Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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Seems sleuthers are split on this staged/not staged issue .. but I agree with you and the ones who say it's not staged ... you have KC's vanity as you said ... then there's the fact that the DT is trying to make it look like KC's checked in to therapy or will very shortly and this just doesn't jive with what they are presently selling about her and her fragile state ...

I just can't believe this is what the DT or KC wants as KC's first "public appearances" at all ... also, I can't get past KC trying to disguise herself ... not even taking sunglasses off inside the store ... looking away and down from the people she passed outside ... her whole body language says to me she's is definitely trying not to be noticed


That's what I see too. She acts very much like a person who is trying to be invisible.
It's her ... the dead giveaway along with the facial blemishes is pic 6 ...
look her left foot is turned in as she walks ... pigeon-toed all the way.


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I'm really surprised to see all the staging comments - just how close do you all think the pap was? He could easily be 100 feet away and using a zoom lens and she would never know he was there.

Really? This is how FKC wants herself to look on her first pics out of jail - that dumpy person walking along the sidewalk? No way did she approve those shots - she's far too vain for them to have been staged - IMO.

And I think it's a leap to think because they were "done" on Sunday that they were all taken that day. They could have been taken over two or three days and completed on Sunday, shopped, set up, trademarked and ready for publication on Tuesday night. I'm assuming there were more, and these pics are the ones TMZ chose. They would have needed more of "something" to confirm these were in fact her, but that doesn't mean they would publish their "confirmation".

Good post.
I know. last night I did wonder for a minute, but this morning I did not. These are not staged. These were most likely taken over a period of days. KC did not know about them or get paid for them IMO

Remember how she acted in court? she is very concious of hair placement, and her appearance in general in front of a camera.

Yes, TMZ would not publish her address...coming or leaving from her residence.
Casey has a square chin, not a round chin like in the picture above. Casey's chin has a downward facing ( under her bottom lip, which the TMZ pictures don't have. Casey's nose is box shaped, with the nostrils being in line horizontally with whatever that thing between the nostrils is called. The TMZ pictures do not have that. The distance between the bottom lip and the bottom of the chin is much larger in the TMZ pics than in any pic I can find of Casey.

There is no way the TMZ pics are Casey. Not unless she's had plastic surgery and totally changed the shape and the length of her chin

That's what I noticed too Chilly. See my attached photos.


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I would buy that, except she was out alone, which makes me lean more toward them setting it up to look like secretly taken photos.

Who is going to pay for security? They would really be getting paid to deal with/entertain Casey all day every day and who would take that job?
I think it's her and I think they're staged.

If she really wanted to be incognito, there were much better ways. I mean really, just tucking the hair up into the cap, so you couldn't see it would help.

A ball cap and sunglasses aren't enough to disguise someone.

If she really really wanted to be anonymous, she would have died her hair, put coloured contacts in, done her makeup in a totally different style and wore a completely different style of clothes. She could have made herself look 10 years older or 5 younger with lots of dark makeup and blond hair.

It's her and she WANTS to be seen. It's where she will make her $$$.


Interesting, that your post reminded me of criminals who do things to make it seem that they want to get caught.

However, I disagree that she wants to be seen.
Everytime she is seen, any money making possibility over pictures lessens.
She would know this. She would want her big coming out pictures to be a bit nicer? She seemed to care about how she looked...and these pics are not flattering for her debut.
Her, but how did she gain so much weight so fast?

And how is she paying for a motel room every nite?

Look closer... she hasn't gained that much weight. The first few pics are deceiving I believe. She looks thinner on the shots where she's walking toward the cameras.

Hey, where's the video from those shots? In the black and white shirts? Did KC and the photogs sit in a motel room somewhere and decide what to release and what not to release?
Well we know one thing for sure! If it was her, she isn't strolling down any street in Ohio by herself today - getting a frapp and window shopping!!:rocker:

Er....why the silence Mr. Baez????
just a thought...where did she get the Starbucks in her hand? Was there even a Starbucks near by?

Would love to see surveillance tape of her going in to order her frap'...
Yes, there is a Starbucks very close. At least on Google Maps. This area is just west of Ohio State's campus, across the river.
Who is going to pay for security?

Whoever is paying for all her other bills.

They would really be getting paid to deal with/entertain Casey all day every day and who would take that job?

????: Are you serious? Whoever needed a job, just like when she was on bail before.

But it is possible she doesn't have a body with her because her keepers don't want to pay for it.
I have no doubt that is her.I have read comments over at tmz saying it's not her because her knockers are way too big.Give me a damn break...girl always had boobage just like her mother.It's the mouth and arms for me that give her away.
just a thought...where did she get the Starbucks in her hand? Was there even a Starbucks near by?

Would love to see surveillance tape of her going in to order her frap'...

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ[/ame]
Yes, there is a Starbucks very close. At least on Google Maps. This area is just west of Ohio State's campus, across the river.

How hilarious would that be to review the surveillance tape at Starbuck's only to see JB or someone from the A-Clan walking in or driving up to place an order for a Frap...?:floorlaugh:
I'm thinking, how long is the DT going to take care of her???This can't keep going on.......curious as to how this will all end...... they sure got saddled with her, didn't they?:crazy:
The video of CA gives it away with the gum chewing. :floorlaugh: How that family loves to chew gum. I believe it is her. Look at the pics.... like someone posted, the facial imperfections are the same. Also after watching the video of her coming out of Old Navy, the first thing I thought of was that was a mighty big bag she is holding close to her - wondering if she may have pocketed a few things. I just can't just forget her stealing ways.
I would buy that, except she was out alone, which makes me lean more toward them setting it up to look like secretly taken photos.

My question is ...who would she be out with? Do we assume the DT would pay for a 24 hour body guard?

Indigents with entourage?

That might make a good band name.
A chin implant could easily account for the discrepancy between the chin in court and the chin seen here.

Returning to work and resuming normal activity after your chin implant procedure

Most people are ready to resume a normal schedule after a few days. You will need to take care, however, to avoid any activity which might cause an impact to your face for three or four weeks. Contact sports, games played with a ball, or activities requiring a helmet or chin-strap should be avoided.
How hilarious would that be to review the surveillance tape at Starbuck's only to see JB or someone from the A-Clan walking in or driving up to place an order for a Frap...?:floorlaugh:

Yep, there is no footage of her at a checkout counter where someone would be more likely to get a good look at her. Leans me toward staged.
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