Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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Remember, she fell in the elevator and chipped one. Since then they have been uneven, and it looks like one is longer than the other. MOO

There you go re: teeth!! I forgot about that, just ignore my posts then asking about the teeth!! this website astounds me on the incredible sleuthing job everyone has done!! I believe the MSM will come here and copy exactly what has been said here when trying to compare, they are probably WAITING for you all to do the job for them!! Awesome!! IMO, MOO.
Yeah, good point. It's sort of like, overkill. When it concerns KC, within the lies there is always a glimpse of truth. Hmmmm

But it appears she is wearing the same cap in both of the above pics.......the one with Caylee and the one where she is alone...
KC brroke front tooth while in custody...did we ever see her smile after that to study her front teeth?
OHIO is to close to me!
Where are the body guards?
She never bought (stole) anything in the store?
Hope they followed her to a house!
Wasn't driving......that fits.
Could it be cousin in decoy?
I think it's her with a little work done...lips (collagen injections), nose job and tattooed eyebrows. We will know tomorrow when she shows up for court, won't we. :wink:
My worlds have collided.
Prior to this case....the first site I would visit when I logged on the computer was TMZ...
Once I got hooked by all things Anthony...the first site I would go to when logging on has been WS...
now I don't know which site to visit first... I love both!

I 100% believe that photos/videos are her and I think it is 100% staged. In the video as she is walking down the street, it seemed the photographer was very near by...and with no one else on the street I feel she would have noticed the photographer and had a reaction... instead,no reaction because she knew the person behind the camera was there because it was all set up.
Also, I feel she would have walked further into the store rather then just shopping right in the window for the camera.
I also find it really bizarre no one noticed her.

:seeya: Excellent post!! And ITA with everything except what is BBM above. She DOES have a reaction...but a very slight one. As she's walking her gaze is to her left, at the shops across the street. Just as she approaches the camera (at about 1:33/1:35 in the video), she looks to her right and acknowledges someone. It's almost like she is being told to "cross the street" and nods to someone. She then immediately crosses the street.

IMO this is all staged and she is well aware of it. I also find it a little more than coincidental that Baez has been silent for days and this morning he just happens to appear on the "Today Show."

All JMO, of course.
I think it is her. TMZ knows all about lawsuits and I don't think they would say it was her if they were not 100% sure.

JMO - but I find TMZ to be pretty reliable.
It is interesting that reporters for the press conference are indicating she sold her photos and video herself. :)
KC brroke front tooth while in custody...did we ever see her smile after that to study her front teeth?
OHIO is to close to me!
Where are the body guards?
She never bought (stole) anything in the store?
Hope they followed her to a house!
Wasn't driving......that fits.
Could it be cousin in decoy?

:floorlaugh: She did return in a different outfit with a big pocket book. :innocent:
It's staged whether it's her or not. There is no way she would be out, by herself, in public if it wasn't done intentionally. She's probably trying to prove a point (see, I'm not afraid of you, i'm out here shopping and doing my thing and there's nothing you can do about it).

I agree, but I'm not sure if we would be seeing these pics/video of a free KC if she didn't have a probation issue in Orlando to iron out. Her handlers were hoping to hold out a little longer on the freedom pics... they didn't want the first KC pics to be back in Orlando, heading to probation. JMO.
I think its her because of the strut and also the hair. If you look at some of the pictures you can see those bang thingys she had working in the courtroom hanging down. No one cuts there hair like that intentionally I don't think.
I don't know y'all... as I study further, the resemblance is too uncanny. Look at the side of her nostrils. It's an exact match. The gait is an exact match too. I'd bet it is KC, but she knew these pics were being taken.

Still not sure whether her or not, some do look like her, some do not, but I think if it is her, these were staged by the DT and the Ohio ballcap is on purpose, so we could quickly figure out where she "is". and now they will move her somewhere else, maybe as we speak, just to throw everyone off. This could easily be what she is up to, with CA & GA going to TX as part of this whole "scam", or some such other thing. But if it is her, she does look aware she is being photographed, she looks a little nervous and suspicious, however. IMO, MOO, etc.
Wow - you guys have done some amazing work here.

My DD says no, its not her. I'm still undecided. Her arms - watch her arms - she holds her arms somewhat "turned out" to show the inside of her elbow and when she walks they are "awkwardly" straight.

I saw a pic back there <--------------- where someone had put side by sides and the arms match exactly.

I agree IF it was her, then she's long gone. That was Sunday and its now Wednesday - bet she was outta there Sunday night.

I'm going to go back and find that pic with the arms.
The following is all my personal opinion.....

I agree with you. We are following because we feel like it is not a closed case yet. It is human nature for us to still want to keep up with the story because it affected us so much. A lot of us watched the trial daily, so we are in a way sort of emotionally attached (not emotionally attached to KC but to everything that she made us feel.....anger disgust, rage). I think that we also want to keep tabs on her because the outcome was not what we expected. I for one was just shocked.

Sure, the pics intrigue and bother us but I think it is safe to say that we on WS are not obsessed with/about her, but angry, hurt, bothered, surprised, defeated, bewildered because she is free. She is free and it does not feel fair. I think that I personally am bothered because I felt like the defense played a nasty game and I am bothered by that. I feel like they feel like they won (well they did) but I just feel gross, nasty, dirty because they played a dirty game.

I agree. I still feel punk'd.
These photos from video are a prime example of her team saying one thing when something totally different is the case.
All of this talk about therapy, professional help is all BS. She wants to be a celebrity, just like Paris and Lohan. and what do they do on TMZ? Walk around with a phone and Starbucks and go into a store, just to be seen and get their numbers up.

Kathi B. just asked about the photos on TMZ to the probation lady, so they are also well aware of the double speak going on.
It would have been way more satisfying to see that family go out of their way to avoid her in that video.
In the store she is looking at scarfs twice. I never saw her wear a scarf - STAGED. TMZ is pretty sleazy and has no problem making business with criminals. They always "happen" to be the most unlikely places, "accidentally" bumping into various famous as well as infamous people.
Dr. Conrad Murray comes to mind - I don´t know how many times TMZ has "happened" to spot him!
So this is how KC will be making money for a while....
You know mommy is trying her hardest to get back on her good side. I think she personally packed up her stuff for her. In fact I'd bet money on it. Cindy will always bend over backwards for her.

Maybe CA was pretending she was sending FCA off to college!

If you had a chance to visit her probation thread, she is either already there or on her way back. She has to report before 10AM tomorrow and her attorneys indicated she would be there.

Hats off to those who shared that the release of pictures/video was to maximize a price tag on them before she returned to OC.

And yes we were punked again by the defense team...
I say that it is definitely staged....I watch TMZ a lot and they constantly heckle whoever they are following around. The entire time I was watching I kept waiting for someone to start badgering her with questions.
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