Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #14

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Honestly, what I get from what I have seen is that they are very spiritual and devout Christians and their faith is helping them through this. They are also philosophical and intellectual and not driven by emotions. I wanted to add that is quite stereotypical stating that Latin people are dramatic - perhaps your friends all have the same qualities because you seek friends with specific qualities?
I am not judging it. I happen to find them colorful.
But totally expressive.
Yes these people may be more quite on the outside but privately I imagine a very expressive crowd. Maybe not.
This is the first report I've seen of Stephany's toxicology report and Joran's psychological per the indictment papers.

"It also reports that the coroner determined that toxicological expertise Stephany Flores had not consumed alcohol or drugs, although amphetamines.

According to psychological analysis, forensic Joran Van der Sloot of no pathological disorders that prevent you from being aware of his actions, but has low tolerance for frustration and a vengeful attitude to the setbacks, which causes sudden behavioral changes."

Although the toxicology report shows Stephany had taken amphetamines, and no sign of a date rape drug, this does not necessarily mean that she wasn't drugged.

I read that GHB (a "popular" date rape drug) leaves the body 12 hours after ingestion, so in all likelihood, there would have been no sign of the drug several days later, when the autopsy was performed.

"The prison (currently housing van der Sloot) is one of the toughest prisons, along with Lurigancho," Griffith says. "I've been in prisons in over two dozen countries. In fact, I was the lawyer for Billy Hayes from the movie 'Midnight Express,' and the Turkish prison is a Ritz-Carlton compared to this.

"There's about 10,000 prisoners for 3,000 spaces. This and another prison where he's gonna go afterwards, Lurigancho, has dormitories of about 600 prisoners in each. The showers run once a week for 15 minutes. There's only 12 showers. They're in rooms of about 25-by-15 (feet) with about 35 prisoners. About seven or eight sleep on the floor. There's a hole for a toilet.

"And it's a very, very brutal place."

Can van der Sloot live out his sentence, assuming he's convicted and however long it runs?

"It's gonna be really tough. In Miguel Castro Castro, believe it or not, the first day the warden took his position there about a year or two ago, he was murdered.

"In Lurigancho, you have the Shining Path guerillas. There's about 600 of them. They had a revolt one day, about 124 were killed by the police. When I went to visit a client of mine there, I had to hire two-guards to walk me through the Shining Path guerilla territory. The next day, I thought it would be better if my client visited me in the holding area - in the visiting area. And a prisoner got stabbed ten feet away from me. If he wants to survive there, he's really gonna hafta keep a low profile.

"He's gonna probably have to stay in what's called 'the tourist section,' or 'the tourist dorm.' But even prisoners outside can get in there. They shine shoes, they cook for the foreign prisoners. But in this prison, you can get anything -- you can get women, drug, weapons, you can get money. For $50, someone will cut your throat. If the family of this young lady wanted to pay a prisoner there 50 or 100 bucks, they'd be standing in line to cut his throat."

In turn, could van der Sloot's family pay prisoners to protect him?

"No," Griffith said bluntly. "I mean, if they want to get you in this prison, they'll get you. In fact, the day that I was there, I got back to the gate a little bit late and the guard wanted to keep me in overnight. So for a couple of cigarettes, he let me out.

"Money will get you anything in this prison and I'll tell you, I'd be very surprised if van der Sloot makes the seven or eight or ten years, whatever he'll get, with time off for good behavior.
Hi Patty G,

There was a video posted re psychopaths and the differences in 6 or 7 parts. It was very interesting and I was wondering if you posted it. I lost the thread and wanted to ask if you did, could you let me know where you found it. Thanks so much.

Thanks for all these videos also.

Nope, it wasn't me.


