please don't take Nans sunshine away

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Bolded by me- I was a 22 year old mother and I sang "You are My Sunshine" to my son every day of his life until he was about 4 years old. By the time he was a year old he knew certain words- "shine" "happy" and "away" and by the time he was 18 months old he sang along with me.

I think this is a common song for mothers to sing to their babies.

And I'm under 40 years old now.

My mother sang this song to us, and I've sung it to my kids and grandkids. It breaks my heart when I see that video of Caylee singing it.
I do agree that Nan was probably the great grandma. I think it's also very sad to hear the great grandpa singing it to Caylee.
I would bet that Casey never sang it to Caylee.... anybody else?
I'm betting that was a song they sang, and CA sang it to her with the Nan insertion when Casey threatened to take Caylee away from her.

Except that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since Nan is CA's mother (the great-grandmother of Caylee), not CA. CA's nickname from Caylee was Cece.
Thank you so much for that link! The 4 videos were the very best put together I have seen. Thanks
Except that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since Nan is CA's mother (the great-grandmother of Caylee), not CA. CA's nickname from Caylee was Cece.

I'm guessing that if Casey threatened to take Caylee away from all of them. She wouldn't see her great'nan either.
I think you are right. I sang to my kids, grandkids, and now my great granddaughter. Kids just love that. I can just hear great grandma singing this song to Caylee and changing the last part to "Nan's sunshine." I always managed to insert the child's name into the songs that I sang to them.
They love songs to be personalized. I think it is as simple as that.

Breaks my heart every time I see/hear Caylee sing that song. I can't bring myself to sing it to my great granddaughter.

We don't often mention what these elderly great grandparents must be suffering over the loss of this sweet little girl. But I know their hearts must be broken.

In the video from the nursing home, great grandpa is singing You Are My Sunshine to Caylee when she is sitting on his lap. You have to listen real hard at first and then you will hear it.
In the video from the nursing home, great grandpa is singing You Are My Sunshine to Caylee when she is sitting on his lap. You have to listen real hard at first and then you will hear it.

I cried when I heard that. All those times I saw that video I never knew he was singing to her. This just broke my heart.
I cried when I heard that. All those times I saw that video I never knew he was singing to her. This just broke my heart.

Broke my heart, too. Several people were saying that Caylee looked scared in that video, so I was watching it over and over, and all at once realized that he was singing to her. She was so quiet because she was listening carefully to him sing to her!!
I'm guessing that if Casey threatened to take Caylee away from all of them. She wouldn't see her great'nan either.

Good point.

Since it was father's day, maybe CA worked with Caylee on the song on the drive over to the visit ... singing a variety of names (both greats, for example).
Can anyone post the 3 versions of Caylee singing You are my Sunshine? in a row? If hubby and I are correct, the song is sang ever so slightly different. Until I can compare the 3 clips I don't want to raise any debates on what was obvious to us. Thanks all who can help.

I'd love to know what's so there any way you'll spill even without the 3 clips?..Please at least think about it :)
That's your first mistake, unless, by "logic," you can accept the answer that "Casey lies in order to gain what she wants."

I don't mean to sound snarky--truly. But you can't apply normal-person thinking to a sociopath; their personalities are disordered.

Logic mixed with lies, truth mixed with lies, wishing that someones behavior was acceptable in terms of being honest--thats what I base my wishes on of hope.I would hope that somehow one small glimmer of how totally unlogical it is to lie, and expect to not get caught would cross caseys mind. I should know better as I worked with clients in a lcsw office that dealt with multiple personalitys, dissociation , abuse, and satanic cult survivors. I was taught many things I could never imagine happened in the best of familys. casey lies to herself first and then she almost believes its the truth. maybe almost is wrong--she creates her own world of logical lies .PROBLEM IS :: ITS NOT EVEN PROBABLE ITS LOGICAL
Broke my heart, too. Several people were saying that Caylee looked scared in that video, so I was watching it over and over, and all at once realized that he was singing to her. She was so quiet because she was listening carefully to him sing to her!!

I was one of them, Carole. But I've changed my mind. Since CA's father is a stroke victim it looks like he may have some aphasia and doesn't move his mouth very well.

That is the most darling video- I would love to see this linked with Caylee singing the same song- kind of how Natalie Cole was able to morph her version of "Unforgettable" with that of her father.
I think it's great to think outside the box--that's how cases are solved.

In this case, however, I don't think we're seeing Casey subterfuge. It's just not a song that a barely-twenty-year-old would sing to the toddler she rarely cared for herself.

I envision Casey finding it amusing to teach Caylee the words to a rap song, not a sweet old-fashioned song. I think she'd rather cut out her own tongue than sing a song that's not hip.

That said, this particular video of Caylee always makes me (and my kids) cry. I used to sing the song to them. (I'm both old AND unhip.)

You may be right, but I used to sing that to my son when he was a baby and I was 20. I've always sung it to my 3 year old as well. i always thought it was just one of those songs all moms sing.
Except that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since Nan is CA's mother (the great-grandmother of Caylee), not CA. CA's nickname from Caylee was Cece.


