Photo Comparisons: KC in July and January

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When I try to access these photos I get a message saying I do not have

I think you have to have so many posts and I do not know what the amount of posts you have to have to view them. Might PM a mod or something.

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This thread is to discuss how her appearance may or may not affect the jury and her trial.
Thanks to those staying on topic I really appreciate.
this coming from someone that just posted a full page OT post LOL.
Thanks for clarifying JBean.

In reference to Casey's appearance, would it really sway a jury if the evidence against her is exhaustive and she still pleads innocent? I can see it becoming a factor if everything is circumstantial, but I don't get the impression the LE only has circumstantial evidence.

If she claims guilt, I can see her appearance playing a huge factor with jury for lesser sentence, particularly if she claims a medical condition.

All this, I should preface by saying I have little courtroom exposure, so love to hear feedback to improve my understanding. Thanks!
Well you guys have pretty much summed up my thoughts but generally when I saw the tape I was at first surprised at how calm and well-rested she looked. Then, after thinking it over, I decided that I was, again, trying to make her behavior fit how *I* would behave. :bang:

Obviously I am not sure of this, but I think she has already resigned herself to the fact that she will spend the rest of her life behind bars. At the beginning, during the infamous "give me TonE's number" call, she was acting like this might be all over soon and she would be able to go back to making Tyson chicken at his place by the next week. Over time, her conversations became (IMO) much more angled towards finding a way to get a not guilty verdict, and her face and demeanor stayed hard and aloof. She needed to get that evidence removed, and I imagine that figuring out a way to do that took up a lot of her time. However, I think since the remains were found, and she knows that LE knows that she was the one who was the start of the "daisy chain" to the location, she had to face the facts that there is no way to get out of this. She can come up with all manner of excuses, but the best case scenario is many, many years behind bars. There really is (I think) no hope that she will not be convicted, and now that she knows that, the ONLY thing she can do to help herself is lay low, and say as little as possible in public. There are no plans to be made, secret messages to write, schemes to create, lies to tell. It's really over for her, and I think she has realized it. She doesn't have to lie awake thinking of ways to get out of this. That's what I see on her face - the end result of the realization that life without scheming is much more relaxing.

How will a jury react to her? I am still not convinced that they will be able to find anyone in the whole state of Florida who doesn't have an opinion about the case. If they do though, it will clearly be hard to reconcile a softer, sweeter Casey with the Best Body Contest Casey who is out at Blockbuster with her boyfriend while her baby is in the trunk of the car. Anything she can do to look different from THAT girl will help her case, IMO. but it won't be enough. There are so many pictures and videos and phone calls that demonstrate the real KC of June 16th, 2008, that trying to make her into a sweet, caring mom will be impossible.
The positive changes in her appearance that I see that will impact a jury are:

Weight gain

Less angular, softer facial features

Longer hair

Softer appearance in general

Blue contacts are gone

They looked sinister and unnatural

Subdued demeanor

Slower movements that cause her to appear less defiant and defensive. Could be anti-anxiety meds causing this or could be that she's off the insane treadmill of compulsive texting, computer updating/surfing, partying that was her life. Could be she's lost all hope of ever being found innocent and has accepted her fate.

I interpreted the look she gave JB differently than some other posters. To me it looked like polite, nervous smiling from a woman that is somewhat confident in and has gotten by on her looks. He is the only "friend" she has left in this world and she knows it. Nothing going on there, IMO.
Lots of talk about how Casey Anthony has changed in appearance after spending months in jail. Here are some before and now photos.

In each comparison, the photo on the left is from July and the photo on the right is from January. The comparisons are numbered for any discussion.

Does anyone know why I am getting this message when I try to view these photos?

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There really is (I think) no hope that she will not be convicted, and now that she knows that, the ONLY thing she can do to help herself is lay low, and say as little as possible in public. There are no plans to be made, secret messages to write, schemes to create, lies to tell. It's really over for her, and I think she has realized it. She doesn't have to lie awake thinking of ways to get out of this. That's what I see on her face - the end result of the realization that life without scheming is much more relaxing.

How will a jury react to her? I am still not convinced that they will be able to find anyone in the whole state of Florida who doesn't have an opinion about the case. If they do though, it will clearly be hard to reconcile a softer, sweeter Casey with the Best Body Contest Casey who is out at Blockbuster with her boyfriend while her baby is in the trunk of the car. Anything she can do to look different from THAT girl will help her case, IMO. but it won't be enough. There are so many pictures and videos and phone calls that demonstrate the real KC of June 16th, 2009, that trying to make her into a sweet, caring mom will be impossible.

:clap:Well stated and I agree, it will be hard to reconcile her new look with her June-July images, and tend to think the jury will see right through it...if she's still pleading not guilty. I'm waiting to hear what others think, but I think her new look will do her well if she pleads guilty to a lesser charge than Murder1.
Does anyone know why I am getting this message when I try to view these photos?

