People Magazine Article

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Charlie, this is what I was talking about, from the article on page 5, second to last paragraph.,,20007855,00.html

Some one close to the family said she had played an active roll in Cassidy's life and that's not the case now.

It just got me to wondering how much time she spent at her home in NC before the murder. I meant to imply that perhaps LE wanted her to keep a low profile and not antagonize JY's family. So sad that if she had a good relationship with Cassidy, she's totally left out when she needs Cassidy close and perhaps Cassidy needs her.

Someone on a post ages ago mentioned that perhaps Linda didn't have much contact with Cassidy and that JY's parents may have been closer to her.

It was just one of those sentences that made me wonder about the estrangement.
BarnGoddess said:
Charlie, this is what I was talking about, from the article on page 5, second to last paragraph.,,20007855,00.html

Some one close to the family said she had played an active roll in Cassidy's life and that's not the case now.

It just got me to wondering how much time she spent at her home in NC before the murder. I meant to imply that perhaps LE wanted her to keep a low profile and not antagonize JY's family. So sad that if she had a good relationship with Cassidy, she's totally left out when she needs Cassidy close and perhaps Cassidy needs her.

Someone on a post ages ago mentioned that perhaps Linda didn't have much contact with Cassidy and that JY's parents may have been closer to her.

It was just one of those sentences that made me wonder about the estrangement.
Yes we had quite the conversation here about this and until the People Mag we really didn't know how much previous contact that there was. This article makes it plain that there was significant interaction between LF and Cassidy. We also all went back and looked at the video tapes from the funeral - if you look at those it was obvious there was no closeness between the two families. Reasons are unknown but we had lots of speculation about it. My point of view - JY has made the decision to keep his daughter from the maternal side of the family - that is just my opinion. I unfortunately do believe Cassidy saw something on the night her mother was murdered and I don't think JY wants anyone to have access to the child because of that - again just my opinion. I am also of the opinion that there was some distance between JY and the Fisher side of the family well before the murder of Michelle.
Must have been one of those times I missed reading a bunch of posts. What you said about JY not wanting Cassidy to have outside contact is exactly what I believe and for the same reasons.

Oh, before I forget. Can't find this one either. The Hampton receipt found. Was it from Virginia? There is a Hampton motel in Danville. Ages ago when I posted my devious theory of how he checked in, came back and returned (or not), depending on how and when he paid his bill, I put him in Danville after looking at the maps and a timeline. I've been wondering about receipt mentioned.
BarnGoddess said:
Must have been one of those times I missed reading a bunch of posts. What you said about JY not wanting Cassidy to have outside contact is exactly what I believe and for the same reasons.

Oh, before I forget. Can't find this one either. The Hampton receipt found. Was it from Virginia? There is a Hampton motel in Danville. Ages ago when I posted my devious theory of how he checked in, came back and returned (or not), depending on how and when he paid his bill, I put him in Danville after looking at the maps and a timeline. I've been wondering about receipt mentioned.

The warrant only specifies the hotel receipt as being for 11/2 at the Hampton Hotel - no location given or other specifics such as time. The same with the gas receipts - names and dates but no actual locations or times. I agree with Danville being a very strong possibility - depending on traffic - maximum of 2 hours from the home and in VA if one wanted to make a call from VA.
BG, A hampton motel is what I was researching because if you look at the warrant it is handwritten by the officer and I think it is a m not a h so there may be a difference. Good job!
Hi Di Ho!

Tonight I listened to the tape of the On The Record show where Greta interviews Sheriff Harrison. I think it was the wrong tape as Harrison wasn't on it, or else he had been deleted from the tape.

But I did hear two things I missed when I saw the show that evening. Greta said an officer had talked to JY on Friday, who told him he was out of town.

Also Greta said the TOD went to 6am because of the condition of the body. She was talking with Jeanne Pirot, and I guess that is the latest she could have been killed due to the condition of the body when it was examined by the coroner. Jeanne said it usually takes 10 to 12 hours to reach full rigor. However I know from reading that being pregnant and in a warm house is going to speed up that rigor.

Just thought it was interesting.
Thanks you guys for the welcome!!! It took some time to get that first post in, and even longer to find it again today to see the friendly responses!

You are some smart sleuths, and because of that, I keep coming back for more.
Welcome Alfagal !

This is a fascinating and tragic story and I am convinced that JY did it. It just rings of SP and Laci all over again to me. The whole timeline seems so contrived and unbelievable to me. My family is from western NC, and I know Brevard like the back of my hand, and I cannot fathom driving to Virginia and then detouring to Brevard to visit his parents, that's a BIG detour , let me tell you. Another thing that caught my attention was that I read that JY 's car drove off a 100-feet embankment into the French Broad river with Michelle in the car and she miscarried (sp? ) a baby . That speaks volumes to me since that river is quite deep in many places and it appears that he was trying to make it look like an accident and get rid of her . It doesn't ring true for me that it was just an accident. What are your thoughts on this ?
Ticamom said:
Welcome Alfagal !

