Please donate to TES January 2009

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Jul 3, 2008
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We have all waited, prayed and begged for a miracle that little Caylee would be found. Caylee has a hero forever in RK. Thousands searched for her, but it took only one person to find her.
TES is low on funds, and many other people are out there, lost, dead in woods just like Caylee, and may not be lucky enough to have their hero find them. Tim's organization needs help to build back up their funds in order to continue searching for the lost, dead or alive.
Physically we may not be able to go on every single search with TES, but financially, it could very well be our last single dollar that helps to find someone missing. I am donating to TES tonight in memory of Caylee, and hope you will too!
God Bless Caylee..
And God Bless TES!
I wish we had the money to spare right now, but I will send out an email request for donations to everyone in my vast and glorious address book. :D

It breaks my heart when I hear that the search for Caylee almost bankrupted TES. Tim tried so hard to do the right thing, and I am so proud of him and everyone that was involved in the search for Caylee under completely miserable and dangerous conditions.

You all did a wonderful job!! :clap::clap::clap:

If you can afford the donation, it couldn't go to a finer organization than Texas Equusearch. Whatever you can spare, no matter how small will be deeply appreciated by them. If I was missing, or heaven forbid a loved one was missing, I would want these guys to be on the case. All of the members of TES are a caring, unselfish, hard working group of wonderful people.

Thank you Tim and TES for every thing you do, both big and small.

I agree...TES and Tim deserve a break. I just donated, and have forwarded an email to everyone I know to ask the same of them. Thanks for starting this thread!:)
First off, thank you for starting this thread. I know so many people had questions about Tim pulling out of Orlando. Many felt he was given a donation to come to NC to search for Mouy Tang. He did come with his team to search a town not to far from me & he had a 2nd team searching for someone else in another part of the state. At my search he was meeting with yet a 3rd family in NC. On his way home from NC he got a call regarding a missing man in TX.........they drove straight thru from NC to TX to be there as fast as they could.

When Tim left Orlando, he did have a group there to still search, not just for Caylee but others as well. When he left NC he had arranged for another group from SC, S.T.A.R.R. searchteam to come in & keep searching. The group from has done many searches for Ms. Tang. I went on a search with STARR this weekend for her. There were also TES members from FL & GA. Between LE, TES & STARR, no stone has been left un turned. Just like in Caylee, ATV's, horses, line searches, searches in woods, burnt out meth labs, crack squats, some pretty darn awesome K9 dogs have been used. Have we found anything, no. All we can do is say we know where she isnt but not where she is. My point is, the media may say TES pulled out but that isnt the entire truth. Tim & his core from TX can only stay on scene for so long & it is not cost effective to do so. It is more cost effective for Tim to get things going, use all his wonderful resources, gather as much info as he can, as many resources as he can, search all he can & then make sure he has left the search in the hands of very capable people. Tim, nor TES, EVER gives up, pulls out or gives up hope. They make sure they have kept the family informed & the family knows who is going to continue the search. Chances are before he has his folks loaded he has already gotten several calls from several other families. Tim nor TES is involved in just one search at a time, they have several on going at one time.

Searches cost money. Tim has been raked over the coals about the motor coach. Ah, it was donated. He is not traveling in style on anyone's dime.
It serves as a moblie command center as well. It offers a place for him to meet with family members away from everyone else. It offers a place to map out the search, create maps etc. NO ONE at TES, including Tim is paid. They really do all have regular jobs. Some might own their own company so they are able to go on more searches, some take vacation time. There is gas, food, hotels, equipment to rent, equipment to buy when you cant get it donated. TES never charges anyone for their service. The STARR team I worked with this weekend does it the same way. All volunteers, from LE, to fire fighters to K9 trainers. It was 5 degrees when we began our search. Thank God they had the donations to go buy small propane heaters to warm our hands. Thank God for the family members who came out in the cold & cooked lunch for us over a grill in the cold.

Everyone is so so strapped for cash. All of us. The folks who run TES & organizations like it & their volunteers are no different. We are working harder to pool our resources like equipment. We are a team, even when it's a bunch of folks from a bunch of other search groups, we come together for a common good. We share everything & anything we have with each other. If we had 30 searchers & one member had a bottle of water, that bottle being the last, that member would make sure everyone got a drop of it. That's the way we are.

To make TES & other volunteer groups be able to do what they do, yes, we need money & lots of it. We need every dime we can get & are never to proud to count single dollar bills. And we are grateful for every single penny. We also need heart & that's what each of us can give. It's the heart that enables us to get up & search in any weather, thru woods, marsh, swamp & any where else we think there is a chance. If you can donate, please do, & take a moment to draw a heart on that donation.

Thank you for reading thru this, God Bless all of you who have done so much. Let's help make TES strong so they will be there if any of us ever need them.
Thank you LeLe, for your willingness to think of others!
I wanted to add that prayers go along way, so even if many can't financially help out, prayers for those who can to open there hearts to a needy organization is just as powerful as any dollar amount!
Tim Miller disappointed in Casey and broke from Caylee search

Equusearch, the Texas-based organization that assisted in the search for Natalee Holloway in Aruba, also conducted an extensive search for Caylee Anthony prior to her remains being discovered by Roy Kronk in December. Tim Miller, who heads the group said from the first time he met with Casey Anthony, 22, she showed no signs of remorse whatsoever. Miller said he experienced "anger and disappointment on this." In fact, Miller claims that during the time Casey was out on bond and Caylee was still missing, Casey acted inappropriately. "She had smiles all over her face, ran around like she had just won a cheerleading competition. Very discouraging from the beginning," Miller said.

I posted this on another thread yesterday. You can read more at link
I really wish I could donate, I know they need the funds and many families are relying on them. :( Unfortunately my hubby is out of work and we are barely making it, just living day to day on the bare necessities so me donating anything is impossible right now but I can definately donate my prayers.
I really wish I could donate, I know they need the funds and many families are relying on them. :( Unfortunately my hubby is out of work and we are barely making it, just living day to day on the bare necessities so me donating anything is impossible right now but I can definately donate my prayers.

And we thank you for that. Prayer's work miracles. The missing need miracles. Thank you
My husband donated today in honor of my Birthday. That was what I told everyone I wanted!

God Bless all that search for the missing. It's not a happy job but an extremely necessary one.
Sent prayers and a donation.

Tim Miller has done so much for this community and family and it will be nice if he can help others.

Hi All
This has really upset me since last week. I have racked my brain trying to think of ways to raise money for E.S. I had challenged on a different forum for 25cents a thread and 10 cents per post, With all the people on this case it would raise a little money.
I may get in trouble for this but how many people are on this forum and not to mention all the other forums? We all get the majority of our info from Nancy Grace and J.V.M. Has that network sent in any $$$ to Tim Miller? Their ratings are sky high due to this case and I'm sure they would hardly miss the $$. If they have sent them money that's great. but how do we find out? I know it's not their place but I think they should give back. Am I wrong?
FYI - There is a "donate to TES" link on the front page here. Just click on "home" on the upper left corner here, and you'll see it on the top/left of the front page.:blowkiss:
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