Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #4

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Hmmmm,he's wearing a bullet proof west.I am not surprised.I would be really scared if I were him.Ship's sinking this time!And this is not the kind of father you wanna mess with IMO.(Flores)
Hmmmm,he's wearing a bullet proof west.I am not surprised.I would be really scared if I were him.Ship's sinking this time!And this is not the kind of father you wanna mess with IMO.(Flores)

I wonder if he's thinking he should have fessed up to Natalie's murder. Talk about Karma! He loses his father and now he's in a living hell. Too bad another beautiful girl had to lose her life for it.
I didn't read much about this case lately but if it happened like he says in the taped confession then he's guilty only of disposing of her body,right?IIRC he says she started shaking and collapsed?
But this time it's different.It's MURDER.
And there are the extortion charges.That was the lowest thing to do,what a @#$%% :furious:
That article said 'sent back to the Netherlands". What????????

Yeah, what's the deal with that?:
The family is also concerned that Dutch murder suspect Joran van der Sloot could receive a lenient sentence if he were extradited to the Netherlands. “If this happens, I appeal to the Netherlands to be hard on the murderer,” said Mr Flores.
Could Joran be sent back to the Netherlands for trial and jail?
I wonder if he's thinking he should have fessed up to Natalie's murder. Talk about Karma! He loses his father and now he's in a living hell. Too bad another beautiful girl had to lose her life for it.

I do not believe in coincidences, there is a higher reason for everything.

Joran got away scott free due to his father's connections in Aruba.
This time his victim's father is the one with powerful connections in Peru and he will not be getting off.

Funny how his victim's father is a strong supporter of the Peruvian police. Justice will be swift this time, unlike Joran's father halting the wheels of justice in Aruba.

5 years to the day of Natalie going missing, Stephany is murdered.

If would have manned up to the murder of Natalie he would have been in prison but a nice prison at that and with his families connections it wouldn't have been that bad. This time, he committed a crime in a country that has one of the worst prison systems in the world.
I do not believe in coincidences, there is a higher reason for everything.

Joran got away scott free due to his father's connections in Aruba.
This time his victim's father is the one with powerful connections in Peru and he will not be getting off.

Funny how his victim's father is a strong supporter of the Peruvian police. Justice will be swift this time, unlike Joran's father halting the wheels of justice in Aruba.

ITA.The sweet irony.And the sweet justice.Hope so.We'll see.
Yeah, what's the deal with that?:
Could Joran be sent back to the Netherlands for trial and jail?

Mr Flores has been a class act throughout this terrible tragedy. I must say that I like how he refers to Joran as 'the murderer'. He seems very convinced that Sloot is guilty of murdering his daughter. (as well as Natalee and the possibility of other victims as well.)

I wonder if he's thinking he should have fessed up to Natalie's murder. Talk about Karma! He loses his father and now he's in a living hell. Too bad another beautiful girl had to lose her life for it.

I was thinking about that, jilly. If he'd copped a plea 5 or 6 years ago, they probably would have gone easy on him, what with his father's influence, his young age and the way he was the super-star of Aruba at the time. He could have done his time in a country club type prison (relatively speaking) and would most likely be looking to get out in just a few short years from now. Maybe even sooner with good behavior. He'd be, what... like 25 or 26 years old? He really blew it and I bet the realization is just beginning to sink in.
I don't think early twenties is young for violent offenders. Pretty much right in the usual age range, and definitely old enough to be fully responsible for their actions.
The images wouldn't be less pathetic if the perps were older people.

Don't get me wrong - I think even a child can be fully responsible for their actions. I was just thinking about what I was doing at 23: out of university, working my first job, dating and going out with friends and excited for my future. And in contrast those two at 23 have taken lives and have thrown their young lives away.
The video of the Peruvian police posing Joran for the media is equally as awesome as the one of him arriving in Peru. Beyond Belief, I understand what you are saying and generally WSleuthers are among the most compassionate people I've ever encountered. That said, I don't think posters would be taking such pleasure in this spectacle (including myself) if it were not for Joran's arrogant, flippant, smirky, remorseless attitude toward Natalee and her family these past 5 years--including all of the pain he put Natalee's family through by selling his various scenarios of what he did to her and how she was buried. This is truly karma as far as I'm concerned. I also think that Joran has been cut yet another break in that Stephany's father is clearly a good man--he may not have been so lucky with another father, if you get my drift.
According to this article in de Telegraaf:

De Nederlandse moordverdachte zei niks, transpireerde hevig, had trillende handen in de boeien en keek alleen met een angstige blik om zich heen.