This is a fascinating and tragic story and I am convinced that JY did it. It just rings of SP and Laci all over again to me. The whole timeline seems so contrived and unbelievable to me. My family is from western NC, and I know Brevard like the back of my hand, and I cannot fathom driving to Virginia and then detouring to Brevard to visit his parents, that's a BIG detour , let me tell you. Another thing that caught my attention was that I read that JY 's car drove off a 100-feet embankment into the French Broad river with Michelle in the car and she miscarried (sp? ) a baby . That speaks volumes to me since that river is quite deep in many places and it appears that he was trying to make it look like an accident and get rid of her . It doesn't ring true for me that it was just an accident. What are your thoughts on this ?

Hi Ticamom! Thanks for joining in here too. It really helps when folks like you from the area contribute. It gives us a much better idea!!!!

So are you suggesting that where the accident was might have been where the river is not so deep? I think it was planned too especially when a few months later she is murdered. Something like SP when we kind of thought he might be drugging her with the hopes of a miscarriage.

Good Morning ! I note in your post that you have actual knowledge of the area. Are you aware of the type of terrain between the southwestern corner of VA down to Brevard ? Is it rolling terrain, very hilly, semi foot hills type. The reason I ask is because I do not think the two gas receipts add up to the mileage driven - even assuming he was on fumes when he supposedly filled up in Duffield. Thanks for any input you may have!
I did a little checking for the altitudes of Transylvania County. All I could come up with was an average of 2530 feet. Henderson County, next door has Little Pisgah at 5280 feet. I was astounded when I pulled up a map of all the counties, how far Brevard was from Raleigh (Wake Co). Remembering from my early years of going to camp in NC, I know some of those roads wind a bit. However, I'm sure they've improved highways since the 50's. I really hadn't realized that Transylvania Co bordered SC. I'm with Ticamom. No way was it a swing-by. I think it was a panic run. I hadn't realized the distance before. From Danville to Brevard would be a rather mountainous drive I would think. That cuts into your time and gas mileage. Of course my perspective has changed these days. I know Mt. Mitchell is the highest point east of the Rockies. Now that I travel through the Rockies on occasion, they appear to be hills in my mind.
BarnGoddess said:
I did a little checking for the altitudes of Transylvania County. All I could come up with was an average of 2530 feet. Henderson County, next door has Little Pisgah at 5280 feet. I was astounded when I pulled up a map of all the counties, how far Brevard was from Raleigh (Wake Co). Remembering from my early years of going to camp in NC, I know some of those roads wind a bit. However, I'm sure they've improved highways since the 50's. I really hadn't realized that Transylvania Co bordered SC. I'm with Ticamom. No way was it a swing-by. I think it was a panic run. I hadn't realized the distance before. From Danville to Brevard would be a rather mountainous drive I would think. That cuts into your time and gas mileage. Of course my perspective has changed these days. I know Mt. Mitchell is the highest point east of the Rockies. Now that I travel through the Rockies on occasion, they appear to be hills in my mind.

JY may have had a hotel in Danville but I don't think he drove from Danville to Brevard. Recall that one gas receipt, dated 11/3, was recovered from the SUV that identified a Get It Market. Several sleuths have tracked this Get it Market and located it in Duffield VA, which is in the extreme southwest corner of VA just across the Tennessee boarder. One poster was able to speak with the manager of this facility who confirmed that LE had been there and had reviewed the surveillance tape. One poster told me this is a very hilly area as it is part of the Appalachian range - you know the one JY was suppose to have hiked (interesting thought there when you think about it - he may have been familiar with this area from that experience).

Adiditionally the estimated mileage from Duffield to Brevard is right at 140 miles through what looks to me to be rather hilly area all the way. I still wonder how much he knew about this area - I think it will be interesting to see if his hiking expedition was near Duffield. JMO
Hi Charlie, Barn goddess, and Jilly,

Yes, Transylvania County is in very hilly country, being at the foot of the Smoky mountains and all. The roads are very windy, and although they now have modern highways, it takes a while to get where you are going. There is no way JY could have just decided to drop by his parents on the spur of the moment. The main highway doesn't get directly to Brevard, you have to take adjcent roads to get to the HWY, and this takes time. The distances to get from one NC town to the next are far, especially in western NC. It looks like he was trying really hard to appear to be far away from the crime scene, and what a coincidence that he sends his poor sister in law to discover Michelle's body ? Another " coincidence " that i'm not buying is the accident into the French broad river. This is a pretty deep river in most places, and although I am not sure where the accident took place exactly, I have a gut feeling that it was premeditated in order to get rid of the baby, or Michelle, or both. He was probably counting on being able to escape easily from the wreckage and hoping that Michelle wouldn't be able to take off her seat belt and swim out in time. Poor thing, that would have been an easier death than the one he subjected her to !
Ticamom said:
Hi Charlie, Barn goddess, and Jilly,

Yes, Transylvania County is in very hilly country, being at the foot of the Smoky mountains and all. The roads are very windy, and although they now have modern highways, it takes a while to get where you are going. There is no way JY could have just decided to drop by his parents on the spur of the moment. The main highway doesn't get directly to Brevard, you have to take adjcent roads to get to the HWY, and this takes time. The distances to get from one NC town to the next are far, especially in western NC. It looks like he was trying really hard to appear to be far away from the crime scene, and what a coincidence that he sends his poor sister in law to discover Michelle's body ? Another " coincidence " that i'm not buying is the accident into the French broad river. This is a pretty deep river in most places, and although I am not sure where the accident took place exactly, I have a gut feeling that it was premeditated in order to get rid of the baby, or Michelle, or both. He was probably counting on being able to escape easily from the wreckage and hoping that Michelle wouldn't be able to take off her seat belt and swim out in time. Poor thing, that would have been an easier death than the one he subjected her to !
Thanks Ticamom, glad you can describe this area to us - it is helpful in making the picture.

