per Art Harris source: Misty offered complete Immunity

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And this kinda makes me think she may not know the truth, he cant bear to let her down. He would rather make a fool out of her then be a man and tell the truth. Does anyone remember when Misty said that she would wake up and teresa would be looking at her all crazy? Why would Teresa do that if she had to protect her son? Why would she provoke Misty by calling her names? Why would she introduce young gals to Ron in prison?
AS has never acted like she was in on a murder or a murder cover-up, IMO. Would she protect Ronald? to an extent, I think so, but not this...sorry but I don't see it. A lot of her later actions point to her believing Ron & Misty innocent in this & her simply defending them. TN on the other hand, acts like she may have known Haleigh was gone for good, may have even suspected Ron & Misty, but not knowing for sure what happened. I think she may have been called early & knew what was going on with drugs & guns & clean up, but I doubt very seriously she looked at her deceased grandchild or helped in a disposal. & I know there are cold blooded parents & grandparents out there, & these 2 may be as hard as nails, IDK, but they don't act like they were in on a murder or murder cover-up. MOO. I think it's possible that AS, believing Ron innocent, alibied him, & I think it's possible that TN knew about the drugs guns & other illegal activity & didn't want Ron to suffer those consequences. She did afterall, early on, admit to the fight with Joe...something Ron himself, didn't admit to, until after his deal. A lot of AS's & TN's actions, seemed counter productive to a cover-up. TN couldn't even agree with Ron about Joe. MOO
Does anyone remember Misty making a statement in one of the jail video/audios that said something basically like this: "That whole weekend was false"? I remember it being stated and I would like to find it but find myself cringing whenever I think about having to listen to these tapes to find it.

I'll help you look, Lone. I don't even know where to begin.
O/T, how's your weather up there? We had tornados 20 mi away in Rome this morning, expecting to hit us again around 8pm. Heck, it may just blow my computer away. If y'all see a computer and half crazed woman go by, someone tell my family. :raincloud::raincloud::computer::raincloud::computer::raincloud:
ITA. nobody in Ronald's family would IMO

I guess I need to make myself more clear, not only Rons family, I dont think anyone would willingly move a dead child that had been dead and placed somewhere if they didnt do the crime, and I certainly do not believe for one second that a grandparent would do this... yuck.
Not be disagreeable Bathbuddys, but OH YES THEY WOULD!

My opinion.

okay if you think that but it is just not even logical for his crowd, something bad may have happened to Haleigh that night and more than one of these people know but I truly do not believe they are evil people like people are making them all out to be, depending on what side you are standing on. MOO
okay if you think that but it is just not even logical for his crowd, something bad may have happened to Haleigh that night and more than one of these people know but I truly do not believe they are evil people like people are making them all out to be, depending on what side you are standing on. MOO

BBM, Yes, this is so true.
AS has never acted like she was in on a murder or a murder cover-up, IMO. Would she protect Ronald? to an extent, I think so, but not this...sorry but I don't see it. A lot of her later actions point to her believing Ron & Misty innocent in this & her simply defending them. TN on the other hand, acts like she may have known Haleigh was gone for good, may have even suspected Ron & Misty, but not knowing for sure what happened. I think she may have been called early & knew what was going on with drugs & guns & clean up, but I doubt very seriously she looked at her deceased grandchild or helped in a disposal. & I know there are cold blooded parents & grandparents out there, & these 2 may be as hard as nails, IDK, but they don't act like they were in on a murder or murder cover-up. MOO. I think it's possible that AS, believing Ron innocent, alibied him, & I think it's possible that TN knew about the drugs guns & other illegal activity & didn't want Ron to suffer those consequences. She did afterall, early on, admit to the fight with Joe...something Ron himself, didn't admit to, until after his deal. A lot of AS's & TN's actions, seemed counter productive to a cover-up. TN couldn't even agree with Ron about Joe. MOO

Do you think they know because they know how Ronald is? And maybe their worst fears really came true and they are in mega denial, but not really? I am sure they both know that he would not have meant to do it, but she was a handful........

I really dont believe either of them know. I think its the 4 in prison.
okay if you think that but it is just not even logical for his crowd, something bad may have happened to Haleigh that night and more than one of these people know but I truly do not believe they are evil people like people are making them all out to be, depending on what side you are standing on. MOO
IDK who & IDK where, but IMO, there's some evil lurking around in this bunch. If not for evilness, why hasn't somebody led LE to Haleigh's location? somebody knows. MOO.
Do you think they know because they know how Ronald is? And maybe their worst fears really came true and they are in mega denial, but not really? I am sure they both know that he would not have meant to do it, but she was a handful........

I really dont believe either of them know. I think its the 4 in prison.
idk, but I think in AS's heart of hearts, she truly believes Ron is incapable of murdering his child. I think, at worst, TN thinks he might be in on an active cover-up for Misty or her brother, & is worried about how that will look & what kind of trouble he will get into. She HAS poured a lot of energy into making him look good...Letting the chips fall where they may, would've been a lot smarter because their interference just helped muddy the waters... & the truth about Ron's lifestyle, came out with the wash anyway. IMO, AS & TN don't give the impression of being in cahoots on a thing...quite the opposite actually. I think AS has been more realistic about Ron and from what I could tell, she didn't seem to really suspect Misty either. I have no idea what she thinks happened. MOO.
okay if you think that but it is just not even logical for his crowd, something bad may have happened to Haleigh that night and more than one of these people know but I truly do not believe they are evil people like people are making them all out to be, depending on what side you are standing on. MOO

First of all, I never said they were evil. Some of those involved have done horrible and evil things, but are they evil? I'll let God judge that.