I think that poor Caylee was being put in the middle of a big custody battle and I don't believe it was below CA to speak frankly about it in front of Caylee. Caylee probably understood, and was learning to talk and resent her mom. She maybe even started to mimic the 'talk' she heard from CA.

I think something pretty dark happened on June 7th...

Father's day was the last day CA saw Caylee, and Casey could only remember it was two days later that little Caylee died. There's the June 9th mistake that everyone locked onto. That date could have even been the last date CA saw her counselr...
I think CA taught Caylee this song and I think Caylee was playing when she inserted the word nana, she was playing with CA. Watch that little grin on her face. She had their attention and was enjoying it. Poor baby, the clock was ticking at this very moment. The tell-tale heart comes to mind when I think about her missing little body .I hope there is enough evidence to put the murderer of this precious child, where she belongs and to reach far enough to get everyone involved in the murder or the cover-up.
SPEAK,BABY,SPEAK, THUMP...THUMP...THUMP . I pray the evidence, speaks for Caylee in a voice so loud that there will be no doubt. Justice demands no less and Caylee deserves so much more than she has been given.

I think that poor Caylee was being put in the middle of a big custody battle and I don't believe it was below CA to speak frankly about it in front of Caylee. Caylee probably understood, and was learning to talk and resent her mom. She maybe even started to mimic the 'talk' she heard from CA.

I think something pretty dark happened on June 7th...

Father's day was the last day CA saw Caylee, and Casey could only remember it was two days later that little Caylee died. There's the June 9th mistake that everyone locked onto. That date could have even been the last date CA saw her counselr...

I remember LP on NG saying that there was a significance to that particular date. But, for the life of me, I can't remember what he said it was. Somebody's birthday or something like that. In other was an easy date for her to remember. Wonder why she would lie about the date, considering that could be proven to be YET another lie..which it was?
I think CA taught Caylee this song and I think Caylee was playing when she inserted the word nana, she was playing with CA. Watch that little grin on her face. She had their attention and was enjoying it. Poor baby, the clock was ticking at this very moment. The tell-tale heart comes to mind when I think about her missing little body .I hope there is enough evidence to put the murderer of this precious child, where she belongs and to reach far enough to get everyone involved in the murder or the cover-up.
SPEAK,BABY,SPEAK, THUMP...THUMP...THUMP . I pray the evidence, speaks for Caylee in a voice so loud that there will be no doubt. Justice demands no less and Caylee deserves so much more than she has been given.

This may be a stupid question...but, was it CA that took Caylee to the nursing home, to see her great grandfather? The reason that I ask, is because when Caylee says.."Are you tired Papa?", and the great grandfather says, "Huh?", then the person recording says.."Are you tired Papa?", and it sounds just like KC. I couldn't even imagine KC taking Caylee up there to see her great grandfather....but, it just sounds like her. Maybe it was Cindy, and for some reason it just sounded like KC. I had wondered IF it had of been KC that took her and had taped it...if...she told Caylee to sing "please don't take nan's sunshine away", for a reason. LP said on NG that NAN was another name for Cindy Anthony, that little Caylee used. If KC is the one that took her and taped it, then she could have been sending a "message" to Cindy. She told her mother that everything would "make sense" once they "found" Caylee. Do we know for a fact that it was Cindy that took Caylee to see her great grandfather that day...or if so, if KC went with them or not?
This may be a stupid question...but, was it CA that took Caylee to the nursing home, to see her great grandfather? The reason that I ask, is because when Caylee says.."Are you tired Papa?", and the great grandfather says, "Huh?", then the person recording says.."Are you tired Papa?", and it sounds just like KC. I couldn't even imagine KC taking Caylee up there to see her great grandfather....but, it just sounds like her. Maybe it was Cindy, and for some reason it just sounded like KC. I had wondered IF it had of been KC that took her and had taped it...if...she told Caylee to sing "please don't take nan's sunshine away", for a reason. LP said on NG that NAN was another name for Cindy Anthony, that little Caylee used. If KC is the one that took her and taped it, then she could have been sending a "message" to Cindy. She told her mother that everything would "make sense" once they "found" Caylee. Do we know for a fact that it was Cindy that took Caylee to see her great grandfather that day...or if so, if KC went with them or not?
I thought the person who repeated the question sounded just like Cindy. Cindy is the one who took Caylee to the nursing home on father's day, Casey did not go.
Just my opinion, but I think Nan would have been a common family name for Grandma, and that it probably was used by KC and CA in refering the little one to Cindy, her Grandmother.
I can imagine that CA spent a lot of time taking care of Caylee, holding and comforting her while her mother was out "working" and busy juggling men.
Nan probaby sang that song a lot to the little one and that's how she knew it, sung from Cindy's perspective: "please don't take Nan's sunshine away". How so very sad, tragic and senseless this whole case seems.
I also think that it was easy to slip into a lie of a nanny because she probably often had and told others that Nanny was taking care of Caylee when asked.

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