Perez Hilton Claims Rapper Will.I.Am Of Black Eyed Peas Assaulted Him

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White Rain

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Jan 3, 2007
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Well, it was bound to happen. Perez is so nasty to the people he doesn't like and so *advertiser censored**-kising to the ones he does. But then again celebs are so rich why should they give one flying flip what someone says about them? I wouldn't.
Anyway they both have different accounts of what happened.

Perez Hilton and Black Eyed Peas singer Will.I.Am have posted video statements giving two very different accounts of an alleged assault of the gossip blogger outside a nightclub early Monday morning.
Perez Hilton Twittered that he was bleeding after being assaulted by a member of the Black Eyed Peas outside a party at the club Cobra following the MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto, Canada on Sunday night.
"I was assaulted by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas and his security guards," the gossip blogger wrote on his Twitter account. "I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke.",2933,528103,00.html
Ahhh..........:boohoo:that's too bad. NOT!:loser:

He's such a whiney baby. He's rude and crude and obnoxious. :chicken:

I hope the guy who hit him doesn't get in too much trouble.:)

Liborio "Polo" Molina, manager for hip-hop/pop group Black Eyed Peas, is being charged with hitting celebrity blogger Perez Hilton Monday morning outside of Toronto's Cobra nightclub, the Toronto Star reports.
Molina is scheduled to appear in Toronto's Old City Hall court on August 5, facing one count of assault.
In a video statement posted on, Hilton accuses Molina of approaching him from behind and hitting him in the eye several times, drawing blood.
As much as I dislike Mario's line of business (gossip rag) I think physical violence is plain wrong. 2 wrongs don't make a right... and given that he was only in a word altercation with the BEP frontman, the manager hitting him was nothing more than someone acting like a . Had Will*i*am hit the man, I could understand "being provoked"... but it still wouldn't have been right.
/rant on/

I'd like to know how Perez Hilton ever got to be some kind of TV? Internet? "star"? I have only seen small clips because he annoys me to no end. Such a drama drama guy.

I will never understand what draws people to these entertainment? folks. Reality TV? Sorry, my life has enough drama. (But not Drama drama)!

Sorry, I'm just annoyed about Jon and Kate on the news when I would like to see some REAL news.

Ever heard of North Korea? Iran? That is reality TV. JMHO

/rant off/

me in advance
Too bad he must have been in the way. I don't like violence but he should have shut his trap on this one or take it like a man.
He twittered it? If he had just been asaulted he should have been calling the police. I really don't feel sorry for him. Karma is a B****.
I'm surprised the man hasn't been punched in the face more often. He's obnoxious.
He twittered it? If he had just been asaulted he should have been calling the police. I really don't feel sorry for him. Karma is a B****.

He twittered while he was waiting for the police.
I can't accept or condone violence against someone for being annoying, obnoxious or rude. Last time I checked, there are attorney's that handle that kind of thing.
I can't accept or condone violence against someone for being annoying, obnoxious or rude. Last time I checked, there are attorney's that handle that kind of thing.

Exactly. I agree.

There is no "taking it like a man." Saying something mean is not grounds for physical violence no matter what gender you are.

This is a very fine line to suggest an assault was acceptable because someone is mean. It's ok for him to be assaulted because he said something mean? Really? What a gray area that would be.
Perez is an adult. He knows he irritates people yet he continues to do so. I don't necessarily condone violence either,but when someone pushes you to your limit...well, you gotta expect that one of these times you're gonna get punched.

Since he can't get any more publicity from the whole Miss California thing, he probably did it on purpose. JMO
Exactly. I agree.

There is no "taking it like a man." Saying something mean is not grounds for physical violence no matter what gender you are.

This is a very fine line to suggest an assault was acceptable because someone is mean. It's ok for him to be assaulted because he said something mean? Really? What a gray area that would be.

I don't think anyone means that is "okay" for him to assaulted.
Being the victim of an assault does not mean that you will receive public sympathy. People saying the understand why someone would smack him does not mean the assailant shouldn't be held responsible. MOO is that Perez is loving every second of this, there is no such thing as bad publicity right? Being known as the guy who smacked Perez is not going to harm anyone's sales either.

Many acts of violence are "understandable" to different people, they are still illegal though.
TMZ is reporting that P.Hilton called Will.I.Am a homophobic slur. Now isn't something coming from an openly gay man. GLAAD is allegedly asking Perez to apologize.

Here's a link:
IMO, it's the old "I can say that word because I am that word, but people who aren't can't" Blacks, gays, fat people, etc do it all the time.

I think PH makes a good point below.

Hilton, a former GLAAD [COLOR=#29a256! important][COLOR=#29a256! important]employee[/COLOR][/COLOR], tells TMZ:

"I am saddened GLAAD chose to victimize me further by criticizing me for how I non-violently dealt with a very scary situation that, unfortunately, turned violent. While I doubt I will get an apology from GLAAD, nor do I expect one, I would just hope people know how difficult it is to intellectualize a situation and think rationally when a disguised as a musician is screaming at your face and intimidating you. I am just very fortunate and grateful that nothing more serious happened to me."
I'm sorry but Perez's mouth constantly over rides his brain. He sure can dish it out hiding behind a computer monitor, but come face to face with one that he verbally abuses he calls that intimidating. Will.I.Am apparently isn't the one who threw the punch.

He needs to just shut up! Lick his wounds and find another line of work. IMHO

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