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I see the lies and some of those are valid. If anybody has any other way of cracking this besides the direction is going then feel free to share your ideas. Unfortunately Casey does have some answers to very important questions regarding Caylee. It's a stretch but maybe just maybe we can get something that will help find the girl. I will say this this, there is quite a bit of information out there that the media has everybody believing that is not even close to the facts.
Why wasn't this arrangement done in private? Why didn't you and the family work out the bond details?
Tony, can you possibly find out *why* George Anthony mentioned (when he was hooking up that "missing Caylee billboard" to his vehicle) that some organization was helping them out (Implied by providing the billboard and trailer), AND he had promised them he would not mention their name.

*Why* would any organization NOT want their name mentioned? Thanks in advance!
I am not sure where you are going with your questions absolut. Please be more specific.
Tony, there is so much speculation of shady dealings going on with this case. Is there a particular angle any of you have looked at that would make you believe Caylee was kidnapped? Say, by organizations involved with this case?
I am not sure where you are going with your questions absolut. Please be more specific.

You said earlier that Leonard only released the email after it was in the press. If this had been done in private with an agreement of silence until an agreed to time or the offer from you guys would be off the table. Obviously someone involved leaked your involvement to the press. Whether this is Baez or the Anthony's couldn't the arrangements until the bond was posted and the conditions met remained private? I mean in the kidnapper scenario Casey out and talking behind closed doors would be very harmful to Caylee would it not?
I cannot disclose the 1 condition. Sorry!!

Leonard Padilla just said on Headlines news that he is waiting on having the electronic monitor line installed. I don't understand why that could not be disclosed. Is there something else?
You said earlier that Leonard only released the email after it was in the press. If this had been done in private with an agreement of silence until an agreed to time or the offer from you guys would be off the table. Obviously someone involved leaked your involvement to the press. Whether this is Baez or the Anthony's couldn't the arrangements until the bond was posted and the conditions met remained private? I mean in the kidnapper scenario Casey out and talking behind closed doors would be very harmful to Caylee would it not?

Remember that Leonard was sought out and it was private until Friday. It was leaked and then Leonard sent out the email. We really wanted this private. This media frenzy is snowballing because of one thing. "THE MEDIA"!! We all feel that is important it stays in the news because getting Caylee's picture out there is what is very important. The details or theories are meaningless without results. We are in the process of meeting the conditions. We have not blasted out what we are doing to meet those or the one that we should not disclose. As far as it being harmful to Caylee I cannot say. That would be speculation like the media folks are so good at.
If the media has the public believing information that is not true, please clear it up.

What have we been told that is not true?

Thanks for completely answering my previous questions.
Yes there are a number of shady stories, people, and other facts. As far as kidnapping I would not want to comment in either direction on that.
Is there any suspicion of wrong doing or involvement of authorities?
There have been numerous facts and information that we have become privileged to that we will not make any comment on until it is appropriate.
Would it have been a good idea for Casey's attorney to make sure the conditions of the electronic monitoring device were met prior to today? It shocks me that he didn't go over any of that with Cindy and George. I mean getting a landline installed could take a week or a day..risky when you're client is sitting in jail yes?
No idea about any wrongdoing by anybody except whoever had a part in Caylee's disappearence.
Yes there are a number of shady stories, people, and other facts. As far as kidnapping I would not want to comment in either direction on that.

I have been puzzled about why you guys might be pursuing the kidnapping scenario. The Sheriff himself said emphatically last week that he thinks there is no evidence of a kidnapping.
under subtitle
Sheriff Beary Discusses Search For Caylee
No idea about any wrongdoing by anybody except whoever had a part in Caylee's disappearence.

With the understanding that no names will be given, has your team identified any possible suspects?
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