PI Casey files complaint against JB!

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So, I guess it's over between Cynthia and Dominick ?:rolleyes:

Ya think?? Or is this orchestrated just the way she wanted it? As some here have speculated, could this be the end of JB? Will she get control of her KC again?

........just saying ......

that new look of hers makes you go hmmmmmmmmmmm:sick:
I cannot tell up from down or left from right in this case any longer. They are turning on one another now. And Cindy claiming that the police just made that up about her saying she had someone "walk that area" in November and there was nothing there. What? Is it HER that Dominic is protecting by throwing Jose under the bus and kissing his license bye-bye, because I believe he has crossed lines of condidentiality and of privilege here, and I do not think he is going to be able to go on about his business as usual. The race is on!
Yeah. Looks like the "visit for a shower" (leaving the bathroom door open) to JG's place might have been an attempt to get him re-involved, temporarily. Or, maybe she wanted to steal something to plant, but didn't get the chance.

NG said she thinks that KC asked whether she could borrow a gas can from him, because she wanted his prints on the car.

Maybe another attempt to plant was when JB had a fit to be at the scene of the remains----it wasn't even proven yet that it was Caylee, yet he wanted to be there. Why would he need to be there----might not have been Caylee.
It depends upon whether or not JBaez rolls over and says Uncle and requests a consent discipline (doesn't deny the charges but simply tries to work out the discipline) or fights it. If he fights it, well, I've seen stuff like that up to 2 yers in LA. Although the highest court, depending upon the nature of the allegations, can issue an interim suspension pending the outcome of the charges/allegations. If JBaez is accused of asking a witness to commit perjury or to tamper with evidence, I'd guess that FL S Ct will issue a temporary suspension of his license - these would be VERY serious charges, and they wouldn't want him to continue to represent Casey (or anyone else, for that matter) until resolved.

If this were to happen, wouldn't one of the other attorneys on the defense team take over? I'm thinking Linda Baden. Or, is the dream team assembled by Baez out too if Baez's license is suspended?
If this were to happen, wouldn't one of the other attorneys on the defense team take over? I'm thinking Linda Baden. Or, is the dream team assembled by Baez out too if Baez's license is suspended?

I don't think LKB can take over as lead. Can she in the state of Florida?
Think about the language used in that article, too: "to do something other than call 911"
If JBaez had simply said "don't call 911," think that the reporters/bar would have said "to not call 911 / not to call 911?"
I do.
Which is why I think JBaez was instructing DCasey to take some course of affirmative action that DCasey KNEW he couldn't legally take.
It makes sense based on DC's interview with LE, where they had to turn off the tape because of a legality. I think this is it.
I don't believe that DC is credible at all, even though he went so far as to file a Bar complaint against JB. I think that the information as to the body location went directly from KC to DC (he did visit her a number of times in jail, which I found very odd) or from KC to the A's and then to DC. I think he told them he would locate the body, move it so it would never be found and, in return, the A's would cut him in on the profits of their books, movie, etc. when their money ship came in. MN dropped the A's like hot potatoes at around the time of the searches. I think he got wind of what was up and wanted no part of it. I really don't think that JB would participate in such a scheme either, in spite of all his flaws. I would love to see the phone records of all involved parties for the days of those searches. I think the A's wanted to get rid of JB big time (too much control over the beautiful one), DC had a vendetta against him because he wasn't paid and there you go. This is one huge mess.
I don't think LKB can take over as lead. Can she in the state of Florida?

Great question! I to would like to know what will happen to the dream team if Baez is taken off the case or disbarred.
I then fear maybe Casey will get a better attorney....It seems poor Caylee has nobody on her side except the SA's office in this and her story is getting lost in all the conspiracy between her own family. It's bad enough that nobody cared enough to report her missing until 31 days later and that is only because the car smelled of death. I just can't see myself waiting that long, as a grandmother I would need to know where my grandchild is, especially if I knew my daughter had a serious mental condition and it was obvious that Cindy and George knew Casey is a sociopath. Cindy even told LE. Why would she trust Casey to take off with Caylee? She always called Casey to come home when she was out, what happen that Cindy didn't need to take action for 31 days? I really feel this family, or at least Cindy knew what happen before hand and has been the one to direct this side show. That would be why Casey didn't know exactly where the body was possibly. I say it all happen the night of the fight. Cindy even stated that on June 15th she was in the pool with Caylee and when Casey got there it was getting dark and told Casey not to come in the pool with Caylee because it was getting chilly. (Cindy later claimed, oh yeah...one day I noticed the ladder was not on the pool. How convenient. If it were not for her fellow employers she would of never called 911. She and George went back to work the day they brought the car home. ) I say the fight started then, maybe Caylee did drown that night and Cindy wrote the script on how all this would go down and Casey just followed it. Her mother is know to dig her out of her messes each time. Even until today Cindy has lied, given the wrong brush to LE. Why would she do that if there was nothing to hide? Just a possibility.
ITA on this, it has been my feeling that JB obviously must have told DC to "do" something, because of course JB would instruct him not to call 911. From my understanding, even if Casey tells Baez flat out, I did it, here's how, and I'll even tell you where I put her body" Baez would be in direct conflict with the laws protecting her defense if he told anyone those things! he is bound by an ethical repsonsibility NOT to disclose that, even if means leaving that poor baby out in the woods. However, instructing someone to disturb the crime scene or destroy evidence is a completely different animal!

