Person of Interest Identified in Dylan Redwine case * MARK REDWINE ARRESTED**

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Besides the retribution angle, there was also a financial motive. Not only was MR losing the child support he had been receiving from Elaine, but he was going to have to begin paying Elaine child support. I can't remember the exact monthly amount, or if we even knew the exact amount. I keep thinking in the $400/month range but I don't know if that's correct TBH.

Mark sent a post dated check for Nov. 19th, the first and last child support check he ever wrote. Not sure of the amount. It's all there, revenge, rage, resentment, money. Elaine has stated she thinks its a "if mark can;t have him no one can" kind of thing and I wholeheartedly agree. So happy there is finally movement in this case.
I'm torn on that part. I guess it's easier to think that something happened and he was drunk and went into a rage than to think he actually planned it out . But to be able to evade detection for so long and so carefully cover his tracks does not seem spur of the moment to me. Plus I was wondering about his trip of a lifetime to take Dylan to all the baseball stadiums a few months prior to this. I don't know MR but that seems out of character from what I understand of him to take a kid on a big , long and expensive trip. I wondered if he was already planning it then and having one last hoorah with him . **speculative**
i've thought of the "farewell" trip too, but more than that I think of the one way ticket he purchased for the thanksgiving visit (on the day he lost in court that September)and how he had zero contact with Dylan after seeing him in court that day until he picked him up from the airport november 18th.
I would love to know what about that small number of bones makes them think it was homicide instead of Dylan running off and falling off a cliff in the dark, or something. I believe them that the evidence is there, but unless there's like a knife wound on the shoulder blade, it's hard to imagine how they could determine it was homicide. Not that it would really make any difference, but...inquiring minds want to know.

After they found the remains, they went back to mark's house with another search warrant and retrieved a fire poker, a couch and portions of the flooring. I fully believe they found something on/with those remains to indicate a direct need for those specific items from the home. I think LE has been tight lipped from the get go but their actions follow the evidence.
I have seen and read it all. I would not be suprised if he was guily. Alls I am saying is MR does not cross me as a smart criminal mastermind. so I wander how he got away with it this far unless it was premeditated and if it was premeditaed how did he not cover his morning activities better? Basically all eyes were going tto be on him (and they are) so if premeditatted why didn't he cover tthe cell phone bases, ie: telling Dylan's friends (as Dylan) he changedd his mind. If MR was such a mastermind to take his fat *advertiser censored* up the mountain to dispose of Dylan's remains and supposably return several times to move said remains, why didn't he take care of the obvious communication hitch with his frieds?

I am absolutely nott saying I don't tthink he's guilty but as I've said in other cases I've followed here I like to have truth and factts.
Mikayoyo, I do think the murder was premeditated. But I don't think how to hide evidence or not to get caught was thought out at all. It is unkind to say, but I think MR has gotten away with this for so long for one of two reasons. Dumb luck or help from someone who is smarter.
Mikayoyo, I do think the murder was premeditated. But I don't think how to hide evidence or not to get caught was thought out at all. It is unkind to say, but I think MR has gotten away with this for so long for one of two reasons. Dumb luck or help from someone who is smarter.

You think he had help?? That a new one I haven't heard. Please do share.
Look at the cases of Haleigh Cummings, Ayla Jennings and does not take brains to get away with murder for a number of years. Just luck, Imo. Hoping some of these missing child cases are eventually prosecuted. I think LE is afraid that juries won't want to believe parents kill their kids. Circumstantial cases involving children are hardly ever brought to trial. Jmo
Look at the cases of Haleigh Cummings, Ayla Jennings and does not take brains to get away with murder for a number of years. Just luck, Imo. Hoping some of these missing child cases are eventually prosecuted. I think LE is afraid that juries won't want to believe parents kill their kids. Circumstantial cases involving children are hardly ever brought to trial. Jmo

That is so sad but from what I have heard, there should nott be any difficulty conviciting Mark with his jury of "peers." I have also read he is not even in Vallecito. Does LEO know where his is?
"We also want to look at why did this happen," said Klismet. "Or, even more importantly, sometimes I've found, which is true in this case - why didn't certain things happen."

"Why didn't certain things happen." This is most insightful. Why did Dylan stop texting? Why did Dylan not reach out in the morning, with the landline, cell, and iPod Touch? Why did Mark take a nap? Why didn't Mark search? Why only a few bones and no backpack, cell, or hat? We've all discussed these things a bunch of threads back so no more discussion is necessary - but I really like the fact that Pete states this! Love ya Pete! :loveyou:

Ditto that, CK, 1,000-fold! I believe that Pete Klismet has already cut to the crux of this case. It was a very smart move on LE's part to enlist his expertise and support, for which I give them credit. And Elaine has done what she could only do in filing the wrongful death action against MR. It is indisputable who the POI is this lawsuit!

But, above all, I have to say what I have always thought: Elaine has maintained grace and dignity throughout this horrific nightmare. Our hearts bleed for her. We've followed her tortuous odyssey on Tricia's shows, and Dr. Phil. Her pain was palpable, unbearable to witness, and it is obvious how devastating this has been for Elaine. Yet she has bravely held her head up and continued to go on living -- certainly more than a lot of us could do under the same circumstances. This speaks to her character, and what a kind and loving mother we know she was to Dylan, and still to this day continues to be to Cory, as well as her two stepsons, whom she regards as her own flesh and blood. The love she has for her family and friends is returned, as Elaine is surrounded by their warmth and protection.

