Personal Memorial for Zahra (Please share your ideas)

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I can tell you that Police officers work long and hard. Most people only hear about the bad stuff, and get upset when they get a speeding ticket and such. Police never get that pat on the back and they should. They have handled this so far with grace and determination, not only because that was their job but because NOT ONE person cared for this Child, and they took it upon themselves to CARE, which in turn made all of us take notice. If I had money maybe mouse pads with Zahra's picture on it saying Thank you for finding me. Would be a nice thing too.

We've heard many investigators working on cases involving children keep a picture of that child in their office years and years after the case was solved. Zahra's death brought so many together, and gave the police department much deserved respect. It is a shame that it had to be her death to do that.

The locals of the area should thank their lucky stars for having an outstanding police department. Knowing they are out there watching over you, seeing the down trodden day after day, without a Thank you but instead an angry face when someone gets a speeding ticket. Can you imagine? Yes, be very lucky locals to have such a great police dept.

Sorry for the rant, and it wasn't directed at anyone. Partly my frustration, my profound gratitude knowing that in this UGLY world that there are decent people that care is what Zahra gave me.

I am a local and I have seen a side of our LE that I hadn't realized before. I am proud to be a part of Caldwell County now.

My daughter stopped today to speak to our neighbor/friend who is also a deputy. She said he was quieter than usual, felt comfortable talking to her until she mentioned Zahra. She said he got tears in his eyes and dropped his head. After that she said his demeanor changed totally. She wasn't prying just wanted to tell him thank you for his time spent in the search effort.

But when she told me I realized again that these men/women officers have had a rough last month. I hope they are getting the support they need and deserve. God bless each of them.
Thank you all so much for the suggestions. These are all great and I think I am going to try a little of all of them.

You guys are the greatest.
The biggest thing that you could do for Zahra and I think would be PERFECT in all honesty is maybe take donations and then submit said donations to a charity on child abuse and donate it in her name as a memory for her. JMO

I, too, have some social anxiety, but I was just thinking what about something at the racetrack where Zahra got her hearing aids? I'll bet there are LOTS of people who would like a more formal goodbye, and I'll bet that if someone asked Jennifer Moxley, the reporter who covered the hearing aid event and has been following Zahra's case, she would be willing to do the 'putting together' of an event like that! She'd have the contacts to do so. That way, you could be doing something for a lot of others to participate, but could do it more from behind the scenes...

You know, perhaps you (or any or all of the locals, even us in other states can call too!) could ask them to name a race day for her --- maybe even a food or toy drive that day to benefit Make a Wish Foundation or local organization?
The biggest thing that you could do for Zahra and I think would be PERFECT in all honesty is maybe take donations and then submit said donations to a charity on child abuse and donate it in her name as a memory for her. JMO

I think many of us already have something similar in mind, in addition to our own little ways to cherish her memory in our hearts for years to come.
Thank you all so much for the suggestions. These are all great and I think I am going to try a little of all of them.

You guys are the greatest.

You know, whatever you choose to do will be perfect! Just that you started this positive thread to ask is a gift in and of itself! I know the year Caylee Marie Anthony was found - being single I was not going to put up a Christmas tree - but I put one up for her and light it every night just for her. I would say, "Look Caylee, this tree is just for you - filled with love and light!" You know what - that tree helped me heal from the pain I felt over a child being tossed in the woods, like was done for her. I even got a sunshine ornament just for her and it goes on my tree each year!
Maybe the girls - Zahra and Caylee would like their tree early this year! Maybe I will set it up for Zahra's birthday, now that you mention it! Thanks!
A_News, you rock. What a great idea, I love that idea, and if I din't have a horse sized dog I might follow suit.
Would it be crazy to think there might be some way to contact Emily (not immediately, of course), and get her involved in helping us set up a charity? Perhaps for the cancer camp in Autralia that Zahra went to? I think it would be a tremendously healing thing for Emily to be involved in something that honored Zahra's memory and at the same time, helped other children.
girl, we are so sympatico it is eery. I was trying to figure out how to, down the road, after she's had a little time to absorb, and begin healing, get some sort of letter or email to her.
But seriously. I do think your idea is a good one, maybe give her a chance to channel some of her pain into a healing thing in honor of Z. On the money honey.
I love the idea of the cancer camp. So many wonderful stories about Zahra from that time!

Hey, you know...there's a lady who posts on HM who knew Zahra when Zahra and her daughter went to camp together. I bet Val could get us in touch with her too!
Further thought on A_News' idea of the christmas tree, although I don't dare put it up this early, I love the sun ornament to honor Caylee idea. I am a multiple tree person. We do the big one and then I do little ones all about the house. (you know, those potted little trees with the dainty little ornaments)

Maybe this year there will be a new little tree with tiny little ornaments signifying all my little angels . . .

Yeah, I like that.
girl, we are so sympatico it is eery. I was trying to figure out how to, down the road, after she's had a little time to absorb, and begin healing, get some sort of letter or email to her.

I think Valhal of the HM has been writing to her too! Hint, hint!
PS - love you guys get out of my head bantering! LOL
lol, one step ahead of you News, now if you start mindreading with M_K and I we will be a trifecta!
Love the angel tree idea! Alas, Etta James (the new feline furbaby, not THE Etta James) is going to make just the main tree a nightmare this year.

ETA: Does not want trifecta! Is freaked out enough by the bifecta! ;)
kcsmom76: whatever you decide to do, will be absolutely perfect because it comes from your heart. It's a beautiful, thoughtful gesture and you will be blessed by it.

“Every man has a different idea of what's beautiful, and it's best to take the gesture, the shadow of the branch, and let the mind create the tree” William Faulkner
A tribute to Zhara first of all making the CPS and/or DCF put in more of a effort to investigate.. stimulus moeny out there use it to help other children.

A memorial in OZ to honor her in her homeland.. where she should of never been taken from.

A memorial of bontanical garden, full of butterflies, wonderful flowers gowing, waterfalls.. a peacful enviroment somthing she apparently missed... in her honor. A beautiful place full of wonderful things that we take for granted due she may have nissed.. a place of full of peace that can be visited to remind us that she is in a better place.. Admission dontantions only to be given to child cancer victems. With the love and concern that would visit would surly be a proper tribute to her..

an awareness compaign to REPORT all suspicous activity.. I reported a child watking free in my neighborhood all hours of the day.. a 5 year old with apparent winter clothes in the heat of summer.. long story short he is no longer roaming the neighborhood, clothes are now season appropriate.. every call counts... if no changes are made call agan and again and again..

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