think there may be many more stories like this on college campuses and elsewhere.

Being in MN for the last 25 years I have heard of the things you mention. They have searched that music teacher's land and house numerous times. :-(

I think there were some of us on this thread that emailed the school board about the fact that the principal was a mandatory reporter and she didn't report the boy's statements r/t his molestation. Some good that did, eh? :furious:
Persistence is a virtue (i think) lol. Urging the media to focus on the issue is probably the best route though. The AG's office seems to be on top of their business with this case and I'm hoping pursuing this lack of reporting by the school IS somewhere on their 'list of other charges to file' (down the road).

Have no idea what to make of this.

It is sickening to think there may be many more stories like this on college campuses and elsewhere.

Being in MN for the last 25 years I have heard of the things you mention. They have searched that music teacher's land and house numerous times. :-(

How bizarre is this article? He is shocked? Huh? The pedophile situation (300 victims) at his university, St. John's, has been known for years and a student has disappeared!
How bizarre is this article? He is shocked? Huh? The pedophile situation (300 victims) at his university, St. John's, has been known for years and a student has disappeared!

Check this out. I hope I linked the page with the student letter, written in light of Penn State events.

Hurray for courageous people like that young man.

Sadly, nothing will likely be done. The administration even stopped that one criminal justice professor from releasing a profile on Guimond's abductor. (Lord have mercy.);postSpecialReport

This is an article from yesterday about the new accuser (no charges as yet) represented by Charles Schmidt but it also has some other interesting remarks:

Why, Hill asked, would someone make up an allegation like that?

Amendola replied, "Well, in order to believe Mike McQueary, you would have to believe he told (Penn State Atletic Director) Tim Curley (who's now on administratvie leave), (Penn State Vice President) Gary Schultz (who was in charge of the school's police department and has now stepped down) and (now fired Penn State head coach) Joe Paterno that he observed Jerry Sandusky having anal sex with a young child in a shower at Penn State and they did nothing about it.

"Now, I know those three men. They're not my friends, but I know them," Amendola said. "They are reputable, very conservative people, and I don't believe for a second that they were told that information and did nothing about it other than to tell Jerry Sandusky simply, 'Don't shower with kids in the Penn State shower rooms anymore.' That makes no sense."

So it seems that the 'tactic' of Amendola is to attack McQueary as a liar about the entire event. He's really going to need his father and Paterno to back him up on what he said. (we know the other 2 were lying) But is Paterno going to be able to testify?

Meanwhile, Penn State president Rodney Erickson urged faculty members not to worry that school trustees would "whitewash" an internal investigation into the child sex-abuse allegations.

Trustees have appointed former FBI director Louis Freeh to lead the probe for a committee spearheaded by trustee Kenneth Frazier. Still, many faculty members voiced skepticism. Erickson said he would urge trustees to have the committee members meet with faculty.

Why would the faculty be so concerned about a 'whitewash', if they didn't know that was the way things have operated there before?
Amendola is just throwing things out to see what sticks right now. So far.....I'm not impressed. He seems kind of Jose Baezish to a subtler, refined way though. Must be a Jr/Sr year law class some take titled Spaghetti Tossing 310/410. (No offense def atty' favorite sister-in-law is one).
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