I remember one particular show of Tricia's where Elaine, so overcome with emotion, was temporarily unable to speak. Through her tears she actually apologized to Tricia because she had seemingly fallen apart! Tricia, of course, immediately reassured her that she was entitled to her emotions, that she should take all the time she needed -- and we would be the ones to apologize! Elaine doesn't do it so much now, as the passage of time has somewhat lessened the pain, and that is a good thing for her. She has come so far. God love you, Elaine, and we know in our hearts and minds what nobody needs to tell you: justice will be served.
Just listening to the show and Mark is so unreasonable he won't even let Elaine and LE go back to the house and do a time line of what he claimed happened that morning .

Mark claims LE should of done it at the beginning and its to late now so he won't allow it .

This is a man who's son was killed and yet he won't even allow that and yet we are meant to buy he is innocent .
Mark got away with this for so long because he asserted to LE Dylan was a runaway and the small-town LE believed him at first. How telling it was a pre-meditated "runaway" story when Mark yelled at Elaine on Dr Phil "And you didn't pack a coat!" What a weird thing to say, unless it stuck in Mark's craw that a lack of coat might diminish the possibility Dylan ran away. Also telling is the resting spot. It was just past the USFS gate which would close Dec 1. It's a beautiful place on a mountain Mark spent a lot of time on and that side of the mountain is visible from Mark's porch. It is not a spot found in haste and panic. There was no reason for Mark to tell the friends, or pretend he was Dylan and use Dylan's phone to text the friends, that the plans were canceled because it adds nothing to, and detracts from, the runaway story.

The August trip back east was right after the judge granted temporary permission for Elaine to move, with Dylan, to the Colorado Springs area. The hearing about whether Dylan would permanently live there was scheduled for Sept 21, so my guess is that the trip was to convince Dylan to live with Mark, and show the judge Mark was an involved father. Elaine essentially paid for the trip, since she paid Mark monthly cs and he didn't use it on Dylan, as he rarely saw Dylan. After the Sept 21 decree granting Elaine primary physical custody, Mark would have to pay cs and his parenting time went from 182 overnights (Worksheet B) to less than 93 (Worksheet A).
The first cs check Mark wrote was post-marked Nov 19, 2012. The USPS put its mark on it that Monday. So it's probably safe to assume Mark placed it in a mailbox while running his errands.
The first cs check Mark wrote was post-marked Nov 19, 2012. The USPS put its mark on it that Monday. So it's probably safe to assume Mark placed it in a mailbox while running his errands.

The night after killing Dylan , the mind boggles how anybody can be that heartless .

If you have children then you should automatically love and protect them and put them first .

Mark may not be a criminal mastermind but he was smart enough to know that the place he dumped Dylan (IMO) would be closed off 12 days later. There was little to no snow on the ground and I truly believe he put Dylan out there for wildlife to dispose of before the first snow set down. From December to May, the gates close off Middle Mountain road to the general public. even LE searches were minimal after the snows. This is how Mark got away with it. That and the easy sales pitch to the local yokel sheriff. Heck, they didn't even search his house for 10 days! Two days after that search, MM road was closed. Mark didn't have to be a genius, just a lucky jerk whose luck, it seems, is finally running out.
Mark may not be a criminal mastermind but he was smart enough to know that the place he dumped Dylan (IMO) would be closed off 12 days later. There was little to no snow on the ground and I truly believe he put Dylan out there for wildlife to dispose of before the first snow set down. From December to May, the gates close off Middle Mountain road to the general public. even LE searches were minimal after the snows. This is how Mark got away with it. That and the easy sales pitch to the local yokel sheriff. Heck, they didn't even search his house for 10 days! Two days after that search, MM road was closed. Mark didn't have to be a genius, just a lucky jerk whose luck, it seems, is finally running out.

This is it ! I keep thinking how can this guy be so slick, but you're right luck and the deep winter encroaching were in his favor. I know all of our hearts were heavy when the snows began up there.
Poor Dylan paid the ultimate price for being the child caught in a custody case. He touched my heart. He had to do what grown ups said was 'best for him'. Sigh...
How telling it was a pre-meditated "runaway" story when Mark yelled at Elaine on Dr Phil "And you didn't pack a coat!"

Thanks CattleKate, how true this is, I also believe this was a pre-planned murder and have paid attention and given a lot of thought to various statements and actions in a "premeditated line of reasoning".

Another statement was in regard to Mark and Dylan having a "sit down dinner" as opposed to McDonalds drive-thru. Some have attributed this to father wanting time to drill son with questions and to convince him that it would be better to live with dear old dad. IMO, it had more to do with the image it would later portray to investigators. Just like the baseball hall of fame trip, it was a conscious plan to showcase his parenting merit and display how close they were.

The comment that has nagged at me was about Dylan's visit being a day late because of plane troubles. It was thrown out there in the heart of a word salad, but I don't think it was just a coincidental random thought being expressed. If this was indeed a premeditated murder, the delay would have been a HUGE inconvenience and would have caused severe stress as the carefully laid out plan was thwarted. I haven't been able to put a finger on the specific hurdles this would have created and would love to know if anyone has thoughts on this. Would Dylan still have died the day he did or would it have been the day before? Would that extra day have been used to further showcase activities to demonstrate how "close" they were? Would he have stalled even longer to put out the word that Dylan was "missing"? How would Monday's errands figure into it? etc.

I am sickened to think that once Dylan arrived, he might have sensed this plan unfolding. And the shock and fear he must have felt shortly before his death, lord I have to shove it from my mind.
Dayuuuum! Didn't realise we had a thread to discuss this *facepalm*

Tickety-tock !
Lets also not foget Dylan wanted to go and visit his friends the first night and dear old dad would not let him hence the 6.30am plans Dylan made . It seems Dylan could not wait to escape him IMO
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