Joran van der Sloot is now inmate 326390, according to his mug shot, which was broadcast on Peruvian television Sunday.
i keep looking for simple explanations devoid of vandersloot
gobblewobble, like 'she knodded off, woke up, he's going through her
purse and she reacts, he goes berserk...'

yes!!! Kiss kiss kiss
(Please forgive me for asking yet another question...maybe I should change my screen name to 'pia' aka 'pain in *advertiser censored**' :blushing:!)
Has there been a report to the exact reasoning behind Joran's attorney's dismissal of the case? I see a lot of speculation but have yet to see facts...although the 'facts' in this case seem to have taken on the appearance of a chameleon. :waitasec:

...just saw Patty G.'s MSNBC video, and they did state at the end it was due to death threats...thanks Patty G for all of your hard work and tireless efforts at keeping us all up to date!
I do think IMO that Joran was planning on participating in the LAPT that was taking place in the Atlantic City Casino from June 2-5th. The buy in for the main event was $2500 + $200 but there were many other events to participate in as well. Knowing that this event was starting in a couple of days and the desperation that is coming out about how he was trying to get money from friends just shows IMO how badly he wanted to participate in these events but had blown through the money he had and couldn't. His whole reason for going to Lima was to participate in that tournament I'm sure.

There was a welcome party on June 1st at 9:00 pm for this tour and I believe it was his friend Garcia who mentioned that he was supposed to meet Joran at 9pm on the 1st so that is probably where they had agreed they were going to be. When Joran didn't show up, that is when he believed something was wrong. He must have known that Joran wouldn't have missed this tournament for anything, including the welcoming party. They may even have been able to register for the main event at that party.

Here is a link to some more information about the tournament.

Joran was desperate for money and the deadline for entry may have been June 1st. All his attempts to get money from friends in the days leading up to the murder had failed. He didn't need money to get back to Aruba. He had a one way airline ticket provided to him by Uri Gellar. He lied to a number of people about why he needed the money I'm sure. Stephany had enough money on her to get him into this event. According to something I read from her father, she may have had up to $10,000 from her winnings over that weekend alone. This would have been more than enough for both of them to get into the main event as well as some or all of the other events and IMO that may have been what they were planning to do.

If Stephany had already agreed to bankroll him for the tournament and she had pulled out of that agreement for any reason, whether it be finding out about who he was and not wanting to associate with him anymore or any other reason, I do believe that was enough to set him off.

I also find it interesting that Joran claims he first met Stephany on the 27th. The next day she's asking her Dad for money to buy a laptop. I wonder if they checked hotel video from the days before to see if she had been to his room prior to May 30th to play online poker. Did she see his laptop and decide she actually wanted one or did she use that excuse to get the $1000 out of her Dad so she could try to win more money to get them both into the tournament. This whole plot could have been hatched by Joran back on the 27th. It's possible that with Stephany's history of gambling debts that her father would not have just lent her the money to get into the tournament so she may have lied about why she needed the money. I'm sure Joran could have helped her with that. He's very good at lying to get money out of people.

I want to thank nums23 for posting the link to the story titled
"Joran tortured Stephany codes for credit" in previous thread. Someone else asked how that could be possible. A good thought also but I appreciated having the link. I do believe it was a brutal murder.

In one of the middle photos, it shows a tatoo on Joran's chest. Does anyone know what the tatoo says? No real sleuthing reason...I am just curious.
Danie, I am guessing that JVDS knew quite a bit about the Flores family, from SFlores' roomate. There was one report, that indicated the room mate, is the individual who first made contact/hung out with JVDS. I am not sure if they knew each other from on-line poker or not. And of course, as always - this is the sequence of events as they were reported and translated. So, perhaps we will hear some confirmation of this one way or the other.

JVDS seemed to know how to troll for people with money.

I'd bet my bippy once he knew her name he prolly checked her out on line. I still feel he may have had some contact with her or the roommate via on-line before he even left for SA. Maybe through a gamble site?
Although the toxicology report shows Stephany had taken amphetamines, and no sign of a date rape drug, this does not necessarily mean that she wasn't drugged.