And, yes, I believe after Haleigh died I feel that they had to protect their own at any cost. If that means moving the body, disposing of the body, lying, et al. I do think they would do it. Somebody did!
AS hasn't been an angel in all this. Her stories have changed over time. When questioned by the media, she became argumentative. Papa has some videos of her in the Parking Lot. Check them out.

She first claimed she drove by the mobile home that night and saw the kids outside. Later she claimed they stopped by to drop off laundry. A year later, on NG with Nanny Hollars, we learned from AS that she brought clean laundry to the MH, Misty helped her carry it inside, the children were on the porch eating dinner (in the cold), AS changed their shirts. Then she left. That night in April 2010 she gave Misty a most thorough alibi at that point, the most detailed of all. We were shocked to here this detailed story that took her a year to spill.

Great-grandma Sykes is no stranger to protecting Ronald. She'd do in a heartbeat, imo.

I don't think Teresa or Annette moved the child's body, but I do believe both of them know what happened and where she is. My strong belief is LE should be watching where those women go, they'll eventually be led to Haleigh.

I believe TN and AS are the leaders, got someone else to do the dirty work, and kept RC informed every step of the way while he wuz at werk. AS is a tough woman, I wouldn't want to cross her on a bad day. She's also not so old that this is out of her realm. Yes, she would protect RC at all costs. Haleigh's gone, RC's still alive. She wouldn't want to lose him (a la Cindy Anthony - protect the family at all costs).

TN has baggage full of guilt, so she's willing to do anything for her son, see above re: AS.

AS hasn't been an angel in all this. Her stories have changed over time. When questioned by the media, she became argumentative. Papa has some videos of her in the Parking Lot. Check them out.

She first claimed she drove by the mobile home that night and saw the kids outside. Later she claimed they stopped by to drop off laundry. A year later, on NG with Nanny Hollars, we learned from AS that she brought clean laundry to the MH, Misty helped her carry it inside, the children were on the porch eating dinner (in the cold), AS changed their shirts. Then she left. That night in April 2010 she gave Misty a most thorough alibi at that point, the most detailed of all. We were shocked to here this detailed story that took her a year to spill.

Great-grandma Sykes is no stranger to protecting Ronald. She'd do in a heartbeat, imo.

I don't think Teresa or Annette moved the child's body, but I do believe both of them know what happened and where she is. My strong belief is LE should be watching where those women go, they'll eventually be led to Haleigh.

I believe TN and AS are the leaders, got someone else to do the dirty work, and kept RC informed every step of the way while he wuz at werk. AS is a tough woman, I wouldn't want to cross her on a bad day. She's also not so old that this is out of her realm. Yes, she would protect RC at all costs. Haleigh's gone, RC's still alive. She wouldn't want to lose him (a la Cindy Anthony - protect the family at all costs).

TN has baggage full of guilt, so she's willing to do anything for her son, see above re: AS.


Thanks you for summing this up in such an intelligent package, and I totally agree and believe everything you stated.

However, I, personnally, wouldn't even want to cross AS on a good day.
Thanks you for summing this up in such an intelligent package, and I totally agree and believe everything you stated.

However, I, personnally, wouldn't even want to cross AS on a good day.

Pretty much what I was thinking.
AS hasn't been an angel in all this. Her stories have changed over time. When questioned by the media, she became argumentative. Papa has some videos of her in the Parking Lot. Check them out.

She first claimed she drove by the mobile home that night and saw the kids outside. Later she claimed they stopped by to drop off laundry. A year later, on NG with Nanny Hollars, we learned from AS that she brought clean laundry to the MH, Misty helped her carry it inside, the children were on the porch eating dinner (in the cold), AS changed their shirts. Then she left. That night in April 2010 she gave Misty a most thorough alibi at that point, the most detailed of all. We were shocked to here this detailed story that took her a year to spill.

Great-grandma Sykes is no stranger to protecting Ronald. She'd do in a heartbeat, imo.

I don't think Teresa or Annette moved the child's body, but I do believe both of them know what happened and where she is. My strong belief is LE should be watching where those women go, they'll eventually be led to Haleigh.

I believe TN and AS are the leaders, got someone else to do the dirty work, and kept RC informed every step of the way while he wuz at werk. AS is a tough woman, I wouldn't want to cross her on a bad day. She's also not so old that this is out of her realm. Yes, she would protect RC at all costs. Haleigh's gone, RC's still alive. She wouldn't want to lose him (a la Cindy Anthony - protect the family at all costs).

TN has baggage full of guilt, so she's willing to do anything for her son, see above re: AS.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting her actions, but her changing stories is what I meant by muddying the waters. If she was in on a full fledged cover-up, I think her story would have stayed the same, no variations...what Haleigh was wearing, what she was eating, what time...the same with TN. she never would have contradicted Ron with the JO fight story. I may be wrong about AS, but honestly I can't see so many people, Cummings and Croslins, in on this. Gosh, there's just no way...they would have internally combusted by now. If AS hedged the time to benefit Ron, no matter what her motivation, she needs to come clean. Her being there earlier or not being there at all, would change the whole timeline. & what Haleigh was wearing and eating is the base for identifying her and identifying the time of her disappearance. I never said that I think AS has been completely honest or upfront, but I personally don't necessarily think her discrepancies point to her involvement in a murder cover-up. MOO
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