Perez Hilton Claims Rapper Will.I.Am Of Black Eyed Peas Assaulted Him

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[quote[Perez is certainly crude and obnoxious and an instigator, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean he deserved to be hit. If everyone in the world went around hitting anyone who offended them or pissed them off, then imagine what would happen.

While I totally agree, when you look back in retrospect--there are just more mitigating factors in some cases than others. I'd give this one a $50 fine and time served. [/Night Court]
What do you mean by that?

Perez is certainly crude and obnoxious and an instigator, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean he deserved to be hit. If everyone in the world went around hitting anyone who offended them or pissed them off, then imagine what would happen.

We have created this culture of building people up and tearing people down. Perez is a shrewd business man who capitalizes on exploiting others. I wish everyone would just ignore him and maybe he would go away. His negativity isn't healthy, and I truly think he was originally a snarky outsider who wanted desperately to be liked by who he deemed the cool kids. Now he has all the power and if the celebs want to play the game, they have to abide by his rules. It's a vicious circle that won't stop until the public decides not to indulge this nonsense.

I had to respond to this with more than a thanks! It's the best post I've read on the subject.

I will never say a negative word about Perez for a number of reasons, but a big one of those reasons is that I read his site from time to time and am, therefore, part of the greater "problem". If there weren't millions and millions of folks just like me in this regard, there would be no Perez Hilton. The whole thing is further complicated by the fact that regardless of what Perez says about people in the business, the very fact that he says anything is good for them as a mater of business (though I could certainly argue that it's not good for them or anyone spiritually). Like it or not, that's the way it works.

And regardless of all of the above, no one ever deserves to get assaulted. Not in their homes, not on the streets, not in prison....not anywhere. As Masterj said - imagine a world where we all assaulted people who bugged us - not a pretty picture.

If we stop feeding our self-serving need for the Perez Hiltons of the world, they'll go away.
So does a mouthy woman diserve to be hit as well? How about Kathy Griffin? I'm just not getting the thinking here that it's ever ok. Unless it's self defense against a physical attack, I can't go there.
I just read this whole thread.

It brought to mind an experience that I have had in my life in the past 18 yrs or so...

It's called raising four kids (children) and having them fight like cats and dogs.

But you see, I have learned to deal with the he said/ she said with an "I (me, mommy) said...

This is ridiculous that adults are acting this way. All of them. Perez for shaking his rump and begging for an a22whuppin, and the one that gave it to him. Both were wrong.

If it were up to me? I say equal punishement for both. (Just like what I do with my kids when they act like kids, I don't take sides, I send them both to their rooms for a time out) This is some silly @#$%.

ETA: In case anyone remembers I have five kids, the oldest was so much older she didn't pay the four younger ones no mind :)
.......(Just like what I do with my kids when they act like kids, I don't take sides, I send them both to their rooms for a time out) .......

respectfully snipped

This is my house also, though I only have two. I figured out long ago that I'm not getting paid enough to be a referee and/or a fact-finding judge and I know enough to assume that everyone did something wrong if there's weeping, wailing or gnashing of teeth.

I have found that punishing en masse helps them learn to handle their disputes without involving me in every ridiculous squabble - which is my goal.
respectfully snipped

This is my house also, though I only have two. I figured out long ago that I'm not getting paid enough to be a referee and/or a fact-finding judge and I know enough to assume that everyone did something wrong if there's weeping, wailing or gnashing of teeth.

I have found that punishing en masse helps them learn to handle their disputes without involving me in every ridiculous squabble - which is my goal.

Yup Southcitymom, when they were little if they fought over a toy, I put the toy in time out. When they got in grade school and the melee's would break out, they all went to their rooms. No questions asked. Because like you, I didn't have the time to go on a fact finding mission and also to evaluate every single "well he/she started it".

Now that they are teens I have found that sometimes I just have to give myself a time out. I go upstairs, lock the door, and sit in the tub. :D It's a mommy time-out.

But seriously back on topic, this is just silly about Perez and whoever punched him. Not to make light of it but it reminds me of that saying "It's always fun until someone gets hurt". KWIM?
I'm Sorry

Filed under: Personally Perez > Sad Sad
"People make mistakes. I have made many in my life, but this past week I have made more than I can count on one hand.
I am sorry. And I mean it. No one is forcing me to write this. I am not feeling pressured to say this. I am speaking out because I realize that the last few days have been more hurtful to me - and many others - than the repeated blows I suffered to my head in Toronto this past weekend.
I have been filled with incredible sadness and regret.
I am sorry that any good work I have done for promoting equality may be tainted by me reclaiming a hurtful word - that's been personally used against me and the gay community - to hurt someone that was verbally attacking me. It was stupid.
Apologizing for me is not easy. Writing this was not easy. Life is not easy. But everything happens for a reason and I will take away a lot of valuable lessons from this experience.
Violence is never the answer. Never.
Victims should not be mocked.

More at link
I can't believe the people on here that say "he deserved it". When does anyone "deserve" to be hit?

Perez started out as a kid blogging in Miami and it took off until he was the #1 blog on the internet. If you don't like what he says, don't read him. He's trying to be funny, not hurt anyone. He rags on everyone. He always admits when he has been wrong.

I can't believe that people on a website that help search for missing children, murdered women and men could feel like he deserved to be hit. I'm speechless.
I'm sure if the guy who hit Black-Eyed Perez could do it over again he would have walked away. That's what most adults do.

But at the same time, Perez should know that taunting someone and shouting 'you're a f-ing *advertiser censored****!!' (ryhmes with maggot) in someone's face, in a public place, with alcohol involved, that he was risking ending up like fred flinstone with a steak over his eye.

Words hurt. Perez is a bully. If you go to his site and search for 'miley cyrus', you can see how innapropriate he is. She's 15 years old, and he refers to her as 'sluty cyrus' and usually draws pictures of a penis on her photos. I did read his blog and stopped when I felt that he was simply mean, not funny.

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