I read that GHB (a "popular" date rape drug) leaves the body 12 hours after ingestion, so in all likelihood, there would have been no sign of the drug several days later, when the autopsy was performed.

Thanks Dion, I think the amphetamines could just be amphetamine salts used to treat ADHD/ ADD. She was a student with an active lifestyle, I am thinking it was Adderall or something similar. (I am a 40 yr old woman that was finally diagnosed several years ago with ADD, recently I stopped taking the meds as they make me irritable!)
As to the GHB leaving the body in 12 hrs, I am not sure about this but I would think that would only happen through if she took the GHB and several hours later she was killed, I would think they would still be able to find traces of the drug. Please if anyone has knowledge in this I would be interested in knowing the phases of the drug postmortem. TIA
In one of the middle photos, it shows a tatoo on Joran's chest. Does anyone know what the tatoo says? No real sleuthing reason...I am just curious.

It was discussed earlier and the wonderful sleuthers here figured out it meant
'mai pen rai' which means something similar to 'no worries' in Thailand.
Although the toxicology report shows Stephany had taken amphetamines, and no sign of a date rape drug, this does not necessarily mean that she wasn't drugged.

I read that GHB (a "popular" date rape drug) leaves the body 12 hours after ingestion, so in all likelihood, there would have been no sign of the drug several days later, when the autopsy was performed.

There is no sign of the drug after 12 hours in LIVING women. But if..... if..... Stephany ingested it she died very shortly afterward. Death stops body functions.... circulation etc. Would the drug disappear... not be detectable, when the person almost immediately dies? I am in no way knowledgeable in this area...... but to me, it seems logical to believe they could find the drug..... if taken shortly before death...... before the natural function of a living body could flush it out?? So if Stephany's tox report says there is no sign of a date rape drug, maybe one wasn't used.

Joran, IMO, wanted her money and she resisted. He responded with the explosive violence which seems to be his trademark. It seems, in my opinion, that he just can't tolerate being told NO.... about anything.

If this wasn’t another serious murder committed by Sloot his feeble attempts to weasel out of his present confinement would be laughable rather than pathetic.

The multiple versions of confessions a la Holloway, now applied to Stephaney, and carefully constructed to minimize any punishment.

The ridiculous attempt, tried many times before, to leverage his knowledge of Holloway’s disappearance either to scam money or, in this case, to bargain his way to the safe haven of an Aruban jail (where he can further attempt to corrupt officials as before to cut him loose).

A seasoned criminal he is not. He is more like an opportunist who improvises defenses to crimes, serious and otherwise, seizing opportunities to scam money, and constructing fables all of which are pitifully feeble.
In one of the middle photos, it shows a tatoo on Joran's chest. Does anyone know what the tatoo says? No real sleuthing reason...I am just curious.

I read it said No worries, a couple days ago.
IDK, maybe a lot was spent and depleted on Joran's previous legal issues

Also, the appearance of wealth and access to liquid cash are very different. The family could be very heavily leveraged.
That doesn't surprise me, Joran is always thinking he is smarter than everyone else. Wonder how he will explain his thumb print.

He might have thought only a signature was required. He was probably surprised that they requested a fingerprint as well after he signed. Foiled again. LOL.

Joran van der Sloot could be coming to America. AOL news reports that because of the US extortion case, the US can bring him to Alabama Federal court. This depends on Aruba not proceeding forward with the case, as well as several other factors.

The website reports that there is something known as the “passive personality principal of international law which would permit the US to prosecute someone who has allegedly killed a US citizen, regardless of where the crime took place. This also might require Aruba not to go forward with the prosecution of the murder.

An expert told AOL-- "The U.S. has secondary jurisdiction over van der Sloot because of the extortion case.” Van der Sloot allegedly tried to extort money from the Holloway family to reveal the location of the body. He already received $10,000 cash which certainly makes it a felony. Even worse, he lied about the body.
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