The Dutch murder suspect said nothing, was sweating heavily, had shaking hands and looked frightened.

Looks like he's finally showing some emotions.
Yeah, what's the deal with that?:
Could Joran be sent back to the Netherlands for trial and jail?

EXCERPT: A Dutch criminal law expert Geert-Jans Knoops told the Dutch Telegraaf on Thursday Van der Sloot would not get any special legal protection as a Dutch national in Peru. He also said that it's likely that Van der Sloot, if convicted, would have to serve any jail term in Peru because there is no prisoner exchange treaty between The Netherlands and Peru.

I hope he's right!
The video of the Peruvian police posing Joran for the media is equally as awesome as the one of him arriving in Peru. Beyond Belief, I understand what you are saying and generally WSleuthers are among the most compassionate people I've ever encountered. That said, I don't think posters would be taking such pleasure in this spectacle (including myself) if it were not for Joran's arrogant, flippant, smirky, remorseless attitude toward Natalee and her family these past 5 years--including all of the pain he put Natalee's family through by selling his various scenarios of what he did to her and how she was buried. This is truly karma as far as I'm concerned. I also think that Joran has been cut yet another break in that Stephany's father is clearly a good man--he may not have been so lucky with another father, if you get my drift.

:thumb:And we have been very patient! We have waited years for this moment!
I felt the same way that you and Beyondbelief felt; I think it's a sense of pathos. It was like watching KC trip in her leg irons and being pulled like an animal - I thought 'how pathetic'. Such young people and they're chained and charged with the worst crimes known to man.

Yes, it is pathetic to watch these young people "chained and charged with the worst crimes known to man". But, we must remember they may very well be guilty of the worst crimes known to man.
I do not believe in coincidences, there is a higher reason for everything.

Joran got away scott free due to his father's connections in Aruba.
This time his victim's father is the one with powerful connections in Peru and he will not be getting off.

Funny how his victim's father is a strong supporter of the Peruvian police. Justice will be swift this time, unlike Joran's father halting the wheels of justice in Aruba.

5 years to the day of Natalie going missing, Stephany is murdered.

If would have manned up to the murder of Natalie he would have been in prison but a nice prison at that and with his families connections it wouldn't have been that bad. This time, he committed a crime in a country that has one of the worst prison systems in the world.

Paraphrasing from the bible....the sins of the father will fall upon the head of the son. If the rod had not been spared, then perhaps this travesty would have never taken place. But the karma that has taken place is truly unbelievable
Hubby just yelled at me to not feel sorry for this guy. I don't, I am just so human rights driven I want everything done in perfect order. I wonder who taught me that, ugh........:banghead:

I understand. I'm the same way. While it's somewhat satisfying that Joran is in the position he is now in, it's not good enough for me that he is simply in a heinous prison right now. I need to know the ins and outs of how, where, when, why, who ect. After the last few days I've lost confidence that we'll ever get a direct accounting, based on evidence, of exactly what the facts are and that frustrates me. I'd also prefer the investigation and trial to be factual and impartial, but I think that's unlikely.

I guess one could argue that sometimes the ends do indeed justify the means, but for me the means are always at least as important as the ends. I don't like thugs like Joran, but I'm not willing to turn myself into one as well in order to see that he gets what's coming to him. It doesn't make me giddy with glee that Joran has finally run into thugs who are bigger than he is.
I haven't read back through the thread yet, so it's probably been discussed but I just heard on CNN that bloody clothes were found with JVDS when he was arrested and he'd told hotel staff not to enter his room or disturb "his girl". :eek:
The police are just doing the perp walk with him. I don't see anything wrong with it.
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