Oh the webs we weave....so how and when did this conversation come about. If DC got a call from the psychic, as he claims, and then went to check it out with Hoover in November and didnt find Caylee why would this conversation with JB even take place as no body was ever found and he had no contract with JB. In Cindys depo she claims she did not know anything about this november search and this is who DC had the contract with at the time. Something isnt adding up with DC story.
Oh the webs we weave....so how and when did this conversation come about. If DC got a call from the psychic, as he claims, and then went to check it out with Hoover in November and didnt find Caylee why would this conversation with JB even take place as no body was ever found and he had no contract with JB. In Cindys depo she claims she did not know anything about this november search and this is who DC had the contract with at the time. Something isnt adding up with DC story.

And Cindy says in her depo that DC is still working for her (and George). Huh ? DC files a bar complaint against her daughter's defense attorney in the midst of prep for a murder trial. And Cindy states, under oath, that DC is still working for George and herself. :confused:
I don't think LKB can take over as lead. Can she in the state of Florida?

LKB was admitted "pro hoc vice" which allows her to act only as counsel to an attorney licensed to practice in the state of Florida. Chezhire had an excellent post on this fact. IIRC, it is in the "ex-parte" thread. Hope this helps...

I found it in the "Ex-Parte Hearing" thread. It is post # 582.
"So, I guess it's over between Cynthia and Dominick ? "

Post of the day!
Ya think?? Or is this orchestrated just the way she wanted it? As some here have speculated, could this be the end of JB? Will she get control of her KC again?

........just saying ......

that new look of hers makes you go hmmmmmmmmmmm:sick:

That's my thinking, also. We have discussed in the past, that from the beginning, it appeared the A's were not fond of JB - for sure, I can remember LA and GA stating things in such a manner as to indicate this.

Therefore, perhaps this complaint filed by DC (with the A's blessings) could be the first step in getting JB out, a new attorney in (one, I'm sure they already have in mind), and once again, they will be "driving the bus," with no hindrance from JB. jmo.
I don't think LKB can lead chair - if JB is out because he lost his license, I would think his firm would be out- unless there is another partner who can take over. It seemed to me JB was THE firm, and hired law interns to work with him? Or is that Garcia guy a partner?
Is there a similar law in Florida? and if so and if JB asked DC to do something with Caylee's remain make them both guilty of Misprision?Or is JB covered by attorney client privilege? That is if Casey had confessed to JB and told where the body was and he in turn sent DC to check it out?

"Misprision of felony" is still an offense under United States federal law after being codified in 1909 under 18 U.S.C. § 4:

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This offense, however, requires active concealment of a known felony rather than merely failing to report it.
That's my thinking, also. We have discussed in the past, that from the beginning, it appeared the A's were not fond of JB - for sure, I can remember LA and GA stating things in such a manner as to indicate this.

Therefore, perhaps this complaint filed by DC (with the A's blessings) could be the first step in getting JB out, a new attorney in (one, I'm sure they already have in mind), and once again, they will be "driving the bus," with no hindrance from JB. jmo.

Bold mine.

Are you thinking BC?
If LKB is admitted for purposes of this case, she has to be sponsored by and work with local counsel, a lawyer admitted to the Florida bar. I totally agree. This is the typical practice just about everywhere. I don't mean to argue about a side issue, but I don't think that prohibits what activity she takes in the case or the measure of responsibility she has. If counsel agree to it, she can give opening and closing, examine all the witnesses, etc. I don't think it matters what you call her. If they so desired, local counsel could get a lawyer from elsewhere to assist because of special expertise, then basically do no more than appear with that lawyer, sign pleadings, do an occasional thing. It happens all the time. I doubt very much he's going anywhere at the moment, but if JB and his firm left, and the defendant still wanted LKB as counsel, she'd just obtain another local counsel to work with her.

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