I have a bit different take on the accident - I don't think if it was meant, that it was meant to kill Michelle but, was more directed to her pregnancy which happened to have been about as far along as the one when she was murdered. I think Michelle was very determined to have more children as she became pregnant again very shortly after medical procedures were done to respond to the baby having stopped growing shortly after the wreck.

There is always the possibility is was just a wreck, but it may have been a recall experience in mid to late summer when JY began his "relationship" with another woman, changed jobs and something was done with insurance on the couple or Michelle. I'm not sure what to think of the wreck as the officer that investigated it at the time has been interviewed by LE and has commented it was just a wreck, nothing suspicious. Sick puppy either way - if it was an attempt or if it was a recollection used to push the November event along. JMO
One other thing about the People mag article - there is a section about JY being a boy scout and hiking the Appalachian Trail. Here is a link to a map showing the Appalachian Trail and quess what - yep the Duffield area is a part of it. Click on the Virginia section of the map and it will take you to a page about the trail in Virginia - interesting.

Jy boy was not lost - he was in an area he knew quite well IMO when he headed to southwestern VA. May be nothing but it is interesting - a blast from the past then run home to Mom. JMO

My bet - there are things associated with MY's murder somewhere in the Duffield Abington area...JMO
raisincharlie said:
One other thing about the People mag article - there is a section about JY being a boy scout and hiking the Appalachian Trail. Here is a link to a map showing the Appalachian Trail and quess what - yep the Duffield area is a part of it. Click on the Virginia section of the map and it will take you to a page about the trail in Virginia - interesting.

Jy boy was not lost - he was in an area he knew quite well IMO when he headed to southwestern VA. May be nothing but it is interesting - a blast from the past then run home to Mom. JMO

My bet - there are things associated with MY's murder somewhere in the Duffield Abington area...JMO

Interesting, rc. You may be on to something there. I've never been able to figure out why the heck he would have been in Duffield. There's nothing out that way. If he'd truly had a business meeting in Virginia, I would have expected it to be in the Blacksburg or Roanoke area as was rumored to have been the case. But the stop in Duffield just doesn't fit with a meeting in Blacksburg or Roanoke and the timeline, imo.
Scout said:
Interesting, rc. You may be on to something there. I've never been able to figure out why the heck he would have been in Duffield. There's nothing out that way. If he'd truly had a business meeting in Virginia, I would have expected it to be in the Blacksburg or Roanoke area as was rumored to have been the case. But the stop in Duffield just doesn't fit with a meeting in Blacksburg or Roanoke and the timeline, imo.

I think you have followed more cases than me - do they all have so many "coincidences" as this one seems to have ? There may be nothing to this but I would venture to say it is an area of which he has some familiarity with, for whatever reason. JMO
raisincharlie said:

I think you have followed more cases than me - do they all have so many "coincidences" as this one seems to have ? There may be nothing to this but I would venture to say it is an area of which he has some familiarity with, for whatever reason. JMO

I haven't followed enough cases to know, rc, but the stop in Duffield bothers me as much as it seems to bother you. The stop in Duffield in combination with the hike of the Appalachian Trail is just as odd as the Transylvania crash into the French Broad River in combination with his former experience with a rafting outfit, imo. Incidentally, I cannot for the life of me find the source of that information -- I would swear that I read/heard that he had a summmer job during his college years with a rafting outfit near his hometown of Brevard.
Scout said:
I haven't followed enough cases to know, rc, but the stop in Duffield bothers me as much as it seems to bother you. The stop in Duffield in combination with the hike of the Appalachian Trail is just as odd as the Transylvania crash into the French Broad River in combination with his former experience with a rafting outfit, imo. Incidentally, I cannot for the life of me find the source of that information -- I would swear that I read/heard that he had a summmer job during his college years with a rafting outfit near his hometown of Brevard.
Well, you are not imagining the information about JY working for an outfitter near Brevard during the summers - I recall reading the same thing. I suspect it was in an article/report from either NBC 17 or from Carolina 14 - neither of which can I find a way to get to archives. This tends to make me think JY would know where the river would be shallow enough to have a reasonable chance of getting away.

Yes the Duffield stop really bothers me...has bothered me since the Get it Market showed up. While LPs post shows some potential - it is clear that ChartOne was not a part of that project nor would they be. There is another reason for Duffield, and being out in the middle of nowhere doesn't look right to me. JMO
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