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Newshound it is because you don't have enough posts yet. Check earlier in this thread where JBean provided an review for restrictions on new members.

(RED HUBER, ORLANDO SENTINEL / October 9, 2008) Casey Anthony arrives at her lawyer's office Thursday morning

I thought it imperative to add this photo to Caseys's visits to Baez's office. Note the blouse and short skirt. Please compare to recent court photo.
Does anyone know why I am getting this message when I try to view these photos?

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See post #84 in this same thread from JBean
Don't want to burst bubbles here or be a pain in the hiney..but.. I'm a photogragher and the "softer" look is coming from two very important factors. The second (most recent) set of photos are not fully sharp which is what we photographers do when we try to soften a portrait. This could be due to the copying or the video camera could have been slightly out of focus. The second thing about those shots is the lighting is much more diffused than the originals which was quite harsh and caused her to look more contrasty and angular. If you take a close look at #3 you'll see that despite the soft focus and diffused lighting, the new photo still shows she has dark circles under the eyes. I will agree that she has gained a few pounds.
Still haven't figured out how to bump so I'm quoting my own post.
:clap:Well stated and I agree, it will be hard to reconcile her new look with her June-July images, and tend to think the jury will see right through it...if she's still pleading not guilty. I'm waiting to hear what others think, but I think her new look will do her well if she pleads guilty to a lesser charge than Murder1.


I am just one person - but I do think her new appearance and the fact that it will evolve, be developed, etc... will pose a problem for the prosecution to get a unanimous verdict of guilty. I'm sure the prosecution is well aware of that and will have their own tactics to combat it. All the defense needs to do is sell one jury member and its over, so to speak. moo
Still haven't figured out how to bump so I'm quoting my own post.

Hey Black Magic Woman,

Yes, I saw your post and it made a lot of sense. I suspect aside from the lighting and all the things you mentioned - she still has improved her look somewhat. Do you think??
Don't want to burst bubbles here or be a pain in the hiney..but.. I'm a photogragher and the "softer" look is coming from two very important factors. The second (most recent) set of photos are not fully sharp which is what we photographers do when we try to soften a portrait. This could be due to the copying or the video camera could have been slightly out of focus. The second thing about those shots is the lighting is much more diffused than the originals which was quite harsh and caused her to look more contrasty and angular. If you take a close look at #3 you'll see that despite the soft focus and diffused lighting, the new photo still shows she has dark circles under the eyes. I will agree that she has gained a few pounds.

amen, sister. me too and I was just about to say it myself!
Well you guys have pretty much summed up my thoughts but generally when I saw the tape I was at first surprised at how calm and well-rested she looked. Then, after thinking it over, I decided that I was, again, trying to make her behavior fit how *I* would behave. :bang:

Obviously I am not sure of this, but I think she has already resigned herself to the fact that she will spend the rest of her life behind bars. At the beginning, during the infamous "give me TonE's number" call, she was acting like this might be all over soon and she would be able to go back to making Tyson chicken at his place by the next week. Over time, her conversations became (IMO) much more angled towards finding a way to get a not guilty verdict, and her face and demeanor stayed hard and aloof. She needed to get that evidence removed, and I imagine that figuring out a way to do that took up a lot of her time. However, I think since the remains were found, and she knows that LE knows that she was the one who was the start of the "daisy chain" to the location, she had to face the facts that there is no way to get out of this. She can come up with all manner of excuses, but the best case scenario is many, many years behind bars. There really is (I think) no hope that she will not be convicted, and now that she knows that, the ONLY thing she can do to help herself is lay low, and say as little as possible in public. There are no plans to be made, secret messages to write, schemes to create, lies to tell. It's really over for her, and I think she has realized it. She doesn't have to lie awake thinking of ways to get out of this. That's what I see on her face - the end result of the realization that life without scheming is much more relaxing.

How will a jury react to her? I am still not convinced that they will be able to find anyone in the whole state of Florida who doesn't have an opinion about the case. If they do though, it will clearly be hard to reconcile a softer, sweeter Casey with the Best Body Contest Casey who is out at Blockbuster with her boyfriend while her baby is in the trunk of the car. Anything she can do to look different from THAT girl will help her case, IMO. but it won't be enough. There are so many pictures and videos and phone calls that demonstrate the real KC of June 16th, 2009, that trying to make her into a sweet, caring mom will be impossible.

You get the brilliant post for the day!!:)
Personally, I think Casey's appearance now and at both her upcoming trials could play an important role in juror selection. Not sure if Baez has hired a juror consultant yet but most "dream" defense teams have one on board and I don't think this case will be any different particularly given its "high profile" status.

Hey Black Magic Woman,

Yes, I saw your post and it made a lot of sense. I suspect aside from the lighting and all the things you mentioned - she still has improved her look somewhat. Do you think??
Think the slight weight gain has helped a little but believe her looks in court are not going to be outweighed by the evidence. I do dread seeing the new "Sunday school" image that they'll probably present in court as it's gonna make me barf.
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