Ping Map for June 11, 2008 - Discuss that day only

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Brittney S sees Casey walking from Car to house

2nd week June Saw Casey’s car in driveway and she was walking from the car to the house. [4937 Hopespring Dr Orlando, FL 32829]
Page 1248 Line 10-23 Brittany S. Interview with LE 07/22/2008

Amy does not SEE Casey 10-30 June

June 10-30 Amy did not see Casey only heard from her with phone and text
Page 1041 Lines 14-16 Amy H. Interview with LE on 7/23/2008

Brian B. Says: He was on vacation from 6/10-6/16; arrived home at 6:00PM

June 10-16 Brian B. was away on vacation with his family in Chicago arriving back home about 6:00PM.
Page 1385 Lines 23-25 & Page 1386 Lines 1-2, 11-12

Casey 'officially' dates Tony

Casey 'officially' dates Tony. (Note on handwritten calendar, p. 1581)

Maria K. Says: She saw Caylee & Casey at Tony's place on 6/10,11, or 12

June 10,11,12 Maria K. states that she saw Caylee only once at Tony L. apartment about 7:00PM but is not sure of the exact date. Clint H. was also there at the same time. Caylee actually opened the apartment door. She was also alone on the balcony of the apartment while Casey was in Tony’s room.
Page 785 Lines 14-18 & Page 786 Lines 1-22 & Page 787 Lines 5-9 Maria K. Interview With LE 7/17/2008

KC and AH Text Messages 6/11/08

First initials are who received the text message; second initials are who sent the text message

KC AH So I just got off. A friend game me a ride so I’m back at the boys. Awake and in need of a chat?

AH KC 06/11 12:18 AM What time do you work tomorrow? I'm in and out of sleep. Stupid drama.

KC AH I should be free bt 3 and 6.

AH KC 06/11 12:19 AM Ok cool. That’s perfect.

KC AH Go to bed love you tons.

AH KC 06/11 12:21 AM Love you too! Night.

Ricardo and Amy go out; Casey text's Ricardo; says she's working

June 11 Amy and Ricardo go to Voyage Casey does not go but she texted Ricardo [no time given] and told him she had to work. [Club Voyage 17 West Pine Street Orlando Fl,]
Page 1293 Lines 6-14 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

Amy H. Says: She did not see Casey, only had phone calls & Texts

June 10-30 Amy did not see Casey only heard from her with phone and text
Page 1041 Lines 14-16 Amy H. Interview with LE on 7/23/2008

Troy B. Says: He was in D.C. (northern Viginia)

June 11-18 Troy is in D.C. actually Northern Virginia is home.
Page 1326 Lines 1-2, 6-9 Troy B. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008
Troy B. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

Mall of Millenia

KC, TL and Caylee go to Mall of Millenia. TL hands out flyers for Fusian event and buys all a meal at Cheesecake Factory -
Tony L interview of July 22, 2008.

Tony L. Says: Casey & Caylee had lunch at Cheesecake Factory, later went home

June 11, after lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, Casey dropped Tony L. back at his apartment and then left with Caylee.
Page 1011 Lines 23-25 & Page 1012 Lines 3-5 Tony L Interview with LE on 7/22/2008
Looks like w/o looking at notes:

Casey was home in the am til 9ish, went to TL all day, and came back home at 9ish.
She's suppose to be on a vacation and not staying at the Anthony home....

Thank you Georgia PI,

One of texts on 6-11 just answered my questions. I kept thinking this morning and have been posting about what happened on 6-9 to make KC and CA think that was the date. I thought they may have had a big fight, and in the text to AH; KC said stupid drama, but does she say what drama, like a fight with CA? CA just went back to work after her vacation and CA had Caylee all week, she tells this to the FBI OR LE in the interview with the calander. Could this have meaning?

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